The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 17, 1898, Image 7

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MtNTION I J c. Mull, Os Shannon, I) l' ere yesterday. was 8 01 ii „ h <’“ ll,ou " 1 •Led Ml'* New Central, is reg lste .j me to rent, close in H AP piy L A L,os ' d - H "" t ‘ a” ”° l why not? , e n F- Murphey, of Co.. H Fifth Midori regiment, .. in the city- Mr and Mrs. Win. Wright, of M ‘ridiau, Miss., are expected to visit Rome soon. • . Vlrs I). P. Bass, of Dalton, is tb e guest of Mrs. Henry Harvey on Eight avenue. Miss Florence Mills, who has been quite sick was reported some better yesterday. Bad blood becomes good blood ou taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It 8 the great blood purifier. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright left yesterday afternoon and will snfiiid today in Chattanooga. Mr, W. k. West, who has been getting recruits for the Second Georgia regiment, left today for Tampa. Miss Leila Durham, after a pleasant visit to friends in North Rome, has returned to her home in Cartersville.- Tom R. Jones, Jr , visited Acworth, Rome, Summerville a id Gore, Ga., the past week. — Ddton Argus. Miss Emily Smith, of Rome, has been appointed sponsor for the confederate veterans of the seventh congressional district. —Acworth Post. Alexander Gregg Belleville, of.St. Louis who recently buried his seventh wife, has married again, this time a girl of 15. He is 57 years old. Hunt the baker has Albert O. Lmdsley, of Indiana, one of the beat bakers out of the West work* iug for him, call and try his brea< a d cakes you wont regret it, W. H. labi.ll and H. F. Red . wine went down to Rome Wed nesday, as Whitfield’s delegate to the populist congressional coaventio-.—Dalton Argus . Rev. Aitxis D. Kendrick, who has been spending several days in the city with his parents in I— ■ (fib MM' Western & Atlantic R. R IMI HI ria US UNt) ANO Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis Railway rii ' T 7777 lhatianooga, x Ashville, , CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS ml ST. LOHS. PlUM * l * P<UCE BUFFET SLEEPING CAR! Jacksonville and atlanta ASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, t H«OUGH WITHOUT CHANGE, local ■’•tween Atlanta and Chat tdnoo » > - •grant Rates to Arkansas am bcursia- t- , Texas. r,cket t t 0 ( al!fo '-nia and Col lorn. °r«do Resorts. , ? * •w7 to rto “ t etc '•*« W«nt J - *• THOMAS, C-M*. ATLANTA, St 8 ’**»» 'Wt X L FOMONDSON, ». A.. , ****£■*• C “‘ U * O TL . •**« »—j OUS. (.HARMAN. 'Poisoned by ivy I Was in a Dreadful Condition Happened to Read About a Similar Case —Followed the Other Man's Example and Was Cured. The following incident is given by Charles Morris, general jobber,s2 U-xing lon Avenue, North Cambridge, Mass.: “Several yen s ago I became poisoned by ivy. I tried many medicines, spending i large sum of money without obtaining e particle of good. My children were .Iso afflicted with the same disease. We vere all constant sufferers with an awful tching sensation, and it seemed as if I .hould tear myself to pieces. 1 picked ip a peper in which I found printed a estitnoniai from d man in Vermont who lad been similarly aifiictedand had taken lood’sSarsapariita with benefit. I bought t bottle, which we took and it did Me and My Children o much good I purchased a not her supply. We continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla i, until we used five bottles and I can afely say that neither myself nor children lave any signs of the poison. It has en irely left us and we are perfectly cured. Ve give the whole credit to Hood’s Barsa arilla. Before resorting to this medicine was reduced in weight, but now I ,-eigh 175 pounds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla .as not only done much good but has >oen the means of saving me a great deal f money. I would not be without it :i my bouse and I heartily recommend „to all who are afflicted. I have writ en this statement for publication, of my wn will, as I want others to know what Jood’s Sarsaparilla as done for us.” Charles Morris. IrvrtH’a Dili • arc the only pills to tak > r» r 11J —* .. ~, n..nd’*’.nrsaparill the Fourth ward,returned to his home in Atlanta yesterday. Dr. R, M Harbin, of Romp was in town Sunday.