The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 18, 1898, Image 8

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BECLARATIONS" . (We are gems out of tl e iMi ilfee ds business. nr AH TdriJl 4 Our present sale the end of t his business. , REA I fILM 5 Our present r rice s will never again be Duplicated. * * llknu | The opportunity 10 buy such Roods at such prices wi»l soon be forever;) ‘' goods worth 100 cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents on the dollar-quantities of . them. Ladies ’h .. skirt and tailor made suits-a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Without question the best stock of goods in Rome and being g iven away to get out of the retail dry goods business In Rome. „ . „ i — - - .. y'...-.... !. ’• —: ■ . • w - ----- - • 4 FANS ATI CENT .&,W)YDS, DRESS CALICO 24c ' ' ...... LADIES' ! 500 EVERY SHOE 300 •; 300 I 1)01 qhirt waists—the dol- Vards of Press Gooas In our stock at what it Baby caps recently Mens launoried shirk Swiss that cost 4Scts j- de at 39 cents, and waist silks, worth cost us, or less, toquit boughtat factory pne- that cost where they] a yard, we now price ® , 50c, at 25c. business. J es. ; were made 75 cents tol -’ at 25 cents, ' | ’ i? $ 1 .00, on sale at 39c, 1 j ———■ : * _ I — ~ • ■—- ■ • I pF~ - ACTUAL COST 1 ,'"7' s<>o ; 'J "< ; ■ - I For all millinery, with no charges for Miss X 4- a Ladies and gentssi k and sadn necties that Iffwl Snyder’s work. A positive saving of 75 per vW - SB.- f cost 25 cents to> J .00, on center table at 10 Wai : cents each. , . . r“ I cent. , _ : r-r ~7 Mi—V ■> "II . ■ C : _________ I » w AAA YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tables— much of it cost 15c, aoc and 35 cents-loveliestl I OaUUV conceptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving themawayai6centsayard. Riiu fifirl when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever. Buy from us nawl Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at big profits tol money. We affirm, of all the goods in this hoise, no a dollar’s worth is priced above cost. I BASS BROS. & CO I I ... riz ~a— FEAR NOT HATE t 1 • ’ i ; i The Motive That Prompts ' - ■ The Spaniards. ; ft DYING PRISONER 1 * 1 b Made The Following Statement at Quasima. 1 _ ‘ I d BG Near Santiago de Cuba, June f.- ? 2f.'—i(BTy Mail.) —After the bat tie of Quasima, in which the Kough Riders showed their valor by the death of many of their number, a Spanish private was ♦ pfouad crawling on the ground / among the American wounded. » He hau a wound which resulted in his death a few hours after “ ward. When he found lie was kindly treated by the Americans who picked him up he freely answered questions. His remarks about the Spanish soldiers in Santiago were interesting. “They don’t hnow how to take you,” he said. “They don’t un i your method of warfare. We have been contending* with the Cubans so long we don’t know how to reform our meth ods. For instance, we don’t un derstand why, after firing, you don’t retreat instead of advanc- - • - 4ng and repeating triie lire. You ** dismayed us.” When the doctor at the front ( told the Spaniard he was dying ’ he said, pointing over to the city : “My God ! There are many Spaniards dying today over there —dying without bullet wounds . —_ , FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. E. Buckleu & Co., Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy iu action and are particular y effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been pioved invaluable. They an •guaranteed to be perfectly fret fr >m every deleterious substance and to be purely Vegetable. They lo not weaken in th®ir action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels grestly invigorate the sys tem Regular size 25c per box Soh by Curry-Arrington Co., drugg sb they’ve been dying of hunger for months. “They think you Americans are barbarians for starving them to death. They think you are doing it for revenge. My God I” he continued, as he gasped for breath, “There are thousands of them there who would willingly s irrender were it not that they thought you would cut them to pieces, as their superiors say you will. There is much suffering over there. They do not hate you, they fear you.” On that bloody field it was touching, ihe statement of this dying Spaniard. Over where he pointed was Santiago. He point ed again and muttered as he died. Watson in a Nutshell. * ’ • - - - • Here is a nutshell biography of Commodore J. C. Watson, who will command the fleet that goes to Spain : 1842—Bora in Frankfort, Ky., Aug. 24. 1860—Graduated iu Annapolis academy. 1 86^—woMjdedbjf ir agme n t of shell in Mobile Bay in Au gust after having lashed Farra gut to the mast. 18G2 G4—Present at bombard ment and passage o' Forts Jack son and St. Philip and of the Uhalmete batteries. Made the passage, with Farragut, of tin Vicksburg batteries, of Grand Gulf and of Port Hudson. 