The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 18, 1898, Image 6

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Tte McDonald ■ Sparks * Start Co. I ■ • • . , • ’ . - 4 <; ’.■”■? ’ • • • :' f ' y ’ I_l ; 1 * k $ /"*' i * ' <• ■1 • .■<-•• W 4*W.- ’ OWNS THIS SPACE! ' ' ■ \ ■ ■ •. ■• , TA f Had nature not forestalled bim ’we should say that the Rev. Dr. Brouht;>n had made a fdol of him* s-ls by his sensational expose of the corruption of Atlanta society —Brunswick Times. I 000 Says the Memphis Commercial- Appeal: “Imagine Grant trying to swipe Sherman’s laurels, or Lee. Stonewall Jackson’s exploits in the Shenandoah. —ah there? Mr Samp son ! o o o Tin Mexican Herald says: “Na val Constructor Hcbaon remem bered Lord Wolseley’s advice, ’lf you want to get on in war do your best to get killed.”’ 0 0 0 Gan. Joe Wheeler ssl aiy as congressman while serving his country in Cuba. If he gets back alive and with additional military glory it may be that Ala bama will send him to the senate . o o o “By the way, what is a perfect gent?” “A perfect gent is an imperfect genthman.”—Indianapolis Jour nal. o o o The SB Louis Globe-Democrat observes that most of Rooesve.t's Rough Riders are also barbed wire immunes. 000 Thomas Georgia, an Eng’ishman. has written a book to prove that Henry M. Stanley, the famous ex plorer, is do other than Howell Jones, son of Joshua Jones, a far mer of Carmarthenshire, where he WuS born in 1840. 000 Archdeacon Brady, Chaplain of the First Pennsylvania regiment now ut Camp 'lbomae, has, in two cases, married soldiers in camp to their sweethearts left at home, by '■ letter. AH the questions were asked and answered by mail and the whole thing legally done. 000 According to the latest New York City Directory, just published the honored name of Smith still ho'ds first place in point of numbers in the borough of Manhattan, bub the name of Brown, though still holding second place, is hard p ish ed by the name of Cohen, while the Cohens, the Cohns and Kohns taken col'ectively. exceed in num ber the Browns and the Brauns’ 000 The work of the Woman’s Re lief Corps of the -Seventy-first Regiment in New York seems to run largely to the making of paj.t mas for the soldiers, and some of the workers are not adepts at fash* ioning tha somewhat unusal gar* inents. One pair for instance made by a beginner, was found on com pletion to have a waist measure ment of some four or five feet. They did not know what to do with it sos a while until finally it was marked. “For the chief,” and for warded to General Shafter at San tiago. 000 Commodore Schley has his ow., system of punctuation, He recent ly made a dash for a Colon and it amounted to a full stop. 000 S. S. S. S; Sampson, Schley, Shafter, Siutiago. Specially sug sestive since somebody shall sure 'y soon succeed. Shall Sunday see Santiago still standing? Surely she’ll sucumb,—Senoia Gazette. 000 Editor Bale, of the Southern Argus, Rome, seems to be wading through the Ijw grounds of edito rial sorrow. He says’ “We must insist on all »ur subscribers who are in arrears coming in to pay their subscription. If yuu haven’t got the cash bring us blackberries, cantaloupes, butter, chickens, pggs fodder, or any other kind < f pro vender for man or beast.” Try i some “good old-time religion, on ! 'h.mi, Brother B .Im Pray f<r th m> continually, and lick ’em be tween prnyers. It takes many prayers mid lots of thrashing to make a p .sky delinquent “come across.” —Dalton Argus. I 000 l In Texts last week Mary- Ace married J>e King. Hearts were trumps.—Denver R ipublican. And no.v they are both JoKing. Let them pass—town the years mil h >pe that where they lead they will bj followed in kind. 000 “How*did you like farming in Vermont?” was asked of th a Mich g*n man who went there because mill that the hulk of lhe wealtn is in the Eut. “Oil. I guess it would a been all right only fur one thing.” “What was that?” “1 111 he dog-gone es ['ll Work ground so hard an I rocky that you have ter plant wheat with a shotgun.” - -Detroit Free Press. ’ 000 “Dixie” was p ayed in the hall I-if ths house of representatives » | few days ago for the first time It will be tiie favorite national air by lhe time the South turns out a few more Schieys, Hobsons, Bagleys and Blues, says the Savannah Press. 