— Calhoun Times Dr. J is. T, Mills and family, ifter a pleasant week spent with his father’s, (Maj. H. J. Mills)family on Fourth avenue, have returned to Walesca, Ga.. very much pleased with Rome. Mrs. Maud Allgood King, Misses Wiog, Ernest, Buck and Messrs. Allgood Holmes, Rush and Terry were in the city yes erday, enroute to Atlanta from Trion, where they have been at tending a house party • WATER TAX NOTICE Have you ''hservea how near the vh is? J. T. Sec y, and Treas. □SZSutfffi RAILWAY. ('on‘!eiiKHl Schedule in Effect July 0, ls9s. STATIONS. • No. 10 1 No. U jto/u .TChiiTiauud ti.3oam ,'.3 ipin KUppin r Dalton 7.51 am! 8.42 pm l'.‘.“(iam r Koine V.OOam 9.40 pm 1.44 am r Atlanta ll.4Uan> li.iiopm 5.0 'am V Atlanta 4.Alpiu . 1 Vpm 5.20 am r Macon 7. lUptn 2 35am 8.20 am ,• J.-sup .45.ini 2.38 pm - B .-erctt 7.25 nm 3.25 pm r Jufk.onv.lllo ®b*tani ••.r’PJB i vj.'sut lo.oinui 6.50 pm r Jacksonville l ix'pm 10. Upm .» Everett T.Satu 3.31 pm .r Brunswick B.3ouin| 4.30 pm No. 10 carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Chut in' ozu to Atlanta. No. 11 carries Pullman Sleep!n-z Car and Day .■iche.i’ iu ta ioo-'ii to Jacksonville and Al ntu to Brunswick. No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chaits >ogu to At. a ata. smi.ns. * X"- 13 No. # ?'<'.? ■v Atlanta 4.2Ci»hi' 4..t*tpn> 7.50 am r Rome d.3oam ti.2spm 10.20 am r Dalton 722 am 7.34 pm 11.80 am r Chattanooga 8.40 rm 8.50 pm I.oopm ,v Ciiattunooga■... t...., V.W|4n r Burgin < 20pm r Lexington 5.10 pm 4.soamj r Loulsvilf*. T.50»m,........ -.r Cincinnati 7.30 pm 7 3 uni .... .v Cluitlanoega.... 1.2 >pm 1.15 am I 2*pm ,r Nashville .|>m 6.4oum| <JBpa No. 13 corrie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta >Chattano .ga ami Chattunooza to < 'iueinipitL No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlanta » Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. STATION*. ( No. 6 .NOlF* l— iv Phaltan o,:u~. 8. loam 4 loam 10.00 pm ■.r Knoxville ll.’s'iam 8.05 am I.loam r Morrist wn 1.21 pm 9.30 am 2.25 am .r Hot Springs 3 l.lpm tl.4rtam 4.00»m <• Asheville 4.3.*pm 1.15 pm 5.10 am , r Salisbury 6.4optn 9.Houm ■>r Greensboro 1 9.52 pm IS. 10pm rHalelzh 1.4-.»um 3.23 pm .r Norfolk . Slam .r vi a hington..., I I tr y in r New York ‘12.43pm 8.23 am No. Tl’carries Pullmm Drawing Ko nt Sleep ig Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ille ami Salisbury to Ri hruond. arrivin • Klch- fi 10 am also Pullman Sleeping < ar reensboro to Norfolk. No Id is s.ili 1 train C mttnno >fa to sabs irv. with Pullm i i Sir- -pin,' Cm- Cn ittan >o ra * Salisbury and Salisbury to N w \ork with- u t ch un fe. , irrATiowF- N-'- < No - 1 IK—S'tK ; «£ ;»' = r Washington ‘ 7 ” r New York L -" |11L No ll carries Pullman Sleeping Car Cimttii •oza t • Washinzt >n and Chattan ogu to New ork without change. ,z.,.. No. 4 c iivies Pullm m Sleeping Car Knox- Ike to fid 101. - No. 15 STATIONS. I _| ■- „ ... 9.10 am T Rome n. Jlam r Anniston iu.oopm r Birmingham 3.55 pm r Selmii 7.30 pm r Meridian 10.30 am r Ntew Orleans --m— - vt, V.4sam r ?" ll.iorim r \fcksburg ■ 7.20 pm r Shreveport. •• • '' •1222. „ No. 15 . £O. 9-| J -'-T-0,. rVftiime ar 8.50 am 8.35 am ♦ Daily except Sunday. I Sunday only - s O ANW»i.UV'F- “ • Washington. U.O. M CULP. TraL Mgr- Wa-hi«<*oa. D. O. f A. TURK. B P. A.. D. C •a A BENS WE* A-.». A-.ChuttauiMO. lea. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. L Irst Baptist.—There will he the usu d services at the Fir«t Baptist chivch teday, by the pastor, Dr. R. B. Headden. Motion Court—W. M. Henry will meet the Roune bar nt th" or urt house tomorrow morn* g md hold motion court. Sacred Concert.—T here will be music at the park this afternoon by Ford’s orchestra, commencing at 3 :20 o’clock. Second Methodist.—Rev. J. H. Eakes will preach at the Howard avenue Methodist church this morning and at the Second Methodist this evening. Prayer Circle.