The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 18, 1898, Image 7

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Woman’s Friend T he Great Medicine that Gives Nerve Strength Sarsaparilla Make, the H °piood Rich and Pure, Create, an Appetite and Restores Health, Vigor and Vitality. ... feel that I oaght to write a few /.I, in praise of Hood’. Sarsaparilla, y hi eh bus done great things for me * 1 a delicate condition and was sick I # u y stomach and constipated. 1 trjed medics highly recom.n.uded for fem.l. Xknesses, but tho medicines brough other troubles. 1 was so weak I °ould not attend to my household duties, “d 1 then determined to try Hood’. Sar- Xanlls. After I had takentbi. medicine a short time I began to gain strength. I jw Stronger Each Day - r , r . u t was able tq all day without ± inconvenience. I have taken Hood’a Pills tor constipation, and I am Lv than I hive been for five years. Since taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills I 'eel rested in the morning. I »m les’ nervous and am sure I have richer and purer blood. I have always been bothered with scrofula, but now I ain rid of it. Before my last child waa born I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and jny girl baby was fat and strong, while other child was not well and lived to be only two years old.” Mm. E. F. DEAL, Box 419, Missouri Valley, lowa. Hood’s parifla Is the best-in fact the line True Blood Puriner. i icod’s Pilis r PASTEUR FILTERS The only G-erm Pre of Filter in the xvorld. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply_Co WATER TAX NOTICE Have you z 'hserved how near the vh is? J. T. Secy, and Treasi XW® ttT RftiLwny: (oi>nnhl srhrdwte la Effect i«Vr t.WJ. I STATION?- - 1 Sfo. to I U 1 j tv c’ii..: anubx U i fl- 30ani "lii.pki'l6. lopin q Ar Dalton ' 7.51 am B.4'.'pm 13. 10am Ar Koine ! v.ooam 8.40 pm I.Ham Ar A'-hiii# ill Warn iLfcOpm s.oJam l.vAth'ita I I 70pm It 5 .pm! 5.39 am Hr M i >n 7.10 pm g. Mata I 8 30am IrJ-sup v . rt.<sami A3Bpm Hr Everett j 7.25ftt» ».36pm Ar J a (..invilie I . B.4oam] A3spm i.vJesu i to.oiam jjtopm Hr Jacksonville i I.oopm|m itym L> Everett L' 7 Jsomr f joptn Ai Brunswick | 8.30 am 4.3-imU'- Nu. w carries Pullman Sleeptnx Cur Cimjj* Mn .ot-a to Atlanta. f Xu. H curries Pullman Skophig Car uMd ' i -hesi'lia Ui-n>o®a to JucksonVine Bad A> Uulu to Brunswick. » , <S No. B curries PuUmuu Steeping Car Chatta* i i <a to Atlanta. • o: .S, I XftdiS | No. ■ t-' Atlanta I 4.2oam' ktbpm’ Al' l.onic v4..-f| ksbam 0.35 pm IQ.sbam ballon ~z . t ?.±Um l A hattanortu-u ■ K A;.im S.JppEtk l.topm 1.. ' -attanooira B.Kan; •.10pm Ar Hurtin 1 <*fipm' I . • ’ exhiittou ~ts tyloLfal tkiam Ar Li iusyine ? 50ptn| 7.50 am! Ar yinolniyttl | T.BOptn! 7.80aM1l .. .. ! i.'JNpm i.i6am' 125 pm Ar NiwhtJlr . , 656 pm A4oalxi| 5.56 pm | No 13 Carrie Pullman Steeping Car Atlaata •O', nut irn I?.! a-i’t ne.itauo6za to. Cincinnati v curries Piillmun Al^eplnkpar, Atlanta '• and Chaltartoogaitf D'aulktrlUe N,. < I it friiu. 