The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 19, 1898, Image 7

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Shadow of Stomach Was Too Weak to Retain Food /-/.mniete cure Effected by Hood’s Sarsaparilla Now Enjoy'"* th ” Boot fj( ” Va,tb » * WH h Digestion Perfect. «-; y mother tto s>lc htadv /.and f’ldi/estion for O’<r a year. • l ‘ !u 11 ,*ut;i : fur r..y leiigC. iU »■« . , . : O.iM. ih. TOO m l ‘' t "• jtc v , lwtev «:r and hu>:uin'ach k*' " ,‘1 a‘< »ha could u ' jt rt ' tain what ;•* C1 d U cut. ■ ■ ’ had never® illS in her head, tine tn,.fvt nd rnuoh mtalw became but inc shadow :■ her- iim’on: ~,ut Hood's Sarsaparilla. It w junticd So Truthful inersuader h r to try thia medicine. Before tho first bottle there was . U in.provc:u.,nt in iter condition. Hhe n , ,thr< v.-up her food and her hend- .chtwaa not as severe. She took in «! four buttles Os Hoo i s Sarar parilia .;nd ’ r ,l boxejofl' >ud’s Pills -id regamed her weight. She is now enjoying the beat of health. Her digestion i.-< good and she rau eat almost anything she wishes. She. j g -42 years old and says sir- letis as w<H .s when she was 16. Mr Sar-mpim!. a complete cure );> Jur case. Miss MARY MahCAWE, Ironton, 0..1X H OOd' s 2* I’*? --L i ‘ ‘'■ Is the best -in fact the One True y r o|.ar«-.l..'.lyby<'. I.H 11 M ■-■ Hani’s o ills PASTEUR FILTERS The cub Garni Pre of Filter in the world. Makes water pure and cle ir tor sale by The Hanson Supply_Co WATER TAX NOTICE Have you how near th: Th is? J. T. L. _ore Sec’y- sod Treas. S RAILWAY. Con •wwd *rluulidF k. Effect July H, iHftS. ■> :' ■ I .T A [vTniiuaiiuugi O.X’htu rn 1M n ni |i Dalton 1 7.51 am! S. IL Hl tin MRoiur | V.Dtiuin O.lJpHij I.lL'in Ar Atlanta j 1 1. i »aiu li. 50; m, f».oJam tv Atlanta l..?oVin .1 5 >ym; n .rJaifl Ar Mu hi 7. lOp.n 2 •sam Ar Je<up X4sa»r.| 2.38 pm A; Everett 7.25nni; 3.25 pm A.’J ic'uonvlHe ..... 0.-W.'nJ 9.25 pm L» Jesup lO.Oiani A..Mpm Ar Ja 1 ■ • ivin l 4 L. Enerttt r •■, jS pm At Brunswick | . .. 8.30 am €3ogm »\». io carrlt s Pullman Sleeping Car Chat tnu ogij to Atlanta. u curries Pullman Sleeping Car and Dny f'< •hesf’na tiriooga to Jack.sonvillt* aua At lanta to Brunswick. Vo 8 carrier Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta ii ' io Atlanta. fc’VA'i N’n if: \' o ~ y., ’■ y' lautu 1 i.SOonii 4.00 pm i. 50•• o Ar ba ton 7 .‘Jam 7 A/ 'aftunofr/M s. B.sUpn. 1 (j<ipm l.v ( :itluhoo<a x..K am U. lupin A i lin ruin e .... 4 5| «m Ai r.”»tii;ruui ft.louiii tlJ.arn At Lu i' i ill.. 7 i Ai‘ ClTUiiiiiyid ; ' tv' | y.,,:,. LttajplTWpS A r in X>> l.< cun'll I’ulhnan .• p|,u-<".ir .'.tlnnta •o jiatMnn , i an : Chattuno ura to Clncin iati. No- V carrlr. Pullman S'.fteulu.r <’xr Atlanta • 1 l,lc >i»uiti an.! Chatla.'i.Xi.iii to Lonisvilta. —. “ T '. l ? ' " IN’ ■.«.' No. ft ' No. !< p; ■ ■ . . ■ . t,'’ ox . vl '"' 11... cm «i.- it ni - .I'uir.t wn I IJtpiu v.cciin 2 2t»n;n o . i >i'!ii. „•« l.lpiu 11.41 m 4, Ari'/ii" ' 1 " ' ' 1 Tipru l.l'yml 5.10 am ■ r ”’‘ O 1 v - 5 -'” n ’ 1 - b'lmi ■■•■/ ■■ ! ‘ Ar 'v.,, 1 .. I '. ' I 0. 12 HU I ..'I .I Bl •'»!•■ 4 r.’.a:;i>m o.gaam In-''' A./.m\ieau- Jn,. ' to bi » Y ih''. Vdio- Y?' 1 "lirytoi:i lifhuiul iHTlv.ll r Hh'll "‘"'''l " H am. a1..,, sleep.aj- Car >'i"'emoro lo X,|i ( . >’oy tm' 1 ' l,lll l " ’•■ ; ’ ‘•aiii*- to e.’i: 1 1,1 "1 in sli‘(-Il I f r ( '•! Il,’ i.jfH r a Chan -r' il 11 Salisbu ‘ y IJ N w Yur . with- Lr >•) Ar Km/ , \ > 40. n Ar M.