000 Mis* Marian Smith whose bright writings have appeared in the C /Urant American regularly for some time past, was somewhat surprised at the statement in the Atlanta Journal of Monday even* ing that she would go on the lec iure platforn and asks us to deny the statement She says she re ■ 3 ived an invitation to make a special address at th, Gainesville Chautauqua the compliment in which she appreciated, but she de clined and that is all there is to it —Courant American. Hunt the baker has the best selection of cakes in Rome. Cali at 313 Broad St. and see what a| . marvel of quality and cheapness j . hoy *re. j j BATTLEFIELD ROUTE- .1 ’ Fioyd Vets Will Travel The Old War Road to CONFED ERA T E R EIINIO N. SPECIAL trains and price $1.50 ROUND TRIP. Rome, Ga., July 9, 1898. —To Ex Confederate Veterans and X I '-■ons of Confederate Veterans : j Gentlemen:—We take pleas jme in calling your attention to our Eighth Annual Reunion, which will be held in Atlanta, Ga., Wednesday,Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, July 20 to 23, 1898, inclusive. This promises to be the grand est reunion ever held, and as it is so near to us, we should all take advantage and attend. All Confederate Veterans and their families and friends are urged to attend. RATES AND DATES. For this occasion the Western <t Atlantic R. R , will sell round-trip tickets from all stations at one cent a mile traveled, or $1,50 from Rome to Atlanta and re turn. Tickets to be sold for all trains July 19th and 20th, good to return on any train until July 28, 1898, inclusive. No signing of tickets required by the W. & A R R. OFFICIAL ROUTE TO ATLANTA. Having in view the comfort and convenience of the grand old Veterans, we have selected the old reliable Western Atlantic R. R , the historical “Battlefield L ip,” that we use 1 during tli* civil war, and on which so many I great battles were fought. AU rain? Have from and arrivi a their elegant new passenger sta fion, foot of Briiad street Rome, and Union Depot Atlanta. CONFEDERATE VETERAN’s SOE cial —For the convenience of I all Veterans, their families and friends, we have arranged with Mr. 0. K. Ayer, passenger and ticket agent of the Western &. Atlantic R. R., to run a special train, leaving Rome Wednesday morning, July 20th, at 6 o’clock arriving Atlanta about 8:30 o’clock. Will reserve one coach on thu train for ladies only. A mple accommodation. We are anxious to make this train a gr>nd success, and we therefore ii'ge all who can to join us, Reg li I tr trains leave Rome daily at 7. 30 i. m.; 4 :25 p. m. Return ing, leave Atlanta 8:15 a. in.; 4 ;50 p. in. Yours very truly, •Jim Tom Moore, Chairman. U.S. Linsdell, Geo. K. Green, Committee on transportation, N 5 V M AN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, g<)ut and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried va-ious medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has boon a blessing to me.” William M, James. Brogdon, S. C. t ■ Hood’s Pills are the only pills t# taxe with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC an I yet efii jie nt ~. —‘"w *• I Living missed everything else to date Atlanta may yet get poor Alfonso XIII, the boy king, when we annex Spain. Shut up m the park at Fort McPiiersoi little Fer.zy would draw hun dreds of visitors to the capital. —Americus Recorder. UNPRECEDENTED Has Been the Great “Cash Raising” Sale OF J. B. WATTERS A SON. ONLY ONE MORE CHANCE FOR YOl TO GET IN IT. A f ter five weeks of heavy sales Messrs. J. B. Watters A now put you on notice that the' l “cash raiser” is about to com to a close. , This popular and ever reli" 1 clothing firm has always l' e upto its advdrtisements. an' I hence, when the “cash raising sale was published and P r quoted the people made a rus for the bargains. Now, Messrs. Watters A•- having, at a sacrifice to t owtr interests, about raise funds they needed, come so and frankly state that slaughter wi'l stop in a e« . You have the remainder " ' week in which to secure up date gent’s furnishings at ulously low prices. It’s lhe chance of your and you should not un« at the sensational e meat in their big auu on ■ - itorial pageund let •«»«”, bargain seeker and su |j c i,i ecjnomicj>uyer be a__ Attention Ist ua. ] -The annual reunion of* Ga , cavalry voter >ns *' place in Atlanta, G.u. 1 ( coi. i, ii.K»y» ill , be O the occasion. Hea< q ll $ the Ist Ga-, cavahy 4 1 Prior street, one bl" the Union depot- Jenl> H. W. Camp, P 1 * 8 J. A. Wynn, Secret