The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 20, 1898, Image 5

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DECMRATIOSS- - - ■ **» ■ 1 - . $We are going out of the letril ec< ds busiEtsc ’ RFfiil THFM * Our present sale the end cflhis business. “ • IiLHU inLIVI > Our present rnees will never again be Duplicated i The opportunity to buy sv th roods at suclfpdoes will soon be. forever j , goods worth 100 cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents 011 the dollar-qiiantities of them. Ladies skirt and tailor made suits-a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Withe ut question the best stock of goods in Rome and being given away to get out of the retail dry goods business in Rome. 1 000YDS, DRESS C A LIGO 2R " in"————— — ■ J ,030 EANS AT 1 CENT. OTTD LADIES’ 1 ' 500 I EVERY SHOE * 300 300 x , . Shirt waibts--the dol- Yards of Dress Goods In our stock a‘what it i'aby caps recentlv ' . . .. Swiss that cost 46cts ( grads at 39 cents, and waist silks, worth cost us, or kss. to quit bought at factory uric th-i aunaried shirts a yard, we now price . e f -50 c at 25c. busies. !©s y pne- that cost where they at 25 cents, . ' ’ . ’ were made 75 cents to L s $ 1 ■ OO ’ on sale at 39c. ACTUAL COST I A 500 ~~ For all millinery, with no charges for Miss i 'W a Lac iies and gents si.k and satin r * Snyder’s work. A positive saving of 75 per I :« cost 25 cents to $ 1.00 on n ? cties tha t C ent. : cents each. ’ on center table at 10 IBf — SAAA YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tables—much of it cost i;c 20c and ->r 1 ,000 conceptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving them awa yat 6centsava ! R*"-n°. Ve i e » St when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever Buy ir > n ns IMP- Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at bi<r nmfitc 7 make money. We affirm, of all the goods irt this house, nL a dollar’s worth is priced above cost. BASS BROS. & CO. CMRLIST UPRISING Internal Troubles Now Threaten Spain. BRKJD RIOTS OCCUR And “One Woe Doth Tread up on Another’s Hee's.’’ * Madrid. July 19—The necessity of making peace is now universal ly admitted, but the necessity of making it quickly is not general!) realized and,partly owing to Senor 8 iganta's indooision, apparently nothing definite is bein? done by the government, which seems in no hurry to make proposals. Caotain General Blanco and G. neral Toral were given a free hand in the surrender of Santiago, as the government did not desire to expose itself to such criticism a- to lowed the destruction of Ad miral Cervera's squadfen when it W,,H alleged that the governmen' ordered Admiral Cervera to quit the bay. It is well known here that for ’Me time past the carlista have been secretly placing stores, arms ft| id ammunition in thej smaller towns along the French side of the frontier. When the signal for a ' ariist rising is given the taking " f 110 s<> supplies and munitions of Wur ttc rosß the frontier will occus P v at the most a single night, as Gn* men are ready and know where ’h ) must go t o receive arms and . 1 ARLO'i’s ORDER STRINGBNT. 1 ' lf Basque provinces seem very J . Put this is explained by th»‘ . |f at the orders of [) , n Curios >i. * \ str ' n g°nt in the sense 4’n'lof' ha . , v *»t»u ba attemptored FREL I’l' ' S' Send your a ress to H. E Backlen & Co., Chicago and get a tr>e sample box of Dr, King’s New i Life Tills. A trial will Convince you of their merits. These pills are •asy iu gption and are particularly effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liv-r troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly fre fr tn every deleterious substanc< ind to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken in th°ir action, but >y giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem Rsgular size 25c per box Sold ►by Curry-Arrington Co., druggist? until he gives the signal, 'when the rising is to be general. The government has increased measures ot precaution to i ip in the bud any attempt of the kind During the last few days more troope arrived at Tolosa and Ver gara two points of strategical im*. ’portance in the las* civil war. Thr signal f >r the rising probably will be given in the country between Catalonia and Valencia and in Nr» varre, where Don Carlos has his most fanatical partisans. .The Basque provinces would follow when the garrisons there shall have been weakened by flip neces" sity of sending troops to fight the c rlists in Navarre. The rej üblicans ee.poisally those of Vdeucia and Andalusia are being armed. Gen. Weyler is reported to be in communication with both the cariists and the re publicans. El Imparcial accuse President McKinley of deliberately prolon ing the war in order to carry it into Spain to enibD Eng’and in the final settlement tc d- rive terrib r® ial advantages at Gibraltar or in the Canaries. • BREAD RIOTS OCCUR. The increase in the octroi rates duties oi p'ldtue tai eu ii t , he towns is causing ‘urbulence in the rural.,..dis rich of Spain. The populate of the province o r Huelva has rebelled against the imports of corn and flour aud at tacked i.nd set fire to a number ol public buildings. The'troops had to b« called out to repress the dis order Lieut.