18? ”'•* ■ * WarrdwiSlij lO.talpm •UMornst «........... tsWWW A. Ho, spring |.} ♦Ar A,|„.Ville ... 4 wlm a’ N, :l J W.»pm • J*' * ...L„ ..Jiniipm' I U F.' »i Drawing Ko «n Sleep- Vine nd < li ' NrA ''' V<*“ '-Ok *"'•«- mon.] Hi, a *‘’ ” lr y, l ” »t‘ ■»i | «i »n<i. urrivlmrHieh ", a'so Pullman Sleeping Cat l '”' ‘?"«ro io Morjolk. b win, p'’J*,’ '''bttlmo » r:t A> Salls, i" Aili 1 ♦" ■ S! ’.‘>'pi;i - Cur Ciuutan >o<a O'lCiianf,. «-c -y ’W York with-. . .' r '" 1 ' ■ T ■?].’ n. > F Ur ', i i. , i-■■ - —--—■ ArK. i’vitie , ' ” *«>am I: t.S!s ( • T . . ...w 1 i.2optn n .o’ /’t, 'billiimn Sleepiiu CarCliattu- ''oru ■>.th.i p'|, * wIJ '•-bqttav oga to New . vi ‘ i‘> Up ud’ Sleeping Car Kuua* - .. -bnusuin 1 •• * ‘i'ruiiiu l ”- i M.ktuiu Ar ' Ifl.oopml Mt'ridl.n,' Ar F. S < > *' Suu<i,k y- I Sundap only. J M <'lJu' ) T W / ' Vj-.WaaMnjwn, D.U. w a tukk u » M,r - » a ’ bCUlaa -Aa.».A..Obana U ooo.i<pn» ry sent tc Dewey. Y Tb W p ur)c ’ Ju b 'lB —The New M’ a Exchange Bub megs and Ji SB()C ’ a Gon |jh S Completed v<>iu m llppf,d i a librar y' df/0,009' »nh e"7 "”" ,e ‘rt*W lo 9 u ll(1 '-'b Navy D -paninent T'»» ««t, in C 00..„ to? ; ■ • 1 P23SOHL MtUIION Mr. Ike McArver spent today here. t AH kinds of nice fruit at Lloyds’. Delicious canteloupes every day at Lloyd’s. Mrs. Tom Scottis visiting friends in Atlanta. Mr. M. M. Jettoxn, of Tampa, Fla. , is in the city. Large, fancy, ripe peaches re ceived daily at Lloyds’. Mr. Park Morton, of Anne delle, spent today here. Mr.Jdpgh T. Inman, returned to Atlanta tins morning. There be a dance at the Mobley pavilion tonight. HoUge to rent, close in. Apply to L A Lloyd. Have you tried Hunt tbe bakers bread and cakes yet, if not why not? 9- Miss May Beth Sullivan has returned from a pleasant visit to Macon. 1 i ■ Mr and Mrs. XJeorgj Wright re turned this morning from Chat noo«f,l, Mrs. Jack King and family are spending the summer at Spring Bank. Prof. W. F. Robinson, of Young Harris college, is a visit or of the Hill City today. Bad blood becomes good bl ood on taking Hood’a s the great blood purifier. I A Mr. Roy Berry, of Birming ham, is spending a few days in the city with his hottae folks. • Mr. Herman Julios,- after spending several days with Mr. A-? returned to ColGipbus W4«V;f!‘H 1 . Mr. T. B, Davis, of Floyd Springs, is in the city the ; guest oi his briuher. Ordinary John P. Davis. ’< Mr. and Mrs. Pat Allen afte> spending several days most ptats aully in the city with relatives re* turutil t»4heir home in Anuistou this morning. , Dr. Ed Marshall, ' of Cedar tp.wn, spent yesterday’in the city with h|s parents, Dr.