The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 21, 1898, Image 1

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El GHTH YEAR smoke a “Bill Arp’ waiters New Brand WILL SURRENDER 1-1 “ 1 • Manila Will Fall in Spite of Uen. Ailgilsti. •X. —— ■ PRRsEKBK OF BERMANS Causing Much Talk But Means Nothing. Vancouver, B. C. July 21. — According to advices brought by the empress oLlndia, from Hong Kong, the chief news from there is that Manila is ready to sur render. Not that the archbishop and captain general voluntarily will capitulate before they are compelled to do so, but that the backbone of resistance is unques tionably broken and upon real show of force and intention to bombard the town if the officials do not give in, the Spaniards will haul down the Spanish Hag. Intimations to this effect were received from many sources. The correspondent of the Hong Kong Press, writing un derdate of June 23rd, says the chief subject of discussion in Manila and Cavite and in the American fleet 1. the presence there of so many German men* of-war and transports or supply vessel* in port. “1 have just interview a lead ing Englishman here on the subject. He unhesitatingly in formed me that all foreigners in Manila, as we>l as Spaniards, regard it as a remarkable dem onstration. lam sure that the Spaniards have received encour agement from such a naval dis play. A Spaniard today told me i'»at the coining of a large Ger man squadron was construed by Imi and leading Spanish offi cials as h direct act of friendly inter st and warning toward the Yankees that they could not go tou far. Now when a Spaniard oi influence, as this (nan is, wild talk like that it is high time to asc rtain what the Germans mean by appearing here in such forces. “I am familiar.” my imfor -1081)1 coutipued, “with; thq Qer-i man interests “in Manila and my relations with the Germans are very agreeable and I am positive that one German ccuiser would l»e fully able to protect them to everything they required.” Further details of the fight of May Ist filter through high offi cials of Manila as time passes It now appears, according to authentic information in the hands of Consul Williams, that out of 491 men, in the Reina Christina, 364 were killed, only 127 loft the ship august; claims bio victory. • hxn Francisco, July 20.-—A Chronicle,special from Cavite, dated June 23d, says that in Clße of the expected bomnard “tent of Manila the area to which the Spanish may retire will be limited to the American and insurgent lines surrounding the city. There may come the struggle, for the Spaniards have burrored entrenchments and for tiiied the hills and knolls. It is k iowu here that every energy is bent within the city to prepare for the final struggle. The. peo ple are exhorted by the clergy •ud the military authorities and lilr hopes ars buoyed by false ’H) >rt< is t ) relief from Spain, Spanish triumphs in the , ’’t hi lies aui alo.ig the At ■*‘Uic coast. c-a-lita! with m at- THE ROMEHUSTLER-COMMERCIAL GflßGlfl SLAIN. Reports From Gilba Bay The Cuban is Dead. INYS’ERY SURROUNDS The Alleged Death. Was an Uncomprising Rebel. New York, Julv 21.—A King ston, Jamaica, cable to The Evening Post says that Cubans arriving from Siboney brings re ports of the death of Gen. Garcia. They make a mystery of it, say ing that it should not be’ known in Cuba yet or in the United States for reasons of state and give no particulars except that he was shot. Spanish refugees here who aie officially connected with Gun. Blanco,'believe the story. The last word directly received by the Cuban junta in this city from Garcia was dated near Sa i tiago, July 11th. It. w s h cable message and stated briefly that he was well and that progress of events was satisfactory. At that time j ircia was to the west of S nitiago guirding the ap proaches from expected re-en forciments to the city. Haratiu S Riions, c>uisd to the junta, wbto givni th* infur matinn con’amad in I’h* Evening Post said news ofGiria’- hid not been received at the ju ta. bat at best com nil) ication with the Cuban forces in the fie’d was irregular. “I am greatly suprised,” said he, '‘but Ido not find it hard to credit the dispatch. “During the assult on Santiago Garcia was in the west with bis command with the special duty of intercepting re-enforcements and cutting off the retreat of the Span ish soldiery. •“When the city fell his duty there was at an end. But it appear on Mauz .ui 10, lies to the west,and it is therefore pro bably tiat Shafter detailed Garcias co aflu id to but oflTeenforcemen’s )■ VRolguin liea near this ci*y and was garrisoned by a considerable f >rcp. as the American general must have known. “It t unlikely that Garcia and his men came into conflict with a body of Spanish soldiery bound from Ho guin for Manza nillo sertion that he can muster 150,- 000 troops. No one seriously be lieves that he can marshal 20- .000. The city seems as nearly ready for theconjlict as the ma terial in the hands of theßpanish cap make it. It is freely predicted that there will not be a bloodless capitula tion of Manila, as it is feared that there will be a long and bloody resistance. