The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 19, 1898, Image 8

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OfHOPOif RIBO. Transports are Ready For Tlie Campaign TO begin this WEEK. Where the Troops are and How They Wi'l Mobilize. Washington, July 19. —Sec- retary Alger, as he left the White House last night, an nounced that the vanguard ol the Porto “ican expedition had started. Large forces will be hurried to Perio Rco from the United States. '1 be troops at Charleston which have been readv to leave for several days are under orders to start lau tonight or tomorrow. Unless delays that are now unexpected should occur all the troops at Charleston will have to embark before sundown to morrow. 'Die regular troops now ai Tampa will be hurried to Por to Rico as rapidly as ships can carry them. It is the expecta tion of the secretary of war that within ten days 40,000 Ameri can troops will bo on Porto Ri can soil. Washington, July 16.—»-»en Total’s surrender will hasten the expedition to Porto Rico, and the presence of yellow fev er among the troops has deter mined the authorities to fit out a new expedition Most of the troops at Santiago will be brought back, but the Nixth and Tenth Cavalry, and Twenth fourth United States In fantry, all colored, will be left there for garrison duty. Colored troops will also be sent to San tiago from Dry Tortugas. Be sides these, the three regiments of white immunes, so far organ ized, will also go. war department was to day at work under the new plans. Efforts were directed to ward getting the American troops out of Cuba, negotiating for the transportation of Total's men to Spam and arranging for the new expedition. Gen. Brooke will be in com mand of the Porto Rijan expe dition. He is expected here for a conference with Gen. Alger. There are excellent reasons to believe that the point now in view- for the first landing is Are cibo, a harbor on the northern coast of Porto Cico, and to th'- west of San Juan. Although the harbor is not of the best, it is very good at this time of year and is especially desirable in that it is connected with San Juan by a railroad. Fresh transports are now awaiting the new’ troops that are expected to go. Between New York and Tampa, and including both ports there are 24 trans ports 10 or 11 of which are at Tampa. At Tampa there are now 7,000 volunteers and regulars, three volunteers being infantry and four cavalry, and 10 or 12 bat teries of artillery. A great deal of the artillery in Santiago also will be taken to Porto Rico. But most of the troops there, after being on the hills for the p oper quarantine limit, will be brought to the vicinity of Boston. WORKS OF FICE AT CITY HALL. Office hours 7:30 a. m. to 12 m. 2:00 p. m. 1o 6 p. m. J. T. Moore Sec’y and TreaS‘ I A BIRD’S EYE VIEW The city sprinkler was alonj Third avenue this morning. I don’t remember of an acciden of this nature having occurred before in about two years. I wouldn’t object if that rig should contract the habit. * * ♦ I see that Lanham & Sons are preparing to occupy the big •tores now occupied by Baas Bros. & Co, on Broad street and Third avenue. Since that state ment has been made public, 1 have had quite a numbes of peo ple to ask me if Lanham & Sons were going to move. * * * I have invariably answered “No.” though I was basing tho answer upon my own conclu sions and not on information from>the firm, authorizing such a statement. * * * Yesterday, however, I saw Mr. Henry Lanham and learned from him that I had “hit it pr<- cisely.” Mr. Lanham stated that Lanham & Sons had no idea of giving up the Fifth avenue stores, in which their house had launched its first small business venture a few years ago, and where it has grown to such princely proportions since. * * * “On the other hand,” he stat ed, “we propose to push the business at the old stand with renewed vigor. We have thou sands of loyal customers all over North Georgia and North Ala bama who have known us at the Fifth avenue stores and who will continue to seek and find b irgarns on that side the Oosta naula . * * * “For the Bass stand on Broad street, we have bought and are buying an immense stock of all new good?. We fl it ter ourselves that we know a good bit about the requirements of the Rome trade, and tho stock that we shall open on Broad St., in September, will prove an eye opener to competitors and a j jy forever-y customer who enters our doors.” * * * In the mean time Bass Bros’ k Co., with about 40 days left to them, are closing out their stock of retail goods and pushing ev ery line to the limit, in order to clear the deck of retail business tnd make room for the plucky new tenants. A ♦ * * And work is being pushed rapidly on