The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 14, 1898, Image 1

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eighth year smoke a “Bill Arp’ "Tarters New Ei j GMLRNT DEWEY Wii’S New Glwi Til? flmericw Navy. GERMANY'S BACK DOWN When The P> rav e American An swered Warships. The navy department hai re- ' ceived from Admiral Dewey the following dispatch. “Aguinaldo informs me his troops have taken all of Subic \ bay except Isla Grande, | which he was prevented from taking by the merman man-of war Irene. On July 7th the Ral eigh and Cojicord went there ; t’ ey took the island and about 1.300 men with arms and amnu - nition. No,resistance, The Irene [ retired fr< n| 4be bay on their arrival. A.« 1 I s|ndl nd the Boston to C,>pe Engnsja about July loth to second not practicable 0 send to Guam No transpbit vessels available Dewey. ” THE sT >RY OE THE I lITKRVENTION Manila; July 9, via Hong Kong, July 14.—The insurgents on Wednesday, July 6th, report ed that the German gunboat Irene, in Bdine, bay, refused to permit them to attack Spaniards on Grande, jisland. Rear Admiral Dewey prompt ly dispatched the United States cruisers RaljXgh and Concord to investigate the matter, On enter ing Subic bay the Raleigh open 'd fire on the forts, whereupon the Irene slipped her cable and steamed out by the other chan nel. The result of the fire of the American warship was that the Spaniards, numbering over 500; men, surrendered everything . On returning to Manila the Irene explained that she inter fered ‘in the cause of humanity’ and offered to hand over to the Americans the refugees she had < u board. Admiral Dewey, how ever declined Io accept them. Letters from Cavite undei date of July 9th say that whih the Spanish steamer Filipinas was hiding' ill the river neai Suing the crew mutinied and killed the officers. Then they handed the Steamer over to the insurgents, who armed the vessel and dispatched them to Subig for the j urpose of attack on Grande island. Continuing the letters confirm tne story’ told by the Associated I’ress correspondent at Manila in regard in,regard to the action ol the German warship Irene and the steps t'u-kin by Admiral Dewey to prevent interference with the insurgents, adding that Spanish prisoners, in spite of their protests, were handed over to the insurgents with the cap tured arms ami ammunition, Ihe Germans, it appears, ft eternize with the Spaniards and Geripan officers are" often seen in the Spanish trenches. Dysentery is.reported to have btoken out among the American troops. 11 *" lI,K AMERICANS TOOK c han de island. New Nork, July 14.—A special THE ROME HUSTLi lIOMMEIRIA F COpywrigWted cable from Mani'a July;'l6th to The Nt ?w Yoik Journal t ays : • Admiral Dewey early < 11 Jun' 1 7th disp’.tClVe I flie llaleigh ami Concord to take' Grande Bland, in Subic bay, and edpture thp garrison. • j The cruisers shelled the prin cipal points on the island, de stroying the earthworks ami other fortifications and laying the torpedo station in ruins. They sent out a launch with a message demanding surrender There was no response ahd 1 the Raleigh finally sent a six inch shell through the coimuan 1 der’s house. * The white..flag w.t- instantly run up on the ruins of the earth- I works. A landing party demanded absolute surrender. The Spanish colonel, Rio, real izing his hopeless position, made submission and gave up his : sword. t , < | The 300 men comprising the ! gari ison were made prisoners ; and tliejr rifles were, tak n from i them. ■- Forty thousand founds of am munition ancHzoneo Hotchkiss gun was also captt^wl. This victory gives the A’meri cans control of Subic b t-y. • The Spanish vyere endeavoring to protect it with submarine miiles.and to make it ready for eccupanCy of the Spanish fleet, supposed, to be on its way from Spain. Admiral Dewey’s possession of Subic bay defeats Germany's supposed plans to interfere ill tlfepPhilippines 1 ;' ' The insurgents have captured j the valuable'' in ere ha nt. coast: otea.ucr Fihpiuas. The native crew killed the officers ol the ship before her.capture. The insurgents were using the transport in an attack they Con templated making on Grande island before:' Admiral Dewty was called upon. Although the altitude ot the German is still retiring, Admiral Dewey is nihliAgi'ng them with great diplomacy. He dqes not expect any trouble with "them. Ihe blockade hereafter will be.more rigid. Only the supply ships of the American, and for eign fleets are allowed'to inter. The Esnieridda r arriving • from flong Kong yesterday with pas -engers, was stopped and order ed to sea. v ’ t ■■ The long gxpected refrigerat ing steamsnip CAi l ugpi ) >_ from iintraiia, with a-targo‘of fresh beef, arrived and <was ‘welcomed enthusiastically bjf the sailors and soldiers. The Austrian cruiser Frunds burg arrived and I 'saluted tie Spanish flag first, after which she saluted Adinirtl ‘Dewey’s H'g- . Gen. Shafter has