The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 20, 1898, Image 7

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Shadow of Herself Stomach Was Too Weak t 0 Retain Food A Complex Cure Effected by Hood’s Sarsaparilla Mew injoying the Beet of Health, With Dlgeetlon Perfect. „ mv mother WM .object to .ick heed hM .nd indigeetiou for over a year. U.a unable to Htaud for any length „ time, «nd obh|< ’ fd tO * Uy iD * d “ tk ‘ M »he could not bear th. light. She had no appetite whatever and her.tomach “ , 0 weak .he could not retain what L'd the did eat. Hhe alao h.d Kvere Mlu , in her head. She .uttered .o much r.t,b > became but the shadow of her * , u day I happened to read a tee- about Hood’. Sarsaparilla. It Sounded So Truthful 1 her to try thi. medicine. Before finishing th. first bottle there was .u improvement in her condition. She no longer threw up her food and her head cbe was not a. .ever.. She took in all tour bottles of Hood’. Sarsaparilla and boxes of Hood’s Pills and regained her weight. She 1. now enjoying the beat of health. Her digestion is good and she can eat almost anything .he wish*.. Bh. is 42 year, old and say. .he feels as wel M when she was 1«. Hood’. Sarsaparill. made a complete cure in her case. Mlsg Maky Masoarib, Ironton, Ohio. Hood’s Sarsaparilla J» the best-in fact the One True Blood Plinth- i Prepared only by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mas V. ntllc. the best familv cathartic Hond > »’II s r~z: zr~— PASTEUR FILTERS The only Germ Prcot Filter in the world. Makes water • pure and clear for sale by The Hanson SupplyCo WATER TAX NOTICE Have you how near the vh is? J, T. Sec y, and Treas. SJoothW RAILWAY. (•■ •>■**<! la July •, IMSH. ' tTATIOSSI No. 10 No. 14 No l Cty»ri*uoo M a iidtun i. t.'pm'l4lopm Ar I>»ll u u 7.Hum 8 .42pm IS. 10am Ar Kou« V.OUam V4Uplll 144ata Ar Allsuta 1140 am lt.SOpm LO iam Lv Atlanta 4. .’opm it 5: pin; »r Maeuu T. 10pm 2 05am' Ar Jesup rt.4sam| 2.33 pm Ar£,eri:;t T.'Jdami 3.2f,pm Ar Jac'xeuKvllle . ...... li.AOainl 0.25 pm I.* toOlam 4.54 pm Ar J nekton ville IvOpmlO. Iflpin L« Everett T AoarufTfSpra Uruuawick 4.JOwnij 430 pm X... lu carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chav* Uu uva to Atlanta. X.. 14 earrlee Pullmaa Sleeping Cter and Day u«s<'Lu t* iQvga to Jacksonville Mid AV* l-.ntu to Hruaswle.k. No, 4 carries l*ullr»M>'>A>e«iplag Car ;Cbatl*> sv’.gs te Awnta. . • ia’i-io.vjj. -No it iNa # L' Atlanta 4.36 am eOOpm T.SOam A’ Rome ». JO* ill AtApui 10 Sllam Ar ballon 2.22 am 2.24 pm, 11 30am Ar ■ li.iKanoOg.. .. /... ».40.vm> IS »Ppir. 1.40 pm Lv 1 ..auauuoga........ Gl*n>| t.tOiim' <2ppm Ar Uifuvten Slopin' «.*oam Ar Loiil.vtUe .... T topin 7 SOutn Ar Cl noli, tp. t( v. aOpu, TS mm 7.. . Lv Ckauanoagk l.topui 1. lluin Ttspm Ar Naahvllle . A&Sptn 4,40 am 4. <ipm Nu It carrte Pullman Sleeping Car Atlants SiCUaiMn , .fa anS Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No v carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Atjnnta *• ClnctunaU ami Chattanooga to Louisville. IT4TIOV4. ~ N>. 4. No. ft No. ’*■ LvT:mtt.i,i 3 40am' 4.lOanvlSoiipm Ar Knoxville II Mami 3.o.'>:un 1.10.un Arjirrlst wn t.’Jpm #.Kntm 2.25 am Ar Hot Springs 3 lJpir.At.4oam 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4.15 pm 1.1.5pinl A loam ar Salisbury.... « 40pm 8 3onm arUrewisboro U.s2pm It 10pm Arßalelvh I.4oum' S.t3pm Arhorfolk I 7.Miami Ar W„ hlmrton..... 7 I i.42am,¥.3fipm Ar Vw York. . „... .^12.4.1 pm 14.23 am b'u u carries Pullman Drawing ,to mt Sleep* '"f 1 * r I 'buttaoooga to New York via Ashe* ’>.> and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich* n »<! Ain am. also Pullman Sleeping Car ‘•reeitsboro |<> Norfolk. 