The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 13, 1898, Image 4

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BAGRSTA ALONE Must Sulue Tfic Situation That Fasts Spain IS BETWEEN TWO FIRES Or Rather .‘Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea- Marid, July 13.—The crieb Jiangs fire. The miuisten still meet in council and the difficulties of retirement seem even greater ihan the difficulties of remaining in office. The conservatives are no’ prepared to accept office, and it if hard *o imagine a liberal /•abine> without an undisputed liberal leader. Tie logical conclusion is tha 1 SeDor riugastu mu«t accept tin reeponbibiity of deciding whether or not to open peace negotia ions Senor Sagasti, on being asked whether a decision had been taken regarding peace, replied : ‘No. but w hat r medy can theie be but to make peace?” The ministerialists assert the regular army in Cuba does not object to a conclus’on of peace, but that the 20,000 volunteers are determined to continue the war. The possibility of peace with the United States is being widely dis cussed in the newspapers and by • the publi c. The c< nservative paper declare Spa n s prepared to accept peac“ provided it implies only the loss of Cuba. But they assei t Spain would prefer war a Poutrance if the United States should claim Porto Rico, the Philippines or ai immense indemnity which would be impossible for Spain to pay. Orders have been received by llv Seville garrison to hold itself sn readiness to proceed to the defence of the coasts. It is believed that the garrison’s destination is a camp near Gibraltar. The order is much commented upon. The American consuls at Gibraltar and Tangier, it is said, have bought enormous quantities of coal and the American collier are repoited to be between Cape Spartel on the northwest coast ol Morocco and Cape St. Vincut. MINISTER AUNON TALKS. Madrid, July 12.—Captain Aunon, the Spanish Minister of Marine, says: *Tt will take Admiral Cainara’s w r ar ships (the Pelayo and Einperado Car los V.) 10 days to reach Cartag ena, where there is more safety The torpedo-boat destroyed s (the Osado, the Proserpina and the Audaz) and the auxiliary cruisers (Patriotia, Rapido, Beunos Ayres and Isla de Pa nay will be back sooner and will go to Cadiz and to Etrol. The present danger is that if Ameri ca dispatches her fastest cruisers with the Oregon, Texas New York and low a they will waylay Admirain Ctnnara in the Medit erranean. The coast defenses will be ready in 10 days.” ANNUAL REUNION Confederate Veterans, Atlanta, Ga., July 20ih to 23rd, 1898. Reduced rates via Southern Railway. On account of the annual re union united Confederate Veter ans at Atlanta, Ga., July 20th to 23rd. the Southern Railway will sell tickets from points on its lines to Atlanta, Ga.. and re turn at very low rates. From points, within a radious of 100 miles of Atlanta, tickets will b< told July 19th ai d 20th, with Goal limit July 28 h, and from points beyond a radious of 100 miles of Atlanta tickets will be sold July 17th, 18th and 19th with final limit July 31st. Call on any agent of the Sou th - Railway for further infor mation . ELEVEN DEM. |fot One of The UiidergroilnJ Crew Escaped. • MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION |n The Great Waterworks Tun nel in Cleveland, O. Cleveland, 0., July 12.—Live.- of eleven men, were snuffed oui last evening in the big water works tunnel that is being con st! noted under the bottom of Lake Erie as a result of an ex plosion of gas. The following are the names of the killed : John Parka, foreman, thirty two years ohiand single. James Parks, brother of John, thirty years old and single. John F. Kadey, an Italian, twenty-two years old and single. Tony Brunetti, an Italian, twenty two years old an 1 single. John Lamba, an Italian, eigh teen years old and single. Emerson Smith, bricklayer, forty-four years old, married . John McCauley, twenty-one years old ; married. William Tucker, colored,twen ty-six years old, single. . Gus Watts, twenty-eight years old, wife and several children. Frank Clements, married, with several children. Frank Haney, aged twenty two, not married. The tunnel is an immense as s. ir, being proj cted to extend outward from the shore for a I distance of four and and a half miles, and it has been under construction for more than a year. The explosion occurred at a few minutes bes re 7 o’clock last evening, but nobody will ever be able to tell what caused it, or how it happened, for every witness is dead and the bodies of.all are lying where they fell, 6,000 feet out under the lake. The only man in the tunnel who escaped death is Don O’Don nell, who was standing 3,500 feet from the shore. He heard the explosion or series of explo sions. He says there were ten of the shocks and the concussion was something terrible, for it threw him off