The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 15, 1898, Image 7

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BOlfflS RETURN. j esirs . Doiiehoo And Jones Released on Bail. rH Kllll. THE NEGRO, Shot in The Upper Arm And Bled to Death, fheßome party, consisting (ls Messrs. M- B Eubanks and p \ Denny, of the Rome bar, . n J Messrs. D. B. Hamilton, y T Stanford, Fred Schlapback au(] Walter Coker of Rome, and Squire Will Rich, of Chulio, ) u . ve returned from Anniston, accompany by Mr. Will Done ioo, of Lindale, and Bailiff Abb Jones, of Chulio. It seems that Abb Jones and Mr. Djuehoo had a warrant for the arrest of Will Freeman, the flegrowho had despoiled the two young daughters of the widow Jones out in Chulio, that they found Freeman at work on a farm at Choccolocco near An niston, that they called on him to surrender and that, instead, he left his plow and sought safe ty in flight. The Georgians fired two shots each with winchester , and one ball struct the negro’s upper left arm cutting an artery Mr. Donehoo tried to s*op the flow of blood and sent for a phy s cian. It is stated that when the doctor arrived and found why the negro was shot most positively refused to try to save his life,|and when the next phy sici n arrived, though he did all lie could, the wounded fi n I had lost too much blood and di-d while his wound wls being dressed. Messrs. Donehoo aid Jones gave themselves up to the coun ty authorities and were the guests of the deputy sheriff at his home on Wednesday night. Their Rome friends went down yesterday and attended the hear ing which resulted in bond being assessed at SIOOO in eacli case. This was readily made and this morning all parties returned to Georgia. The negro’s crimes were hein ous, and his death was merited, and under the unwritten law of the south the avengers will nev er have to suffer. All good men commend the act of Abb Jones and Bill Done hoo, who as a last resort shot down the fleeing black fiend,rath er than let him escape to de spoil other orphaned white girls and helpless white females. Had Freeman been captured in Hoyd county, the chances ar»that he would have been by Jud o e Lynch an j exe . cute <l by Sheriff Mob. As it is l* e is harmless for the future. 1 his fate prove a warning to 1,0 «« who need it. ATTEN HON ! A H members of the Doks- Georgia bfig a( i e who may atte| idthe annual reunion of o, flederate Veterans at Atlanta, Ja > July 29th to 23d, 1998, are guested, immediately on arriv- ’u Atlanta, to call at brigade ‘Quarters, 44 Wall street, opposite union depot, and reg ' hut oadges ana read the ii„ tl ' HS f° r 2 enera l informa nt State papers please copy. . w -W. Hulbm, 4th Ga. c. Joner, 4th Ga. Hu’ C ? n ' P ’ 21st Ga> • Thomas, 12th Ga. • Rogers, 4 4th Ga. Cominitti e. m ar Lin, ol Roubb was REST SWEET REST 1 Mrs. Col. A. 3, Montoomery Passes Away AFTER A LONG ILLNESS A Noble Wife And Qentlo Mothor Breaths Her Last. After a loag at d painful illnees the gentle spirit of Mrs. Ella J. Montgomery, the noble wife of Col. A. B. Montgomery quietly slipped its mortal moorings and entered upon the heavenly voyage at 3:30 this morning. While Mis. Montgomery's den h was not. unexpected, it fell wnh no less crushing force upon the lovii g hearts of her de voted hut band and children. Th-> death accurred at the late residence on College hill, th, family having lemained in the city this summer fi, order that the beloved invalid might have the very best of medical treatment Mrs. Montgomery laeves. beside her busband, four children to mourn her untimely death. They are Mrs. Janette M'Govern ot the New York World, Mieses Rosa Josephine and Master Akxand r Blair Montgomery. Ihe funeral will be conducted by Dr. Goetchius and will occur from the Fire, Piesbyterian church at 10 o’clock tomorrow forenoon The following named gentle men are n quested to meet at the Hanke furniture ind undertaken '■flee at 9.30 tomorrow to act as pall bearers Messers: C. M. Mai shall, J. H. Camp, R. T. Fouche, W. M, Gammon, Martin Graham and Dr. Het The remains will be laid to rrst in Myrtle Hill, veteran’s attention ! Floyd County Camp No. 368 Confederate Veterans, you are respectfullw requested to attend, in a body, the funeral of M rs. A. B. Montgomery, wife of Ci pt. B. Montgomery our beloved camp commander, at 10 o’clock tomorrow, Saturday, morning from the First Presby terian chuich. Respectfully, J. T. xMo >re Lt. Col. 11. S. Lansdell , Sec. Protein. TENNESSEE FIRE. Murfreesboro Lost Seven Build ings Valued At SIOO,OOO. Nashvillo, Tenn., July 14 —AI an early hour today seven business