The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 21, 1898, Image 3

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j ifTill sTm* i For must, 1898. „,,fi PI 'YD OOVN’TY, 6 *J|bewla b ‘ ,fnr ’ the POMrt V' ~ countv G-., botweeu the L„| hours of sab >n the Istlues 5 iuAtUuH 1898,the toimw •A described property bv viu f Htate sod eounty tax fi fa* m dby th‘tax collector of * Uyd. roiinty Ga., and against the fol l(,wil)5 named defendants. ' 1 I 1»..a No.. 19. 20. 58. • ‘{/ -’35, 272 and 845 in the 16th n Jfict and 4th Section of Floyd Lunty Ga. Also lots Nos. 649, 719 720. 721, 722. and 791 in the •’rd’’ strict arid 4th Section of k , 4 y >yd county Ga- Levied on |,V . uie of a tax ti fa issued by V j Sanford, T- C , tax for the uir 1997 in favor of state and Lunty vs Ed R. Minhmnett, av the propertv of the defendant. Levy made by W. M. Byars. L. U Also at the same time and place that tract of land being a part - f | o t No. 815 in the 23fd district and 3rd section of Floyd county r G rt . and mure particularly de bribed as being lot No. 1 accord ing to map or plot of land. This map being of Lumpkin's ad dition to East Rome recorded in book N N of deeds pages 880, 881, ?aid lot being corner of East and Howard avenue fronting along Howard avenue Southeast 61 feet and running back along East avenue 235 feet to Hill street. L vied on by vir'tfe.of a tax fi fa issii'-d by V. T. Sanford T. C. fax t„r the year 1897 in favor of state and county vs. Nat Harris as the property of the defendant. L-w made by W? M. Byars L. C. Also at the s-.rne time and place c jty lot in the Fourth ward of the city of Rome, Floyd county. Ga., fronting 100 feet on avenue A and extending back same width ts>» O , s tanaula river and known as ]„t nurnbir nineteen in block “B” of formerly D“soto. LeGed on by virtue of a tax fi fu issw-’d. by V T Sanford. 1 G. tax f/iryear 189,7 in favor of state and county vs Mrs. J F, W ard law as ’he properly of ‘he defend ant. Levy made by W. M • Bj-are L C. Also at the time and plac° city lots in the Fifth ward of the ci y of Rome, Floyu couidy 'ia., known as N-<t- 9.' 10 and lx ol BiU4er> addition to Hillsboro, ' I'iieh frmiting on Butler street 31 f.e ai d extending back 138 feet to what is known as the Rhudy lot. Levied on by virtue of a t »x' ti la issued by V.- 'l'. Sunford, T U. t 'X f' r vaar 1897 in favor of st:.L ai d county vb Mrs. Mary Wabhcr »h lbs propertv of the defendant L‘W mad * by W M Byars, L C Also at t le sum" time aud place that tract of land in tlie- ( First wmd ot tbe city of'Home iF'oyil c. unty Ga.. beginning on ihe West side of Ninth avanue in said ci y of R line at the Suulheust corner oAjot k jown as th>* Holmes San - tarinm irit and running thence in a Northerly directiort aiong ’he Westside of Ninth avenue 200 ’ to a street, thmee alongdhe South side of said street in a Westerly dueuiiou 13Lteeitothe East side of a street opened through .> > th" above 'iii’iit.ened Helmed Sanitari um pr ,'pdrty. ihence in a-Souther ly direction the fast sideiof saul street 200 feet, theilce in ao Easterly direction along the line dividing t* is property from estate ot G. W, Holmes 131 feet to start i ig p 'int. Levied on by virtue ot a lax fi ta issued bv V T | Sanford, TC, for-year 1897 in fa vor of sta’e and county vs II D Hi’!, agent R L Moseley, as the property of ihe defendant. Levy male by W M Byars, L C. Also at the same time.and p'ace 1 tin the ‘own of East »Rom<* Fmyd county Ga.,beginning ata !»