now under his command an available fight ing force of 21,973 men. AT AND BELOW COST. ‘.i < Columbia); Spirit, Bromo Lax is tiv Quimn Tils, Lini.imnt, Gradu ates Axl-Oaebr Oil Barn as Oil, Soap, 9 ’ inch roll wrapping paper. Diamond Wall d-iiZ ish, Tinting culors for house painting, Spears wetherproof proof paint; camel hair brushes oraches, Itffgk* eajpty hotly & atomizers at AvrigbUs Ftjrj macy corner ' oppoeit Masonic Tempi. ROME GEORGIA. THUKSDAY gVENINj, JULY, 14. I'B9B. FROM THE FRONT. Camara Gabies file Jest fa The Constitution, , BUBT FIGJIT OR YIELD The Province of Santiago at Once. Yellow Jack in Camp. Mr. Robert B. Cramer, the Constitution’s war correspoi fl out, cables his paper from il <• front, as follows: Playa Del Este. July 13. - Once more Gen. Toral has out witted the Americans out of a day. As 1 wired- you exclusivey last night, there was somethirg in the report that the Spanish army was playing fur transpoi tation to- Spain, in the event iln y could not retreat to ilje West. Gen. Miles agreed to s. id the Santiago garrison home,but •ome hitch in details occurred ♦ L. and now the bombardment fc fixed for nooi; of Thursday. The presence of yellow ..fever now acts, as an impetus, a,hd no mpfe days can be washed. The censorship would vpof. Ti he ex istence ol the scourge out before, bit now it is acknowledged. With yellow Jack in the rear and Toral in the front, • Joral will be run out. The work now promises to be sharp, al»ody and decisive. < GEN. MILES ASSUMES COMMAND, Playa Del Este, Guaiatina mo Bay, July 13—Maj«r Gen- eral Miles tiday assumel com maud < f die army arouid San tiago ami the future moenitni of the United States trops wil be directed by him in prsoh. The armistice which hsbeei declared, pending negdatiom for the surrender of thelpanisl. forces, will expire a noon Thursday and if the deiands ol Americans are not acceed toby that time an attack wille made th fleet bombarding ie city from outside the harbe T t is believed, however, tha .tomor row and perhaps before then, a wh te flag will be flyig from the fortifications. The terms of surreiur insist ed upon by the Amerioi conn mander takp in not on the be leagueied Spaniards innntiagq, but the whole provinc of San tiago de Cuba, inciting the g misons at Manzario, Hol guin, Guanntanamo d Bara- cao. The United Slates officials agree to send the Spash trttqps back to Spain and to low their officers their side arn No oth er concession will be anted. ’ THE SOLDIER WHO IHTATES.IS DOOMED.” Washington, Jr 14. ; Among the best iiifmed ad-| ministration oflicialsie opinion 1 is universal tonight it the cri sis of the Santiago aipaign is <.t band. The war officials i hoping for a surrender of tcity and they generally belie that Gen. '[’oral, the Spanish cimand er, will yield at the 1 moment rather than subjects men to what inevitably wile a losing tight. He is eviden hesitating as Go what course lilial! pur jsae, and as Adjutt General Uhrl+in, commentiiupon the situation tonight d : “The soldier who hesitate doomed.” LANHAM &SONS r-'CLOSING OUT I WMERDRT COS gp*: ' I" —— *»*«******##*# u Beginning Monday morning, July 4th wi wild i m prices on all Summer Millinery, Dry G -a, li , that will certainly interest every one v. io I cares to Save a dime or a dollar „ Look At These Prices. s Summer Calicoes per yard . 2c 11 Ladies Siiirt Waists with de i tach ■bi e collar and caits, f lauudried. only iq 3 V Ladies 5.0 c Shirt Waist now 3Oc Ladjes 65c Shirt Waist now 40c ; Choice of any Shirt Waist in . the house ex eit silk wor - li much more * 75 c ' 10-4Siie. uugn-ir yard 100 Yd Wide Sea island 3 l-2c Lacies double sole high splice ieel 4J gauge Pilot oye wo■ th 20c now 10e • Ladies low cut Shoes cieao. , t . . - Millinery at Prices to Cio Violets per buach 2c |Trinmsd h its wj •hi i - i w '■') > 30 “ “ < S 7 «□ 1 “ “ “ of 3 d)Zsii, 63 “ “ ‘ fc <:S , r x Large assortment of F owers Children’s trim ne <4; white and colors worth Masses trim n dh { | much more, now 130 Trimmed hats w>r M a Shapes wortn $ 1.75 now 1 .OU *' ‘ *• o'i - Shapes were 75c now 380 “ “ *• o Shanes wpre bOc now 25c “ “ 1' ; - ooR These'aaenota lot of bast year’s Everything in Mali i • ' ' •shWs but this sea -on goods, hit cvi ioc be mi stvhs'h anil lip-to date and we where. Everybody i mdhiedhese prices to close then .traveling hit, a miPr mer W out for cash We will not an evening hit o - t ng goods at these pr-ces- Millinery fth w r ' , t ihisis nice you w U probably cash to oar ;;) •> ' r . " . ' i k ge; agihi soihdb manioc, ch i gjg) >1; ti m / . .. } LANHAMASONS < Ribdons !R b » i ! I 90e Sash RibbTi, • i c m me w 6 hij'i i ■,ij 55 i 75c Sisli Rb on i) 7 35 ■» Sash Ribbon No 80 - 05 j now 59 > Allsilk li ij 17 Is, " red,blue and p i.</ 7 s 35c now ~ 2 1-2 3 25c Veilino-now 18c ' 15c Veiling 11 )w ' 33 LOOKAT.I . Beautiful.R-: c h Si‘ > 7,.. 50 to 75 now 183 in brown b o nk canarv an 1 on p .. t - - - , IO C£. ! ‘ WELK