The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 17, 1898, Image 2

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SflN riflGO FALLS. Unconditional Surrender of 25,000 Spaniards. THE PRISONERS OF WAR Will be Sent Back to Spain by the United States. Washington, July 16. —The war department posted today the following bulletin : ‘.before Santiago. “Spanish surrender. Particu lars later. Sfaftek.” At noon the following was posted : Playa Del Ester, near Santia go, July 16.—T1.e following let ter has been received: To His Excellency, Commander in-Chief American forces— Excellent Sir : I am now au thorized by my government to capitulate. I have the honor to so apprise you and request that you designate hour and place where my representatives shall appear to compare with those of your excellency to effect the ar ticles of capitulation on the ba sis of what has been agreed up on to this date in due time. I wish to maniiest my desire to know the sesoluti >ns of the United States government re specting the return of army, so as to note on the capitulations also the great courtesy of your great graces and return fortheir great generosity and impulse for the Spanish soldiers, and al low them to return to the penin sula with the honors the Amer ican army do them, the honor to acknowledge (Signed) Jose Toral. General Commanding Fourth Army Corps. To Gen Shafter, Command ing American Forces. NOT PERMITTED TO RETAIN ARMB- The war department has just postel a lettsr from Gen. Toral written last night to Gen. Shaf ter, expressing his desire to ca pitulate. The letter makes the request to allow the Spanish ar my to “retain their arms and return them to the army.” General Corbin in speaking about this said that this letter was the first written by General Toral and the conditions were refused by the president. He said: “The terms of surrender distinctly stated the Span ish troops should libVretain their arms .” This letter just posted, is probably not the last one given by Gen. Toral when he surren dered last night, but the one sent yeste day afternoon and the full details in regard to the surrender are yet to come. Gen. Corbin said : “There should he no mistake. Santiago has surrendered and the troops do not retain their arms. We agreed to c mvey them to Spain and not to enter the city until the troops embark. The surren der on their part is absolutely unconditional. ” m’kinley WARMLY COMMENDS SHAFTER. Tne following messages were sent today by President McKin ley and Secretary R. A. Alger: “To Gen. Slia f ter, command ing front neat Santiago, Playa: “The president ofjthe United States sends to you and your brave army the profound thauks of the American people for the brilliant achievements at Santi ago, resulting tn the surrender of the city and all of the Spanish troops and territory under Gen. Toral. Your splendid command *—■— ——— ■ has endured not only the hard ships and sacrifices incident to campaign and battle, but in stress of heat and weather has triumphed over obstacles w h would have overcome men less brave and determined. One and all have displayed the most con spicuous gallantry and earned the gratitude of the nation. The hearts of the people turn with tender sympathy to the sick and wounded. May the Father of Mercies protect and comfort you. (“Signed.) ’ “William M’Kinlky.” To Major General Shafter, front, near Santiago, Playa : I cannot express in words my gratitude to you and your heroic men. Your work has been well done. God bless you all. (Signed.) R. A. Alger, Secretary of War. GEN. BLANCO SUBJECTED TO CEN SORSHIP. Capt.‘-Gen. Blanco at Havana, will be deprived of all means of communication with this gov ernment at Madrid except through a strict censor when the American army formally takes possession of Santiago. There can be no doubt on this question, as Gen Shafter will uirect immediately on taking charge of the city that American operators be placed in the tele graph office there. The signal officials will maintain a censor ship of writing that is offered fcr transmission from Hava la over the cables leading to Hayti, or Jamaica, and nothing will be permitted to be sent which is in any way injurious to the inter ests of this government. PASTEUR FILTERS The only G-srm Proof Filter in the <vorld. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co REDUCED WAGES American Steel Wire Company Made A Heavy Cut. Andarson, Lid.. July 16 —The American Steel Wire Company (Nail Trust to-day posted general reduction of wages in their plant here. It is understood similar n<>. tices were potted in all their plant h over the country. In the wire mill the reduction averages 10 per cent in the nail mill the reduction ie not great on amount for the day. but 5 per cent more work is requir ed: in the rod mi’l the reduction probably averages 7 per cent. It i> thought to-night th* 800 men at this point will go out and witl those of other pltfi t« from defen «ive alliance for a finish fight WHEN YOU ARE TIRED Without extra exertion, langu <‘ dull and listless, your