his feet and for hours lie was in such a dazed condition that he could scarcely remember what had happened. He finally groped lais way out and told what had occurred. A rescuing party was sent into the tunnel, but failed utterly in accomplishing anything, as the structure was filled with foul gas and smoke. THE SADNESS OF WAR. Little Laughter Os A Dead Soldier Awaits His H< necoming There is a little girl who site ind plays with her dolls and toys inder tne trees on Governor s Is land innocent of the blight that has come into her young life. She ias>aved the fire crackers that vere given to her for the Fourth, and sajs: “I will not fire them un til papa comes home.” Her father was Capt. James Romance, of Company K. Tbit— *enth infantry, who was killed n the taking of the fortifications >f San Juan < t Santiago. The little girl’s mother died a ew years ago, and after that Capt. /oruauee was never the ratne man. he litt e girl is 6 years old, and vas passionately devoted to her ather. She is looking forward to his coming home, and no one has •onmgH eno! gb to tell h-r that -he is n >w an orphan.—New York | Tirnej. :S H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., ; Successors to -jg t ■ vjj _ -- ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. a ' '□s n B ' *■ We have bought the entire stock of the Rome |g. Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in bs.. the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our t stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall ei<- - "fcl deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all $ times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. v. J? Fulllineof druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and - such things as are usually carried iu a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. ■*- • Come to see us. J* ? 1 2 If ■ ■ . .... ' _2' 11 —————— - H * *4 H w K s S. M. Stark, 5 K K .5 LIDIDJ IND fill S K H* *5 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A PC H K lafHHiHiHaiHHHHH '• X F.,11 ANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. | THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. t £ | Plumbing ani Tinning. g X Engineers’ ani machinists* 4 5 supplies. Stoves, ranges and « C tinware. Gas and electric fix- $ j tures. INSURANCE gasoline § stoves. Water neters. ar J 325 Broad st. Phone'32. 2 ’ W , J .- $1.25 an J $1 5 > Ns'ijJJ s hirts for $ J. A. GAMION S .COMPANY ARE waiting — ft everyone in Rome to coi f • ii ind see the magnificent stock A otlnen’s and boy’s clothing, F* and golf suits, is what w T re Join g’ but we are 11Us tlite while we wait. We will (CT shekyou the finest stock of VIS doling, made from the newe-i stye and patterns in fabrick . | . ? peiftt fitting and handsome, t he fond in Georgia, and th. \ are asve competition in values 1 for tPprice. The greatest line of egligee shirts ever shown in Rome. J. A. GAHMjN & C O —•.-- ; | Ours is the Most Department Nursery jv.^>.. in tn© Us o. rates V* publish one of the leading Seed, Ptant and T Catalogues issued, J 'a'/V., which will be mailed free, d for it now, it will ) FV- > I □ave you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in evi itate and territory V in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made uspetr and friends fa, and near. Have hundreds of carloads of -?y, . FRUIT *lO ORUMEITRL TREES, SUBS, ROSES, PLANTS? ' IHI a HAMUSO* M K 8 Painesville c ai Meal Peopu of li iswih pleasure that we introduce to our readme »i of a new and complete stock of s le l ,r * WffllS Him J IliJJuJj MlWllk XND Small Musical Instrumimts n the new Moseley gilding, 327 Broad str P At w.iere we would be pleased to have you call i ex. imine our goods. ““and / The stock consists of some of the best mikes l organs on the market today We k#ep a full line of everything pertaining to a first" * class music store—Something Rome has needed for a longtime. Give us a call and you will a music store that Romans may In proud of We j,c<3 djtsr n m 31) ., )U a- IBICYCLEvS * ‘ ,4 the earliest possible date. X O9BK&S I 327 Broad Street. I • S. P. Davis, Manager. \ \ \ \ \ X \ \ \ X- XXX X'• x. x x » XX\X\\ x \ \. x x x x v We keep on hand at all times a full stock of Sheet Music *4l F.J-KANE& CD 1248 Broad Street.. Sale ol Summer Goods ' \\\XX X\ x X X\\t\*A***An awns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras ■ ■ltaly-Made Skirts and Waists I . - ■ We intend to close out our stock, so take advantage of cost >cries on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at Ft J.KIBMjO. 1 £4B Broad Street- permanently cured by using DR WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CUR& surest and the be r t. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, * rice pe“ L > ’<. 'vtmple ssnt free on mention of this publicsti tn. _ , r-au-v •HE DR WHJ’ rr ». ¥SC ELM U* I ij*nd, *»«