-and .Mrs ' B. : Marshall. Miss Margaret Hoyt left this morning for Cave Spring, where sho wiil spend several weeks with relatives and friends. *“ d A,mer Mar ' sltid-dn It leave tomorrow for At- they will spend seVori-l weeks with relatives and fi iends. Miss Cora Young, after a de lightful visit of several days with Mrs. Weems, in the Fifth Ward, returned to her home in Cedartow’ii this morning. (Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chil dress and little son, Master » will leave in a few days j ,fi>r Columbia,Tenn., where they will weeks. ‘ ( Hunt the bwker has Albert O. Ijmdsley, of Indiana, onS of tha \haketa out of ths West work* iug for him, call and try his bread and cakes you wont ragrat it. t J Lost-on Saturday Inight.a white shepherd 2-pup, two months old. ’ Finder will be reward ed by returning same to Bass, Bros. & Co. The Hustler-Commercial is indebted to Mr. May of the W. RobiESon commission house, for, a fine watermelon. It was and highly enjoyed. Mr ar.d Mra. J. H. Lumpkin f and\Mn. Pit Lumpkin of Mart I Texae ar * spending a ft# day* with Mr )t a?»d Mrs. A. B Watkiue on - wist let atreat. They are enroot.. | ,to Atlanta to attend the Confed' <pX|e rpo»»ou- LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Q. T. Club.—Mrs. .Walter Langford will entertain the Q T. club tomorrow afternoon at I o’clock. Pone k Court.—E very tn in g unusually quiet in police cir cles. No court has been .held since last Thursday. Some Bkttkr —Mr. Frank Woodruff, Sr., who has been dangerously ill at his home on Second avenue, was reported better today. Out Today.—The many friends of City Attorney Chas. Underwood, were delighted tc see him on the streets today, after a serious illness of two weeks’ duration. Arrested at Calhoun. — Marshal Besseman, of Calhoun, arrested Berry Dixon, a muchly wanted negro on a serious charge. An officer went up after him this afterno.on. Grand Jury in Skssion —The Floyd county grand jury con vened at the court house this morning at 10 o’clock. Judge Henry charged the jury and held motion court. Appointed Surveyor—Mr. Chas Smitbh as been appoiutedsiirvey u’ for the 3 d Georgia Reg. U.S. V. aud ranking as Lieut. He wants carpenters, blacksmiths, Rinneyors drafti-mer.,‘etc ~ at go-jd pay. Eyes examined free by Dr. Taylor, experi enced optician. at Wooten’s drug stor« Save your eyes. Do not delay- Piece of the Tree —Mr. McKenney presented Ordinary John P. Davis with a piece of the apple tree that Gen. Lee surrendered under at Appom it toz. Jle priz s it very highly. Schools Open—All the Floyd county schools have opened for i the summer months. The school year commenced last Monday. School Commissioner Gwaltney lias been kpt busy getting things in shape. Exchanged Pupils. lh’..G. T. Goetchius returned from Dal ton this morning, where he preached at the First Presbyte rian church. Dr. Edward Lane, of Dalton, filled Dr. Geotchius | . ulpit here yes erdav. | Dalton District Conference —Mr. J. R. Gibbons returned this morning from LiFayette, where he attended the Dalton District conference of the Meth odist church. Presiding Ehl ir A. W. Williams presiding. First Baptist.