buildings on the public square in Murfreesboro were destroyed by fire. The losses are SIOO,OOO, nud the insiiraiin». SBO,OOO. SIBONEY WAS BURNED Washington. Ju'y 14—The statement that yel low fever has broken out in Santiago is believed to explain the bu.ning ot Sibomy Sunday, “as a sanitary measure.” Foster’s Last Call. Kditor Hustler-Commercial. Dear Sir: Upon making out the tax digest for 1898 I find that there are professional men, firms, etc., who have failed to make returns, and realizing that to pay double will be hard on them, I have decided to give them another opportunity. So will you please say through youi Columns that if such people will call at tax receiver’s office Sat urday July 16, ’OB and make re turns they can avoid being doubled. Very Respt, R. L Foster, T. R. A Social Reunion.—The Ep worth League of the First Meth odist church will hold a business meeting and social reunion at the residence of John \V. Bale, on Tower Hill this evening at 8 :80 o’clock. Every member of I the League is conjially invited to be present. Wi MBRK NIGHTS At Park ftiutiq Ani ThH • * C -J. _ £ PERUCHI-BELOKNI CO., Closes its Engagement here.“A Noble Outcast” Tonight. On aecount of the disagreea ble weather last night, the Per uchi-Beldeni Co., gave no per formance at the Mobley Park theatre. The company wit. be here on ly two more nights. The bill for this evening will be “A Noble Outcast.” This is one of its best plays on the re p Jtoire, and a large crown should go out. The company* has made many friends since their stay here,and regret that they have had such bad weather. They will probably return to Rome m a few months. Remember the performances are free to all, and only 10c is charged for reserved seats. A BLOODY RAZOR Figured in Domestic Tragedy At Daytor, O , Dayton. 0., July 14—About o’clock this rm ruing William Seime cut his wile’s throat. with a razor and then killed himself iu the same manner. His wife may recover. Family troubles are sa d to be the cause ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Agreeab eto an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd count) will be sold at public outcry at the court house door of said coun ty on - the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of iale, the following propertv tos wit:—One house and lot in the town of East R >me. sa d county r rout lig on Howard avenue, be ginning at ap< ini <»je hundred md fortywone feet, E .sterly from the right of way <>f the Southern Railway Co This being the North easterly corner of Mrs. Eliza Gammon lot, running thence Soutbe n ly along the lot line ot Mis. Gammon two hundred and twelve feet, thence Easterly along the Dunns lot six'y-two fttt, thence at right angb-8 to Dunn’s ine and in a N oitberly direction along the Imo of Mrs. H. G. Rawlii s’ lot two hundred and twelve feet to Ho vard ave.hie, (hence Westerly along H> ward avenue sixty-two teet to the be ginning.. Sold as the property ot 0 A. Gammcn late of Calhoun County Ala. W. M. Gammon, Ad ministrator, Terms of sale cash. I'Lis July Bth 1898 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNIY. Wnereas A. I).Hardin,adminis trator of M. Avery Hardin, repre sents to the his petition uuly filed, that he has administer* ed M Avery Hardin’s es ate. This is to cit- all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause 11 any they can, why said administrator should not he dis charged from his admiuis r tion and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in October 1898. This July 9th 1898. J MIN P D . vis, O. din ary. ; THE SURE L \ GRIPPE CUR There is no u*e sufTeiing from this terrible malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your bodv, your liver is out ol cider, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bud cold, in ’act aie completely used up. Electric bit iers is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure r eli«f. fhey act directly on your Liv<*r Stomich ami Kidneys, tone up he whole system and mate you feel like a iww being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refund-1 ,d. For 8»1j at Curry Arrington’* 1 rug sto-’e- 5) ce,,;rt l‘ e ' Lntli. Popo Favors Annexation. Rome, July 14—The Pope i dissuades Spain from insisting on the of Cuba, . not judging Cuba cap tide of self government. He thinks annexa tion to the Unitea States is most opportune Police Court.— In the an sem eof Recorder Eubanks, M tyor John J. Seav presided at this morning’s polic court and d sposr-d of anu in be: of cases, which were mostly for drunk and disorderly. He quickly cleared the docket. Attempt to Murder.