The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 17, 1898, Image 8

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WATSON WILL GO And When lie Does Spanish Ports Will S'lffer AND SO WILL CAMARA. Final Plans Outlined For Wat son's Instruction. Washington, July 16 —An- j other week without doubt will see the departure of the eastern squadron. j Recognizing that the fleet un- < der command of Camara will have to come to the rescue ot any of the port- chat may be at tacked by the American squad- ( ron. Commodore Watson’s or- ( ders now require him to attack a coast city. The department has not settled upon the one he shal) first attack. This is a matter which has been left to him and to Rear Admiral Sampson to determine. It may largely depend upon the location of the Spanish fleet. If Admiral Camara’s com mand should be at Cadiz when the American squadron reaches European waters, naval experts •ay that it will be the policy of the American commander to intke a demonstration upcn the northern coast of Spain, with ; view to bringing Camara around in that direction. Unless sup ported by the shore batteries his destruction will Jthen be certain. Admiral Camara will ariive at Cartagena, according to offi cial advices received today, on Sunday. As listed by the depart ment officials, Spain can only place dependence in these ves seis of bis fleet. The battleshij Pelayo and the armored cruiser Carlos N. (both of which ar* excellent fighting ships, but no match for the American battle ship); the third-class battleships Victoria and Numancia, not in good condition; the torpedo boat destroyers Destructor, Audaz, Osado and Proserpina and about eight torpedo boats. In addition Spain has about 10 auxiliary cruisers which can be employed for defensive pur poses, but none of which have the armaneut or speed of the American ships. Besides thes< « vessels, Spain has a number of punboats for coast defense, none of them able to take part in any open tight at sea. Tangier, July 16.—0 n one of the quays at Gibraltar are at present a number of large cases addressed to admiral Sampson, at Tangier. Ministers and Counsuls of the foreign Powers here state that no neutrality has yet been de clared. If, however, the Ameri can fleet arrives, the foreign representatives would hold a conference, the result of which will be communicated to the Spanish Minister of Foreign Af fairs, to be communicated to Commodore Watson. Reading between the lines, it is clear that the Consuls will do everything possible to prevent the American fleet from remain ing here, but it will be a mere platonic protest, for if Commo dore Watson insists on remain ing no power on earth can dis lodge him from here. FvR watson’s coming. London, July, 16 —Advices received here today from the Canary Islands under date of July 4th say that the two Span ish torpedo boats were still at Las Palmas, and it was an nounced that a Spanish warship * was at anchor at Teneriffe.Ships Ike Reyal is tbs bi«he«t grade bakisg pswds Uwa. Acteel teete abow it gees eas tbird fm'tber than say other breed. Kpvx] Saw POWDER Absolutely Pure • . I ROYAL BAKING POWDFR CO., NFW YORK. were not allowed to enter the harbor after dark and the coast ights were extinguished. Mest of the visitors had left the place. According to mail advices from Cadiz dated July 2nd, the old Spanish broadside armor clad Vitoria, for some time past used as a training ship, and which was iowed back to Cadiz