The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 20, 1898, Image 4

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■ IK WIEB-MIKML HtHUSTLEK OF ROME CvtabiUlird. 1890 ROME COMMERCIAL tKtebliabad. 1895. every avauluc- *xcepl SelunUy. Bauder and weekly. .77 fm,l a bykd - r *' kbitok ano manager. g<iF' Block. Tkird Avenue •■ Bueaey.per year »» *> r* M" • 10 ° (TußoMC«v»iuip«' *• */’«ASBIKR IN CITY AND SUBJllti Bunday, 1 event, per wee?, by bank draft, exp ran. •*a«y arder or registered let ler Ad4rsß« TIfIUSTLER-COIHERCIIL. • .’-eV "'IQME.I GA. peered et'iKPFußtomce al Home, Ge., a> '■•COSO clAaa matter. •BvertMa* reiee and aauipie copies tor the BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 ‘ Toddy Roosevelt in 39 years •Id. _ War nowa will be dull for a vhilo. Spain it going out of the col ony buaiaoee. Ths Floyd county melon now Maa tho right of way. -•ei Eat more fruit and less meat •nd you won’t get so hot. Schley, like Dewey, is a man of greiiafcfton and few words. V A, •’. MflJPg- - ’Efcos't‘'Yankee Pigs”’ pen i» mightier than the Spanish sword .r .wt- -■■'■ ~""** While tha soldiers exist on hard teeikv4beetay •at- homes face the hatftax.’ (JoOrgia will do herself proud, in Atlanta, for the remainder ot the wook. . A*new generation of carpet »*««• re io'checking baggage for Cubi ’already. The state of Texas is about T 5,000 square miles; larger in fo ain - No. person in Norway may •pond more than threenence at •no visit to a public house. Tho Modern Woodmen of America will give a log rolling •I Joplin. Mo., cn August 10th. Tho old Confeds own the city •f Atlanta, the state of Georgia and tho entire land of Dixie to Spain ought to give us Wey lor in oxchange for those 18,000 •oldiors we are sending back to Ur. Thoro seems to have been too much smokeless talk used in concluding those peace negotia tions. The next fellow who calls us “ooloner* will just have to pay the salary, thats all. —Darien Gazette. The Spanish army has yield ed to tho blandishments of that summer excursion.—Americus Korald. Some people seem to fear that . ho Sandwich islands will give US indigestion, observes Editor MolnUsh. In tho United States there are no less than thirteen differ ent varieties us the Presbyterian church family. With the exception of Dewey all the heroes of the war are •oulhevuers and democrats. And l)«woy io a democrat. If the Spaniards believed tha* are pigs, winder what they thought when the. saw Gen. Shafter. —August Ch r onicle. If we had bought the 0 Hig gins, we might have pa'nted fieri greln, but we would never have! dared to change her name. The retirement of Congress doesn’t include the retirement of Mr. Hanna. That able man it right on deck —Atlanta Consti tution. Wheeler is the only southern general who has been given a showing. Lee seems to have been purposely slighted.—Sparta Ish ii aelite. The killed and wounded in the battle of Chicamauga, on both sides, were more than dou ble the whole number in Gen. Shafter’s army. Joseph H. Choate is to deliv er the annual address at the meeting of the American Bar Association, to be held at Sara toga next month! The Louisville Dispatch thinks that if the country should insist upon a war hero for president in 1900 Gen, Joe Wheeler should not be overlooked. It the army should discover gold in Cuba, it is well equipped for midgng. There’s a General Surveyor, a General Engineer and a General Shafter. Not a Southern volunteer Wit killed at Santiago—because no southerners had been ordered to Santiag). Schley, Hobson, Blus & Co., got there jast the biuh. The Chi ago Inter-Ocean thinks the Hawaiian commis sion is strengthened by the ap pointment of Senator Morgan whom it pronounces “a man of wide experience and liberal views ” Congress failed to recognize the-matchless heroism of Lieut. Hobson. But, then, Hobson is an Alabamian and a Democrat and has no right to expect rec ognition from the Republican gang at Washington. ■ ■W -■■■■■ There is nothing like being an immune; soon Col. Ray’s boys will be sent to Santiago, and there they will have nothing to do but lie in tie shade aid defy yellow fever.—Macon News. The war has ahown that the swift protected cruiser with rap id fire guns is the vessel for naval warfare. They can do more damage in fifteen minutes than a whole fleet of warships and torpedo boats. It seems that Hon. W. a. Dodson, of Sumpter, will be the president of the next senate. In fact, it is said that he already has the fi lr. whipped. Colonel Dodson is one of Georgia’s ablest young men, and would grace a higher placy than the presidency of the state. The future should be full of honors for him.