The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 21, 1898, Image 5

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The McOnnaTiiSparksSlewarf Co. S • ■ ■ ■, > • • • * ’ 1 •? r ■ > .. ■ • • ■ . n « ' 4> * ' . ■ • I » I i A * ’ • . . . . • * ' * ■ ' . * -. ... i» . 7 . . ;•. ■ . !• ~ '•» " a' . , ‘ , t OWNS THIS SPACE! The Earl of Rosalyn, who came in o a title and , estate in 1890, ran through his fortune in four years, his ave-ege expenditure being about $120,- 000 per annum. He is now a bankrupt and earning a preca rious living as an actor at the Ccurt theatre in London. o o o 1 wo Englishmen have patent ed a bicycle tire which is formed 01 alternate India rubber balls and disks placed inside a tubular casing, the latter being also in flated it desired, but not neces »arily go for a resilient tire. 0-0 0 An eccentric character of Jer •«y City, whose will was recent ly probated, directed in the doc unient that |IOO should be ex pended for his burial, SSO for a headstone, ss*l for a band, SSO h' r a casket, sl6 for beer and *lo for tobacco and pipes for the mourners, S4O for carriages and for opening the grave. o o o 1 ercy Boedecker 10 years old, *hi e walking in his sleep at his home in Mount Vernon a few Hights ago fell from the roof a distance of thirty 6ve feet. He struck a tent in the yard before r «a''hing the ground, and when Picked up was not only unhurt, hut still sound asleep. o o o Masterly inactivity at Camp 'Alger does not accord with the jdeas of field service entertained *oiue of the western troops, H,, d one regiment recently for- led the following sarcastic Petition to headquarters : “Inns -jijr servicer do nit see •» to be needed at the front and we are likely to remain here over winter, we respectfully request ‘permission to put in a crop of wheat We find about 1000 acres fit for the purpose on this reservation and can raise enough to bread the army for quite a spell. ” o o o Some idea of the extent to which Sebastopol was fired upon by the allied armies and fleets may be obtained from the state ment that from a tax of six pence per hundredweight which the Russian government levied upon the proceeds of the sales of old iron, shot and shell picked up and sold by the people a sum of nearly £15,000 was realized. o o o Os the 7559 convicts now in the prisons of Massachusetts 1087 are women. During the year juat ended there was an increase of 68 in the number of women and a decrease of 155 men. 000 A coal mine in Scotland which caught fire over fifty years ago and has been burning ever since has at last burnt itself out. The mine is on the Dalquharran es tate, Dailly. It was set on fire by the engine which worked the fans, and although many costly attempts have been made to ex tinguish it they have been un successful. The fltmes have from time to time burst forth from the ground in volcano fashion. The fire was confined to the one area by natural ■‘dykes” of rock, which thus saved adjacent mines. 000 A soldier correspondent with the army of invasion in Cuba r - lates this incident as illustrative of the discipline practiced by Cuban officers : “Yesterday a Cuban insurgent killed a horse, 1 for food. Forpunish- men Garcia ordered him placed • i an old barn, his feet put in stocks and the carcass of tlje dead animal placed beside him. He can eat from the bones of this dead horse or starve during his period of six days confine ment. I would not have bel eved such a tale as this if I had not seen the thing with my own eyes.” 000 Quees Victoria is sovereign over one continent, 100 peninsulas, 500 promontories, 1,000 lakts, 2,000 rivers and 10,000 islands. , 000 “How do you know she is,rich?” “I ough* to know; I've lleen paying her alimony for two years | now.” —Brooklyn Life. 000 “Here’s s curious marriage notice from a Missouri paper. A Mr. George C’ay has just married a Mies Mud. ” “Happy Clay. He knows that mud occasionally dries up.”— C'evelund Plain Dealer. 000 The army mule has helped our forces in Cuba much, dragging siege guns and supplies over the muddy roads and making himself generally useful. He has suffered and survived the tug of wa r nobly. But ff he is appointed war-horse to General Shafter his muleship is done for. 000 z Maryland is g ung to give Schley a sword. Why doesn’t she give him something he basnet gdt? A villa, for example, with an oyster reef attachment. Dewey’s reputation as 4?di p’o matist promises to eq uni his abil ity as a sea captain. While we are in the imperial business, it would save much agitation among the great thinkers at Washington to appoint Dewey’ King of the Philippines and let him rustle. And we would bank on Dewey outlasting Alfonso as a throne holder.