'V’ ’•olid train C ■ c't.ano>ru to Salls* '7', w Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooza sansuu. v and Salisbury to N>w York with out change 1“'I N> 4 ~No. (T ’ P's't ii ooga ... Auipm il 40am 1 hnutvlllg H fpm •r Morrt.i wa 116 am 1.2 pm t' 'V’V’. 1 7.0,1 am ■»..’3>pm *r w aahtngUm ' t.4oum Ar New York ' / ’ 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Cliatta ‘Oga t Wasuinzl u and Chuitun oga to New >ork without .wa .nt'e. sm 11 1 0 * I *'ie* Pullman Sleeping Car Knot vuit to Url tot. iraa .a* No B" % h«m« ;.. .:.■ ”77... t.ioam tl.vlam Salvia 3Msnm 4r ‘.7 7777 7"7.7. 7 Jopm * »*!*_£!•*?» 10.30U10 If Vi'l’? 11 6.46 am j‘ v ' ll,bur g t1.35»m *r Shreveport 7.20 pm v' 1 15 ITZ 14 IJNo. W sXnw home.... ar tSOam ».36am la,?' $- 57 Pm Ar OaA-.den. or AOOarn 4.10 am ? ni 7 lujiial ly 5.45 am 4.20 am ’ exaspt Sunday | Sunday enly. ’ s UANNON.Idv.v. *a.M.,Waaliiugtaa. D.O. ' « CULP. Traf. Mgr.. Waahlagtoa. D. Q * A. TURK. u. p. x., WaeUlagtea. D. a C A A.R.p.AUMmMataooga.ToMi **" | ■ -17 h k r ~ an LIBRARY SENT TC DEWEY. New York, July 18.—The New York Culloe Exchange Buaines? Meti 4 Association has 'completed »i‘d shipped a librivry of 10,000 volumes to Admiral Driwey’s Squad r " 11 uud have now made arraLge nwnls «ith lhe Navy Department oße to the H-tel in Cuban* *l4 erg. ERSONAL MiNIIOR Mr. and Mrs. Blount Ilanr • ton are visiting in Etna. Mrs. J. J. Hamilton has re turned Irom IJthia Springs. All kinds of nice fruit at Lloyds’. Mr. W. G. Garlington spent today in the city. Delicious cantaloupes every day at Lloyd’s. Mr. W. M. Towers returned from Norfolk yesterday. There will be a dance at the Mobley part pavilion tonight. Mr. Fred Hanson went up to Calhoun today on business. Mr. Reuben Towers returned from Cumberland island last night. Rev. E. M. Eakes, of Murray county, is the guest of his broth er, Rev. J. 11. Eakes. House to rent, close in- Apply to L A Lloyd. Dr. 8. A. McArthur spent to day in Lindale on professional business . Mr, Chas. H. Smith went down to Cedartown today on business. ■£M *>s Eva Camp is visiting Miss Chassie Tray tier in Cleve land, Tenn. $ 1.50 to Atlanta and return via W, & fi . R R July 2 1,22,23, limited 28. Mrs. Charles Piiinzy, of Au gusta, is the guest of Mrs. Ham ilton Yancey. B irney Hah, the clever young ‘lruggist, is now connected with J. T. Crouch A Co. Hlave you tried Hunt the baker« bread aud cakes yet, if not why not? ' Mr. Clair Rowell left today for Florenc •, Ala., where he will spend several weeks. $ 1.50 to At anta and return via Southern Ry. 19thand 20th. Mr. D. C. Woodward went down to Atlanta this morning to attend the reunion. Miss Fannie Fleetwood, after a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in this city returned to her home in Cave Spring today. Bid blood b-comis g >od blood on taking Hood's - th’ great blood pirtfier. Mr. W. Grim in with his ron, Sewell, is visiting his son, Pey ton, who belongs to Capt. Hen ry Stewart’s company. Miss Juliette White, after a delightful visit to friends in the city, returned to her home in Knoxville this morning. Go to the reunion at Atlanta via Southern Ry. July 19th A 20th. rtound trip $1.50. J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. Misses Edith Smith and Hazel Adkins left today for Rock Hill, 3. C., where they will spend several weeks as the guests of Mrs. M. H. Stndifer. Hunt the baker has Albert 0. Ltndsley, of Indiana, one of the best bakers out of the West work* tug for him, call and try his bread and cakes you wont regret it. Miss Mary Williamson,one of Rome’s most accomplished young 'ladies left today foi Wheeler Springs, where she will spend several weeks. Eyes examined fr. e i by Dr. Taylor, experi i enced optician. at ■Wooten’s drug st 1 Save your eyes.Do not ' delay* LOCAL HJPPENIC;. b. A. S. Club.