The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 17, 1898, Image 5

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martial law Ha s3 ee ii Proclaimed Though oilt Spain. PORTENDS EAR -.Y PEACE. nTaik of a High Spanish CheaP T 2 k Oftiplal. Madrid July 16.—The official GazetP PU blisbeß a r °y al decree temporarily suspending through tt' e Spanish peninsula the rights of individuals as guaran teed by the constitution. The decree adds that the gov ernment will render an account to parliament of the use it may ina ke of this measure. The publication of the decree is generally accepted as being convincing proof that Spain is now ready to sue for peace and that negotiations to that effect are actually in progress. The government wishes to have full power to suppress any evidences of discontent or rebel lion whenever they appear. The Carlists are furious and are sure to attempt to create trouble. One minister expressed the conviction that official overtures for peace will be made before Sunday and there is reason to believe France has offered her services to Spain and that Spain has drawn up conditions for piace which offer a basis for negotiations. Premier Sagasta is quoted as saying that Spain wants peace, butthat “it must be an honora ble peace, as S ain deserves. ■The army,” he added, “is anxious to resist to the last, but the government cannot consent to such a useless sacrifice. Ilad we our ti iet the situation would be very different.” A decree of the captain gener al of Madrid, which has been nrtixed to the w ills of this city, j S"s decrees suspending tl.e constitutional guarantees throughout the kingdom have been published, and a state of war existing, it is ordered that no meetings take place without the previous authorization any writings, engravings or designs whatever. The degree concludes with specifying the punishment which will be meted uut to those who disiegard the orders issued. Tao minister of w ir, Gmeral Correa, is quoted as saying, in an interview, that he thought nonce might be arranged on the following terms: “The United St ites and Spain to agree to let the Cubans decide by a plebiscite whether they de sire independence or autonomy under Spain, the two govern ments to agree to abide by the result of the plebiscite. “In the event of the Cubans voting for independence, the United States to allow Spain uine months in which to with draw her army gradually and digiiiliedly from Cuba, a» sol disrs should after having fought like heroes.” Continuing, the minister for *ar said: “We ought to retain Porto at all costs, in order to be al ' v ‘ys near Cuba, of which the Americans will be able to des- P l i us in course of time, and in 01 ler to more easily communi- c de with the S >uth American re pib’i. :S) W hi c h duly displays B lrf it enthusiasm for bpain. As to the Philippine islands, V ls Certain we will retain them, Una »’i th j A n ir’ua.l* suc- Crfel in occapyi »g M uiila, o f w, 'clip| 1S j thsir occiptfun GEN. AMOBFOX Makes an Appeal to Mayor And Citizens of Rome. ASKd ’HE HILL CITY TO Do Her Share Towards Geor gia’s Entertainment of Vets. Headquarters: Room 112 Kim ball House. Atlansa, Ga., July 6, ’yß To the Mayor and Citizens of Rome, Ga. Sirs :—The Reunion of Confederate Veterans will be held in this city July 20—23 next. They will be the guests of our state. It is desired to give them royal welcome. To do this, we want your cordial and gener ous assistance. The Reunion of 1896 was held in Richmond, Va , and the great people of the “Old Domin ion” united in according the Veterans loving welcome. No less grand was the sponta neous entertainment given them bp the loyal-hearted Tennessee ans in Nashville in 1897. Georgia must not, and with your aid shall not be excelled in this regard, by either of these great states. The Cons derate Veterans As sociation of Nashville called on the people of Tennessee for sup plies with which ‘o feed the many worthy Veterans who could not afford hotel expenses That call was responded to with lavish profusion. In like manner do we call on the people of Geergia, and all who cherish the memories of the “Lost Cause,” and who honor the survivors ot that cause, t* show their appreciation by liber al contributions of provisions and supplies, or money. Money is more desirable, as provisions can be procured here, and save express and freight. Every dol lar will be applied solely for the use of the commissaries. The General Commanding the Georgia