The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 19, 1898, Image 2

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Wai.. Time it. Prices. Whib loojthe one {hand as *a {result of thejwar. n«arly all food products have advanced in price, on the other hand, it has had {precisely ’the opposite effect on the pURNITURS Trade. We must keep our eales'up to the normal standard, and to do this we realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we are prapar ed and make you lower prices on anything in our house thaa can be Lund elsewhere. Our line is Complete and Upto Date. Consisting it: part ofj Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages Mattings. Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. Also cimplete line of casketsco ffi ii. -• • »„«. st , at the lowe»t P t! 1 I fill JI Rhiidy, Harvey Company. LIBERAL LAWS Granted The People Os San ■; tiapo De Cuba THE PROCLRMAFION I Guarantees The Native Os The Conquered Teritory. Washington, July 19. A jstate paper that will bn historic, making an epoch in American history, was isslftd lastnight by direction of the president. It provides in general terms for ihe government of the province of Santiago de Cubi, and is the first document of the kind ever prepat • dbya presidett >f the Unit d States, By order of Secretary Alger ad jutant General Corbin cabled the dcoument to Gen Shafter, in command us the military forces at Santiago. The paper is not only an au'horization and instruction of General Shafter for the govern ment of the captun d territory, but also a prolamation to the people of the territory of the intentions of the government of the United States regarding them and th< ir interests. It marks the formal established of a new political power in the is* land ot Cuba, and insures tc all people of the territory over wich the power extends absolute securi ty in the exercise of their private rights and rela ions, as well as se curity tothir persons and proper ty- _■ Lost on Saturday night.a white sheoherd pupi two months old. Finder will be reward ed by returning same to Bass, Bros. & Co. Cancer Os the race. ltrs. Laura E. Mims, of Smithville, Ga., says: “A small pimple of a strawberry color appeared on my cheek; it soon began to grow rapidly, notwithstand ing all efforts to check it. My eye became tenibly A inflamed, and was so AM swollen tha.for quite ■W a while I could not see. The doctors said I had Cancer of tlie most malignant type, and after ex hausting their efforts • without doing me any good, they gave ■p the case as hopeless. When in formed that my father had died from the same disease, they said I must die, as hereditary Cancer was incurable. “At this crisis, I was advised to try S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer began to discharge and continued to do so for three mouths, then it began to heal. I continued the medicine a while longer'until the Cancer disappeared en tirely. This was several years ago and therehas been no return of the disease.” A Real Blood Remedy* Cancer is a blood disease, and only a blood - remedy will cure it. S. S. S. (g-uaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to per manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism or any other disease of the blood. Send for our books oa Cancer and Blood Diseases, mailed free to any address. Swift Specific ’Nik ‘ Co. Atlanta, Ga. byß F t'OB DILIOUBAND NEBVOU3 DISORDERS »ueh as Wind and Pain in the Stomach. 3iddln<‘Bs. Fulness after ntoals, Head ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings jf Heat. Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IM TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM’S Pl LI A, taken asdiraet- •d. will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions Or irregularities of the sys tem 'mid cure nick Meaduche. For n Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Riva! -s And hit* Uie LARGEST SALE Bf any Fatent MrMlelnr ixxtfee WcrtC Rse. at all Drug Stores. t> 4 0 lha k«va> is t‘ 9 1,89 t ■ |m«wi>. Ac -s> t. ,ts show it fl o«eM»- tt!r» Iwi-tb- ■' ihua any other hraad. Big MjN ls POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAI BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. WHITE PAN I S Floated From Masthead of The Vizcaya. New York, July 19 —A letter soma seaman on the battleship lowa, rect ived here today, tells of ludicrous occurrence at a tragic moment during the naval battle off Santiago on Ju‘y 4. It wa» just after the lowa had sentabroadside from her big guns into the Vizcaya The shock bad set the crew of the lowa gasping, and had even thrownsome of the men to the deck whiles thi >k smoke obscured the crew. When the smoke drifted iw.y the Vizcaya was seen headed for shore, and from her gaff, where a Spanish ensign had beer, 11 iated a pair of wnite duck trous* e s. It was probably the only ar* tide handy that c< uld be quickly gotten ready. LIGH I NING'S STROKE Kn LED Two M MtYLANP CHILDREN -t-Babe G'jheo By an Ox. Cumberland, Md.. July 19 vVilly ami Henry Twiggs brothers, while returning Horn school yi.s* terday, wore killed by lightning A 2-year-old-child, Jesse Low. was fatally g red by an ox this morning. WHEN YOU ARE TIRED Without < xtra exertion, languid dull and listless, your blood is fail ing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vita’izing and stength-giving propertit s they re quire. Hood s Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and pur Eying the blood It will give you energy and vigor. • Hood’s Pills are easy to take easy to operate. Cures indigestion, biliousness 25, LYNCHING IN PROSPECT Negro Commits A Foul Crime Texans Ara zXfter Him Houston,T< x., July 19 —At Cpy ress, a small town near here at noon today Peter Burton, a young negro murdered Henry Maye- n whit.- fafmer his wile and infan’ chib!. Ilobb> ry is thought I" h .v been the motive I’he negro has f ir esuipi-d. though several posses if flic.-rs and cil : z»ns are aflej him HOME FOR OEFIV ER On Tampa B iy, To S iva Him From His Countryman. Port Tatni: i. F a.. July 19 —A tn ve net t w s s'.arte i h re today to present Admiral (’eryera a ho ne o Tampa B.xy in recognition of hi-jiumane and ehivalric treat* men! of Holhoii ami crew and a L sire to» etiva him from insult and o iil, < death sh-ml I he return to S i tin. GEN GORli N’s 0 >MMENT. Atlanta. Ga , Ju'y 19,—Gnu lo in B. G >rd in wt.s shown the i’arnpi dispatch regirdiog the >r. fl r io Admiral Cerver of a home hi Pampa Bay. at his residence in Kirkwood, The general said: If Admiral O’rvera w mid like o become an Amer'cu’j citizen, I ■ m sure tlie south and the whole court 1 ry W' tild welc nn such a brave md honorable num ” It rests with you whether yon continue tu« I.erv ,N -obabH. T <?•!<»■ HAC Kur u . r .. *itir WwmKl /t n»i v rc.YB Nipvia u jeo L Wi tdii4j, pm i: • » i. 1 9 B -tores lom nntnhoud bo j.e’« EV. /LT iir 4(W‘ a* heal h. nvr« v yu» rd *»uy TuEAC from ... • ” r ® wn wise v h vouch for up. Take It with kjhrz -Unfitly, pßrsteteutly UM* K f ” lt s? - curwn, 3boxa»,BM* •'AL I.lUtsukcdtowre. or w« refund nion«>. OFF TO fITLfINTA. Large Crowd as Vets Went Tlirotlgh Rome TODAY TO ATTEND THE Confederate Veterans’ Reunion Tomorrow. Every train that passes hrough Koine carries large crowds of Veterans and their friends, bound tor Atlanta to take in tne reunion of Confederate Veterans which meets there toinoncw. About one hundred went down on the W. & A. this morn ing. The C. R. & S, ran a spe cial train with about IfO on board, which made connection with the other reads here. The Southern R’y carried about one hundred from here. A special car was attached to the 9 :29 train which came in on the R & !)., with about 200 Veter ans from Attalla and Gadsden. The Reunion promises to be the largest ever attended. Miss Will Nell Lavender, the beautiful daughter of Maj.C. H. Lavender, who was selected by the Floyd camp as sponsor, was compelled to decline the honor on account of sickness in her father’s family. THE SURE LA GRIPPE CUR There is no u«e Buffeting from (bis terrible malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out ol order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are c >mpletely used up. Electric bit* lers is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you ’’eel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refund 'd. For Bah at Curry Arrington’» rug store. Oily 5) can • per ottle. PROfESSIOHIL Cinoi. ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office, 9OO4Ka»t First Street, LOME. GA. "eHAS, W. UNDERWOOD Attorney at Law, Koine, Ga. Corporal >n I .aw Only. M B Hl CJBA.WFCS, Atteruey at law. oflleaKlUK Building. Koine, «,a. W H. HSNNTIS, attorney at Law Will Practice in all couit Office, Masonic Temple, home, Ga, W J. NHJffXj Attorney at law. Will practice in allocuru Special atleutiou given Commercial law and the examiculloii ct land titles. omc in Klug building. Rome, Ga. WALTKR, HA.R.R.IS. Attorney at law and J. p. Office over F. J. Kane A Co.'s. LIHtSOOMB A. WILLIXOHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building, Home, Ga J 3Atrrr OAA.'WB’ORD Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Colleetions a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome. Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. Office24o 1-M Broad. # Over Cantrell & Owen J. L PENNINGTON. D.D.S?,mTd KNTIBT- Office, 30f> 1-S Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS? O. HAMILTON. M. O. Physician and Surgeon Office, Medics' Building Rome, Ga. Once 'phone No. CM. L> P. AA D . Physician and Surgeon, ;Office is Med lea bulldiag. Hesideuca, IM Wee, First-st Gittes 'pho No W- Ur'■?- - 4- Ur "'“W? i School SlipollßS, 4f I w I We nn> i“, the school books'and school sup. ply busin. ss rt nd we are also right up-ro-d a » H j n every . g thing ’h iA t should be kept by an up-to-dute Bookstore I i WAR M: J .. No hcusp 5: - f, ‘' St ’t p c »»- *«rve vou better when von de sire to invent ir. a new covering fcr tr.e dear ?id walls G s your home. See our stock on hand and .*amp'e 3 I H-A. SMITH, | iHF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. 1 W> ' Ws ») To Hie People Os Rome. Y l,a ™ ,u yoor c,tv 11 \|/ Ihavihad years of practical experience, the n lst Jh 7 y, ‘ i(S ? WhlC ’ 1 h,4ve ~,vn ‘d ami operated one'of ?!• s m T-oxis. With the ye ,r 3 of exn-'.ri! M enco I hiv ■ ht I and as I will devote my Hitire ti-ne ail I cK attention to the business I will be in a position to .r? H . \l/ that aivtbiiig .'..jmiiig to my laundry will b?<i t , lie /A\ J Htl, T ac f < ’ ril y- A trial will cmviuce y m tl u : 1 can d , gf| W thatl clain’ bml in your bvn He. U n Si!ls to |; i e - w /ii /h JT JT 9 Wl “ ' Ch ‘ riZe - St ° ar 'V teie',l; T J? it’ 1 )S ’ an<v ’”'' ! "‘Ke Will b, return! or-.-n /i\ | . H. PARKIN, J Bi’oprietor M > leljSteam Laundry. /|\ *• ip CANDY < CATHARTIC CURE loc ALL 25c SOc DRUGGISTS | .. . - , ~ - 1 -** * $3.00 A MONTH. Fer this merely nominal fee any sufferer from any Chronic disease can obtai* a line of treatment that has gained a world-wide reputation for its healing and curative powers. Cases that have been pronounced hopeless are quickly and radically cured at home. Dr. Cowden gives every case his personal attention. Thousands cured. His specialties are: Nose, Stomach, Deafness, Asthma, Throat, Bowels, Consumption, Cataract, Blood,- Rheumatism, Obesity, Skin Diseases. VIGORjNEXSS? An absolute specific for Losses, WB H k B ULB Drains, Premature I»is,-harqes, Wv ■ ■ E B Bwh Bad Dreams, etc. W B fl Beaut E ■ w■■ Either of these remedies will be sent upon receipt of $2.00. Their effect is little short of miraculous. . Send for Symptom blanks and full information regarding specialtie All inquiries cheerfully answered. Consultation Free. Don't let this enasec escape—it may never occur again. Address, *J. M. COWDEN, M. D„ 71513th St, N, W., Washington, , ~ sar -^■■■MUMSrKWWWwuar *ww.-n -*■*»— Como, W is., Jan. 10,1898. Jan ’ I would not be _ without PISO’S SmPTIS ast? CURE for GON- "SuresWHmllfliSHAHS. i t SUMPTION for any »n tlnief y Ho?d by druggists. u*EI market thing. For a bad it for , Cough or Co!J it is TIT "Hiiar* having beyond all others. l-> y ea _ Mrs C REYNOLDS. “The Best Cough i