—Gret n Spivy, a, negro who has been wanted by the authoriliis here for some t ; nio, was arrested at Chicamauga today by Deputy Sherill Jim Johnson and lodged in jail for an attempt to kill his wife at Lindale, over a y j ar ago. > M rite for our interesting books “ Invent- ( ) or’s Help” and “How you are swindled.” < ; Send us a rough sketch or model of your ( 5 invention or improv< nient and we will tell < S yon free our opinit n as to whether it is ( probably patentable. We make a specialty < j of appli ations rej< cled in other bands. « T Highest references f iriiished. 2 ? MARION O- M/RION I ( PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPXKTS < 1 Civil .t M -elianical I n incerj. Graduates of the I 1 i’olyt ■ iniic School of Engineering, Bachelors in f > Sciences. Lava! University, Mum burs ? 1 atent Law Associa'/on, American Water Works / \ Association, New England Water Works Ahsoc- ) P- Q. burveyors Association, Assoc. Member Can. Docicty of Civil Engineers. j Offices: ■> Wabhingtom, D. C. S I Montreal, Can. > APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FL'YD COUNTY. Whereas W J Neel, administra tor of Mrs. Fannv W Jones, de ceased, represents to the court in his petition duly fi ed, that he ha administered Mrs. Fannie W Jones’estate. This is to cite all , ersons cencermd, kindrtd and creditors to shew cause if huv thiycan, why said administra’o* sh uld not be discha g< d from bis ac minist ruti n and receive lutu-r --■f dismig-don on ti.e first Mundax i.i Oci< her 1898 This July 4ih 1898 J «hn P Danis . Ordinary. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains bitween Rime and Chattanooga,.by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4 :15 a in. ; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. • leave Romo G :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. in. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga G :30 a. in.. arrive Rome 00 :i. in ; leave Chattanooga 3 :10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. m. ; h ave Chattanooga 10:10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer resorts are sit' ated on and reached via the Southern Rai way. Whether one I’-sirts the seaside or the moun tains, the fnshionab e hotels or qui< t country homes, they can be reached via this magnificent hi«h way of travel. A.shevillfl. N. C. , Hot Springs. N. C., R >an Mountain, Tenn and the mountain resorts of Fast I’ennessee and Western Nort 1 Carolina “The Land of the Sky’ Tate Sp'i'igs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn., Lookcut Moun tain, I’enn.. Lithia Springs, Ga . the vslious Virginia springs, and the s'-asb >re resorts are reached bv the S uifurn Railway. The Sou 1 hern Railway has irsued a handsome folder entitled “Scm mer Homes und Resorts ’’descrip -liv -of nearly one thousand sum mer resort h< tils and board inc hon-es, including information r-- rates for boaid at lb< diff> rent places and railroad rate to reach them Write to C A. Benscoter. As sistant General Passenger Sbuthern Railway. Chattanooga T- nu. for « copy of this folder. FN' . • inn’Xo) l \ \-I ® • it ’i nlii ' »u will " 11 p. .! > I ■ wmMMI ,S- ■ i.< much you can buj' at our sto < Je money. It is our ob?ec Ui-e best goods for the lea i If you are thinking ?- ~ thing in the line of t u< f H r=* pets, Mattings. Rugs- a wih be sorry if you don’t 3 Wesre making SDn; vj >■ . eve ything no to get raa iy jj 00 ] s " that are c oming in. Don’t f afi to ■ see us- Yours to please. HIK furnim r - I - " ,rni ' # 4 -- •’ UUi J ■ * ■ ■■■■■ «■■■■■■■„.j. - , ... it!:!!:!!t::: M AWHOLET! : I . fl Si ; z ’t’ set V ■ I carry a fill’ an Icun >' it" !’•■ -i ' ’i- • "'I . ding Diamonds My stock of silver n iti and <"■ ■ ‘ er more complete. . . ►■ 4 W. 3). )IV jt P.l 13 E* I S k S■' ■ ' | J. KWi’l dS tI2S mUS ‘>4J RELIAB is a quality some newspapers have !■ s‘ I i-i m these days of "yellow” journalism. , 'i jr truth and a great deal for temporary ... . t It is not so with THE CHICAG ■ . _ The success of THE RECORD 1 : lity. It prints the news-all the new _ •. the truth about it. It is the only American ne.vspap 1 N '■ '• < < citv that has its own exclusive drp ' IHs own staff correspondents and . s ’ 11 ' hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily new ■ ■ Its war news service is unapproa. Says the Urbana (Ill.) Daily C. • “We read the war news hi i « then we turn to THE CHIC see how much of it is true. Sold by newsdealers everywhere z- • l . , . uceived t»y all postmasters. Address THf CihC-H f ORD, tSi Madison street, Chicago. 1 '■ •. jii.ol «Ml ' . j t ft vvid ' tin Laa a>■ ? >