The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 19, 1898, Image 5

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Ite McDonatd Sparks Sle wart Co. t # S - \ iA I J i 4 ' , j ,| OWNS THIS SPACE! During the thickest of the f>e,ht at Santiago Gen. Joe Wheeler, leading a gallant charge, forgot himself tempor arily, and shouted to his soldiers as the Spaniards fell back, “The Yanks are running; give it to cm, boys.” The old hero’s mem* orv, during the excitement, slip ped back to the ’6o’s, says the Enquirer Sun. 0 o o An lowa poet sweetly sings in inemoriam: "Ken, beloved one, and slumbar; for tby fate w « have no fear; •will inset you over yonder Wbea our race is over here. Ibis fellow evidently has a l’iquitious and obituary con foudded.— Richmond Times. 0 o o Passengers recently arrived 10111 P° r to Rico say that not niU( h lighting will be necessary cause the Spanish forces, con bl,ng of about 7,000 regulars a"' l 5,000 volunteers, to surren der. Tl 0.00 . ‘“e Persians in ’516 B. C. U) tedn transparent glass var k 1 which they laid over sculp fed locks to prevent them from laJ i E ,liß coating has ( to our day, while the rocks ‘■ at 1 are Tl • 000 'Varde<u rl 'ri° f llave for * town °’ e 80^ier «* from their nir.u«a d e "® am P ed Chica- F M ‘“ a ’ tlle following: H *’te rn w'’ "‘ lre, i, ‘ her <>’'S. You ”i rLT ’ rith ,u »>»<•»*», Waaw " ,OBnd “••b.rn.;, 1 the Spaniard.7 th ,; ‘ Wll,n K»nns. l, ‘“>e S ane, n ° t lu « JvU Hanen llr n “» bV - ’ 0,,,u «net» jump their bail j n on dettto eave time they would other* . wTs h.vo to serve. 0 0 0 Speaker Reed is quoted as say ing that “of the two evils, Cuba and Hawaii, I prefer Cuba: the yellowt fever is preferable to lep ooo 1 The most inveterate and culpa* ’ ble punster in the city said yester* ’ day the capture of Santiago was 1 proving Oetvera undertak ing tbseTiad been suppesed a • Weyler go.—New Orleans Times- Democrat. ! 000 Gen. Weyler was governor of the Philippine Islands for four years, and with true Spanish thrift managed to save up one million dollars out of his annual salary of |40,000. 000 G. W. Eve, of West Tennes see, has named his baby boy Dewey Eve, and a girl baby born in St. Louis on the Fourth has been named Schleyette. 000 It is said of Gen. Weyler that he keeps scraps books of all the i newspaper comments and marks those which are unfavorable in red ink. This is another proof of the general’s great wealth, for if he wanted to save tim and red ink he would mark the favorable comments. 000 Joseph M, Nowak, a lawyer 1 of Cleveland, Ohio, after ten 1 years of married life, divorced his wife and married her seam stress. Then he divorced the ’ seamstress and remarried his first wife. In less than a year they were again divorced, and now Nowak has married the seamstress once more. 000 Gen. Lawton, who has been so conspicuous in the hardest of the fighting before Santiago, > won distinction in the Indian campaign against Geronimo years ago. While on the old chief’s trail in the Sierra Madre Mountains Lawton and his men had to crawl miles on their hands and knees, going at times twenty-four hours without water i i an intense heat. » ' ’ 000 “Gen. Merritt,’’ says one of the soldier boys in San Francis co, “does not put rn as much style as some of the militia cap tains. When he camo to leave on his ship, the Newport, the other day, he did noteven take a car riage from his hotel te the dock, but climbed on a street car and paid a nickel for the ride. After he got on board he waved off all those who were trying to make a great ceremony out of his de parture, and said to the steamer captain : “Come on ; let's get out of this.’’ Then he waved his handkerchief to some good look ing women on the dock, and wgnt into his cabin to unpack his grip. ” 000 The very air of Kansas seems to be conducive to the growth of unique lawsuits, and another peculiar legal contest has just come to notice. On July 4 a young man of Stockton took his best girl to a picnic, but she ac cepted so many attentions from another suitor during the jollifi cation that No. 1 became sulky and went home, leaving her to follow as’ best she could. The girl hired a conveyance in which to return, for which her father paid 75 cents. The angry parent presented a bill to the sulky suitor, and, upon the refusal of the latter, to pay, entered suit before a justice of the peace. Both parties h ive retained law yers, and say that they will fight the case to the bitter end. J BATTLEFIELD ROUTE- I 1 Fioyd Vets Will Travel The r 9 Old War Road to r CONFEDERATE REUNION. ' SPECIAL TRAINS AND PRICE $1.50 ROUND TRIP. I Rome, Ga., July 9, 1898.