The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 20, 1898, Image 2

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Wai Time Prices. While|oojt be one {hand ai'a (retultof the’war, Dearly all,food products have advanced in price. on the other band, it has had fprecisely 'the opposite effect on the PURNITURS Trade. . £ •- • I We mud keep our sales*up to the normal standard, and to do this we realise that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we are prepar ed and determined Jto make you lower prices on anything in our house than can be Lund elsewhere. Our line is Complete and Upto Date. Consisting in part ofj Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, . wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Rodders and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages ■ Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens. Iron Beds. etc. Also c nnpl vie line of casketsco fl H. r» • ’«. .id. ( at the lowest p 114 • J til JI Rhndy, Harvey & Company. GRAND REUNION Os Hie Confederate Veteran in Atlanta Today. THOUSANDSWILL ATTEND Over Six Hundred Went From Rome Today. One of the largest crowds that ever left Rome on any occasion, went down to Atlanta today to attend the Confederate Veterans reunion. Over six hundred tickets were ■sold by the different railroads in Romo. At leasj five thousand people have passe J'th rough Rome yes teruay and today. Atlanta will do herself proud and will give the old Vets a roy al welcome. Among those who went down this morning were : Hon. S. S. King, Dr. and Mrs. 0. A. Tr.evtt, Prof. Ford, Col. C. Rowell, Hon. J. K. Williamson, T. M. Lipscomb, Dr. M N. Nixon, Hon. H rper Hamilton, Mrs. J. 11. May, Mrs. R L. Williamson Mr. D. C. Wood ward,M rs. Carlton W right, Judge John P. Davis, Col. Phill G. Bvrd, Mr. J. P. M. Byrd, Miss Annie Proctor, Miss Mary Adkins, Mrs..J. W. Lancaster, Miss Paltie Gilliard, TS. Bur ney, Mayor John J. Seay and Rev S. 11. Dimon Mr. George Woodruff, of Ash ville, is in the city attending the bedside of his father, Mr. Frank Woodruff, who is very ill. PRESIDENT’S SON SHOT Major? Webb C. Hays Struck B> A Bullet At Santiago. Wk - Washington, 1). C., July 20. — MaprtWebb C. Hayes, of the First Ohio Cavalry son ol th* late President Hayes was wouuded or. Friday,. July 1, the first day of the battle ts Santiago. His regi in nt did not participate in the engagement, being now under Waiting orders at Tampa, but Major Hayes was detached from his command and assigned to tem porary duty on Gen< ral Young’s staff. Whi'e-acting in that capac ity his horse was killed under him und he was wounded. He in out ol the hospital and again ready sot duty. < Cancer ' 01 the Face. Mrs. Laura E. Mima, of Smithville,O*.. i says: “A small pimple of a strawberry color appeared on my cheek; it soon began to grow rapidly, notwithstand ing all efforts t<? check it. My e ye became tertibiy inflamed, and was so IfjSj swollen tba. for quite ** J a while I could not see. The doctors sa *d I had Cancer of th* most malignant tyP* 1 an< J after ex hausting their efforts i • without doing me L*?? any good, they gave lup the case as hopeless. When in- I formed that tny father had died from ; the same disease, they said I must die, I as hereditary Cancer was incurable. “At this crisis, I was advised to trr I S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer began to dischaige and continued tode so for three months, then it began to heal. I continued the medicine a while longer until the Cancer disappeared en tirely. This was several years ago and there has been no return of the disease.” A Real Blood Remedy. Cancer is a blood disease, and only a blood remedy will cure it. S. S. S. (zwaraw/ersf purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to per manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Ecsema, Rheumatism or any other disease of the blood. Send for our books oa Cancer and Blood Diseases, mailed free to XKn any address, Swift Specific Co. Atlanta, Ga. ► Tfaw Marat la the hifhaat fraMa Kahiaf paarOar ,faww». Acts-al taaU aba* H e«eo «ow tbkd farther thaa aar attar braafa Loval Eri POWDER AM«teWiy rare « ROYAL RAMI MR POWDCR 00., YHK. DASTARDLY. Just as the door was reached the Bound of a failing plank wav heard, and then the explosion occuired. The name of the Chinaman was Goon Nig Chung. The man man he murdered was Sam Si Sing. Coroner Wadeni and a corps of deputies are searching through the surrounding fields Coj; the remains. In some in stances they had to be picked up with shovels. Fourteen cars were blown to splinters and sev eral were burned. Windows were bioken in Oakland, Alo mado and as. far as Berkely. Sheritt and Ed White are complete nervous wrecks. They were carried over 40 feet by the force of the explosion and thrown violently to the ground. The loss cannot be estimated. VET WHIPS A SOLDIER. B y in Blue Sang “Hang Jeff “Davis To a Sour Apple Tree An unusual scene occurred ou Marietta street yesterday after tiuou probably the firtit since the declaration of peace. It was B'eii I y a large number of interested spectators and generally approved <>f by the big crowd that ga*bored when it commenced Dr. D’Alvigny , h a confederate gray uniform, was walking along the street when a soldier in United States uniform, began to sing the song. “Hang Jeff Davis to a Sour Apple Tree.” Dr D'Alviguy did not wait for a second invitation, but with a steal rod umbrella be gan such a vigorous attack on the soldier that he immediately re peated. The soldier’s wrath did not sub side with his defeat. He drew his bayonet and attempted t<» ruch upon Dr D’Alviguy, but was pre ven'ed by the by atui.dern .The doc tor a-k. d that he be t come on The latter was joined by a number of other cm federates who had on gray uni forms and started down the street The soldier fol oaed them am seemed anxious to attack his as salient. He Was finally turned over to r captain <>f police and placed upoi - car for Fort McPhotaou.—Con sti'uticn MR DAVIS HERE He Came t » attend The Funkr al of Hu MoTI.ER. . Mr. Charlie Davis arrived in th city last night from Tampa, when he is stationed with company H S cond Georgia regiment U 8. V. H- came ou the sad mission of al '■ nding :hT funeral of his mothei who died at her home in Oremau ust Monday of consumption. Mr Davis is well known and bar many friends in Rome who deep!) sympathize with him in the loss of his mother. He will probably return to Tampa in a few days to jo : n his company which goes to Porto Rico. *•“ *»•»*••• r.orva-felin>i< lu.*,,- La Lit ■al <b-» j v.uovas tn« u*« r» fur »«ba«xv ,u k/fW out dukrew ar p«i fl Mue, purlAoa tfao blvu«T, atoraa I<m« ura-a L ood. a- n>Lkus vou r A i-J F M am booi. y-jjf ..m drxrrui >a. I W »•»»» farac. SaS. u wiu flfl k •*; ••••ay *«raa. • StV 1 .r .. .XT ■—**4«.. a*Mf«, BeMM«4,Sb«SWah ROVING PLUMBFR SLAIN He Attacked A Litt'e Girl And Paid The Usual, Penalty 0 duuibus, Miss July 20.—Co lumbus, was the scene of a terri ble tragedy this msruii. Aboir four d»ys ago a man named 0. 11. GiHi*m, a plumtnr, whose pur ported residence was Mobile, came here and has since resided at the Gnnter hotel . Re »ort ssys that he line lw<n drinking. This morning ab<>u 0:30 o’clo k GilUiam entered a room occupied by Mr. J. T. Gunter b wife and a little daughter ab >ut ten years of age; Ar the time the room was unoc cupied save by the child Gilliam snteied and going to the bed ask d the little girl to kiss him This frightened her. and sh 4 cried on , undaunted Gilliam drew the cover ing from the child, Girliam left the house, but as soon as the condition of things could be understoop Mr. J T. Gunter, the father and Mr. Wili am Guuce r , his brother, went in search of Gilliam, whom they soon succeeded in finding. Both Gunters w ire armed u*ing a shot gun and pistol. Gilliam was s iot to death by the Messrs Gunter , he dying alm >st instantly. The coroner’s inquest exonerated the Gunter, and this verdict is the tin ianimous sentitni nt of the | eople here. iii m Miss Leila Durham returned Friday aftGrn >on from Rome where she has been on a visit io relatives t Miss Durham’s lather. Mr. F. M. Durham, piid a visit to his relative during his daughter's stay. —Cartersville News. THE SURE LI GRIPPE OUR There is nou«e suffering fro n :his terrible malady, if you wil only get th* right remedy. You are having pain all through youy bodv, your liver is out ol order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are c >mpletely used up. Electric bit ters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure r elief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you *’eel like a new being They are guaranteed to cursor price refund 'd. For sale at Curry ArriugtunS rug sto.'e. Oily o) cj i 4 per >ttle. witm emos ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law office, aoojsast First Street, LOME. GA. GHAS, W. UNDERWOOD . Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporal >u Law Only. * -to M B HUJBAMiCS, Att«ru«y at law. olHceKini; Building. Rome, <>a W H ENNIS, ■ ttorr.ey at Law Will Practice in all couit > Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, ~W J NffiHJL, Attorney at law Will practice in all ecu rt». -pecial attention given to commercial law .nd the examicallon cl laud titles, office in King building. Koine, Ga. WALTER HARR.IS, Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kaue A Co. *e. UIHHQOMB Ac WILLINGH A V Commercial Lawyers. Office lu Armstrong hotel oul'dlug. Rome, G. J. 3 A.'trr O A. WFORD Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collection* a ipeclalty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., >fficeS4o i-S Broad. # Over Cantrell A. Owen jTI PENNINGTON. D JD ,S.,M D. KIN’T IST- Office. SJft 1-8 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur uiture Co. PHYSICIANS. O HAMILTON, sass. D. Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical lulldlug Rome. Ga. On ce 'phone No. 68. La p. HA. sass iff ONO. sass. D . .•nysltian -and Sur/eon. in udiea WuUdlag. Rtsldeuce, No. 4<U We-t F,rsC t Ae« ’photio W. s " School Supplies. J J*’ ’■ "•« “TM »..<! KtomVp. 1 ” ,y “ ,,d *■" *"’< ' ri «''l up iu « , ; j linn, .h»l Hhould b» k,pt by a „ Ul ,. to . (Utß g I i WALL PAPER. J d n ° i; - ih | || »ir« to i,. „ nHW 0 „ vet „„ ftr lR( (](iip ;h! | yur h.„„». 5... our .took ou l, a „<l and M ,„ pl< ,„ - - -y . H. A. SMITH, iHF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE t To Hie People of Rome. J \|Z O I Wish so announce that I Jhave bought the Ull . Steam Lmin Irv and propose to rearrange '’and .id '/"* \|/ u; iu "- ur * “ J I have had years of nractical > lIPO n t'L thi-e years of winch I have o. . Q1 ’ f w f ast W W the largest plan sin Toxas. \V ' a,ed 01,6 « f dli • enctt 1 hav.j ha I and as I will de ' e .- S ° eK P“ r *' w ’ attention to the busines-i L will h , t pos -:!' I,P tlm,! fl " (l anteetbut anything ennmg to my iaundi y wi II X /Ak SltK -uterry, A trial will convince you chit I •« 1 ''li .1. that 1 claim • Sniti m y.jur byadle If it r -til- 1"" 1' * /k • ’J . H- PARKIN S jL Proprietor MoJi-IJSteam Laundry. /|\ ne» —■ ■■ wav r TW, . CANDY llhfe. CURE CONSTIPATION lOc i all 25c 50c DRUGGISTS ViA —«««- --iirh 811 1 him 11 n. wu »■ m_- i—t — $3.00 A MONTH. 1 Ftr this merely nominal fee any sufferer from any Chronic disease can obtsli a line of treatment that has gained a world-wide reputation for it* healing and curative powers. Cases that have been pronounced hopeless are quickly and radically cured at home. Dr. Cowden gives every case his personal attention. Thousands cured. His specialties are: Nose, Stomach, Deafness, Asthma, Throat, Bowels, Consumption, Cataract, Lungs, Blood, Rheumatism, Obesity, Skin Diseases. VIGO RINE An absolute specific for Losses, WJF I *Vfl Kk B fl Bkl Drains, Premature Dis-har-jes, flfl fl fl flfl Bad Dreams, etc. fl | Inal I B w Either of these remedies will be sent upon receipt of $2.00. Their efftet is little short of miraculous. . ~i o Send for Symptom blanks and full information regarding •P. eC1 *’ All inquiries cheerfully answered. Consultation Free. Don't let this cni escape—it may never occur again. Address, Z#5Q3|C//rz? Qißuwptic® Como. Wls” • N si« Jan. W, 189 S. • . * I would not be without PISO’S StioN th ' CURE for CON- Taj WHERnLrlwnww. t pnngh ® SUMPTION for any Jg Bert W e %"£i FL best n Tthe beyond all others. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. . J.A- W T “The Best Cough Medicine-