>int thtf junction >f Oik and Ma p'e streets, thence running North with the lirn of said Maple street ’-'j feet to a point, th.nce at right “ngles WestßHO lent to a stake, thimce ai rig'ut angles Suith 721 Det io Oak street and thence with D .k street East 130 ft to the begin ning. Levied on bv virtue «f a ft-x ii (,) issued by V T Sanford T 0 I'ax for the year 1897 in favor <’f state u.nd county vs Mrs. M E N dson, m tne property of the de- L*ndii)t. Levy made by W M By ars L C. t Alar at th) sams limvand pi c» tilt trict of land ly ; ng in the I’ttn ward of tha city of R *rne Fiwd c Hiutv G , *nd lying in N irthweit corner of the Cave B,>rin ro m and \fill street front *’■? C ive Spring road 7 I teet a Mex 4a back same width 81 »ag Mill street 21(1 t to Pear m's n ’- L'viod on bvlvirtua of a tax «U iui-1 by V r Sinford, Ta< io." I , . *•' • K I | no<l ius iI.C . ■ •v •» / . K, nl> G'VJ, m < . ’ s LU. . . .• A’son* ‘ln s -tm-' tho- •tr■- or y ds . f Ihtrdf.iy , I- ng in.' iJL-.j <*l strict I ano 4thys cti no’ Floyd c urtty] ’”l., the - nb' I r - Obe umii Vid ■•<! ’ 2-5(118 i: teres; in In.fß 167, IGS j 171, 19D.'i I;H2. ‘441. 214 2-l->, also 3 4ih« i>.) an i'i he South huff of No.* 2f(), all c intninii/g 450 acr s fijoiT r-Is . L>* vnd on ny virtue cd' .■ fi fa is u >d by V. T. Sanford, t x cnlle^tor. in favor <■’ the state -md i- yv, W. Il ■Ennis, aoi J ,T. Miller estate'. I. ■ .’■>• nin.ic |>y' R. H.Cope land, L. C Also a» the w-tni'■ time and splice* that tradt or | iicrl of mud hi Crith ran ivijcre. ni : . Giitu u to the city of Rome Floyd c ui.ty Ga.-, and known as Lni' pirt _>l lot No. 58, ven which f tie h nise is situate' mid ("ini. Gy km »•. as The George Underwood p levied on bv Virtue of :t 11 fit ■' lied bv V. '1 S'hford, tax coi , ior, in favor.-of state and iv uo’y vs liuiican Jopes for tax 1897. Livy n: ; .,ie by R. H. Copeland, L. U- Also at th»? se i.v d i ?r.‘ <ud plae*- 'that triet >i'., h- d r.i g.'H) the ?B.d id- lii ", i-t Floyd county, Ga . ai d -in th"' ' Filth n,.r,...' .ii ■ c -. of IL. lire, being par. o! or g'ni;i ■,] hjt Jfoi . 284 describe 1■: I• !l ■ . L gin ning at t!.e Sold : t er Ilf E I L Pearc. - red ■ tic" bit on Mill street ar i r m>n ng t ■ e N"f h- ' ward a'i-.H g ’Ji - I n i.f Iti'iwn’s ot IIS ft lit t> I; eo. J J v\ iiite- •' h iud; theiic - \A stwmd at iigh>. ' angles ni 'Lg tne line cJ J hite liep.d 40 fret to the line of E G Bill, 11" II • ‘. ■> : I'l Ill'll/; the line of J • 11. to Mil! st r;»t, t >'. i".'. L a • r.I on Mil s'reet i‘> 1 -et to ’.ng, being a lot tr , ! ... Mstreet and exit ii., same width 148 f«et to*. ; r ■ y -if V, nite hchd. L -ied by vu tie of a lax fi fa is-":. I >. V I’ Sanford $T . C. Pax l\,;t‘ • 1 ,i? in fav >r pi fia'H ti; a c hi vs E L Peirce a- th" p'.'ep rl\ rti e d feml me L vj. m , ■ . -. LC. .1 . p. V'' r '"Xfrl>.Lr.. <h.eriff. ftTTP : MsWi 1 i'jVi ■ i ■ > ’ I’ if T If'DS C! I , H J 1 IbtfOl . • _ ... ■ 1 • \ jE.'iiGlA L*--'*' ' »ri’ . t i’l biy sol i b•• >r>* tho court housa d >1 iii t!; )'e ? n- Ron *, Floyd ' G i . ’i tin !g.. • >" ■i• ■. oi.i r> ii.fu day ; in Angus’ 1- * }.'; n following d projii)'iy to wit: Al-o a! IL' *- in'’ tune and pl ice 'hat tract or 1 ! land situat ed iving and l>. n g in th" 23 d ■ lislM tan;! 3 d S*' ,i n A Floyd Count (Liii . 1 '■' st Run;* and known r-’ N>. 188 and frontiu’t on P itn'r sl-eet 65 feet and run.i: ~ b■s -.nie width 165 fe-l ; 8 ') ina P ' sl Rome lir.v. ic i. .‘ F 0 fl mJ in 1888 Levi mi '> vn- u? of three J [’ C nir fi • i i--ue 1 .from theOl.J hD - G .•!. Ai in'fa vor of 9. E ■ ’ 3 J li n- ! -•on. ’ho d r . . I. v m ide M W M Byars, I. U. Abo at fin r ir" mid p’ace ope St ud i ■•: 1 .i ■ 'on 2 , on • black in i’' : < r v ' " ■ 8 • years old. Oil" bi iCi-. I ’> : oi l mi (lied Bi,i ’ ot;. c> ••m .. se « years old i: i u til ■. 