after starting ostensibly for the Philippine Islands with the fleet of Admiral Camara, is the only warship in the harbor. Mines have been laid to protect the entrance into the port of C diz and the«coast lights are ex anguished alont? the whole length of the Spanish coast. Ves sels are excluded from all har bors of Spain after dark. ——— — —— CEDARTOWN DOTS Cfiped From The Cedartown Standard. Mrs. D. N. Hightower give a delightiful party Tuesday evening in honor of Misses Currie and Gup sie Houseal and their guests, Miss Ruby Camp of Atlanta and Miss Julia Smith of Cartersvill. The young people spent a most enjoy u able evening at this hospitable home. Mis? Nellie Ramseur has re turned from a visit in R me. Miss Julia Smith, a beautiful young lady of Cartersville, is the guest of Miss Gussie Houses!. Among the delegates elected for the North Ge >rgia M. E. Confere auce by the Rome District Confer ence in Dallas last week are Col W. K. Fielder, of Cedartown, and Prof. O. King, of Rockmart. Mr. W. E. West, Co. H, 2nd Georgia Regiment, left Monday f*>r Rome to open a recruiting offi ce there. He secured several re cruits for his company here, ami will doubtless enlist others before his return to camp. RANGES. I am agent iorSouth ern Que en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also usuranoe Safety G-as oline stoves- Call and seemvstock and get estimaes on your and tin work- door to oner a house. AN UP-TO-DATE DICTION ARY. 1 The following definitions are submitted for the purpose of teaching tne young idea how to ■ shoot the Spaniards : > America—From the Italian words “Christopher Columbus,” ' meaning “I saw’ it first, but the 1 other chap beat me to the tele graph office.” The Spanish pro nunciation of the word is usually preceded and followed by large exclamation points. Blanco—A patron saint of typewriting machines; also an authority on mules. Bombardment—To knock a certain portion of Cuba into the sad sea waves and have that certain portion rise up next morning and say to the Spanish Minister of Marine; “They never touched me.” Cervera—A juggler with ships; * also, the man who holds the l?ng distance record for keeping '*> so v ot harm s way. b'je 1 ’ •'t.i page 214: •* » ■ in »re th m corone’s, So ; .>a near; 1 4 l 10 'll ui All ) gHtn i'u v 14 • V ir<i. ! Coal—A liar I stib-il in.-e used by new. yi rs |..r the purp no ot defeat! . ; th • Spanish linin'. Cub' 1 — \ place that costs a 10l of money to give away. Pro-j nounced “Koobah” by soin i i Spaniards and pronounced a nuisance by you ig King Alfon so. Defeat—A Spanish synonym for victory. See Cervantes, page 98 : Brave Don <jiixot,e fell, and trie;’: “Oh, Sancho Eanzo, see! I’iie wind nil runs the tister sin *.e It took the breath from uh!” Fleet—-A flock of Spanish shins which runs around the ■ - ocean and declines to let, its pur- . suers pul salt un its tail feathers., Baltimore News. AT AND BELOW CoST. Columbian Spirit, Bromo Laxasl tiv Quimn I’ils, Liri.neiU, Gradu-j ates Axl Castor Oil Harness Oil, I Soap, 9 inch roll wrapping j paper. Diamond Wall Fib-; ish, Tinting colors for house l painting, Spears weth-'proof fire*.; proof paint, camel hair brushe crucht-8, large euq ly botle A atomiz'rs at Frailk Wright’s Far macy corner opposit Masonic Tempi. EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. He Was N t Cai.led T’f.