The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 14, 1898, Image 4

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\ X I fj , ‘ * t s . < . . ■\ • r * 1 * 1 I \ I 2 ’ . * P 1 * r! ! Th Mcftmald' Ws-Sml h ’ * ‘ < > ’ • 4> ■ - ' AA . <■ ; ... 45 ' W \i/ ' Zh •——_. •■■ \ $ 4\ / l\ ■ v \V Zb A . \IZ Z|\ \ W OWNS THIS SPACE ’ • ■ , . * • V' '■ «■» , *’:l* j i v' i ’ l |.. J**’/ •! • ' • • > J • ’■ ■•' H. !• ;■’ ’ ; ■ ' . ' " : <# V * J A V ■’ ■■ .’’ • - ••• ’ ■ t j ‘ • J/■' ’' , * 1r < « >.' • I * ’ ••• <*. «; PL i r -'’ i 1 / v I • » lll'it'/ •'. . . « . ‘ •A' . GYGLOfIK STRIKES And One Woman Is Killed by the *‘BloW" HOUSES DEMOLISHED Many horses and Mules slain by The Storm. Warrenton, Ga., July 14 —A cy clone struck in the edge of town ’ yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock and passed out in a due north course. A inil°out it struck th* home of Mr. W. E, English, com pletely demolishii g his large barn and five other outhouses, killing a colored woman, also three mules , and horses and ba lly crippling | four others, The track of theestortn was not over fifty yarcis wide at this point .Nearly every inhabitant of the town witnessed the magnificent yet destructive spectacle as .it passed on toward Norwood, only four miles away. The track widened considerably as it passed on and terrible destruc tion must have resulted in th bor hern portion of the county. WOMAN KILLED AT NORWOOD. Norwood. Ga., July 14 A cys clone struck the eastern suburbs of Norwood yesterday e evening blew down the negro schoolhouse on Mr.N J. Bowen's place . Huge trees were torn up by the roots and fence rails were scattered fai • and near. Two negro women were iu the house on Mr. Bowen’s place but escaped with slight injuries. Three miles south of Norwood it struck Mr, English’s place and blew down his large barn on S'VHi bead of mules and l arges, killing and w, unding ail but two; * tore down the cook's house near his dwelling and killed his cook, ‘ . '■ ■* ■ . Cora Jordan, colored; chimneys were blown off the dwelling and the windows on one side were knocked out; carriage house, corn, crib and two other houses were de-' -moliehed, orchards were ruined, t he damage to crops was heavy. ■ At this place the cyclone could he easily seen and caused a regular stampede. Merchants .left their stores, people their dwellings and sought refuge iii corn patches near by. ■ • An Enjoyable Affair.—Mrs. Childress entertained a few friends last Mcnday evening at her home on Fifth avenue in a nibst charming manner. Delight ful refesh inputs were served and a most enjoyable evening was spent by all. , / (1 ,~, , ,i . ' . •> ■ ■ ■ " j IP**"’ **’“'“** —* - - Sour Stomach, sometimes called waterbrash, and burning pain, distress? dyspepsia, are cured by Hfeoti’g.jSarsaf pari :la. This it aecoiup.l.islies because with Its wondertul power as a blood purifier, Hood’s Sarsaparilla gently tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, invigorates the liver. I creates an appetite, gives refreshing I sleep, and raises the health tone. In can/ of dyspepsia and indigestion it seems to have “ air agic touch.” “ For over 12 years 1 suUered from sour I Stomach with severe pains across my shoulders, •nd .treat distress. 1 had violent nausea wnich would leave me very weak and faint, difficult to get my breath. These spells came oftener and more severe. I did not receive any lasting liciiefit from physicians, but found such happy effects from a trial of Hoo<J,’t Sarsaparilla, that I took several bottles and -mean to alwayr | Xeepit in the house. I am now able to ; i do ail my bwn wdrlf, which for six years ' I I have been unable to do. My husband and son have also b.«e; greatly bene fit iby Hood’s Sarsr par tv —for pains in the back, and after th. yen. I gladly : recommend this grand in* medicine.”' ■ Mrs. Petek BV22Y, Mass. Hood s. Sarsaparilla ; J# tin One True Blood Purifier. All druggist*. SI. u _j» rasit rnre 411 Liver Hl* and lIOOU S PillS hick Headache. ft cent* FOUR iify KILLED ••; I , lii A Head-end Collission Du Lodisuille & Nashville AND THE DEAD ENGINEER Is Blamad With The Criminal a Creiessness. Decatur, Ala.. July 14. —R. W Sturdivant, engineer: Van Hays, engineer, one fireman and one brakeman, narfies unknow —these were killed in a head-end collision a few miles south of this place, about 4:15 p. m. on the Louisville and Nashville railroad. As near as can be ascertained the fault of the collision lay with the train run by the dead engineer. Vau.Ha.yep, who was running a local train, N0,.13, coming north. No. 74. train run by Engineer Sturdivant, a through freight, (was due to leave hers at 3:30 o’clock but being somewhat behind and having ofright way, was run , ning to make the top of a steep ! grade near