„, • i'-’ 1 C ■'« At Brl 1 ,n i’ /-•io.. t< „ 1 . X ' ’ ■ ' “ noo/". ’V'f? SiHoii ('.nm'uni.tu- Yor,; a \ | 1 ” ,l,? l Chaltiui. og;t to New .7"' ul •'i'crpljg Car Kiv>x- Lt ■’ • Ar A’.nisto., ... V lUam Ar LYrni 11l '.'li m Ar Sei -m n •• ■ lU.COpm Ar Mer-ull'a,', " ” 3..... pm As NewOrleiiii 7.30 pm AVJaeksir - A' Vlek.ou ■ ».*»« Jtr.r: ’*• rtei&ss jpft»ra2KSS Aitibm 7 intm Ae.a.l dro, ar fl.noam H.S'ium - h’Pm.Ar Attalla. Jvi .XVmm it.nuaia 1 mto«pt Sunday. j Sunday only. J M U rr?n )N,iWv P * « M • w ‘*hlnvton. D.C. W * mnY,., Tra ’ M * r - Washington. D. a CA ni /T’ pA " Wa ’hin4fton. D. C. -NSCOTKR, A.a.».A..Ohattanoo<a.Tenn , i L ' b RARYSENT SC DfiWEY. N '*w Ymk, July 18.—The New urK c {fee Exchange BuHitiess 11 «‘* *• Aseociation has completed shipped a Jibrhry of 10,00 C v dutni h to Admiral Dowey’s Squad r '"> aud have now made arrangt- the Navy D partmenr ° B *“ d '>«'”<• thenin Cuban watuta. PERSONAL M NIION t Mr. M II Basset Lay nder w«s here today. Mr J. E Bradley, of Atlanta, is in ’he city- All kinds of nice fruit at Lloyds’. Mr. R. B Mc.trver went to Atlanta today. Delicious canteloupes every day at Lloyd’s. Mr. T. B. Conner of Carters* viUe, is in the city. (X)l. I. E. Shumate, of Dalton was in the city today. Mrs. Jeff Davis is visiting friends and relatives in Atlanta. xVlr. Win. WhiU Johnson of Dalton is in the city today. House tc rent, close in- Apply to LA Lloyd. Mrs. Will Foster, of Summer* viile, D visiting relatives in the city. Have you tried Hunt the bakers bread and cakes yet, if not why not? Mr.B.F. Armington went down to Rock Rua this morning cn bus iness. Clever Will Wright is spending a few diys in the city, on his va cation. - | Mr and Mrs. William Wright, of Meridian, are visiting friends in the city. Mi-s Jennie Kyser, of Columbus, O , is the guest .of Miss Fannie Berrian Mr. Duke Black, of ashington D. C., is the guest of relatives in the city. Mr. Ed Maddox went down to take in the Confederate reunion today. i.i May?-!, W. Dian of Gadsden, is visiting Ips daughter, Mrs. J. H. H iskiinon. : k Cnpt. and Mrs John C .Foster and daughter, Miss Bonnie, spent today in the city. Mr. and Mrs, Joe George left this morning for At'anta where they will spend a fe J days. $ a xSO to At ania and return via Southern Ky. 1 9th and 20th. Bad blood becomes g >od blood on taking Hood’s * the great blood purifier. Mr. sod Mrs. I). J. Kerr went down to Atlanta tins morning to spend 6* veral days a ith friends, Mr. T. B Davis, of Floyd Springs, is in the city the guest oi his brother. Ordinary John 1\ Davis. Misses Dora and Sall’e Haney, of Childersburg, Ala., are the guests ot Miss Laura Hume on “Tower Hili.” Mi*s Blanche R use returned to her home in G e nville L d y, after a phasant visit to her sister, Mi s. Chas . Harper . Mr. and Mrs.Jifl Davis of Ozaik Ark. the city today and will spend some lime with Mr. and Mrs. VV. P. McLeod. Miss Lo a Berrian, after spend.' iug seveial weeks with Mrs, W. P, VV’bitmoie a few miles irum the city, returned to Atlanta today. Miss s Bessie and Jennie Morgan, after a delightful visit to relatives in the city, returned to tin ir home in Rockmart to lay Mr. and Mrs M.G. McDonald returned today from New York. Mr. McDonald was taken sick and they re.urned siouer than they expected. Go to the reunion at Atlanta via Southern Ry. July 19th A 20tr. Round trip $1.50. J. N- Harrison, C. T. A. Hunt the baker has Albert O. Lindsley, of Indiana, one of tl • best bakers out of tha West work* iug for him, ca'l and try his bread and cak a you wont regret it. LOCAL HIPPENiHI. Out Today Coi.gcessni ;n John W. Maddox alter a week’,* illiwss was able t<> b>> out a short while this moruih'Z. New Fi.ook—A new floor will l.w pl iced on