The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 19, 1898, Image 4

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TMSILEMOIHEBffII HKHUSTLER OF ROME KiUbllnhed, 1890 '-HE ROME COMMERCIAL Evlitblic bed. 1895. Imu«4 evvry evening, except Saturday. Sunday aud weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. Ktttee. Wllkenon Block. Third Avenue vwa j •. i >aily and Bnnaay.per year ... »» 00 lay, per year • 11.00 Weekly (Tbb Bomb Coubibb) pei year *• BY CARRIER IN CITY AND Sljaj ;H DeSy a&'< Suueay, lik ent» per wee' , Remit by bank draft. exprsu, money order or registered letier Addreea THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. ROME, GA. Entered at the Poßtotßce at Rome, Ga., ax . second class matter. Advertising rates aud copies tor the asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 Dr. Broughton is at it again. Spain is going out of the col ony business. The Floyd county melon now has the right of way. Schley, like Dewey, is a man of great action and few words. That third call seems to have been delayed in the utterance. The popularity of that popu lar loan seems popular enough. The “Yankee Pigs’” pen is mightier than the Spanish sword While the soldiers exist on hard tack, the stay-at-homes face the hard tax. Georgia will do herself proud, in Atlanta, for the remainder ot the week. Atlanta has the chance of her life—watch her improve the op portunity. How long will it take the Veterans of Santiago to capture Porto Rico? If Shafter captures 25,00(1' Spaniards he ought to get not less than 25,000 rifles. The Spanish officers will need their side-arms for self defense when they arrive in Spain. Total’s desire to be landed in Spain after he has surrendered removes the last vistige of doubt as to*his courage. Don Cameron has offered his fine estate on St. Helen’s Island near Port Royal, S. C., for a soldiers’ hospital. Poor old Toi al, he did his best and in surrendering made good terms out of Beef Shafter, alias “The General.” Witnesses summoned before the present grand jury hav» been put on notice as to what cases they are wanted in. Admiral Dewey captured 1300 prisoners and then cabled for GO, 000 pounds of soap. The hero of Manila seems to know just what is wan'sd Only one man should be con sidered for the position of mili tary governor of Cuba, and hie name is Fitzhugh Lee.—Augus ta Herald. Its about time forMcKinlej and his political gang, who ar now waging a “kind hearted war” on Spain, to begin to su< for peace. 'There is much more politic lhan 'patriotism in some of the military ardor that goes puffing •nd snorting about the rc r Brunswick Times. Says the Philadelphia 'limes: C. L. Wilson, of the Manhat tan club, who went to Sibouey,i Cuba, with a fl ig presented by ' the club to the first New York regiment to reach the front, ■ purchased, while there, for $lO a male negro aged 9 years, whom he will educate and bring up as a good American citizen. The boy’s parents are dead, and the papers were made out by his Unde He is known as “Santia go Buck.” Mr. jWilson might have found white children near er home and far more deserving, and that would have paid better as an “investment.” The average height among the Americans is 5 feet 2. and they have never prcduced an athlete This is due to their living ahnort entirely on vegetables, as thev ship all their beef out of the coun try, so eager are they to make money. There is no doubt that one full-grown Spaniard can de feat any three men in America Madrid El Diario. The above is a sample of the stuff fed to the populace by the Spanish press. And the inexpli cable thing about this is that both the writer and publisher of the article believe it to be true. ■■■■l" ' ' ■ .■■■ Prior to the surronder of San tiago a New York broker want ed Gen- Shafter to shell the city with rockets instead of by the use of guns. He has invented a rocket which will travel 1000 yards, carrying on the tail o f the stick a pound of dynamite; and he proposes to send a flight of lhese-curious engines of de struction into the Spanish trenches. The inventor claims tnat his rockets are safe to han dle apd accurate in execution. • “Schwindeln” is the equivalent in German for ‘Heeling giddj hence, says The Cornhill M gazine the mistake of a well known Ger man conductor who, on the plea >f his wife’s indisposi ion, thu* declined an invitation to an after noon tea in broken English: “Mv wife lies in the afternoon; if she does not lie. th«n she swindles.” It is said the officers and sail ors of Cervera’s fleet knew nothing of Dewey’s victory at Manila until they had been made prisoners of war. If Toral and his soldiers are taken from Santiago to Spain they may never hear of it. • The British are proud to claim kin with us now that we have shown how dangerous we can b to her enemies. It is a great thing to have powerful relations when other people are threaten , mg you. Billy Bryan has been ordered to join Fitz Lee’s regiment Billy might enlighted Fitz on the money question in return for a few lessons in the art o fighting, sagely observes Mrs My rick. Shafter lay flat on his back ■nd conducted the campaign that resulted in the capture of Santiago. If he had only been well enough to have eat up b< might have captured the whoh island. It has been found in Switzer land that in building a railwa laborers could work only on third as long at a heighLof 10 - 000 feet as a mile lower. