The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 18, 1898, Image 5

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PROCESS GHIMJiy; Ylie NoturiDils Detroit Wom an Raporti d Dead. WiFls OF ft PRINCE, B ut Deserted Hirn and Eloped With a Gypsy Musician. Paris July 18.—Clara L. Ward (Princess- Chimay), di vorced wife of Prince Joseph ol Chiinay, is reported to have died of “milk fever” at Buda- Pesth. her roman no career, on School Life and Marrird a Prince. Detroit, Mich.. July IS.—Clara Ward, of Princess Chimay, who, is reported dead at Luda-1 esth, | W as the daughter of Capt, Eber JPWsw /ll ■ I IMA PRINCESS OF CH IM AY. Ward, the late millionaire ship builder. She was born in this city in 1873. When she was 14 years of ago she was sent to school in Lindon. It is frjm this period that she started on her career of adventure and ro mance. Three years of school lite were all that she could stand. At th' age of 17 she rebelled, and when the Prince Chiraay proposed t<. her she accepted him, not th*. I she liked him, but to escap< school restraints and to pleas* her mother. RUMORS OF INFIDELITY. Soon after the marriage th* Prince begin to hear rumors ol infidelity, and at one time threatened to bring suit for di vorce. 'Phen she 1< ft her home and children to share the lor tunes of a gypsie musician, Ri g". Prince Chimay su'd for and obtained a divorce, and the wo mm drifted about t'r’vig’i Hie European capitals with hei Cypsy lover. A few days ago a child was born to her, and . this probably led to her death. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive younp mon and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, hooks and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured J he College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges Wlth competent teachers of Pen- Clanship and principals of comnier e,‘* departments; sends first les- J°ns in Shorthand fully explained or io cents in stamps; is strongly orsed by hundreds of business j lll ' professional men who employ ~S graduates at Stenography o’ ' Ml f k ‘ J M’ing. Address all letten w rincipal, 11. ,S. Shockley Koine, Ga W'KTER WO iKS OF F| CE AT CH Y HALL O’f'C? hour's 7:30 a. 12 m. 2:00 p. m. 10 6 p. m. , J- T. Moor e ■‘il Trau ; L , GEN. fIMOSFOX Makes an Appeal lo Mayor And Citixens of Rome. « ftSKd ’HR HILL CITY TO Do Her Share Towards Geor gia’s Entertainment of Vets. Headquarters: Room 112 Kim ball House. Atlansa, Ga., July 6, ’«8 To the Mayor and Citizens of Rome, Ga. Sirs : —l'he Reunion of Confederate Veterans will be held in this city July 20—23. next. They will be the guests of our state. It is desired to give them royal welcome. To do this, we want your cordial and gener ous assistance. The Reunion of 1896 was | held in Richmond, Va , and the great people of the “Old Domin ion” united in accordii g the Veterans loving welcome. No less grand was the si onta neous entertainment given them bp the loyal-hearted Tennessee ans in Nashville in 1897. Georgia must not, and with your aid shall not be excelled in this regard, by either of these great states. The Conf* derate Veterans As sociation of Nashville called on the people of Tennessee for sup plies with which ‘o feed the many worthy Veterans who could not afford hotel expenses That call was responded to with lavish profusion. In like manner do we call on the people of Geergia, and all who cherish, the memories of the “Lost Cause,” and who honor the survivors ol that cause, t® show their appreciation byliber tl contributions of provisions md supplies, or money. Money s more desirable, as provisions an be procured here, and save express and freight, Every dol lar will be applied solely for the use o f the commissaries. The General Commanding the Georgia Division U. C. V. has appointed Assistant Commissa ry Generals in every county in leorgia, who will secure and forward such supplies as can be obtained. I now appeal to our city sisters o aid us ia money contributions to assist in providing for all old needy Veterans. Res pect fully, Amos Fox. i Coms’y General bta., Division md Chairman Commissary Committee Cons. Reunion Asso iation. * TO REVOLT Canaries Ake Reported To Re Ready. L >ndon, July 18.