the foundations of r.he new wholesale grocery store for Bass & Simpson. * * * In retiring from the retail dry goods trade of Rome J. L. Bass leaves a record that few will, < j qual and none will surpass. He is a born business man and, hough young in years, is per haps the heaviest buyer who <ends>prize stocks into Georgia. May his success in his new field, the wholesale trade, be as signal a triumph as were his achieve ments in the retail channels. “Why don’t you pay your compliments to Waters’ new brand, the ‘Bill Arp’ cigar?” asked a live and enterprising dealer us me this morning, Then he called me in and gave me about too and a half columns of tine data about the “hit” that “Bill Arp’, has mat eon the ■ Rome trade. He assurer me that I'om Warters makes the best ci- I grrs made, all the time, but that “Bill Arp” beats the baud. Hunt the baker has the best “lection of cakes io Rvujh. Call at 312 Broad St. and see what s marvel of quality and cheapness hey are. » .1 i, I>. WOOTEN & BRO., j. ® Successors to w ROME PHARMACY. J; * * 3‘>9 Broad st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in 3H tho drug, piescription and patent medicine line. ur 1 stock i • complete and of the very highest gnu e. > We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a times. We should be pleased to have you call on us J, A .J* Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and -J . such things as are usually carried in a first-class ding . store. Cigars and tobacco. Mty Come to see us. * * « SPHhfUllUlllUllllllllHUJ • X X H S. M Stark, 2 S Lffl 1 AND GDM3O TAIL B £ * £ . X' y Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A c » ; - < '’t X £ .-H *• WiHUiHiiHHHHHHH - H : « F.JI ANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. I c 2 g ( Plumbing and Tinning. 2 2 Engineers’ and machinists' 5 5 supplies. Stoves, rangesand • S tinware. Gas and electric fix- c Hires. INSURANCE gasoline § 2 stoves. Water meters. 5 $325 Broad st. Phone’ja. f 51.25 ail 5 1 5 > I; ;u jjj sTirts for $ J. A. GAHII 1 ..COMPANY are for everyone in Rome to conn _ in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, L M bicycle and golf suits, is what We aro d°’ n g» * ,ut we Bre Lus- - tliug while we wait. We will show you the finest stock ol L [<] ~\\ VWT Illi clothing, made from the newest v ■...--'T.'.' styles and patterns in fabneks, perfect fitting and handsome, to ■‘T-. . be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the’price. Use greatest line of negligee shirts ever shown ii Rome. J A. GAfIMO N & C O ro-.r Can supply all Gisrs is the Most Complete, r department Nursery[ZZwMrX-TVr::? I .:Wt&’M ilri'A iJ |ow rates. We publish one of ’ 1 .■■■Mm * ■ thc leadiHS Seed, Plant and Tree issued, Jgijj . -n iniiirt which Wll ] be mailed f rrc. Send for it now, it will ”011 n;.’.ricy. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory . - Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends fai and □Cor. Have hundreds of carloads of FRtM ANO ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. t !V; tend 6y mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Rosas, Small Trass, Sts. Safa arrival a. mtiatac-iod guaranteed; larger by express or freigbt. 4*U> year. rraendouase. acre FME °Tno OS HARRiSOM e«s gg* PaineaviUe, C A- * To Meal Peopu ol Rome: It ibwih pleasure that we introduce to our readers thepri of a nev and complete stock of ■IS, 818 AND Small Musical Ihstrumen n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street whore we would be pleased to have you call am] examine our goods. | Tiie stock consists of some of tho best ni.tkes ,*piaiios and organs on the markit today. We ki’*p a full line of everything pertaining tea first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a lo.ig time. Give us a call ami you w i[| [j ll( j a music store that Romans may be proud of Vi litir unit)*!);, , j tv— I> IC \CI E d .4 the earliest possible date. E. MWBK® 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. X x..\ xXXX\XX. XXX X X \ \.\> \\ \ y We keep on hand at all times a full stock of Sheet Music F. J-KANE* CO 1248 B.’oad ■* O Sale ol Summer« T* T> xx x\ ’ xx \ - VAMf <X 'X-'Xxx \x\ \ \ vv| * w ••••»**••• >•] x x x x x \ svw x \. x-..x ' <x x x \:x \ \ \ . \ v Lawns, Organdies, Piques, I’ercalesl Gingham and Madras. I I ( -r. 4T. Ready-Made Skirts and Waisll We intend to close out ourshoi stock, so take advantage of co® pcries on shoesof the best makes. I Special prices on everything at ■ 248 BroadJStre3t- ■ B r J ,i JI 8 iilsLUfl permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RH fri c£ pnrc«t and the bc-t. Sold by '‘ruggists on a positive g»« gjg Sample sent live on mention of thispvl’ .rs/ ■ IE Wun” YW2BIMWV * f