—St. Lou'.s Re public. i BATTLEFIELD ROUTE- • > < Fioyd Vets Wile Travel The < . , Old War Road to CONFEDERATE REUNION. 4 «—■ . SPECIAL TRAIN’S AND PRICE $1.50 - - - ROUND TRIP. * Rome,. Ga., July 9, 1898.—T0 Ex Confederate Veterans and Sans of Confederate Veterans : Gentlemen: —We take pleas j tire in calling your attention to our Eighth Annual Reunion, which will be held in Atlanta, Ga., Wednesday,Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, July 20 to 23, 1898, inclusive. This promises to be the grand est reunion ever held, and as it is so near to us, we should all take advantage and attend. All Confederate Veterans aud their families and friends are urged to attend. RATES AND DATES. For this occasion the Western A Atlantic R. R , will sell round-trip tickets from all stations at one cent a mile traveled, or $1.50 from Rome to Atlanta and re turn. Tickets to be sold for allj trains July 19th and 20th, good \ to return on any train until July 28, 1898, inclusive. No signing of tickets required by the W. & A R B< oFficlat route to Atlanta. — Having in view the comfort and i convenience of the grand old Veterans, we have selected the old reliable Western A Atlantic R. R , the historical “Battlefield Line,” tUat we. Used during the civil war, and on which so many great battles were fought. All •u ii I j fr j A ill i.ri/j a their elegant new passenger sta fion, foot of Broad street Rome, and Union Depot Atlanta. CONFEDERATE VETERAN’S SOE oial —For the convenience of all Veterans, thdir families and friends, we have arranged with Mr. (’. K. Ayer, passenger and ticket agent of the Western A Atlantic R. R., to run a special train, leaving Rome Wednesday ' morning, July 20th, at 6 o’clock arriving Atlanta about 8 ;30 o’clock. Will reserve one coach on this train for ladies only. A mple accommodation. We are anxious to make this train a grand success, and we therefore urge all who can to join us, Reg ular trains leave Rome daily at 7: 30 a. m,; 4 :25 p. m. Return ing, leave Atlanta 8 :15 a. m.; 4 :50 p. m. Yours very truly, Jim Tom Moore,’Chairman. 11, S. Lausdell, Geo. K. Green, Committee on transportation, NEW MAN. “1 was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to me.” William M, James, Brogdon, S. C. I Hood’s Pills are the only pills to taxe with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC and yet efficient Having missed everything | else to date Atlanta may yet get < poor Alfonso XIII. the boy king, 1 when we annex Spain. Shut up I in the park at Fort McPherson ‘ little Fonzy would draw him- I dreds of visitors to the capital. —Americus Recorder. > UNPRECEDENTED ■ j • Has Been the Great “Cass Raising” Sale . j OF J. B. WATTERS A SON. « a ’ t ■ iwr ONLY ONE MORE CHANCE FOR YOU TO GET IN IT.' i —y After five weeks of heavy sales, Messrs. J. B. Watters A Son now put you on notice that their “cash raiser” is about -to come . - to a close. , This popular and ever reliable clothing firm has always lived up to its advdrtisements, and | hence, when the “cash raising” sale was published, aud prices quoted the people made * rush for the bargains. •, Now, Messrs. Watters A Son. having, at a sacrifice to their own interests, about raised the ifunds they needed, come forward and frankly state * that the slaughter will stop in a few days. You have the remainder of the week in which to. secure up-to date gent’s furnishings at ridio ulously low prices. It’s the chance -of your life and you should not miss it Look at the sensational announce ment in their big add on the ed itorial page nnd let an add to the bargain seeker and the real economic buyer be all sufficient. Attention Ist Ga. 1 —The annual reunioq of the Ist Ga , cavalry vetefaue will take ' place in Atlanta, Ga., July 22d ? Col. L R. Ray will, be orater of the occasion. Headquarters for the Ist Ga., cavalry, w.W be No. < ' | 41 Prior street, one block from the Union depot. H. W. Camp, President. J. A. Wynn, Secret ary.