—Daw son New's. “Let me ki?s your dewey -lips,” urged the youth in the parlor. ‘Young man,”roared a voice from d>ove “the bombardment will »pen as soon as I can get down lairs. I'hen the hapless young -•ter organized himself into a fly .ng squadron and made a fleet dis ipptarance —Buena Vista Pa rict. « M A student of statistics has dis •••vered that Spain' has more ! blind men than any other nation in Western Europe. The pro- i ortion is said to be 148 in ev ery 100,000 inhabitants. And he blindest of all the people in Spain are those statesmen, sol- WA HE EXCELLENCE IF SYIUP OF rNS in due not ou’y to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the eare and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific proeeeeee known to the Calivobmia Xib Stbvp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importanee of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fife is manufactured by the Calivoknia Fib Stbuf Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fobmia Fib Sybup Co. with tire medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe Bor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FBANOIBOa. <W. LeVISVILLJL. ' ««W TBMU >. V. ilLl-l 1 LTV diers and subjects of the Alfon sian dynasty whose voices are still for war. Dewey’s reputation as a diplo matist promises to equal his abil ity as a sea captain. While we are in the imperial business, it would save much' agitation among the great thinkers at Washington to appoint Dewey King of the Philippines and let him rustle. And we would bank on Dewey outlasting Alfonso as a throne holder.—St. Louis Re public. The greatest hero of Santiago is (’apt. Jack Phillip, of the battle ship Texas, who restrained his men from cheering in the face if the wounded and dying Span iards, and who uncovered his head in the hour of victory and gave to God the glory of win ning the great fight. He was among the bravest in the fight, yet the gentlest in dealing with the unfortunate but gallant foe who ha<l gone down before him in the conflict.—Albany Herald. WHY. Why isn’t paregoric a baby’s crying need? Why ißi’t the life of a miller one continual grind? Why are not women’s rights and wedding rites synonymous? Why wouldn't crying women make successful auctioneers? Why is it that a reformer seldom begins his work at home? Why is a man of the smallest caliber always the biggoat bore? Why is the average man always wanting to do something be can’t? —Chicago News. DEVIOUS DEFINITIONS Foolish—Aman who imagines he understands women. Matrimony—The destroyer of many delightful engagements. Idiots Harmless people who have impediments in their * « thought,. Conversationalist—A person who can talk without saying anything. Impulse—Something that makes a girl want to try on an other girl’s new hat. ■I 1 - ■■ 1 ■■ THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exe cise in the open air. Her form glows md her face glows with its beauty. If her sysiem needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup <>f figs, manufac tared by the California Pi Syrup Go., only. THE JjlpE Deeper. So far, we have been very s jcc ssful with our money raisi bnt the desired amour tof cash has not been raise i and Ae arp ß S " u l pelled to raise this money out'of our stock, e c °m-| During our sale we have sold down a great many lots of suiß i i ing two and three of a kind, an to close out th~se odds and end V ■ have gone through our entire stock and selected out these broke i e l and placed them on a separate counter and ofter you ots l HALF PrtlCb. If you can find '■ our size in this lot of suits it will ' C 7+? e l same to youas i f we had One Thousand suits of a kind. They ar a hI new, cean, fresh, desitabi , us-to date suits. On this count - a I will find suits rang n;? in price from $6 to $25 00. You r-in J Oli l any of them at HALF PRICE. You cannot afford to miss this oon I tunity to ouy Clothing. Furnishing Good c and Hat so chew m l we advertise SLAUGHTERING PRICbS we mean just what wp el aud that is to SLAHGHTER PRICES. Thousands have gone -?■ from our store pleased with the barg ins thev have gotten. So I line and come to us gand get your share of the bargains we -1 offering. are | MEH’S FINE SUITS. All $22.50 and $25 suits go at $lO 50. ! All sls and $lB suits at sll 50 I All 10 and 12.50 suits at. 7.50. I All 6 and 7.50 suits at I All 5 suits go at 3.50. | _ I Childrtfi’sKnse? ants Snits Gs at*!: IHst.K'ff' MJST tbink <nf ITO $6 00 suits go at SB.OO. $5.00 suits go at $2 50 450 suits g>at ■ 225 400 suits go at 2 Oil 350 suits go at 1.75 3.00 suits go at 175 250 suits go at 1.25 | 10) suits g> at 0J MENSHiiE?ANFS 311-3 Off. SO. 00 p inks g) at $ 1.00. $5 00 p tuts go at $3.35. 4.50 pants go at 3 00. 40) pints go at .2.85. 3.50 pants g) at 2,34. . 300 p mts go at 2.00. 2.50 pants go at 1.67 2.03 p i its go at 1 50. 1.50 p nits g ) a's LOO. FINE STRAW HATS ED ATHALF PRICE. $2 50 hats go at sl-25., $2.00 hafc g » a t $1 .00. 1 50 hats go at 75c. I.otk h»a go a 500. 75c hats go at 40c. 5 >c hats go at 25c. 25 per cent off on all Furnishing guaE Underwear, Shirts, H3siery,HmJkec chiefs, Soft and Stiff Hats. 13 i g inc II otWea 11 ]er Stuff in S jrges. Alpici, L' ni. VaVi an 1 d nk. AU gpin thi? d; count sale- THIS Will B 3 Our MIIBLRIISIIU s® YDUR MONEY EAVINS- 1 his will bs our money raising sale and your money saving sals. This is .. th )tr 11 i i>r is it i g >i’ig >ut or n i nii <<« i N >.*ti it i { a i'i >a ’ t > Le v people. We alwaysd » x ictly w i v» a lv?rtisi an Iwi ar i ♦ tho p»> jl» »f ft »a>vi I < iff-’UU 111 country aib aware of this fact. W>c>in?to v >ti nov with tin h >mst, frank atate n mt'h 1 üßedcg m mey and in order to ratsji the noedid an »tin‘; w* off>r v m t'l i ’ oloi i >«t. >'*•? ,t ” c clothing furuishing g mds and ha's m It nin at fa im 25 to 50 pirceit reduction, a i mi w