-Gfeu . Correa, minister o! war, has received a dispatch from Gen. Blanco, including Gen. Tor il’s report of the, capitulation of Santiago de Cuba. s Gen. Toral’s report is dat'd Saturday evening July 16 h. an its details accord with the report.* ilready published. . HOW’S TP T6 H Wh offer One D Harr Reward for any case atarrh that can dot be cured Hall’s Jaturrh Cura; F- J. Cheney & Co. , Props. To ledo, O. We the unib'rsigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15years, and believe him perfectly honor aide *iu all business transaction® ana financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm 'We-T Ji TR..UX, Wholesale Drhggist, Toledo, Q aldi.xg, ’K&n’ah u & M’ArVTN, Whole-ale Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, a c t i ng, directly upon the blood and mucous sur tacos of the system. Price. 75c ■per bottle, S4d by all Druggists. Teatirnouinl® free. It is a noticeable fact that so fai not a southern regiment has been ordered to the front. . -■■ ■■■ ■■ ■!■■ ■ ■■■■ II ■■■■■_ I ■■■■■*■ I' ■ It.-MM wltn yo w other yon eon Uno< uerro «tiling Ul-aceo baMt. ernov vs the deairu for tvbuA*cv no- k.c T O BA < Iroi Uw.». JS «•»»,»»• dru(O-**t Wk •• -tfu B .Urovol. tvrua. T»*e it wit: X |L W wUl,na>le»tlJ,l>»r»lHteiHy On 'y&jt » al- - ’■“■ ♦*> •"•ally »•«••»; > iv>x»s. r— jfiuW vuarxnxroq tveare. •- we raftina mo. - Hi gAaw^yta.,•»!«•»• <Un«raU, «m> Carl wlw * ’ - Thousands of men in lonely homes call up the pictures of the loved aud lost ones, who might still be happy ljusbands with Wealthy babies prattling at their knees, if they had only been a little more observant and thoughtful. When a woman’s com plexion gets pale and sallow and her eyes look heavy; when she is evidently nervous and despondent, and complains of pains and aches and dragging down and burning sensations; a wise man should know that she is suffering from weakness or disease in a womanly way. The thoughtful man who realizes this will at once advise his wife to consult some eminent and skillful special ist. He will know that tin- average physi cian will insist upon the obnoxious exam inations and local treatment s<j embarrass ing to modest, sensitive women. He should know that these ordeals are unnecessary. Dr. R. V. Pierce is gn eminent and skillful specialist, who has been for thirty years Chief consulting physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y, During that time, with the assist ance of a st tlf of able physicians, he has prescribed for many thousands of wom en. He is the inventor of a wonderful medicine for the special weaknesses of women, that cures in the privacy of the home. It is known ns Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It makes the delicate and important organs that bear the burdens of maternity strong, healthy and vigorous. It corrects all irregularities and stops all de bilitating drains. Medicine dealers sell it and have nothing ‘‘Just as good.” W. R. Malcolm. Fsq.. of Knobel. Clay Co., Ark., writes: "My wile for perhaps four inopths previous to the birth of our child took the ‘ Fa vorite Prescription.’ This strengthened her en tire system, and child-birth, to her, was very easy, being attended with little pain. Our baby Ruth is 13 mouths old and she has never been sick a day.” BAD BREATH •‘I hn . e Wen nGik’ andiM mild iuid eficvfltfF ia*uti v t* -hvy an- Mmplfwon, •rftil. My ’.indiH i- U-Jht I wore VGtliereo with Uh .Li:/. !t.n A.’ll Gs! b’.vniii vn.s very bad. After vklrig u V’V c UOH . < Ck'♦carets wv i.ti ve improved V.zrteri'iLy. T jr are a preat help Ir. the family \yiiHF-.vrfA Nagkl. 1137, Itiu-oakouad St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. CANCY ¥ $ #' CATHARTIC .J n»ADi MASK *e»WTeiWD Ploa.snnt. PiGatuMv. PoUMit. Taste Good. 1 Jood, Never Nicften. Weaken, or Gripe. We- 25c. &>• ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... MerUaff <lUeue«. Ibintr. A X*. lurk. 31 MT ft BAI* Sold and euarantmt by all drun * I U-DHW gixta 10 CI'HK Tobaoet, II ah la. THE HOTEL . Rome, Ga o Regular ..x. ; Soecial B3MS Rates Wanted- MtM|. ♦ The place to get a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. '' ' .... j. . _ , MIMIIMM,— 4 Best White LEHJiIIB! H For thi zery ojr d i tH n >. jJJ perfectly marked foA/is, lew? orders £2 SX wi e h , J - 'T’ Grouch &C 3 $3 prrtrio. s P le n Jid cockerels o 11/$ L M I. D. TVL'JXO ZZ <**<*<•<*<*<>>><jM IMLMAM-A M ißepairing || • DoxPt Walk On ! t © Your Uppersli | W, A-MU L LIN f L VER f. SALE AND FEED STABLES Offers the public t’ie finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. j 1L» best block of horses and mules on sale con strut!y. •> T.. V-. - - -- * ■«. *■