Division U. C. V. has appointed Assistant Commissa ry Generals in every county in leorgia, who will secure and forward such supplies as can be obtained. I now appeal to our city sisters to aid us in money contributions to assist in providing for all old needy 7 Veterans. Respectfully. Amos Fox. i ' Coms’y General Ga., Division and Chairman Commissary Committee Cons. Reunion Asso ciation. __ would be most brief. An official dispatch announces that the reb el chiefs and the Americons will not always agree, which is to Spain’s advantage. “The government has formed a scheme which will not only assure Spain the possession of the Philippine islands but which will re-establish tranquility.” On leaving the cabinet coun cil the ministers professed still to be without confirmation of the reported capitulation of San tiago Owing to the state of seige the censorship of dispatches is extremely rigorous, and numer ous messages are held back. All parts of the peninsula are officially described as “tran qUDon Carlos is expected to issue a manifesto here. Gen. M eyfer has abandoned his intended journey and will remain in Madrid WATER fAX NOTICE Hiva you °, b ( ?? h rv £? how Treas» • 5 H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., SF 5* 2 - Successors to J- 5* ROME PHARMACY. : i 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. 35 We have bought the entire stock of the Rome 55 Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in Jr the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part ot your patronage and shall en- 52 deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. a 5 * E S. M Stark, | S 3 ▲j 5 La: « GEWMK MIL 1 S Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A<? ►** •s E £F. IAN SON. - NORRIS N. SMITH. 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. I | and Tinning. 2 2 Engineers’ and machinists' 5 O supplies. Stoves, ranges and * G tinware. Gas and electric fix— G | tures. INSURANCE gasoline X 3 stoves. Water meters. 5 | 325 Broad st Phone’32. • x • $1.25 aal JipXjflijiJ ; lifts for $ J. A. GAWi i .COMPANY \ WAITING for everyone in Rome to come in and see the magnificent stock A on men’s and boy’s clothing, bicycle and golf suits, is what JL, gS™ we are doing, but we are hus tling while we wait. We wil show you the finest "stock o Ilf clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fab ricks perfect fitting and handsome, t —be Georgia, and thej •te- are above competition in valuer • for the price. Thegreatest line of negligee shirts ever shown i 1 Rome. J. A. OAT VON c : 0 I Can surr'y 0,1 piower and I I nanartment Nursery T «re«-» a, f lln the U. |t h ele.din g Seed, Plant and Tree Ca;alyues.ssue<l, which Will be mailed tre<‘. Send fori , t -' rn torv Tr„ us can refer you to customers in every state and territory ' FRUIT MO ORRMIEMTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLMTS. , TRUII »» Ro.e«, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival a We send by mad J*Sy or freight. 44th year. 33 - acn HARRISO- no. 528 s>ain«vllfe, t do Muical Peopi. ot Koine: It iswih pleasure that we introduce to our readers thepri of a new and complete slock of MB Be. A N D Sinn cil J iHSii cci I 1115£n (pq en t A • '■ / n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street where we would be pleased to have you call ami examine our goods. J The stock consists of soiuu of the best makes and organs on the market today. We kdcp a-full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Rome hits needed for a lo.ig time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Roinans may b • proud of We i, - j 1 5 ; j• u !ji l) j j• i ,1 .« the earliest possible date. 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. ® ® \ \ \ XXX \ \ \ \ \ \- \ x \. x \ \ \ ..*♦ We keep oifhand at all times a full stock of Sheet Music, ~~ *>—■ F.J-KANE& CD "248 B 'oad Sale of Sumiiief Coeds X y x X X X X x’ x X X X x X X X X X X X X A \ \ XX X X.X X X.X XX X XXXX XX X X -..XX Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. if ‘ b l z " Ready-Made Skirls and Waists We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost pcries on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at f. J. KUEuiCO. 248 Broad Street- r t’ermanentlv cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHELTMA'I IC CURE. Tt • Barest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. 1 nee 50 cen ue- Sample sent free on mention of this publ'?att'u- , ' :HE DR WHIT” MKCEIMIM* »' Send, Indi-»