>n to gupp >kt His Wife. He did not look as if. he were composed of the eiutf of which heroes are made. but. there must have been some of the divine 'affla tus of courage in his svßh m or he wou'd m t have been before the re cruiting offf er seeking to gain admissim into the ranks of thise who were efferh, i themselves as a sacrifice upon the alter of their beloved c untry. “What is your name?” inquired the officer in charge. “John Smith “Your age .Mr. Smith?” “Forty-'bree nex' O tuber.” “Where were v< u born?” “In Indiana ” “Do you reside here?” “Yes, «ir haveforthe” “Are you married or single?” “Marred.” “Ah is chat so?” “Yes sir.” “Well, you can’t enlisft.” . “Why not?” “B-cau o you are married.” “What’s that got tod o with it?” “Can’t take married nmn into ser”ice.” “Why not? Hasn’t a married man got courage enough? Can’t, he be as good a patriot as a bach lor?” “I suppose so, but we can’ 1 . Luki married men. They have to stay at , home and sup >rt their wives and • families.” The applicant’s face gleamed ( like a sunrise. “O, that’s all right,” he laughed easily. “You needn’t worry on that ac count: my wife keeps a boarding home and has ever since the second ( yoar we were married.” —Wa;hing- f ton Star. ' WATER WORKS OF FICE AT Cl i'Y HALL. ’ Office hours 7:30 a. > 12 m. 2:00 p. m. to 6 p. m. J. T. Moore Sec’y Treas-1 MANY DRONED When The Chinese Warship Hee Ching Sank. Seattle. Wash , July 16. —ln tlm recent sinking of the Chinese tor pedo-boat Hee Ching at Port Ar thur, a Japanese newspaper says | 118 men were drowned. Will Preach at Dalton.— Dr. George T. Goetchius will preach at the First Presbyterian church at Dalton today. His ( pulpit will be filled by a visiting devine of Dalton. Blood Poison; Contagious B’oort Poison lias been ap rr< j-iiatrly called the curse of nnukiud. t is 1 lie one disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial and potash remedies only bottle up the poison in the system, to surely break forth in a more virulent form, resulting in a total wre< k of the system. Mr. Frank 11. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave.. Wash kigton,l).C.,says: I was foi a long time under treat F 5 ; » meat of two ot » > the best physi- ciaus of this city, V®' 1/ 101 a sevt,e cas « r of blood poison, \ » but my condition xf R rew worse aII - 4 /YZr - /' the while, not- Y,' withstanding the u Ay J'' bundled dollars, /jr My mouth was filled witu eating sores; my tongue was almost eaten away, so that lor three {months I was unable to taste any solid I food. My hair was coming out rapidly. I and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried {various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended i S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I I began to get better, and when I had I finished eighteen bottles, 1 was cured ; sound and well, my skin was without a { blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life 'of misery.” S.S.S. {guaranteed purely ; vegetable') will cure any case of blood {poison. Books on thedisease i and its treat- ac'i-’u ’ merit, mailed free by Swift nSX Specific Co., a •Ja l qa 1 i Atlanta, Ga. XSZx -CUI-- ' fc'— ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough eoinmer cial cxiurse, and z furnish board, books aiid commercial blanks and accept an easy t ime note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for 30 cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography o’ Bookkeeping. Address all letters to the Principal, H. 8. Shockley. Rome, Ga ♦ \ fv. ,:..rh ** £ nn< * Uiwcmut • *-oni rh«* , yrinnrx .