—The S. A. S. Club will gi>’" several social af fairs next week ill honor of the visiting young ladies . Meet Tonight —The Bache lors Club will hold a meeting toirght and arrange several so cial affairs for this week. w Assist in Meeting.—Rev. C. M. Verdell will leave Friday for Lyerly to assist Rev. Troutman in a series of meetings which he is conducting at that place. Revival.—Rev. W. L Single ton is conducting a revival in West Rome. The meetings ure largely attended and a great work for the Lord is being done. More Cheap Rates.—The W. & A. R. R., will sell round trip tickets Rome to Atlanta and re turn at $1.50 July 21, 22, 23, limited 28th. Some Better —The many friends of Capt. Frank Wood ruff, Sr., who has been so dan gerously ill, will be pleased to learn that he is reported slightly improved today. Marriage at I’he Park. —It is rumored that there will be a wedding at Mobley park one evening this week by two well known romantic young people. ’“Sermon on The Mount.”- Dr. S R. Belk will b’egin a se ries of lectures at the First Methodist church, beginningt< - night on the “Sermon on The Mount.” Nominate Judges .—The state democratic convention met in Atlanta today to nominate su preme court judges which the democratic primary’ of June Ist has already settled upon. Die delegates from Floyd county went down this morning. Sergeant Dcßois. Capt. Frank Dußois, who has been captain of the Dalton Guards, has enlisted ia Capt. Henry Stewart’s company as sergeant. Capt. Stewart lias one of the best companies at Griffin, and besides being one of the best captains is very popular. From Cave Spring.—-The fol lowing party from Cave Spring was in the r city yesterday en rou*e to Atlanta to attend the Confederate reunion : Prof, and Mrs. W. O. Connor and daugh ter, Miss Jessie; W. T. Camp, D. 11. Copeland, C. W. Wright, W. O. Rusnell, W. P. Trout, 11. S. Morris, G. Id. Barker and Frank Terry. Mr. Alex Hamilton left today for Omaha to attend the exposi tion. There was a secret wedding in Rome today. The Hustler has promised not to give the parties names until later. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sturdi vant, of Summerville, arrived in the city yesterday and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thoinp son Hiles on Fourth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lump kin, Mr. and Mrs. T. 11 Lump kin and Mrs. E. B. Pearce, of Texas, who have been the guests of Mrs. Watkins on West First street, went down to Atlanta t<- day-. Little Miss Annie May Blunt, after several week spent most pleasantly in the Hill City, will return to her home in Charles ton, S C., toino row. Miss An nie May has made many little friends during her stay, who re gret to give her up. With the exception of Dewey all the heroes of the war sire southern rs and democrats. And Dewey is a democrat- WHEN YOU ARE TIRED . Without < xtra exeition, ■ till, ai.d listh bs, your blood is fuil mg to supply to your muse'e* and other organs the vitalizing mid »tenglb-givmg properlit b they re quire. Hand s Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and put fy ing the blood It will give you energy and vigor. Hood * Pills a e easy to take ea-y b> operate. Cure* ind gsation, bwi’iu-i.ees 25. The “Yankee Pigs”’ jen i« mightier than the Spanish sword GQTRECE’PTS FOR EV ERYTHING under the sun and can make properly allmost any thing you want.My Reference Book, latest edition of I'. S., Pharmacopoeia cost $2 50, U. S Dispensary $8 R'tniugton’s Practice of Pharmacy $6 50, Pattent me licine formulas $2. Druggist’s Formulary $lO, Fen ner’s Formul try $lO, Scientific Americ ui’Cvclopedia of Receipts $5., t I I worth of the most reliable reo ipt hooks publish! containing thousands of miscel laneous rec ipr < i vering every department of the human indus try together with my fiften years experience in the drug business at your service at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, Norton’s