—Mr. J. F. Hillyer will lead the Young Men’s Prayer circle, thia afternoon at 3 o’clock, at the First Baptist church. All youug men are invited t> take part in the services. First M. E. Church. —The pastor, Rev. S. R. Belk, will preach at the First Methodist church this morning. The Ep worth League will conduct the services in the evening. Dr. Balk will talk 10 minutes, his subject being “The Rainbow.” ’Third Baptist.—At 8 o’clock this evening, Elder Patterson, one of th# leading Primitive Baptists of this section, will conduct services at the Third Baptist church, North Broad street. Take North Rome car from any section of the city. All cordially invited to attend. Closed Last Night.—The Pe ruchi-Beldeni Co., closed its engagement at the park theatre last night with a“Galley Slave.” A vaudiville was given at the matinee. The company goes to Nashville toflay where they play two weeks at one of the parks. They will probably return to Rome before the season closes. Eyes examined free oy Dr. Taylor, experi enced optician. at Wooten’s drug store Save your eyes.Do not delay- ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd count} will be sold at public outary at the court house door of said coun ty on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of -ale, the following propertv to* wit:—One house and lot in th town of East R me. said county front! ig on Howard avenue, be ginning at a point. o-;e hundred md forty*one feet, Eislerly from ihe right of way of the Southern Railway Co This being the N<*rthr <-ast*.rly corner of Mrs. Eliza Gammon lot, rutiL'iig thence Southe-ly along the lot line of Mie. Gammon two hundred and twelve feet, thence Exsterly along he Dunns lot six'v-two feet, thence at right angles ta Dunn’s ine and in a Northerly direction along the line of Mrs. H- G davliis’lot two hundred ano •welve feet to Ho vard avenue, i hence Westerly along H< ward avenue sixty-two feet lo the be- Sold as the property ot C. A. Gammcn late of Calhoui County Ala. W. M. Ganimo *, Ad ministra'or. Terms of sale cash.’ I'Lis July Bth 1898. APPLICATION for le tiers OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FXOYD COUNTY. Whereas A. D.Hardin,adminis trator of M. Avery Hardin, repre sents to the court m his petition iuly filed, that he has administer ed M. Avery Hardin’s estate. Tbit s to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show •ause il any tt<ey can, why said iGministrator should not be dis charged from his adminis r»tioi aud receive letters of dismission >n the first Monday in Octobei 1898. This July 9i h 1898. .J HN P Ditvis, Ordinary. wfl cr i ATTEN ION! All members of the Doh s- Cook Georgia brigade who may attend the annual reunion of Confederate Veterans at Atlanta, Ga., July 20th to 23d, 1998, are requested, immediately on arriv al in Atlanta, to call at brigade headquarters, 44 Wall street, opposite union depot, and reg ister, get badges and r *ad the bulletins for general forma tion. S'ale papers pleas copy. W. W. Hulbert, 4th G.i. J. C. Joner, 4th Ga. C. 1). Camp, 21st Ga. H. W. Thomas, 12th Ga. J. C. Rogers, 44th Ga. ('onimittf'P. N with you whet or ynn »■ nttnu? x*;v -j/ \ n. i »r-killii.g i..i.Mv«-oi nt’ Ft. i*. C' / Ti rr.nuwei. the dunir. foi ••dhu, ■.w u. \\ • J out Dt-rvou* t .pe. s nico "v .. 1 “a , tine, purihe.* the blood, : J# 1 1 ■tores loti manhood a? v * i- »'< * cm and To gfc V/ own dm// t whe k i l A*’ < will, pat i • ntly, pe hbui nt h 'ine IflU W. Boi tl, usually « ur- t C gnkranteed to cure, oi wo r« fund »!•->.•■ 8’ - Vlcntmrt! I I iIPRDMPTLYSECUREDII J i Write for our interesting books “ Invent,- < ,i or’s Help" and “How you are swindled.” ( Send us a rough sketch or model of your ' ,i invention or imprnvt merit, and we will tell < 4 you free our opinii n as to whether it, is < I probably pater table. We make a speeialf y < of appli ations rejected in other bauds, i Highest references f irnished. < MARION C- M/KION < PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS , Civil A Mechanical Eir incera, Graduates of the < Polytechnic School of Eiiglm < rinz llachclois In ( Applied Sciences. Laval I niveisitv. Members? Patent Law Asaocia'ion, American Water Works ) Association, New Lnglanil Water Works Assoc. / P. Q. Surveyors Association, Assoc. Member Can. Society of Civil Engineers. . < Offices: -* Washington, D. C. S APPLICATION FOr"T ETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FL -YD COUNTY. Whereas W J Neel, administra tor of Mrs. Fannv W Jones, de ceased, represents to the c* urt in his petition duly fi ed, that he ha*- • dtninisfered Mrs. Fannie W Jones’,estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred ami creditors to show cause if am they can, why said adminis:rmo r •should not he discharged from hi adtninisf ration and receive leimm <>f dismission on f’.,e first Mom! i.i Oc oher 1898 This July 4 ! 