•»>«'*.•< * rrc ‘ M I I ■*' a» ;■’)«»' < UJ.MDVH, y fUU6 / vfthoiH tnc«Mivru;enr«. / "W RftlLWftY. (on IvnsHfl Srhedoie in Effect July (i, ISDN. WTATU I N’<|. io j /.'u, 11 Sfo. I I.'. ' 'i. u ~ .... 11.Xu,. 11 .. • m Ju. lu| in Xr,D-.i 11 on 7,sliun S.42pm 12.10 am \r 1 " i'- O.oouni 10pm I.Ham All.i il l ll.liiiuii li..'nipm 5.01 am Li \il.uila L-’Opni 11 5 .pin s.'!oam Ai-Ma’on 7.10 pm 2. 6am B.'Joam Xi .1' - ip i.lnim 2.88 pm V E t f 7.25 n ui 8.25 pm a.- .1 mvir.e 6. i'li'in 0.30 pm 1 A........ io.oiatn B.s'>pm Ar i.iupm la.i.ipm L.- Lvcrei t .... .i 7 80uni 8.30 um Ar Bruiiswjck | &30um| I.Bopm N.». 10 ( Pullman Stooping Car Chat tan iua to Atl inta. N • llcui'i-ies Pullman Sleeping Cur anil Day ■ "<>ii '.y ,c.m uio to Jacksonville anil At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chufrts no ru to A' lunta. No. 13 No. Il I No. 7~ • A> ita 42 um 4.oi>pni 7.50 am Ar L’j.i <■'knn H.-iipm 10.20 am Al ■ • 'll 7 22.nn 7.34 pm 11.3i:im Ar <'' ■. i li.noor.-a 8.40 am 8.50pn. l.Otlpm L i la .00 .-a 8.5.51011, i). lOpin Ar Bur -in 4.29pm' Ar I-' .. ion j s.tvpm 4.50aml Ar I.oi lis v i I l'i i 7 aripu. 7 50am'.. ..... Ac' ’ 1.. .■l. .: i 7.3op>n 7.3'iami.. 7 i.v Clia. tii iootru 1.25 pm 1.15 am 12.071 m Ar Nushvlil'- , I 6.5.»pni 6.40 um X<> 13 oiirrie Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlanta to< ■ fra a 1 j Chattanooga to Cincbuiati. No u carries i’u'lruaii Sleepin-Car Atlanta , 10 Clrii-lriuati and Chattanooga to Louisville. , ' Nn. N» fl No 12 No. Isl? ’ Lv Ci'll! > 'l'o.o s'Warn d. lilion lOaXipin 1 Ar i<uo> vi’le II .j.>am B.osatn| I.loam Ar i-.iorrist wn 1.21 pm k.iOani 2.25 am , Ar Hot Springs l.ipm 11.46 am 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4.85 pm 1.15 pm 5.10 am Kr Sa'; )>urv . 6.10 pm fl.3oam Ar Greensboro , 1).52pm 12. lOpin Arita ' 'I: : r. I luiri 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk 7A lam Ar W . ic i,.., ii t.'.im n..l>|ini New . ‘ii.lipui fl.23au , No. 12 i nrries Pullman Drawing Ko-m Sleep in ■ ' ar ( Imi.ia,noo'/a to New York via Ashe ville nml Salisbury to Richmond, arrivin'.' Rii h- , In.mll 6 4'l a.m also Pullman Sleeping Car Greens iciro to Norfolk, 1 No. 16 is solid train C.tuttiino >-a to Salts b 1 v. '.vi.ii ui Slui'iiiii' ( if Ch ilian ><>■-* lo SCi p, try and Salisbury to N w York with out cliini.-e, s 1 1' 1■ 1 < " I No. £_|_No. fl t,v (;l.att :iiiooga fi.iKipni 8.40 am Ar Kno.-:ville B.4npm 11.55.. in Ar Morristown 2.15 um l.2.ptn Ar IListid j.....,..; 7.00 am 3.55 pm \r Wa-.iiiigtnn I 1 7.4'lam Ar N. v. York ■■■■ l.'Mpn No. fl. carriel Pullman Sleeping Car Cliatta noo."i ■ ■W. :i.'tin and Clmttan o/a to New York with nil elinnge. .No. I. ! ■ i s Pullin m SCeping Car Knox vil’i-loli.-i tol. -I ".J 'ss. No ip L-. .ie j 9. ioai, . Ar A I’iist.on ll.'.’li.n Ar L 1 : uiinghatn lO.oOpn Ar inu I 3.55pn Ar Meridian I 7.3o]>n Ar New 1 ui.mi- l'>.3<hii! Ar Jnckson T T~. .... ... I 9.<|6on Ar Vicksburg 111.35 am Ar Shreveport. | 7.20 pm tNn 15 | i:No. 0 jtNoTTfl IVNo. 10 2.0 I'llll 4.50 pm Lv Rome 8.50 am 8.35 am 5 4 ; ui 6.57 pm Ar Gad den. ur 6.00 am 6.3 an fl u’l'Hi 7.lupni Ar Attalla. Jvi 5.45 um 6.20 am + Daily except Sunday. $ Sunday only. r.S. GANNON. 