bl (, od is fail ing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and ■iteugtb-giving properties they re quire. Hoods Sarsaparilla cun-8 that tired feeling by enriching am‘ purfying the blood It will giv you energy and vigor. Hood's Pills are easy to tak<- easy to operate. Cures ind'gestion biliousness 25. SHOT HIS FATHER IN LAW Chattanooga, Tenn.. July 16 William Raden, an em Uoyee of the Chattanooga Ice Company was shot at an early hour this morning by his son-in-law, James Roberts, and died this afternoon from the effects of the wound. Roberts claimed that the old mai, had b»en instrumental in separat ing him from his wifn and child. Nice house for rent, nea First Methodist Church, now occupied by J S Mav.Possession at once. Apply to L. A Lloyd. j . sRfITBVETS I Held an Hntiiifsiastic Meeting at The COURTHOUSE YESTERDAY Morning. Perfected Arrange s-or The Reunion. t - The Floyd county camp of Confederate Veterans met at the court house yesterday morning at 10 o’clock and perfected final arrangements for the reunion in Atlanta on the 20th. Several hundred veterans were present and a most enthusiastic meeting was held. The following delegates were appointed :J. T. Moore, R. T. Fouche, H. S. Lansdell, F. W. Quarles, W. T. Montgomery, K W. Berryhill, Robert Dougher ty, J. S. Wyatt, W. H. H. Camp, J. H. Camp. The following committee on ordinance was appointed : W. F. Salman, 1. D Gilliard, G. B. Holder, W. O. Connor, J. P. McConnell, Thomas Evans, K. B. McArver, R. R. Harris. A com mu tee es three was ap', pointed tc gj to Atlanta Tuesday the 19‘h ami make arrangements for the catnp, H. 8. Landsdell, F. W. Q iari'.s and J . S. Wyatt, Miss Will Nell Lavender th* l beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr. C, H. L ive..der, was selected as .-poucor for the c imp. The veterrns are requested to eje Capt. Jim Tom Muore before they leave and get credentials. W. O. Connor came up from Cave Springs, aud attended ae uuetinr and give the Hustler- Commercial some very interesting tacts about the adoption of the stars and bars by the Confederate government. Ou March thesth 1861 the Con federate congrets met at Mont gomery and then declared that the stars and bars should be thw of ficial bannerol' the Confederacy. He states that he lias been try ing several years to find when it was first adopted. He obtained the information through the United States g ivern mei_t. The sons of Confederate Vet erans also had a rousing meeting and they will be well represented in Atlanta. THE SURE L 4 GRIPPE CUR There is no u<e Buffeting from 'his terrible malady, if you vi'l nilv get the right remedy. Y>u ire having pain all through your •iiidv, your liver is out of otder, have no appetite, no life or ambi ion, have a bad cold, in fact are c mpleteiy used up. Electric bit ters is 'he only remedy that will give you prompt and sure -elief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up 'he whole system and make you feel like a new being They are guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. For sals at Curry A ringt ju’s rug sto/e. O ily 5) cen s per ottle. Do You Gut it? —l have ex clusive ch irge of tha circulation department of the Hustler-Com •lercial. If you do not get your paper promptly, report to me ind it will be attended to. The h ibscription is 10 cents per week, payable every Saturday. Please have the money ready when the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. Murfreesboro Lost Seven Build. Ings Valued At SIOO,OOO. Nashville, Tenn., July 14 —A t an enrlv hour today seven business buildings on the public rquare in Murfreesboro were destroyed by fire. The losses are SIOO,OOO, and j the insurauoe, SBO,OOO. Marshal Sales For August'9B. ROME. oKORGIA. Floyd Coun’y Ihe.e will be sold before the court house door in the city <»l Rome, Floyd county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in August 1898 be tween the legal hours of sale the tollowing described properly lo wit: Parts of lots Nos. 5 and 6 in the Etowah Division city of Kc me Floyd county Gu.. commencing at a point on the South side of Broad street 56 Let from the corner of Broad street and Fifth avenue ( formerly Budge street) and running thence West erly along Broad street 28 feet and back from and at light angles to Broad street the same width one hundred feet more or less. Also a lot 20 fe t wide and 32 lent long joining the above de scribed properly on the West and in rear of the store on the adjoin ing lot, said twenty feet in width commencing ninety feet back from Broad street and running back the same width thirty two ft. Said two pieces of property con stituting what is kkown as the Tur..lty drug store joining the Central hotel. Said property lev ied on as the property of P. L. Turnley and E. T. Turnley to sat isfy the taxes due the city of Rome on said property Ur the »en-8 1892, 1893, 1894,1895. 