1898. John P Dants . Ordinary. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y r operates 3 daily trains between Rjine ami Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4 :15 a. in.; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. in. • I leave Rome 6:25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. in. going l>y the way of Cohutta aud Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. tn. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome J: 00 a. in ; leave Chattanooga 3 :10 p. in. arrive R ime 5 :35 p. in. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. in. Pull man sleeping cars on all trams. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. z\. SUMMER REBQitTS Many delightful summer n tm. m tire sit' uted on aud reach l <1 -via 1 Soul hern Rai. way. Whether <*m U sues the seaside or ilie in ui> lains, the fashumab e hotels m ipii- t cuntiv homes, lln y can I ■ I reached via this magi ificent high-' way of travel. Aslx-vills. N. C. , IL t Springs, N. C., Roan M< until , Thuii and the mountain resor's of Fast Tennessee and Western North Carolina, “The Land of the Sky’ Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn , Lookcut Mou i iain, Tenn.. Litbia Springs, Ga . the vaginas Virginia springs, and the seashore resor s are reached hv the S mln rn Railway. TheSou'hern Railway has issued a handsome folder enti'lfd “Si m mer Homes ami R< sorts ’ desciip nye oi nearly ohe thousand sum mer resort In tel? and bciardi> t houses, including informali< n r - yarding rates for b<aid at L* different places and railrot-d rates ’o reach them Write to C A. Benscoter, As sistant General Passenger Ag. nt[ Southern Railwav. Ch itt in »g i i T« nn. for a copy of th a folder. ii niilyw i-.v/ ■' ■ jure ■■•’.r ■' ' ’V--.-''. < • ** <jU- - ' ' -irpris ed to see " how much you c n buy at our store for a little money. It is our to give Hie best goods for the b*cm y. If you are think .yingsome thing in the line of Fui are,. Car pets, Mattings, Ru you will be sorry j you don’t WesrA MfirVcing Soin i? vj y lo v pricas oi eve“y thing no -v, to ge’ r oo j ;r f ill ;ioo is that are coming in. Don’t fad to - see us. Yours * I to please. 'il diln/v --wil IlniihJ ■ ar ? ’ J .re - ’ E nn ? L ? B I”*'' '-z'f I I I L - Ln. "-J w V I -;f/.anhiVinpfhhHnTTfninHmiahVjnfn,:;;,’ f , AWIIOLECLUB I -f \<-y ~ . id Ca-’t =3 Sis Ca ‘ r ||| '■'-\#/. '-- -- Make fl Better j| Running ||| Efli ,' ' ' Time fla tit!— '] £«S I carry a f u!l an Ic>n >c • ' it- »f j; v -dry, i>jfclu* =«g r.:4r ding Dinajpmis * |B| My stock of hl ver nXi >•>•- tnd tov It :,u . was nev- taj| er more complete. ' . =«W v.c) )f'f > p t ■],s < r•> \ .p •; 3; il rr. J. K. Willi asph | •■•"£“ ! ? :TS\iW!iio>.uu;;i(mii;iWimi4UiiUHiiuui...j!iijU'ir ' , j; ?!. in- ai arwma RELIABILITY is a quality some nevvsp tpers liqve lest sight of in these days of “yellow” jotiraa!i~ !•■?. t hey care little for truth and a great deal for tempt:-.ry t ;.;, a. It is not so with THE' CHICA(.>O RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—rand tells the truth about it. It is the only American nc'- paper outside New York city that has its own exclu ve di paV boat service and its own staff correspondents and arthis at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily rew-rapcr in-the world. ... Its war news service is ur ipproachabiy the best. < Says the Urbana (111) Daily Courier:, “We read the war.sdwc u: th.e other papers* then we turn to T#.E CHICAGO see bow much of it iis true/ Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscript!/ by al! postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO y Madison street, Chicago.