—Information las been received that the people >f the Spanish Canary Island are -ipeef w revolt. Six thousand poor ly equipped troops are in lanta Cruz and although guns an p'enty >n the hills, ammunition is too large. The pe .pie h.lieve Sagasta , ird Cervera betrayed the country. BLANK SPACES In Madrid Newspahsri Made Ly Cens >r. Madrid, July 18 .—Today’s news pipers are noticeable on account >( the b ank space in their col~ mnns indicating of the work ol the G ivernment censor. ViNEGAR MUST HaN 1. Fra..Fort, Kv , Juh 18.—Ch-v r nor B -adley tidnv refused a par don t J Clarence Vinegar the Sc-it -0 uuty negro wifemurderer, who hlohang iff Georgetown Monday. Sto * W) £?•! 1 ‘ U® Successors tSXvz., ;** ROME , ’ / 1 to , 0 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. 'MACY. I We have bought the entire stock of Ijg* L- ’S Pharma.-y and are prepared to nipply y oul ' / fli J the driuj, piescription mid patent medicine hne R i /IIJ t > stock is complete ami of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall 'III deavor to the best of our ability to please you at u i uj s '■ times. We should be pleased to have you call on us k Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and - such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug . store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. id J? L, 1 S. M Stark, - S ' Mu 4 Mt S UDffi] aho fin 5 q Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A ? -■?.W HtC Xj - X . JS F HINSON. NORMS N. SMITH. J 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. t | Plumbing and Tinning. f 3 E igi i“rs’ and machinists' supplies. Stoves, rangesand • G tinware. Gas and electric fix- © g tures. INSURANCE gasoline X f stoves. Water meters. . 5 | 325 Broad st Phone'32. • a $1.35 ail Si > > Mijlip! s iirt’s for $ . J. A. GinH i -.COMPANY ■ ARE WAITING for everyone in Rome to co ne in and se'e the magnificent stock < on men’s and boy’s clothing, ‘ bicycle and. golf suits, is what we are doing, but we are hus- Hing while we wail. We will s h° w J’ 011 ie fi nest stock ol J clothing, made from the newest \ styles and patterns in fabricks, | perfect fitting and handsome, tc -X- ' be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in value. 1 . for the price. ihegreatest line of mgligee shirts ever shown i i Ro ne. 1 J A. QHVI)V c ; O I Can supply all . i'Ours is the Complete ■i Department !Mursery | Secd , to st J e «‘.f * a . 11l Q MBrawncazi»»a»a«M« > ow ra t cs . We publish one of t tn irt“ 'LI. I thc leading Seed, pin nt and Tree Catalogues issued, V K-Tjsi'd-JvnJjTKtw which will be mailed I !•<■< • Send for it now. it will i? ? Trv n' can refer you to customers in every state and territory L -> l Li inthe ukSn? 43 vears of suuare dealing has made us patrons and fnendsfu. and I Lear. Have hundreds of carloads of # pF* 'Af | FRUIT AII3 ORWAMEKTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. # ’ Ko mall postpaid. Seeds. Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival a by express or freight 44th year. 33 acn " THE * HARRiSO** »U>» 528 ?3WW«viUe, C 1 I w A.]y n - . J ' Lxi... ' 1 Jilieo [ ' <4 class music si , a lo.ig time. C 8,, ' ne of t] lc . ( music st >re that i be Burket t<> I■ ■ \ . ” r( ' 13 'toeded for it T “■) T Z \ X 2 you ' Vi;j a ■* ir- bIC 1 V s } .* ■ 1 .. the earliest possible dale. B. ’ j 327 Broad Street. iO 1 S. P. Davis, Manager. * vl X x \i...\.\;x >vwv \ X v.\ \.\ \-\ x. x.v . v Wa keep on hand at all times a full stock of Sheet Music i F.J-KANE&CO Z 248 B/oad Street.. - 1 Sale ol Summer Goods \ \ 7 \:\ Xxt'* XXV - V. , Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras Ready-Made Skirts and Waists .1 We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost pcries on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at FiJ.KAIIWJO. 248 Broad. Street- ” .*H efl ls • ’ jJ f —i im ■ i. ii . .i- H..—. . I—l ■I-J I I WHITEHALL’S RHKUMA VIC CUKE Tt - surest nud the be. t. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price BOVen < Sample sent free on mention of this pnbU ■st? ’n. HF WEIP”’ ’ YUJEIHINI 7 t Send, IndK’/