The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 13, 1898, Image 3

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\ • ♦ Tr r . pi m Jim hp Mr I ns In-xn^rkv-\fpii/nri Pn lib MMJUIuIU UUfll iw UlunUl I UIL <■■ -■ ’ ’ ’ ’ ;•., * ‘ * * * ■ I If I $■ v A:„ . « ■ OWNS THIS SPACED v n ilxiij ± jl±xmi> xiu± jOlVu® '' • " . .V’— - , .'■>.' - ’ ; IWMHOIISI ' BATTLEFIELD ROUTE- Fioyd V ets Wil lTha ve l Ti i e Old War Road to CONFEDERATE REUNION. SPECIAL TRAIN'S AND PRICE $1.50 ROUND TRIP. Rome, Ga., July 9, 1898.—T0 Ex Confederate Veterans and Sons of Confederate Veterans : Gentlemen: —We take pleas ure in calling your attention to our Eighth Annual , Reunion, which will be held in Atlanta, Ga., Wednesday, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, July 20 to 23, 1898, inclusive. This promises to be the grand est reunion ever held, and as it is so near to us, we should all take advantage and attend. All Confederate Veterans and their families and friends are urged to attend. Rates and dates. —For this occasion the Western & Atlantic R. R., will sell round-trip tickets from all stations at one rent a mile traveled, or $1.50 from Rome to Atlanta and re turn. Tickets to be sold for all trains July 19th and 20th, good to return on any train until July 28, 1898, inclusive. No signing "f tickets required by the W. & A R R. OFFICIAL ROUTE TO ATLANTA. Having in view the comfort and convenience of the grand old Veterans, we have selected the °ld reliable Western & Atlantic R- R , the historical “Battlefield R ue, that we used during the civil war, and on which so many great battles were fought. All H.tins leave from and arrive at their elegant n’ew passenger sta tion. foot of Broad street Rome, and Union Depot Atlanta. C NFEDERATE VETERAN’S SOE cial —For the convenience of all Veterans, their families and friends, we have arranged with Mr. 0. K. Ayer, passenger and •icket agent of the Western & Atlantic R. R., to run a special train, leading Rome Wednesday morning,’July 20th, at 5 o’clock arrivipg Atlanta about ‘ 8 :30 o’clock. Will reserve one coach on this train for ladies only. A mple accommodation. We are anxious to make this train a grand success, and we therefore urge all who can to join us, Reg ular trains leave Rome daily at 7: 30 a. m,; 4 :25 p. m. Return ing, leave Atlanta 8 :15 a. m. ; 4 :50 p. m. Yours very truly, Jim Tom Moore,.Chairman. 11, S. L ansdell, Geo. K. Green, Committee on transportation, gE’V M kN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to me.” William M, James. Brogdon, S. C. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to ta»ce with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC an 1 yet efti dent $1 O Rome to Nor folk. Ocean View, Va., and return via W & A R Rand S A Line July 1 I th, imitei tQ July 21 st, CK ? yer, P 4& 1 A. RBIR WlhD -♦ • , ll ■ Dill Not Prevent a large Crowd at The THEATRE LfiST’jIKHT Manager Maryin ’Says it Wjl. Not Snow Tonight-' The Peruchi-Beldeni Coplay < * J ed to one of the largest ammost, appreciative audiences , thq park theatre since t|iei) jitay here. The icy wi”ds from ‘L'ke Marvin” swept through te pa vilion and coqueted will flags and curtains and caused ie la dies to put on their wras and the men to go up with th,r coat collars. But the m t prevent the occasion tipj being r .» • i i a most enjoyable one. The crowd was goo inured and now and then ioite one would spring a joke Manager Marvin says the sno was post poned until Sunday The bill for the tening was “America Abroad.” Mr. Jas. G. Mortn as Sidney Worcott was good. Mr. Peruchi as Dr diver Oli phant, an old bachde ot 55, was exceptionally gcd< Chas. P. White as Idrqn De Bais acted his part to pfectiou. Good natured Theo lark as Franklin Fitts, was asiual the very best. He is undouLdly the best comedian that haseen in Rome in a long time. If you have the “blues” Stk can make you laugh or thueat is on the writer. Miss Sawtelle neverails to apitiyate her hearers ?