3dv.p A c.M..Washington. O.Q J. M CULP. Traf. Mgr.. VVa hington. D. C. ’ \W. A. TURK. G. P. A.. Washington. D. C. ' C- BEXSCOTiiH, a.g p. ▲ 'Chattanooga,'Feu Wai finie Prices. While|on*the one {hand as‘a freeultof the'war, nearly all food products have advanced in price, on the other hand, it has had ’precisely the opposite effect on the ‘Furniture Trade. We must keep our salesdup to the normal standard. an(> to do this we realize that goods must be sold lower than •ver, and we are prapar ed and determined *to make you lower prices on anything in our ■ house tha.i cau be Lund elsewhere. Our line is Complete and Upto Date. Consisting ir. part of| Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. Also complete line o r jca3k itsco fin, ro»H, eti. , atjthe lowest » i: >i. ’ iti 01 Rhudy, Harvey & Company. Annual Sale, over OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS Dismp nch ai Wind and P»|„ < .Iddln.'M, Fulnes, aneJ n m\ Bt om ’Otic. Dizr.liiußH. £)|. ,®. r u , H-tt. L.,ss of Jlutehes on the Skin p L uiiied Sleep Frightful THE FIRST DOSE Will iN TWENTY MINUTER 1 'vill-hckimwlodge them to £ ry '“«• A WONDERFUL MEDICINi m<u, plote lioalth. They t)r '2 na ®"o« obstructions or iri"gii|nri»? l ‘ y r, H tern mix! cure Mck tl ‘« Weak Stomach *’ I Impaired Digesti 0 J Disordered IJ ,M MEN ’ OR CHILO, j Beecham’ B Pi || tar l Without a Rivl LARGEST “salp I Os any Pai fllt Medicine in tt.%l r 25c. nt all Drug Store,. ■ ONE __Lj 2-cent STM , u Will tend a letter to any point in Uncle Sam's big domain.; For this very reason, if you are sick, tore or suffering, this -I very trifling outlay 1 ■ May Save Your I if Q I Hf ”"sjust how Lllui it is. You can write a plain i eU e r , can' will take just two cents to cany “Washington Medical Atlanta, Georgia," ■ Anri the famous specialists who fomH of that Institute are able to girnomß treatment by mail as well as if you’oiiH son to the city. This is no mistake ing it every day. They now have all Hie adjoining States, some of of miles away, and their cures are .»■ derful. CURES POSITIVE ANDrnl CONSULTATION till .In every Defo; mity ~f Spini or Hare I ip, Ctoss Eyes and othe: >urg m all forms ~! Skm and lllood <l ; .. ,-M| tism, sciatica. Catarrh of tin I.migs. Stomach or anv vita! orfai; ney and Bladder troubles nessesof either men or si xua! parts and even- otln r ludilv highly trained specialists alone a:' Write freely It costs you ncthin k det take your case we shall blank for full particulars. If curable by human skill aud perfect' SHALL CURE IT. W That first scent stamp may .<>l-■■ letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, 9 Washington Medical & ■ INSTITUTE 500-1 Austell Bldg., Atlaß mifiisimi ■ ATTORNEYS. H •j, BRANHAM,■ Law Office, 2K)linst firii LOME. GA/ .CHAS, W. UNDERGO® Attorney at Ls* Corporat' >n Liw Ui j M 13 Atternev at law. 1 Roiiiu, a w H . ENNIS, Attorney at Liw Will ' - 1 Iffice. Maso:nfi_T"ii.i w J. NEEL Attorney at law. Will pr.wno Special alieuiioii kive'‘ t' < and the exatilicat ion 11 1 ollh-e in Kiugbild'l' WALTER Attorney at law autlJ. i’ '' Kane & Co. ’h. I. ‘sc Commercial LawJ ers - Gffl.'i' in Arnistr J. s canty Attorney at law, Rome- G ' l ,l,wi ’ nV Ma- 11 ■ dentists. J. A. WILLS, D' J <);tlce2k)l 2 Broad. » I '* J. L PENNING I ON. 11 ‘’H| ENTIAT' tjftli-e, 3i)5 1-2 Broad street. PIIYSKIAV' H| c- HAMIL'T° 1, ! B Physician and Surgeon Building Rome, Da- L,. p. HAMWO 113 ’® Physician >nd Surgeon. building. RGblence, N'>- M Office'pho N" -- •SSS.S with yon L-v.‘-killing ‘""J c '," r b u!b.e ' ’"'JW . mores the lles-nJ 0 , ls a nervousmsVeM J ue, punfie* . res lost a,kus you t "- cuU, ‘t i I i hi ■ e wraA !>’ U ’.."S jLwgt’i'rnnti'.i-'i Mr . J. c. ■ 1 *i the Arnott'" I '’ "