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. OKORGIA COUNTY. Whereas W J Neel, administra tor of Mrs. Fannv W Jones, de ceased. represents to the court in his petition duly fl nd, that he ha administered Mrs. Fannie U Jones’ estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can, why said administrate' should not he discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on tne first Monday ii October 1898. This July 4th 1898. Joiw P Dasw. Ordinary. ROME GEORGIA. THURSDAY EVENING, Ji IL r. 21. 1898. QUITE ROMANTIC Mr; John Carl Doss Secretly Married TO MISS ALVH HARRIS Bridal Couple United Under a Big Sweetgum Tree. r. * • Standing with clasped hands, in the public highway and uud-r the protecting boughs of a giestisweet gum tree, on Tuesday afternoon one week ago, Mr. John Carlton Doss and Miss Alva Harris were united in the holy bounds, of wed* look. This announcment will be news to the people of R >me and sur* rounding county and will call down upon the popular- young ' couple a shower of congratulations from a wide circle of friends. The ceremony was moat impres sively performed by Judge Walter Harris ard occurred five miles from Rome in the Flatwoods sec tion of G ’d's country. The marriage is quite romantic, first because the young people have loved each other sine • child hood, second because, as cons ns, their parents have objected to a union and t ird because of the ingenuity desplaved by the young peopl in panning the weffdii g and the unusual circums'ances th it surrounded the final cousumation of those plans and the secrecy with which they were executed. Mr Doßs,th» proud young groom is connected with the big gents furnishing bouse of J. B. Watters dr Son and is one of the moat pop ular joung men in Rome. The pretty bride is a daughter oi “Flatwoods” Joe Harris, cus of the most successful farmers in his section of the coun'y. She is young and beautiful and a woman of many rare traits of character. The ceremony, as we have stat ed was performed by Judge Walter Harris who drove with tne groom to a point near the appointed crystiug place Mr. Doss then quit the vehicle and took a “near cut” to the sweetgum tree, follow* ing a path (brought the woods. The young lady saw Judge Har ris drive by and quietly slipped ut of the house and with nimble foot and fluttering heart followed his team down the road. She found Justice and groom wailing, and there under the spreading boughs of the old sweetgum, where often in the past they had met and plighted vows of love and confi* d-nice they were soon made man and wife. The bride, afUr the ceremony* returned to the parental roof and he groom to his own home. Yesterday afternoon the young people met and decided to ke«p the seer -t no longer and have b<- gun marrisd life. The brides father Ms. Ht.r is, is in At’anta attend ing tne reunion and djee not yet know of the wedding. WHEN YOU ARE TIRED Without extra exertion, langu d lull and list less, your blood is fail ng to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and • tengtb-giving properties they re quire. Hoods Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and purfying the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to take •asy to operate. Cures indigestion, biliousness 25. The “Yankee Pigs’” pen i* in ghtier than the Spanish sword LANHAM &SONS > CLOSING OUT 4- JR® vW /W vW SUMMERDRY GOODS W* W W w >44/ Ms/ W iW W ML Beginning Monday morning, July 4- u .h wo w.i|l| ni m prices on all Sumrmr flillinery, Dry Goods, E;c, that will certainly interest evary. one who cares to save a dime or a dollar, - J , Look At These Prices. Summer Calicoes par yard 2c Ladies Siirc Wais cs with de tachable callar and cuffs, laundried. only lOc Ladies 50c Shirt Waist now 3Oc Ladies 65c Sairt Wais: now 40j Choice of any Shire Waist in the housi ex jejt silk wor«.h much more 75? 10-4 yard 10c Yd Wide Sea island 3 l-2c Lalies hnedaatKe sols high splic3asel4J Pilot dye worth 20c now 10c Ladies low ent Sloes c ieao. ' » 'it 1 Xlillinery at Prices to Qlbse. s , X——4^*——- Volets per bunch 2c “ M “ of 3 djzsn. 6c Large assortm mt of F o vers white and odors worth m ich m w 13 c Shapes worth $ 1.75 no w I .OC Shape* were 7o: now 383 ware 50c now 25j Taese'aaen?t a let oflisby3ar’s sh ip as but this season g 0 3ds, SLvlish anl up-to dUs and we make these prices to close the n out for cash. We will not charge goods at thes Ypr'ces This is a cnance you will probably i>: ;j ; m 11) > I,c > i > J i ;c . LANH/WSONS Ribdons JRibbons ! 90j Sash Ribboa, all , silk in ne;w colors 6 iiichds wufe 533 75c S ish R bon now 35c Sash Ribbon No. 80 was 90c now 50c All silk Rjbbm 4indi33 wMe, red,blue an 1 pink, was 30c now 12 l-2o 25c Vbilinor now >■ >< 5 m.. * 18c Lee Veiling now ■ _3c look ATrraisj! Beautiful Rich Satin th 50 to 75 now 18c in brown, blha, pink, canarv and orange. ; ; Trinmed h its wbr£hsi 50 now 99c “ “ ’‘sl,2s now 8c “J " C lildren’s trim n3l hats 1.50 M.ase* trimn d 350 Trim ne d h i.ts w sre $ 5.00 40c - ‘ M 3,00 3,40 “ $5.00 275 , “ I “ ‘‘ ' $7.00 3.55 Everything inMillinery at _pricßo ! it 3ii 1)3 Ds mxteaea aay wliere. Everybody can afford a traveling hat, ar hat. an evening hat or in Millinery J thsy w'l orin; tha cash to onr star ) vVa wdl not ch i g3gmd» at th3j) one u. IO CENTS