1896 and other years. Fi fas having been issued against said property for said taxes and levied on the same. Also at the same lime and one vacant lot known as part of lot No. 86 in Etowah Division ot the city of Rcme Floyd countv Ga. Fronting op Sixth aveniv 50ft more or less and running back same width 125 feet more or less loan alley. Bounded on the North by the property of W. L. flume on the West by Sixth avenue, cn the South bv East Third street and on the East by an alley . Levs led on zs the property of Mrs. Judith E Shiebley. for taxes due the city of Rome for the year 1897 for the use of J. B. Ch»mlee, transferee. Property pointed out by transferee. J. B Shropshire. Marshal LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. Emma Pentecost having in proper form applied to me for pei rnanent letters of administration on the estate of Polly Pentecost iate of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Polly Pentecost to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law aud show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. H. Ennie, Co., Adm’r on Polly Pentecosts’ estate Witness my hand and offi cial signature this 4th day of July 1898, John P. Davis, Ordinary, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GE' RGIA FLOYD COUNTY To ali whom it may concern Emma Penteecst havinf .n proper form applied to mt for permanent I. Uersof administration on the estate of Redmon Pentecost, late of Slid county deceased This is to cite all and singular tbo credi'- ors and next of kin of R. dmon Pen eco-t to be and appear a' my office within the time allowed by law aud show cause if any they '•an, why permanent administra tion shtuld not be granted 'o W H. Ennis Co , Adtn'r on Rtdmon Pentech's estate. Witness my hand and > fficial signalure this 4th day of July 1898 John P. Davi Ordina-V. A BLOODY RAZOR Figured In Domestic Tragedy At Dayton, O , Dayton, 0., July 14—About o’clock this morning William Senne cut hits wife’s throat with a razor and then k'lled himself in the same manner. His wife may recover. Family troubles are said to be the cause SIBONEY WAS BURNED Washington. July 14 —The s'ateinent that yellow fever has broken out ia S intiago s believe I to explain the bu.mng ot rtibonnv Sunday, “as a sanitary measure.” St. Mary’s Church. —Mass at the Catholic church this morn ing at 10 :30, devotional servic s this evening at 7 :30. buudny school at 9 o’cliw a. m. I School Supplies. 41 »» J < fe? & We are pioneers in the school books and school sup. $ ply business and we are also' right up-ro-da»e in every. thin ' hut should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore (fe I ******* ******^m>^ mmm I I i ill M. I No hcow ’ s th ' st, ’“ Mrve vou belter when von de- | sire to inveit ir. a new covering fcr tne dear sid walh n f ynr home. See our stock on hand and samples | •I H. A. SMITH, I HF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE To. the People of Rome. , «, 1 t"' 1 "I tllat 1 the M,«| C | u- U/ Iry and prop >se to rearrange and aid to it T m th. smuh." - Onr C ‘ tV a P ,a no oe M/ _ Ihavehad yaars of practical experience the past \|/ 1 r T Y P l ' s “ l winch . have owri-d and operated one of W th., hirg.'.l T..x„. .1,., v ;,r, Vi. U/ Uj eiut., I h .v. I, , | an.| [ „,|| loy ,„t ire u,,,,, 1 | ... 'hill' 3 lining to my laundry wi || be done /k /Ak f| UIS I ’ lC J' e . ri / tr ‘ al vV “ I c "'Vince you th n 1 c ui <| » all the I claim' Bmd in y.,ur hvndl ». [fit 'ails to p | BiU e /i\ /K ."^ rH w,!l hH 11 ’ f,h IP ««- Stop*our wag ... or tele'.h >ne T S!? m” ; !l “ 1 l ". rile Wlll bi promptly. /i\ H. PARKIN. S JK ModelJSteam Liundry. * ~ ~~ ---- CANDY ® CATHARTIC KOOCCVUto -URE CONSTIPATION j 25c 50c druggists . ’ ■ ■ ■ ... .i . . ~ j\. T * * 1 T 53.00 A MONTH. For this merely nominal fee any sufferer from any Chronic disease can obtain a line of treatment that has gained a world-wide reputation for its healing and curative powers. Cases that have been pronounced hopeless are quickly and radically cured at home. Dr. Cowden gives every case his personal attentloi. Thousands cured. His specialties are: Nose, Stomach, Deafness, Asthma, Throat, Bowels, Consumption, Cataract, Lungs, Blood, Rheumatism, Obesity, Skin Diseases. vinnr i n IP ® I wU Up I I Decay, Loss of Power, etc. An absolute specific for Ix>sses,W B B I I Drains, Premature 1 iiseliarges, V* ■ ■ I ■ Ivj Bad Dreams, etc. w I I ■■■ ■ ■ " Either of these remedies will be sent upon receipt of $2.00. Their effect Is little short of miraculous. . . ... Send for Symptom blanks and full information regarding specialties. All inquiries cheerfully answered. Consultation Free. Don’t let this chance escape- it may never occur again. Address, M. COWDEN, M. D„ 11513th St., N. W., Washington. D. U Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr.. Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,18J8- I would not Im without PISO’S gfeiji.ltiu mi ii| ijl.l C URE lJw CURE for CON- ‘ SUMPTION for any best Cough ® thing. For a bad cme on the nwjh l Cough or C' 11 it is BP " t-* baV j n g used i beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C KEYNOLDS. ' J. A ® I “The Best Cough Medicine.”