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food an< sunshine, with plenty ofexe cisi in the open air. Her form g)ow> aud her face glows with it? beauty. If her system needs the •leansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, manuf ic lured by the California Fi ,dyrup Co., only. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYIUP OF FKS ia due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Sybuf Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrnp of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Sybup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthlees imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profes:rion, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxativee, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, pieuse remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKANCISCe, Cut LBVMVILLT ' W<W TSBK. >. T. DEVIOUS DEFINITIONS. Foolish —Aman who imagines he understands women. Matrimony—The destroyer of many del’ -/fitful engagements. Lli ts Harmless people who have imp, diluents in then chouiflit,. Conv rsationalist—A person who can talk without saying anything Impulse—Something that n akes a girl want to try on an • her girl’s new hat. Two out and two strikes on Camara. Play ball! —St. Louis Chronicle. e—— Russia is said to own 3,000,- 000 horses—nearly one half of the whole number in existence. The rooster with the gaffs may or may not remember the main—it all depends on the spur of the moment and the steel of the Other fowl. Dr. Ainos Fox, commissary general of the survivors associa tion of Confederate Veterans, says he will be able to feed 12,- 000 men per day at the Atlanta reunion. The newest one in Rome is: Papa.—“My son, if you were fishing and should see a Span ish ship coining up the branch, what would you do?” Johnnie.—“ Take off my hook and sinker.” Fifty-three vessels, with, an ‘ggregiite tonuage of nearly 30 030 may be added to the Ameiicai. merchant marine through the an nexation of Hawaii. Nearly all of hem are owned in this country out fly the Hawaiian fbg . ANNUAL REUNION Confederate Veterans, Atlanta, la.. July 20th to 23rd, 1898. Reduced rates via Southern Railway. On account of the annual re inion united Confederate Veter ns at Atlanta, Ga., July 20th o 23rd. the Southern Railw&y vil) sell tickets from points on ts lines to Atlanta, Ga., and re urn at very low rates. From joints within a radious of 100 niles of Atlanta, tickets will be old July 19th and 20th, with inal limit July 28th, and from mints beyond a radious of 100 niles of Atlanta tickets will I e old July 17th, 18th and 19th, vith final limit July 31st. Call on any agent of the South- I >rn Railway for further iafor-J natiiu, P THE WIFE GOES Deeper. Sofar.wehave been very s icc Ssful with our money raising s-u bnt the desired amour t ofcash has not been raise i and Ae are com pelled to raise this money out of our stock. During our sale we have sold down a great many lots of suits, leav ing two and three of a kind, an to close out th~se odds and ends we have gone through our entire stosk and selected out these broken lots and placed them on a separate counter and osier you choice a? HALF PrtlCE. If you c<n find ' our size in this lot of suits it will be the same to you as if we had One Th ;usand suits of a kind. They are all new, clean, fresh, desirabi , uo-to date suits. On this counter you will find suits rang ng in price from $6 to $25 00. You can buv any of them at HALF PRICE. You cannot afford to miss this opoo,-L tunity to Duy Clothing. Furnishing Gooclf and Hat so cheap. When we advertise SLAUGHTERING PRICES we mean just what we sav aud that is to SLAUGHTER PRICES Thousands have gone away from our storo pleased with the barg ’ins thev have gotten. So fall in line and come to us Hand get your shaie of the bargains we are offering. MEN’S FIHE SUITS. All $22.50 and $25 suits go at $lO 50. I All sls and $lB «uits g i at $11.50. All 10 and 12.50 suits at. 7.50. I All 6 and 750 suits at 5.00. All 5 suits go at 3.50. j Children’s Inos faitsSaits Go JUST lit i $6 00 suits go at $3.00.- $5.00 suits go at $2.50 i 4.50 suits go at 2 25. 4.00 suits go at 200 350 suits go at 1.75. 3.00 suits go at 175 2.50 suits go at 1.25. | 103 suits go at 00 MENSHNEPANTS 311-3 OFF. 5 $6.00 pants go at SI.OO. $5 03 pints go at $3.35. • 4.50 pants go at 3.00. 403 p i its go at 2.65. » 3.50 pants go at 2,34. 300 p ints go at 2.00. 3 2.50 pants go at 1.67 2.00 pants go at 1 50. 1.50 pants go a SL.OO. FINE STRAW HATS ■ BDATHALF PRI CE, $2 50 hats go at $ I 25. I $2.03 hats g > at $1 .00. 1 50 hats go at 75;. 1,00 ha s go a 500. e 75c hats go at 40c. | 53c hats go at 25c. 25 per cent off on all Furnishing goads Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,Handker chiefs, Soft and Stift Hats. . IBio ie Hot \Ve<dl]Ci’ Stuff in Serges. Alpica, L'nen T-ash an I duck. AH thi? d| count sale. This Will Be Oar Minsy-RO YOUR MONEY SAVINS' Ibis will be our money raising sale aud your money saving sale. . Thu !8 .. thi tr* ieO>ris It a g)ing on .of bumns<i afv irtisinr s-,h >-n > to i»v«» p * people. We alwtys do ex ictly whv. wj a Ivertisi an 1 w, ars th > •>> > >le of X• n • ‘' I ' 1 ‘ rou “ ' ‘ country are awari of this fact. Wecoinitovm id.v with the h mist, frank state nmt*hat w« need,eg money and m order to rais* ths need id am mV, ws off.r y>u th) sNinJt best b•1; 0 ’ clothing luruiihmg goods and ha’s in Rime at faom 25 to 50 per ce it reduction. 1. 1. HUR h I