the Broad Q street bridge tomorrow, 'j’his has b en needed a long time as the old floor is ba lly worn, and is dangerous,hi placi 8. Uncle” Dennis Wildeu Dead —“Uncle'’ Dennis Wilder, one of the oldest negroes in Rome died this morning at his home in North Rome. He was over seventy years of age. In Gcod Orii’fCß Ci’y Electri cian Clift’ Seay now has the fire alarm system in perfect order. He has b,en hard at work for aevera weeks putting up new wires and overhauling things generally. Appointed Surveyor—Mr. Chas Smithh as been appointedsurveyor for the 3 d Georgia Reg. U.S. V. and ranking as Lieut. He wants carpenters, blacksmiths, surveyors draftemet, etc., at good pay. Eyes examined free by Dr. Taylor, experi enced optician. at Wooten’s drug store; Save your eyes.Do not delay. Police Court. —Only a few cases were tried at this morn ing’s police court. Lizzie Griffin, Anna Johnson and Bob Smith, all colored, were tried on the charge of loafing on the street at night. They were fined $2 oOeach or 6 days. Sallie Walsh, colored, disorderly c njduct, $5.00 or 15 days. Died in Texas. —Officer Drew Cooper received a misstge yes terday afternoon announcing the death of his elder brothe-,] A. M. Cooper, whose home was in Milliken, Texas. The news was like a tliun<lerbolt from a clear sky, Officer Cooper not having heard that his brother was in poor health, even. A. M. Cooper had lived in Texas since ’Bl. He leaves a young wife and married daughter. * • Bad Runaway--Mr. George Trammell's horse became fright ened this morning near Bth ave tAe, and ran away. He ran into t e iron awning in front of Hudgin’s saloon on upper Broad street com pletelj’ demolishing'the buggy ai d awning and fracturing the horse’s skul 1 , Mr. Tramnell was not hurt. ■■ ■■-.l' ,JL .L-Tr Mr. J . S. Wyat' went down t<> Atlanta tod .y. Mr ( barlie Smith, went t Seney on business today. Mr. J. B. Ow ns, bef.Ler know ai “Jufe.” has (eturned from Nor folk Mr. 'A’ill Gnnby will go dowi t > Atlanta tomorrow to spend sev* eral weeks. Mr. Ab x White went down t< atten 1 Confederate reunion i' Atlanta today. Sheriff J. 1* McConnell vint down to Atlanta 'his morning to take m 'he Conf' derate reu ion M iss s Joe and Burl I) ivi ls n , two charming you.i’g ladies o Attalla’,’are the gu >ats of Mi . Hale on Sixth aven in 1 . , 7tT~ . , o CLOTHESLINE Cut tho Throat of Farmer Near Mt. SteUihg, Ky. f v ■ gK"- jST* M Mt. Sterling, Ky., July HL — James Gillispie, farmer, met with a severe accident late Sat - urday evening. Hib horse lan under a clothes line, Cittchiugj him under the chin, thrown g him from the horse and cutting ■ a gash in his throat near the jugular vein. Two teeth were knocked out.' He is in a critical condition. .MANZANILLO BOMBARDED j Throe Spanish Steamers Burn ed r-Three Gunbcats Standed j Lin lon, July 19 A specie |d spatch from 11, dated T>n j il iv, says: h ven A a'ilc in warships heavi ly b mibarded Maoz inillo this morning. Three steam rs of Men en lez Lina wire set on fire Sever al guniiouts that were in th liar b>r iss'i >d forth to the def<- se of the i, bit were stranded Tne result ot tlic bombardnieiit sn »t yet known ire re. GOT RECEU’TS FOR EV ERS THING under the sun and can make properly allmost any thing yon want My Reference Book, latest edTion of, IL S., Pliariii u’opbiq.i cost $2 50, IT S Dispensary $S R ini'igton’s Practice of Piiar m icy $B 50, Pattent medicine f.irniii'as $2. Druggist’s For milary 410, Fe i ner’s For an try $lO, Scientific American (.' .