—Miss Mary Mitchell of Nashville, who is the guest of Miss Florence Fou:he, sang at the First B ip church yesterday. She has a highly cultured voice which highly enjoyed by the large con gregation. Mrs. Davls Dead. — This morning at 3:30 o'clock Mrs Hamp Davis died at her home in Orsman, of consumpli n. af ter a long illness. She was a most estimable lady and leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss. Iler son Mr Chas. Davis is in Company I'. Second Georgia regiment of U. S. V., at Tampa. The funer al will occur some time tomor row. Mr. Aimer K. Davis, one of Rome’s popularyoung attorneys, wll leave tomorrow fcr North Carolina, where he will spend several weeks for his health. Mr. W. H. Tutt, of Augusta, spent yesterday in the city with I his wife, who is spending the summer with Mrs. Chas. W. , Underwood on Seventh avenue. A 1 l .. A J All members, nf th> Doh ■ j Cook Georgia hrigad'.' who tuav | attend the ' annua' ret: >i< u of ! Confederate W-ter. a- ? \t’.i; . Jia , July JUth to 23d,. ,S, :.i>- rcO’iesie j, iiutnedtrt; ib t trriv jal in Atlanta, to call ' bi ig.i<|e I headquarters. 44 W 1 r,ti-<’« u. ! opposite union depct, * oitl j.-g --:i**Ur, ge? badges ami *sd 11■ : Ln'li tins for. g> n> I lion. Stale paper- p’<- i co; v. W. W. liulbert, I h> .v ’ -I ' < ’. Joder, 4th Gu. G I). Camp, 21st G i 11. W Tin mas, '2 i, 1 . J. (’. Rogc s, j lib Ga ('(.tuL'ilL o. 1 ’\‘ . • ' » i•. m f:»•. < • ft r-i i-.v., • r • ■ ■ , • out fb-rVoiDmir * r ’ .4 Uiic, punhes tn. t - . Btor«’N lust I • ..'j < ,, x malccs vou air u . - > »• In h<»al*h. nervi >' ... *■ and * , b°<>k. (S' F • « ifp/ 11 ■ J or's Ilfij . 4 i . ' ' i Seed h ~i: . ; > iiiventfon oi-i . ' . . / » y-'"i tr- j otu* mnuu whether it is < pi’< - w \ of aphl! ffl’it' j HigiK. ■ L ? A ' < PiXTIENT SbiiZ*vXT*Jß-S~di—EXPEItTS’V l’- 3 '?«<■■ •: 'm ' : j . V Toly'tci-hliie Ni.-houi o, i j,,... n iOiOi ' -M>i- l"! ) CAsh:, -lat«,u. Ncjv 1 o-.lai, I . > P. <>. S irv. yots 1.-u fiowety .. .. ■ ; < c >. - -■.. : •-* ■. ■ ■ r 4PPLIi?ATI OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA EL Yl' < : t'N.TY. VVJie'v; -,-W J. l\e< : ’ tor of Mr . F iiitiv W lore- . <b ceased, rq>res“n's to 'h c >ur,t. in his p tit’ou <hi v fi ed, thut h( i::> .dininis’.e!'< : d M• i.u- Jones’ estate. I'ti * t- ’ ■ che ul. persons c nc h-d, kinilnd a;ui creditors to show c e ‘if at ■ th'v can, why ni l r-on".iis re o’ I should not he ih-" -a ■■■ ■' >om b.- adtiiinisf Ji :> ‘.in 1 ‘o.ijl v • !(>>■ !-■ >f disutr ■ , : . !■ <l/ Hoi;,!,»v. i i O - m.-r 1S { ,B ! ”s J.uiy - T ) 1<8*.)8 ,1 ■>'■'■ ’ o \l : ’V. ! j air v .. eiIEAP RATTS. I - ; j The Southern R'y ; p rutei* daily train-, b‘two : R nne an Chattanong ■, by v. hi-h parties can leave lie:.if in ib - .'Gi ning, spend the day io Chattanooga and return 1.0 ii ; >.a n «-V". iug. I 4 The 'sched ile between ihe-’e points is as fuiiows Leave l.'-glp 1 :00 a in -irrive C.iattanoog' 4:15 a in.' ; leave -t >;u 19:35 arrive Chattanompi 1: " 1 p. tn. • i leave Rome G:2sa. rn arrive ChattjMioOga 8 :50 p in. '1 lit re is also a local train b aving Rome 3:50 r. in. going by the wty o! Cohgjlta and (o-. vc'anl an ! ar rives Cit utii' '. r i 720 p. ai. Ilcturni-i ’raia-' leaw? Chatta n<»o> r a G :30 a m. arrive* Rome o ): 00 £. nt : h ave ( b al.tanfogti 3:10 p m ar.’ iv ' Ii jnin • :bo p. in. ; have Chatfeapooga 10:l-> p. arrive Rome 1:4 1 :u. in. Pull man sleepin.,' car' Mi a'l train.