1887—Was appointed ca, tain on March 8. 1891—Appeared before Blue fields, Nicaragua, on the San Francisco and effectively de minded respect for . United ' States Consul Baker. 1897 — Made Commodore on Nov. 7. 1898— Took charge of Havana ilockade on May 7. 1898—Was due to invade’ Spain on July 12. A Waiting’or ders from Washington before crossing the Atlantic* . HOW’S TFHSI We offer One Hulc! z - j Hare Reward tor any case atarrli hat cannot be cured .j Hail’t Catarrh Cure, F. J. Chkney & Co. , Props. To ledo, O. . We the undersig >ed, have knciv.i i’’ J. Cheney for the ast 15 ye.trsj and believe him perfectly honor able in all business transactions ma financially able to carry out any obligation made by jheir firm West & Tr.<ux, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, Q. Walding Kinnah & Marvin, Wholesaled Drugg st«, Toledo, O. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is taken • int jrnally, a c t i ng, directly * upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. 8 >ld by all Druggists. | Testimonials free. with yr. w ether yen continue tb** i>Mrve-kllHu< UiLacco habit. W »-TU E AO rvmw«« the dpgre fr.r 'vulnerToni*«iJatrc*s. ir i.av, purluws ‘.he blood. • terrs iott | M ,vs r.ak.. vou .trong J "old 400. KM) t. S; JJw ■^t , a*»curji P r <*.>3 »O TO »A < f: <. L *^ M * Zt row •wq drup>ru<t who ■ W *orui Tunis., /W K.WR K M*-" ueuaslly curws, 1 boisj. $2 y», fSa BP' « FJ*ai aut-erd u, cure, •• wo refun-r nionry. I 1 : < • man and th thie '>pal A of ever y wornan them >' a vacunni thjat van f r? filled! by a chl.Jd. In Aperies. 7zZ‘ NH ;there are too many S cMWless Homas. ' t zJC / ! tS-u! / _j-4| An the 'o'** an<l ■* P a , ss ’ on °t court- il s,l 'P an <* all € k is s e s of the 1 honeymoon! ttirn , , , to bitter dusjl upon th lips of the wedded couple to ’whose hoM. there never .comes the prftter of childish f« et. ~ .f < j One cause, more than any othefi tnbnuis to making the tens of thousands Ol < lnh i ss, and consequently unhapdy’ all over this country.- Thd J cause-u open th. unconscious fault es the wife; who suffers from weakness ahd dts- 7 .ff the distinctly feminine organism is ini fitted for juotherhood,, and if sße has 1 h.l.lieii it will probably be at the sacrifice 01 n. t own life. Dr. Pleree’s Favorite Pre f- nptioii is a wonderful medicine for worn >cw no sufff-r in this way. It %cts (Erectly 1 tn.- .j< heate and important organs ebn ei> m wifehood and motherhood .It m them strong, healthy, Vigen*™ vP elastic. It banishes the sqiMam ism.. oi the expectant period and bakes ent easy and almost painless. It l! 11 ’l"' little new-coraef’s health and j aOO '.itutir supply of . ol i'.(<nie ? that were childlMs and Uji . now echo with the' prattle of ' i 1 '.' Ijopd, as the result ofTthe. um ol ;■ ni > -clous medicine. ; , J 'yVJ , '-11' tail taking Dr. Pierce’s mddfeinM ’ ' : ’ writes MYs R.» D. M<Lre of lax Co . Nebr., (Hox 173). 'll could •'.ythiiig on n»y stomach arid keut ' My husband got wnr.UvoTbotUcs -,h>lden Medical ! Prescription' Aya«| sours of «£ ts. (At this time I hadbein brZZ '■ months.) ’1 began urk|n« t»; ,-i nd in less than a week F cduu ’rat The .'Favorite- Prescription tfi*. ' vl , n !''■ world for prospective math -Ith is lietter now than it has tw«n I ’< ' ' ' <rs My little *gi?l i" ind is well and healthy. 1 do got ' 1 ■ “'J have had my baby if fee had liot j str ; ”,’,H " ng to build “P my-y»ttn» A4 T n.ty one one cent stamps covtT tbe in ~ of a pape r covered copy us Isactor Pi. • - G.iumon Sense Medienh AOV&4 -. C loth bound, ,31 stamps, tend td Dt If V Pierce, Buiialp, N. Y. •» i J J BAD REATH u. • oeyr, mine » AUAkVTtaUM • ' pvelaxatlvatherarealmulrvoß- l.feiluez and 1 botberia with . - our breath was very ban. After \V II.HELMII> A A’AGKL. I ’• ,7 IQi t ten hull 5® Cinciuna I, Ohio. » » -- . S ANDY -i ’'■ ’* ■G ~ • , ft'A fir. MAh K rrIMnVKM .‘ "d-.-i 'do. Potent. Taste Good. Do w.-aken <„ Gripe. We. sac. JUa. -- CONSTIPATION. ... t hkarn. I, Jri •S-U- "■* v •* k *yr- THE ARMSTRONG HOTEII I “ .7%’ • W OW 1 ■ -Boarders ® I i Wanted- BlFi® Monttl II ‘ I ‘ Th« place to get. 4 quick, good meal. 8 McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors, • ■«—sn—M—teww—■—emj a a .a-lu— "J* jii Best White TOW! I For /j •/ om: o'j J 1 ill perfectly marked fojvis, le-iv? orders jl H wOh J. T. Crouch & Co., $3 pjrtrio. W ■Bl S>ian lid c ock orals o ily $ I K . I. D. 3\ '-’JU > • ■ AOOOOOOOX—' } L| Imepaifing i j Don’t Walk On | > Tour Uppe«l 1| 1 - OVERSALE AND FEED STABLES I j V • Offers the public fie finest teams, b st c ,°'^ ertl , i bdcm and moat polite and courte >UB m 1 Tbo beet alook W bwreee aad ukulel • B •lastly, A 4 f