The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 17, 1898, Image 6

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THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL HEHUSTLER OF ROME EHtabiiHbed, ihvo. -HE ROME COMMERCIAL Establlnbed. 18V5. iMQtfd «T«n •▼•«UDg except Saturday. Sunday aud weekly. PHIL a. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. OttM. Wiliurrm Block, rmrd Avenua >nily and Sunuay.per year • * 8 00 iundar, per year •* ( * ft’eekly (Tub RomkCoubibh) per year 00 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND sUBJnl* U»‘ y au'i Sunday, locenta per weal. Remit by bank draft, exp/sn, money order or registered letter Add r ee« THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, ROME, GA. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 Sampson lias shown his abil ity to act rear admiral. Blanco may use hit barbed wire for cable purposes. There are about 110,000 Chi nese on our Pacific coast. In the war dance, Dewey con tinues to lead the German. This neck of the woods is long on rain and short on shine. Will the Atlanta Vesuvius Broughton erupt again today? The reformed gambler must cut his cards and shake his dice As an argufyer, Dewey takes the beat on which the cake came over. 'lhe Veterans’ parade in At lanta this week is to be a big as fair. Forty eight American officers were killed and wounded at San tiago . Gen. Peter Macy, of Memphis, is a cousin of Dewey’s and an uncle of Hobson’s. The stamp tax was once R cause of war. Now war is the cause of the stamp tax. Camara seems puzzled. He wants to discover a new entrance to the mouth of Salt river, Will Weyley meet Toral with a brass band and welcome his bull-fighters back to Spain? Admiral Cervera did not lose anything by his kind treatment of his prisoner, Lieut. Hobson. The agricultural department reports the condition of the cot ton crop to be above the average. Now for the fall elections am the success of state Democracy to the tune of 100,000 majority. Yollow Jack has appeared am now’ the imtnunes will be rushec in to hold the forts of the infected districts. ■■-r f 1 g Spain has shed a good bit oi the “sweat of the poor” in the shape of “sin,ews of war” along the Suez canal. 'loin Watson has not asked for a brigadier general’s com mission yet. The truth is, Tom is a writer, not a maker of histo ry. The Philadelphia Ledger re marks that Thomas B. Read cannot expect the vote of Hawaii when he runs for presi dent. This weather mav be hard on petticoats, but it’s good for cot ton. —Augusta Herald. This weather is too soft to be hard on petticoats or anything else. We aro told that “O Glory” flies over Santiago. Wei now, then! We had never heard of “Old Glory” “flying” except when the Johnnie Rebs camped on her trail. The Spaniards can’t make her fly, an! when the Johnnie Rebs rally around her standard there’s no army, or no aggregation of armed hosts, under the sun, that can make her fly. The “rebel yell” is with “Old Glory” in this scrap and therefore she can’t “fly.” Let ’er wave I And now the United States assistant attorney general has come forward with an opinion that it was clearly the intent of the law that the express compa nies should pay the war tax on shipments of packages. In other words, that it was the intent of the law that corporations should pay the tax imposed upon them instead of shifting it off upon their patrons, says the Albany Herald. The papers tell us that, as a result of Col. Candler’s speech at Fianklin, “Many Populists were converted and came back into the Democratic fold.” T t doe¥ look like all of them, ex cept the leaders, would be “back m the Democratic fold ’ before October. And Hogan will put up a mighty poor fight with nothing but officers in his array. —Dalton Argus. The exploit of Hearst in pub lishing an edition of the Journ al at Siboney last Sunday was iQt original. He borrowed the idea from Watterson’s Rebel, which was published here during the, while Chattanooga was the theatre of conflict. —Chatta- nooga News. ■■a. 1 '"i <-.■* * An Illinois man named Storms has named his three sons Hale Storms, Rayne Storms and Snow Storms. He should name his hree daughters Miss Cyclone Storms,Miss Hurry Kane Storms and Miss Daisy Storms, and de pend on them to make life bree zy- . The following are the number »f newspapers published in the states named : Alabama, 222 ; Georgia, 360; Kentucky, 315; Mississippi, 204; North Caro lina, 259 ; South Carolina, 139 ; Tennessee, 306; Virginia, 290 Col. Allen D.' Candler is preaching pure Democracy all over Georgia. He understands the duty of a Democratic nomi nee for governor, and will per form it nobly.—Atlanta Journal «■■■. n We should be exceedingly grateful that the Spanish cap tain general did not suicide at Havana. We would never have heard the last of Blanco’s ghost —Augusta Chronicle. The Devils have charge of th Georgia Weekly press this week during the absence of the edit ors on the press excursion and we expect some “hot numbers.” —Dalton Citizen. The services of the ad smith > these dull summer days havi been retained in the averagi daily’s office and is apparent in the display and make up of war news. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives o.n good food and sunshine, with plenty of exeicisf in the open air. Her form glows md her face glows with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs/manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. Uj J OF fL - *4 THE EXCELLENCE Or SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and s.inp’ieity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by seientifi.- processes known to the California Fig Syruf Co. only, and we wish’to impress upon all the importance of purchasing’ the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine .Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it Lets on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LOriBVtLLF. ’ YORK. N. Y. Wonder if the Spanish minis ter is still of opinion that Cer vera’s fleet is just where it ought t> be. —Waycross Her ald. Besides some 10,000 milts there many other vast differ ences between the insurgents of the Philippines and the itmir gents of 4*iil»ii All the- people who hate not taken a bath this summer—and a few others, are in iking obser vations about “Uniform” Gen. Mi les’ bath tub. J 11 Russia says she is willing that the United States should hold the Philippines. Germany will be in better fix as soon as she says the same thing. Miss Elberta, rosy cheeked and as tasteful, symmetrical and captivating, is the m ifet populai of the new arrivals. The truth r , Miss Elberta is a peach. The Savannah Press remarks that there seems to have been a< rauch politics in the State Bar association as there was in the Third Georrria 'There are just about, as many people in the Hawaiian Island as there are in Atlanta when she’s feeling well.—Augusta Herald. And who ever heard of ati i wh’n Atlanta was not fecli well? Maj de Granprey, the Frenc army officers who has been watching the fighting before Santiago on behalf of his gov ernment, says that no where in Europe can such an effective body of fighting men be found as in the American army now in the field. ANNUAL REUNION Confederate Veterans, Atlanta, Ga., July 20th to 23rd, 1898. Reduced rates via Southern Bail way. On account of the annual re inion united Confederate Veter ans at Atlanta, Ga., July 20th to 23rd. the Southern Railway vill sell tickets from points on its lines to Atlanta, Ga.. and re turn at very low rates. From points within a radious of 100 niles of Atlanta, tickets will be old July 19th ai.d 20th, with ‘inal limit July 28th, and from joints beyond a radious of 100 niles of Atlanta tickets will be sold July 17th, I.Bth and 19th, with final limit July 31 st. Call on any agent of the Sou i h-1 ern Railway for further infor mation. m lIIIFE gOE s O nln HH ' Deeper. So far. wr bee very s icc ssful wit’i ot r money raisi e bnt tne de ired mow tof cash has not been raisej and Ae are coni 6 pe led, to raise I his money out of our stock. During o ir sale wo have sold down a great many lots of suits, leav ing two and three of a kind, an to close out th'se odds and ends w have gone through our entire stook and selected out these broken led and pac d them on a separate counter and ofter you choice a HALF PrtlCd. If you c=tn find \ our size in this lot of suits it will be th same to \ ou as r we had One Thousand suits of a kind. They are new,-c ean, fresh, desirabi ,uo to date suits. On this counter voV will find suits rang’ns in price from $6 to $25 OO- You can any of them it HALF >RICE. You cannot afford to miss this opoo 3 tunity to du./ Nothing. Furnishin-? Goods and Hat so cheap \A/h ys we advertise SLAUGHThRING PRICES we mean just what we d a aud that is to SLAUGHTER PRICtS. Thousands have gone aw y I from our sto o pleasod with the barg uns they have gotten. So fall M line and come to us . and get your shaie of the bargains we arul ‘offering. I MEN’S FINE SUITS. All $22150 and s‘?s -nits go at sl6 50. I All sls and $lB suits g» at $11.50. I All 10 and 12.50 suits at 7.50. I . All 6 and 750 suits at 5 0). I All 5 suits go nt 3.50. | I Chils Knee Fants Suits Gol • is half | $6 00 suits go at $3.00. $5.00 suits go at $2.50 4.50 suits go at 2 25. 4.00 suits go at 200 350 sui ts go at 1.75. 3.00 suits go at 175 250 suits go at 1.25, | 100 suits go at 00 MENSHNEP ANTS 331-3 OH, $6. 0) pints g) nt SI.OO. $5 Off pints go at $3.35. j 450 pints go at 3 0). 40) pints go at 2.65. a 3.50 pmts g> at 2,34. 300 p mts go at 2.00. I 2.50 pants go at 1.67. 2.00 p i its g) at 150. | 1.50 p mts g > a‘sl.oo. 1 FINE STRAWHATI GO ATHALF PRICE. I $2 50 hats go at $1 ”25. I $2.00 huts g» at $1 .00. 9 l_ 50 hats go at 750. 1.00 han, go a 500. fl ‘s° b l ts go at 40,:. | sp c hats go at 255. fl T 5 per cent off on all Furnishing goadfl Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,ld indkerfl chiefs, Soft and Stiff Hats. I 13igLine Hot W<ul 1 1< I Stu's in Ss-335. Alpiii, L’na i. ml dick. All gnin th i? d! K couni sale- g This will Bs our MonBU-Raislna §1 YOUR MONEY SAVING This wi’l b » .our money raising sale and your money saving sala. ■ , This is.. th ■ ’,r iljnk is it a giing dug of busin a Ivertiaing sch nn :to <U ceV 'W people. We al w iy-d > <>x i,;t,lv wi r >v < a ivertis > and wi an suri the piopl-i of Rom' ami t,arroa country are aw in of. this fast. We cun? to vou now with the honest, frank Btuteimnt 'hit >”e l r.g money and in or ler to ra-.-w tne need id am >unt we off >r y>u th? clean »*t. best b t i ’ ) ' ■ clothing furnishing g>ods and hits in Rome at faom 25 to 50 per cent reduction. . ■ 1.1. in 11