Warrior, when it wa« met by No, 13 just as it had clear i nl the top of the grade, going un der a rull head of steam. I’ho two trains met with a terri ble crash, that demolisl ed both engines and reduced many cars to splinters. It is reported that the crews of both trains saved their i lives by jumping, but several of ' them were seriously if not hurt. The wrecker from the Louis ville and Nashville shops here was called at 4 30 o’clock and is now engaged in clearing tbe road, but all trains will be blocked for sever al hours. Engineer Sturuivant was a resi* dent of this city and was a mau of family, being hjghly esteemed. Fresh Graham flour and new iron whole wheat flour at Loyds. BATTLEFIELD ROUTE- Fioyd Vets Will Travel The Old War Road to CONFE DE RATE REUNION SPECIAL trains and price $1.50 ROUND TRIP. f _ Rome, Ga., July 9, 1898.—T0 Ex Confederate Veterans and Sons of Confederate Veterans : Gentlemen: —We take pleas ure in calling your attention to our Eighth Annual Reunion, which will be held in Atlanta, Ga., Wednesday,Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, July 20 to 23, 1898, inclusive. This promises to be the grand est reunion ever held, and as it is so near to us, we should all take advantage and attend. All Confederate Veterans and their families and friends are urged to attend. RATES AND dates. For this occasion the Western & Atlantic R. R., will sell round-trip tickets from all stations at one cent a mile traveled, or $1.50 from Rome to Atlanta and re turn. Tickets to be sold for all trains July 19th and 20th, good to return on any train until July 28, 1898, inclusive. No signing of tickets required by the W. A A R. R. OFFICIAL ROUTE.TO ATLANTA.— Having in view the comfort and convenience of the grand old Veterans, we have selected the old reliable Western & Atlantic R. R , the historical “Battlefield Line,” that we used during ti e civil war, and on which so many great battles were fought. All trains leave from and arrive at I 1- # I their elegant new 1 passenger sta tion, foot of Broad street Home, and Union Depot Atlanta. CONFEDERATE .VETERAN’S SOE iCIAL. — For the convenience of ‘all Veterans, their families and [friends, we have arranged 'with Mr. C. K. Ayer, passenger and ticket agent of the' Western & Atlantic R. [{., to run a'‘‘special i train, leaving' Rome Wednesday morning, July 20 th, at 0 o’clock ariiving-Atlanta about 8:30 ’clock. Will reserve one coach i <»n this train for ladies only. Am bjle accommodation. We are i anxious to make this train a gr ind success, and wo therefore ■ urge all who can to join us, Reg -1 ul ir trains leave Rome daily at 7: 30 a. m,; 4 :25 p. m. Return- :g leave Atlanta 8:15 a. m. ; ■ 1 :50 p. in. ' »<., ¥ouTS very truly,*-./ Jim Tom Moore,.Chairman. 11 aS.' Lansdell; Geo..K. Green, [Committoe on transportation, NEV MAN. “I was 1 sufferer from dvs- I }>“psi:i, gout and rheumatism., caused by impure .blood. I tried va-ious medicines, but obtained no relief until I began, taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. .This med icine has made me a new man . and is the best I ever took. It has boon a‘ blessing to me.” Willis m M, Jnines.?BitbgdoTi ■, '■ S’ :c. ' . ' T'' : ' r Hood’s Pills are the bply pills trt tiicc kVith'l Ipoll’s ijapa.rilla. EC an I. yet. efiicte V.; . ;;. y Having Inissed,....«. vejyt’iing 'else to-date A t lap t;vii,nay yet get poor Alfonso XIII, the boy king, when -We annex S'paip; Shut ,up n the' pa-rk: at, Fort McPivereop Tittle Fonzy , would draw hun-r dreds of visitors to the capita). i—Americus Recorder. '' 'U, : iWOTIfD L • ' i ’‘ f Has Been the Great “Cash I Raising” Sale (>F J, B. WAT i & 80S. ONLY ONE MORE CHANCE E.>R Y-tl’ ( ' TO GET IX IT. . ■ , After five week< of heavy sales, > Messrs. J. B. Witters & Son , now put you on notice that tiiT i “cash raDer” js 'about to com tp,a dense. , This popular an I ever relin ,e clolliing firm has always h'! up to j its advdrtisein'-iil ai, J henoe,’ when the “cash ’salte was published and P l,c;! quoted the,people .nade a 1111 for the bargains}. Now, Messrs. Watters A Son. having, at a sacrifice ,4o 11 ‘ own interests, about raid'd funds they needed, oim 10 wal and -frankly -I ' tiiai slaughter wid stop m a You have.the remaindei 0 1 week in which to secui*. "I date gent’s furiw niag s 11 ulously low prices. It’s the chance of your '' and you should not ims* h J at the sensational j. '■"•'“’1“ llu ’ i ■■■ ’."’lit itorial page nd lt -'' ’ l, » , reß | bargain.r w»l . ecJnom 1 c buyer h-a ■_ Attention l' T ‘ v ( " —The annual reuM-'ii of Ga , cavalry yetei' s '' * , j place in Atlanta, (»a-> ' 1 - » Col.L R. the occasion. ll< a .q'l' l ' 4>e Ist Ga., cavalry *>Y frOl a 41 Prior street, one bl« ( * the Union depot. H. W.Camp, P>’e^ D ’ ■' J. A. Wynn, Secretary-