The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 17, 1898, Image 4

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DECLARATIONS" - - s We are going out of tl e iel: al f cc ds business. DCLI T’ J ; ’--l Our present sale the end of 1 his business. ntHJ Ihlm \ Our present rrice swill never again be Duplicated. ~ } The opportunity to buy such soods at such prices will soon ba forever j-j? > goods worth 100 cents on the dollar are being offered at cents on the dollar-=<]uantitics of them. Ladies’ skirt and tailor made suits=®a big stock. I ) ii|Lies, all the family of them. Without Question the best stock of goods in Rome and being £ iven away to get out of the retail dry goods business in Rome, I,OOOYDS, DRESS C A LUM > "" J2 1 .! I !J2 N l A ' r 1 t!EN I\ , )OT p LADIES’ 500 EVERY SHOE 300 300 . . Shirt waists--the dol- Yards of Dress Goods In our stock at what it Baby caps recently Mens launaried shirk Swiss that cost 46cts . ar grade at 39 cents. and waist silks, worth cost us, or less, to quit bought at factory pne- that cost where th P ayard, wenow price 50 :, at 25c. business. es. were made 75 cents at 25 cents. $ 1 ,00, on sale at 39c ACTUAL COST 1 t s °° For all millinery, with no ch arges for Miss I a Ladies and gents si k and satin necties- that . Snyder’s work. A positive saving of 75 per v cost 25 cents to $ 1 .00, or center table at 10 "ft* • cent : cents each. 5z Ulii YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tabies==much of it cost 15c, 20c and 25 cents--loveliest ,Vvv conceptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving them awa yat bcentsayar I. Renrn').*r when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever. Bay from us niw Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at big profits to J® make money. We affirm, of a! 1 the goods in this hoase, no" a dollar’s worth is priced above cost. <i& l I B 1 iO Blfll ' i® B® Bk B fl ■ I Hi k -I Illi Hf 1 kWi ®1 ■ ■■mb ■■ ‘ ■ bm AWL Ikar® ■■ S •* » - nn—n-rm-r-i I—r-rwir1—r-rwir - .» - - _ OFF TO MANILA Maj.=Gen. Otis Sails With 4th Expedition. THE PUEBLA ftfiD PERU Carry Nearly Two Thousand Reinforcements to Dewey. San Francisco, July 16.—The Fourth Manila expedition is under way. Shoitly after 4 o’clock this afternoon Maj.-Gen. Otis, from his flagship, the City of Puebla, signaled the trans port Peru to get underway. The signals were understood by the anxious watchers on shore and by those who had surrounded the two vessels in small boats, and were received with great cheering. As the two vessels got under way the cheering increased in volume and to the accompani ment of hundreds of steam whis ties and the firing of bombs and cannon the two vessels p-oceeded slowly down the bay past the) water front and to Sea. The soldiers on the transports crowded into the rigging and) answered the cheering of the) civilians with hearty good will and responded to the dipping flags of the merchant vessels by I waving their hats and handker chiefs. . As tne two vessels and the; small fleet accompanying them* passed tile torts the big guns from the batteries sent forth their thunder in salute, to which lw transports responded with B M i———BIMT >1 II -- - ■ FREE PILLS, • Send your address to 11. E. Bucklen & Co , Chicago and a free sample box of Dr. King’s N"W Life Pills. A trial wiH convince you of their merits. These pills ar< < asy io action and are particular'y effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick beadache. E<>r Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been pioved invaluable. They an guaranteed to be perfectly fre fr’in every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken in their action, but by giving tone to the stomach anil bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c per box Soli by Curry-Arrington Co., drugg st- their steam sirens. Long before dusk the last goodby had been said to the de parting vssels, from the decks o the tugboats, and the heavily laden transports proceeded on their way to Honolulu, when they will stop to participate in annexation ceremonies and b take on fresh provisions and re fill their coal bunkers. Major General Otis and stall ' have their headquarters on tin City of Puebla, which also car ries the remaining companies, of the Fourteenth United States 'infantry; recruits of the First j and Second battalions cf the. Twenty-third and Third ren i meats ; enlisted men of the First I North Dakota, First Wyoming [and First Idaho; medical officers ; and members of the hospital [corps, a total of 843 men. The troops on the Peru con -1 sist of a squadron of the Fourth United States infantry, light I batteries of the Sixth United States artillery, a detachment! of the Third United States ar tillery, a detachment of the sig nal corps under Capt. Russell, a | d. • tach merit of volunteers, medi cal ofln ers and members of the hospital corps, a total of about U2O men. The last orders of Gen. Otis before leaving were that the re m.'iining transports should sail ;-i soon a possible, irrespective of fleets or other expected ves •' !s. Eac! one, he said, should jo by ilself if necessary. The P. nnsylv. nia and City of Rio I ineiro are bxth nearly ready ind will probably be prepared .o sail by mxt Thursday. The uading of die commissaries on rhe two v els began today. Brigadier General Otis has in ally beiii selected to cqinmand he fifth expedition to Manila, iis fleet will consist of the 'learners Rio Janiero, St. Paul ind Pennsylvania. HOW’S TF’S! We oIL r One Hut.d ~' J liars 'toward for any case atarrh hat cannot t;n cured Hall’s | 'atarrh Cure. !' .1 <'-Hr!.\EY & Co. , Props. To- i edo. O. We th j . umi Tsig led, have known J. < heney for the last 15 years, | u;d believe him perfectly honor line m ai; business transactions '<■. 11 iauci i ly able» to carry out < v obligation made by Lheir firm '» est A Tr.iUx, W holesale mggist, Toledo. Q Waldixg vi.’sxah & Mahvin, Wholesale Druggiati’, Toledo, O. Hail’s Catarrh Clure is taken , itjrnally, a c t i ng, directly ! I /•« the blood and mucous sur- 1 fees of the system. Price 75c. r bottle, S hl by all Druggists. T -.-timonials free, G v'tli « h r you r'.nlln,, tb - ..It <UTOIm' ' tubau.u -lib . Vs ” WO ’■’<* A C fruw <<f f q’R°r: “ u . dr T-^;‘ u " ". s VV' W ‘ '•►-'"Wntly, »i»ir,istenvly One - fl—j ■"‘Save the wo tlen and children _■ frat!” is the in-lAr stinctive cry of J|y_/ TN W every brave man -ts ' m a moment of; filJwfaak peril, but in the = every day con eerns of life men SfeitSSfiT’ who are ordina - rily brave and kind forget thev / perils of trouble ' “ -r and disease that vt hang their families. man engrossed with his AxyWw own affairs seldom rea lizes how hard his wife is working and that per haps she is breaking y' down under the strain. and becoming weak and slickly; incapable of do-yK xj. Ing the family work or of looking after the A children. It is just as much a man’s duty to look after J 1 [r; ' the health of his family JAR ! from day to day as it ' l I life would be to give them the 'first thought in a moment of shipwreck orv c« • NiT peril. It does not cost any thing more than a few minutes of time to Write ' to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chiet consulting physician of the Invalids’ Hotel and ’ 4 Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y., who will give the best professional advice free of charge with suggestions for inexpensive home-treatment whereby any of the family who are weak and ill may be put on their feet again well and strong and hearty. For thirty years Dr. Pierce has success fully treated many of the most obstinate and apparently hopeless cases of severe chronic disease. His medicines are known throughout the whole world for their as tonishing efficacy. His “ Golden Medical Discovery ” is the most perfect remedy for all weak and debilitated conditions of the I system. It gives power to the digestive ' organism to transmute the food into mus cular flesh and active energy. His “Fa vorite Prescription ” is the most successful medichie ever devised for the delicate ail ments peculiar to women. His “ Pleasant Pellets ’’ are the best mild ' aud natural laxative for constipation. - ' BAD BREATH “I have keen iialntr CASC A K f TS and u> » mild and effective laxative ’.hey are won derful. My daughter and I were bothered with • lek sloniach and our breath was very bad. After ' taking a few doses of Cascarets we have Improved wonderfully. They are a gn at help in the family WTI.UEI.MI'. > NAGKL. 1137 Bittenhoure St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. CANDY CATHARTIC a TWAOt MA ’ ,M *«<3.’oTrweP ' I-tuaraut. Palatable. Potent Taste Good. Do Good, Never S.cken. Weaken, or Gripe Hie. 2.,<- oe ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... BterllMg IUm.U, C.wp... t UuHlrral. Sew Tart. ,;u W.T A.BAft BoW K»»rante<'«i by all dnw- • I U-PAU <is( . s t o n it K To*»Xo THE ARHS PRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga Regular , SucGial Boarders / , , Rates Wanted- J r; . MoatiilO’ jr t. ff). . The place to get a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. ~ —L. llgeyL— - L . , _ ... i J- I 5 Best White LEfIDMi! 8 w , %% Fortis / J’/ 3)> )’) 3 I xil n )’> perfectly mirkej fo.v i, leiveordars •« with J. I. Grou3h & Cj., $3 pirtrid. Splen lid cyck ir.’ls o d/$1 J? 1. D. 3 VL .! \ i ’ - .■—■■■ nil ■■ ißepairing II •Don’t Walk On 3 2 @ Your UpperslJ |W.A-MULLIN iXjMasonic > IVERSALE AND FEED STABLES Offers the public t i.? fin Ht teamb ’st fcunvov' - ances and inon p >lite and coin te us drivers. 1 he best stock md inuh-s >n sale cod etantly.