‘Ther ? I was a Hot l ime in Manila That I Night.” Miss Beldeni was as usual, splendid in her part. “Fun in a Boarding School” | will be the.bill tonight. TT . TO 4 PUERTO RICO Trows Will Be Rushed After Sant .-.go’s Fall, . Washington, July 18—There are indications that the' ' AdminL j sUation iu’ends to start an expedi- > iPu rto R ; co in the very near future. A number of trans ports are being collected at Tampa and there is au hority in the War I Department for the statement that I j the (governm.-iir intends to embark troops from that port for Paar o | Rio )nt the moment ne vs is res j c»iv-d of the full of Santiago. HORSES ROASTED. ’ I Phii.adelplia Fire Caused Loss Os Sixty Thousands D llars. Philadelphia. .Inly 13—Fire at jl 8 o’clock this morning completely < gutted the h x factory and plan- j ing-mill of George W. Kti'ler & , Sons. The total loss will reach S6O - Five horses were roasted to f death, r f FREE SCHOLARSHIP IN t ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE. „ To any young man or lady who enters the Rome Business College during the next thirty days and purchases a new Wil l.ams Typewriter, we will pre sent an unlimited, full course scholarship m bookkeeping and business practice, or an unlimit ed full course scholarship in ■shorthand and business office Work.. Tiie price of the scholar ship alone is almost half the price of the typewriter , but it goes in free. We guarantee the typewriter to be a high grade first class machine in every particular. Address H. S. Shockley, Rome, Ga. BEN. WUIRALDO lay in time of trouble. Itean lop off an arm with one blow, as if it was a carrot. “I have brought the head of Aguinaldo,” the chief said, touching the edge of his jewel •tilted bolo to ascertain its con dition, “and I claim the reward, i Hasten, else I shall have to expedite the matter myself.” Don Basilio was trapped. He had to open, his desk and count out the sum in Spanish gold. Aguinaldo punctiliously wrote a receipt, coolly counted the mon ey and walked backward toward the doir. He suddenly opened if and dashed out, just ahead of a pis tol bullet that cut his locks on the temples. Cap*. Polavieja of fered him and Alexandro a free pardon and $200,000 each to quit the colony. They acceptec it and got the money only to learn that they were both to be assassinated the next night at a festa. The two men who had under taken the job were found dead, stabbed to the heart in their own beds. Ou the kris’s handle was a bit of paper with a line saying: “Beware of the Malay ven geance.” Polavieja resigned and re timed to Spain, being succeeded by Gen. Augustin, formerly Gapt. -(<en. of Barcelona. Aguinaldo is about 28 years old. J $7.00 RometoTybe Cumberland, St. Si mons and Amelia Beach and return via vV. & A. R. R. Tickets on sale Monday, July I I th limited July 21st. t C. K. Ayer, C, and] I*. A UNPRECEDENTED Has Been the Great “Cash Raising” Sale OF J. B. WATTERS & SON. [ONLY ONE MORE CHANCE FDR YOU TO GET IN IT. / After five weeks of heavy sales, Messrs. J. B. Watters & Son now put you'on notice that their ‘cash raiser” is about to come to a close. j ' 1 his popular and ever reliable clothing firm has always lived n up to its advdrtisements, and hence, when the “cash raising” e sale was published and prices 0 quoted the people made a rush, for the bargains. Now, Messrs. Watters & Son. , havuig, at a sacrifice to their i own interests, about raised the funds they needed, come forward and frankly state that the slaughter will stop in a few days. You have the remainder of tin week in which to secure up-tc date gent’s furnishings at ridi< ulously low prices. It’s the cliance of your Ip and you should not miss it.Lo; at the sensational announu ment in their big add on the » itorial page and let an add to bargain seeker and the economic buyer be all siiffici Mrs. Dr. Howard babe returned Wednesday ; noon from Rome. It will source of pleasure to the fi of Mrs. Felton to know th is rapidly recovering froi effects of her recent illues will soon be strung and Cartersville News.