-. Fur further information ciil ion C ILirrison, C. T A. SUMMER RE- OiiTS 'M.-invd I.;;: lai suno:, r!' «i> s an- sit' aii <1 on and r-e eh' <1 via t .e Sou' h-m lan way. Whether ,ot,i desires t tie re. side or the m-'Uii tains, th' 4shi;• oab '• hotels or] (ini C c> ur.' v home-., !bev can tw I reached via 11,1.- mu ifi-. < i:t h l?h*j aay ■■ i Ir. vol. A.-li- vi l -. N. C. , fi ! Springs. N. 0., •R’ tn M ■ i , and th" ninniil un ri'-i'f s >’f h'a.-4 ! T< and Wt stern Norf j Cnrol'iiii, 11 Fti.- La' '! nt rhe Sky | Tate Spring-;, Tenn. Oliver Springs, i-nu , L »!< u s Moun- : lam, I’eioi . ’.ithir S, Ga , ; ■,h“ v-' > i’-.:- Vtr'- itia springs, and ; the s'usly .re ie-or s are .reached ( Lv t i>e S ti h i Rai.v <y. The S<o.i ! l <■' 1 R oi'vai issued a hi tidprtne f,;ldtt ■ nti I 1 “Srm in'er Hom-' sstd IL sorts dt tcrip t'V'' pt netiiiH one iln u.-tit <1 sum m<-r resort. In t* I; and boardit s tion.-es, includin ' inforu.),u< nr garding rut< s >•. r la ;rd al the different places and ruiiie. d rates to reach them. Write to C A. Benscoter. "s --eislsnt General Pus-ante: At nt i Sout h t.i Ritl w i i »;o a T- nu. for u copy of liii-' R Ider. ,HANKS f I . . ''A* ’', ! ' f' • ■ riiriJiitP GO- £ -n' You will ’ * ■’t. •Xi s’' 5 ’' •*< be surpris V ed to see how much J Miy at oui re for a little “t is to give* the id for the lea t money. * ' T ** fl y V » ’ • ’ 2 < j- i myingsome- jture,. Car- < , you will ; • i i. don’t see us. •' >• . J V 1) v P'IG3S OI ■ 9 ;-3i .y:rfall joois pfiTH conrn'g-in; • on’ fajG Lg :_>. —' G- ; r -1 v- I o • u- :.e- please-.* * . • ■ I ’ r % Ct ■ • J r' '' 'sZ.fttwWßMW , fl 1 <. i-wi h p-.j .5 Pa i ’i! i I ■-.i' .-.‘•J i> " ' ' - > i,. '-'■‘HJHBIbi jl 1 iFlIf ' ’ f ! I Ui , . • < i . £ 4 t.‘ L- J.. - I. ■ is l -f ™ iP' utli ! * A\ ,;CLUB I I CaVt jU Make l|j i 1 Uw Better Running Time |Jg 13 t‘3 I c : ■ '■’ »lry, mclu- - ding iK 1h >1 l« I§S \fy‘ >•';■>■ ;] .?v It iOS *4B nev- gS er tn >re c .tnple* l eB iamson jl W • » ■ . E ttg ■L : u. l uu R LITY is aqi• ty some 1 . . Live lost sight of in these davs of “ycMow” j 1 hey care little fortruth and a great deal for ten r diary sensation. ♦ It is not so with Till? CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE ld?C" IC'D rests upon its reliability. It prints the news ail i ' news—and tells the truth about it It is the only Amc n ; svspa; r outside New York city that has its o. n ext' - dispatch boat service and its . ; ‘h die front in both hemispheres. It is the he t ihustr.. .1 daily newspaper in the world. Its war n:- .: .ervk-. .. unapproachably the best. Say&ihe Urbana (al.) Daily Courier: “We c C v z r.C’VS in the other papers, then c .*» cCo , CHICAGO RECORD to see Lvw much of it is true.’' 1 s . • ■ wsdrr’ r s everywhere and subscriptions received by ail , Jtn ;. ters. Addre’ss THE CHICAGO RECORD, Uk ' Madison street, Chicago.