old corner, opposit Masjnic Tempi.. - —- ~ r —- —T"? WO iKS OF FICE AT CITY HALL Office hours 7:30 a. m. to 12 m. 2:00 p. rr, to 6 p. m. J. T. Moore Sec’v and Treas- ATTENTION! All members of the Dolts- Cook d’mrgia brigade who may attend the annual reunion of Confederate Veterans at Atlanta, Ga., July 20th to 23d, 1998, are requested, immediately’ on arriv al in Atlanta, to call at brigade headquarters, 44 Wall street, 'pposite union depot, and reg ister, get badges and read the bulletins for general informa tion. State papers please copy. W. W. Hulbert, 4th Ga. J. C. Joner, 4th Ga. C- D. Camp, 21st Ga. 11. W. Thomas, 12th Ga. J. C. Rogers, 44th Ga. Committee. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FL-'YD COUNTY. Whereas W .1 Neel, administra tor of Mrs. Fuiiiv W Jones, de ceased, ri] rexmits to the court in his p»tit <ai d.n’v fi < d, that he has .dministered Mrs. Fannie W tones’estate. Th s is to cite all persons cncern'd, kindred and creditors to snow cause if any they can. why said admuiistra*o r should not be discharged »rotn bis administration ami receive letiers of dtstnis-j >n on toe first Monday in October 1898 This July 4Ji 1898 J >hn P Danh. Ordinary. SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer r>s..;ts are sit’ ated on and rench'-d via the Southern Railway. Whether one desires rhe se.iside or the tnoun tains, the fesbionab e hotels or qui t c- untry homes, they can b» I reached via this magnificent hgh way of travel. Ashevi'lg, N. C. , Hot Springs. N. 0., Roan MrutlCam, Tenn and the mountain resorts of East Tennessee and Western Nort' Carolina, “The Land of the Sky” Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn , Lookout Moun tain, I'enn., Litliia Springs, Ga . the vaiious Virginia springs, and the s u ashore resorts are reached b\- the S ’Utli* rn Railway. The Southern Railway has issued a handsome folder entitled “Scm mer Homes and Resorts ’ descrip •>Ve of nearly one thousand sum on r resort In tele and bqardii y houses, including informal itm re garding rates for board at th> different places anti ruilrord rates to reach them Write to C A. Benscoter, As sistant General Passeneer Agent Souther.! Railway. Chattanooga Tenn for a copy of thia folder. HANKS . ./ fl' 11110 - ' -J. ,; s / ’■M*.’- ,-s-. ■ '■ lifl .7 ! ■ Ulr YOU Will '*£■.be surpris **■■*■ ej t o see A 7.. how much you can buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to give the best goods for the least money If you are thinking of buy ing some thing in the line of t-'ui niture,. Car pets, Mattings, Rugs Etc., you will be sorry i you don’t see us. We sea making so.-n j va y ‘lo.v prices 01 everything now. to get ready for.o ir fall goo ds that are coming in. * Don’t fan to * see us-_ Yours toplease. I.' Wffi ■ 1 ia*' ‘ «■<!■ Furniture r- ~tT" • • U U i - -*'—— : _ _-* |:H 77d7j7 77;7 : ;77777?77777 : 77 A WHOLE CLUB | ■ ' O*’* II '■f Make || Wd r II ' ; 'V'X Running || / Time g IS .Jie I carry a s till an lei nil ite line of jewelry, inclu- 3 ••tig di.ig Dia n>i li / My stock of silver tizti ios and uov dties was hev- ier more complete. ' 7 y.S)):U P IU S 4 I'4 V 4P.5 MKLrY. J. K Williamson M RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight ‘of in these . days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. ( ' l '* ■ It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECCfRD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon ifs*reliabiiity. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth . about it. i It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. , It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best. 4 Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to I see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, Ufc Madison street, Chicayo. 1