■■ iop -dia of R“ C . i,, th so. To' il, >-; ! .v'H'th of the most reliabl’? ;eci ipt books publi*bt containing ihmis : <is of miscel laneous ri c ipis cuiering ever} department ■■' th i.uman indns try together with my fifteu years experience in the drug business at your service at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, Norton’s old corner, opposit Masmic Tempi. WCHKS OF FICE AT CI I Y HALL Offica hours 7:30 a. m. to 12 m. 2:00 p. rr. to 6 p. m. J- T. Moore Sec’y and Treas- ATTENTION! All members pf the Dolts ! Cock Georgia brigade who may attend the annual reunion of Confederate X'eteransat Atlanta, Ga., Julj 20:Ii id"23d; 1998, are requested, immediately on arriv al in Atlanta, to call at brigade headquarters, 44 Wall street, opposite union depot, and reg ister, got badges and read the bulletins for general informa •tion. State papers please copy. W. W. Hulbert, 4fh Ga. J. C. Joner, 4th Ga. C. 1). Camp. 21 st Ga. 11. W. Thomas, 12th Ga. J. C. Rogers, 44th Ga. Committee. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FL YD COUNTY. Whereas W .1 Neel, administra tor of Mrs. F iniiv W Jones, de cea icd. r’presents to the court in his potit,;. n ilii'X fi <d, that he has ...dtninis'cr: d Mrs. Fannie W •:inns' estate. Tb s is to cite all »-r*e,i s C' uefirn d, kindred and ’ cred 'ers to snow cause if any tli‘-v cm. why said administrate’' shotiid n >1 lie di-charged Hom his •idmi.list '•ati.iii ami receive letters of disinie i n on toe first Monday in October 1898 Tins July 4'ii 1898 J iin P Danh . Ordinary. SU dMER RESORTS Many delightful summer resorts .re sit' ated on and reach' d via the Southern Rail w ay. Whether ope ti-sires the seaside or the moun laics, th • fnshionab e hotels or qui f c unt’j homes, they can be reached via tbi.- magnificent high' ■vay of 1 ravel. Asb’evi I 's. N. 0. , Hot Springs, N. C., Roan M< U'ltait', Tenn md the mouutain resorts of East. Tennessee and Western Nort' Carolina, “The Land of the Sky” Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tehn., Lookcut Moun tain, i’ein>., Lit hia Springs, Ga.. ',he vft'ioua Virginia springs, and th- seashore resorts are reached hv the S u hi rn Railway. The Sou'hctn Railway has issued a handsome folder entitled “Sum mer Homes and Resorts ’’descrip tive oi neai ly one thousand sum mer resort h Leis and hoarding I h-.rn.-es, including information re ■oard.iig rates for board at the [ liitT rent places and railroad rates to reach them. Write to 0 A. Bensco'er, Ae “is'ant General Passenger Agent t Souther;) Railway, ("'hattanooga T--nn. for a copy of tbi* f Ider. fDC'• \ . i H.W IWI WtMf I ; | WlllWt I wife bO- i-gSMI Vou will y fc.b j surpris ed to see ' how much you can buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to give the best goods for the least money.- If y hi are thinking ofbuyingsome thing in the line of I'm ,-iiture,. Car pets, Mattings, Rugs Etc., you will be sorry j you don’t see ut. Wesp nria.king ve y lo.v p ices □) eve ything no a/, to get ready fo/o ir fall goo ds that are coming in. Don’t faii to -v—- ’ see us«. Yours R Wli | -A'*') to please. I- • .< , MSKS i i, pKA, Furniture rwrG 1 ' il*?-' I— --- nn Hair---- - I | Wig- - ■ • Ji SAWHOLECLUB | ca,t fl ■ QzfP ZX I | / ". - . Time I ' • •■••****“ ■- W 43ee '•’*- . >.., 6tz ' I carry a r nl! an ic >m >D*e hue of jewelry, mclu- ding Du n >;i h ErM • ;*= My stock of silver untie is and nov Ities was nev- er more complete. \V.<] ) HV> P U4STM k SP.SJfU.Cf. f» j J. K. Williamson | saa'iSi RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best. Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, Madison street, Chicago.