'L 'i 'd cn by vir’tt- f•li I i i’d. from Flovd city < - i:>*- L.v r i*f Enui- , r.. . . .-. v- W M Kiiriy, a- ... ; 9 • riy of Jr defendant, A'|o a,! tli- - am** an’ 1 place lot in th '■ to : . n I ’’’ 1-’ Lor 1 • Lloyd county Ga , bejii ntng at a point at tha e■ >' n U1 . ..u I Map'" s r.'"ts, tri " ■ * 1 luii gN ■ th w itli the line of s.-i i Jsp • r-ct 724 1 ’o a p h'iL tl enc ■at r ;,ht :ri g."- Wejt 13. U feet .io a- 1 '< • t:DC •at 1 ight lii’g.l im u'h 1. f -‘ ’• Jo.O.iii tfeet :nd 1 1 ence writi. Oak st. East 130 !"• t »■ I"’".'o' I - *vie ’ on by virtu- 0! at <li ,U- 1 -nqd by J. J Bly ~ I m). x collector the y*a:"TS'.G in lavstate aid county v- drs, M. tv- N i-yu, at the property of ih s’d ■ • < ndun’. Ail that piece or parcel of land lying and Gri .g in Floyd c lUiity, st <’e of lb) > .;i ia id Iti it part, o’ said c hi >ty ki) -vn as th) addition of J V. IM. dec -.-ed. to EiSt Rom". plii.". 'V" b sa! addi tion is record'd and g red .n book X >age 63. of r 01 ' • if the Siipifio; C us <?’ '.'l iv'd jointy 8 itir.' bmirg Lit *O <> »'-'*d ul lin ing two ai-idoi.:-) ii l iii 'Ji -cr > t 4 > 1* . or b 8 ..S iid :oj fr mat2’l e' on ; th- 6edmown r aI. rn in ” ■' back b. tw en ;» rail. Ii 1- trt a6 >f > t 1 street end Io s n h boundary ima ext ulsß K> f» t, sai I I > a • south bmidaiy line ext in N 8.15 I L‘ vi-.d upon by Virrtp* <»• . Hx.'cutiou iSsuetl from |h u c. '* ; court of A'tTantt in furor of. ‘‘l Southern Hoin" Building ’inti J, • Association vs. Annie S. Lert«,r fthe property of the D ft. All thi!‘ 'ru<V or pi»re»:l of Ini '! | Gitnated. and being in ti,. 1 ’ei'v of J; line, county of F'c.< r | nml state ot Georgia in the S.ivicrli Hill addition to tin* cik)’ ‘*f ' Roy fil in the'fear of the residence, <>n| James T. Moore and known**uj th : | A’est half of lot. No. six in 9W 1 dditieii The above being/th. roperfy described'in’a’ideej to J Ft Huston by Mariah Grant M-d*. colm and Ruth Bond, dated Sept 25ih 1889 and,redor ed in jfwik m deeds “I*. I*'.” page 152, No. 90 <vf j Record of Deed 1 of Floyd ftbithvy 1 Ga. Levied on by virtue of a fi ft* issued from Floyd coUr in favor of Nickle Association ;«i use of ofbeera. of Floyd SfUpurMrt icourt vs C. S Fowler and .1. h. | Huson, as the pi party If J. I Huson. Alsu at the same time and piece* one black mare diule abori't six years old, about fifteen hands high naimd Daisy. One dark “ba:, horse mule about fix years old, aV>ut fifteen hands high name?! Mike, purchased of Base Bros’ <v Co, Levied on by virtue of s yiiortgage fi fa issued from Ffoy l city court in favor of BaJas Bros* dr'C i., S. Ellison ate the property ,of the defenoaut. *- • Also at the earns time and plac** ’hat tract or parc"f’*;)f land in th? city ot Ronin (flhorgrti, boU idwt/W th" North by th<'cxporuiej limite ■of and city, on by a street running North-westerly from West First street to rat« - limits of said city, suidmjt'beet tit in ; : unnamed *;ut next E-ast from Ninth avenue, on 'South bv ihe ntoper y lately .deeded by Se- . S. King to the Merchant's al Bank if Rjme Ga., t f l>< ? South boundary proceeding (rain ths Southwest conier of aeid Bunk's propertv to and North side of , Ndrth BokiriAa-y' street to a point opposite the Eaai side of the old cr m.ataryy< to the Southeast corner ol sytio cemetiiry, thence alm/g the E•••«! side ot said cem. tary /to tin Northeast curpur, dong the North side of said e in - r.irv to King street tuid' thence o 'rtherly a'ong said King <iro*e ’'o t'tiH corporate limits of I e'ly.'the North boundary line of ■ h property I Viedipit, u 10l fronting on Norm Bo.umlu.vv street two hundred gud leu,, f. ' •ii 1 ru miiig back the sum * wid{! iwo hundred aad'r^!i''feet^Cdfrv<- : y ’’ ■ -1 t’i J. P. Griffin by i.lugi: lb- •I ii. J-.ilv 9 h 186'J Lyvied on us t\ I pri'per.ty dll’; b ■ Turnl<?y, ■ Jv- ■ i-ii -t' e for‘his wi e E T. i':d as tho property ot E. T. 1 tirn !, v, to satis! V an 1 xecntion issued, hvJohn J. Biadk tax .collector igainst said Tummy,as trustep ft '■ • is wife Di c. 20 1894, for ‘a lite th" state tnd c.'unty tor that , »iir and tax fi fas for li-* years 1889, 1890,. 1892, 1893 1595 and 1896 and other tax fi fa:- m my hands. Also at the same time and pfac*’ al! that tract or parcel of land situated, lyinf? and being in th fdwn of Bast Rome, Floyd count} Ga , beginning at the Suntheus 1 I comer ot lot number five m B'ooL :t N.”and East' albdtg Sharp Lane towards Maple str, e 1 . onehuudred and fifty i et. theiicr running with s'im» width 150 feet 'Ve>t one hundred and fifty fee to starting point Levied on hv virtue of a fi fa issued from tlje, city court of Atlanta in favor o< Miss Florence Young vs Mrs. V. A. Wils n, as the proper y of th> defendant. Also at the samo time and place one rebuilt Campbell cornplefi printing press No. 567, repair with *ast m'lers in lieu of mo’d hard packing, wrenches and oil can, t«> satisfy the within fi fa, n« ’li* property of the Bibcock Printin’ Pit ss Manufacturing comp inv. i Im press will be sold and delivered ac 240| Broad street, the printind slice of the plaintiff t> avoii. (ho expense, risk and.- iocoii* venieooe of moving heavy,niacin i erv. Will be so.d under a 11 fa is -lied from Fi<>yd Sup rior; c *url in f<.v >r of F.etcher Smith vs Th- Babcock Printing Press Manulac-- mm.g Co.. as the* propertv of tin defendan t. J. P. McCoNNEht, Sheriff , ST PAUL FIGHTS TERROR. Cupt Hay'ien, Jul J ' 1 announce toe nt is made -here tha , -i. dispatch from San Juan de P > / to Ri-'nj'cariied to St. Thomas bi« * a carrier pig" >n. as-eit# .that lo ' day the United States euxilhary 1 cruiser St. Paul had an engage. 1 ■ m nt with the Spanish torpedo s boat destroyer Terror and killed > th.s engineer and five n*en- - BCST SANITARY PLUMBING B A F SR t w !'l . ‘ .. , Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. K. Water Ire ’a A Figures, ne{ers Jias Stoves M 1 C‘ J *• w ’ J - i uin x . Hydraulic rams, steam fix- L ,leet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- 7i " c trjfktures. K Rk.r J - .k ’.vc employed Alex S. Pierce to p? ■, z ' * •. / charge of my shop department. K < a lie one of the bestworkmen in the <4 . S epair work attended to W -« pconi ■ 'cv... ■ ■ \ * » *4l -* 7 $ |k ’-'1 V J ’ 'j o-o-HiDcfe, W //■x n i e ft ; ■ , .:; ' .-Led st. Opposite Thos. Fahy. *O _ , . _ , n. —g* ———— ~■— —— t —-» - ■ ~ ~ -. —j BE MOK ® | ' v' ; J’ataerfi ♦ i , , (• /" Ii Zu A. wjm 6KB tew L IND '.®s *. -'• 'Oflii’dSfek!" . E ? PLACES. g ; t M • n 0)1 j * i IJi-ilJilJLll,,) ) | •) ~, r ‘i r , it i. *r'i *, ■ • g V 1 4sV ni ##***wi*»S* Mil 2 - it S’ ri it ’’.3,,ir millinary, <s ns* $ J aid S;/iisi. Wj havj oiid cas? t'® W L for oir 3.iU? 3 soring and sin- s 1 se msr s onk Wa got a libara 2 S <.?. ; -jjseou it by paying cash and * cxu afford to give our custom- S ’3B » 3'3.; J)l>f) ’IJ> S till 1115)3 * W 7 piyr >r tnairs, wha buy on tima VX * and I-Ml on tim3, Can) and * r. prica 0 afore buying. We can S ' J sell yoa tvo hats for *h it you * rfl? s/t: ;; will pay for one at other houses S * —r I* firs. A, ’O. Garrard • &