—T0 Ex Confederate Veterans and Sons of Confederate Veterans : Gentlemen: —We take pleas ure in calling your attention to our Eighth Annual Reunion, which will be held in Atlanta, Ga., Wednesday, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, July 20 to 23, 1898, inclusive. This promises to be the grand est reunion ever held, and as it is so near to us, we should all take advantage and attend. All Confederate Veterans and their families and friends are urged to attend. RATES AND DATES. For this ( occasion the Western &'Atlantic R. R , will sell round-trip tickets from all stations at one cent a mile traveled, or $1.50 j from Rome to Atlanta and re- ; turn. Tickets to be sold for al ’ I trains July 19th and 20th, gooo | to return on any train until July ' 28, 1898, inclusive. No signing of tickets required, by the W. & A R R. ( OFFICIAL ROUTE TO ATLANTA. — Having in view the comfort and convenience of the grand old Veterans, we have selected the ( old reliable Western A Atlantic | R. R , the historical “Battlefield ■ Line,” that we used during the i j civil war, and on which so many ] great battles were fought. AB , *t ii tvtvv frvjtaid arrive a . their elegant new passenger sta tion, foot of Broad street Rome, and Union Depot Atlanta. CONFEDERATE VETERAN’S SOE cial —For the convenience of all Veterans, their families and friends, we have arranged with Mr. K. Ayer, passenger and ticket agent of the Western A Atlantic R. R., to run a special train, leaving Rome Wednesday morning, July 20th, at 6 o’clock arriving Atlanta about 8:30 o’clock. Will reserve one coach on this train for ladies only. A mple accommodation. We are anxious to make this train a grand success, and we therefore urge all who can to join us. Reg ular trains leave Rome daily at 7: 30 a. m,; 4 :25 p. m. Return ing, leave Atlanta 8:15 a. m.; 4 :50 p. m. Yours very truly, Jim. Tom H. S. Lansdell, Geo. K. Green, Committee on transportation, 9 NEW MAN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried var ious medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon, a blessing tome.” William M, James. Brogdon, 8. C. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to ta<e with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC aul yet efficient J i .■> i Having missed everything | else to date Atlanta may yet get 1 poor Alfonso XIII, the boy king, I when we annex Spain. Shut up I in the park at Fort McPherson ‘ little For.zy would draw hun- I dreds of visitors to the capital. —Americus Recorder. UNPRECEDENTED ' Has Bren the Great “Case Raising” Sale r OF J. B. WATTERS A SON. ONLY ONE MORE CHANCE FOR YOU TO GET IN IT. After five weeks of heavy sales, Messrs. J. B. Watters A Sou now put you on notice that their “cash raiser” is about to come to a close. This popular and ever reliable clothing firm has always lived up to its advdrlisements, and hence, when the “cash raising” sale was published and prices quoted the people made a rush for the bargains. Now, Messrs. Watters A Son. having, at a sacrifice to their own interests, about raised the , funds they needed, come forward and frankly state that the slaughter will stop in a few days. You have the remainder of the week in which to secure up-to date gent’s furnishings at ridic ulously low prices. It’s the chance of your life and you should not miss it Look at the sensational announce ment in their big add on the ed itorial page and let an add to tho bargain seeker and the real economic buyer be all sufficient. Attention Ist Ga. Cavalry. —The annual reunion of the Ist Ga , cavalry veterans will take place in Atlanta, Ga., July 221 Col. L R. Ray will be orator of the occasion. Headquarters for the Ist Ga., cavalry will be No. 4! Prior street, one block from the Union depot. H. W. Camp, President. ; J. A. Wynn, Secretary,