The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 21, 1898, Image 6

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HOWRNSUob' GlLi.i - Leaped Into The Se.t. Captured a. Torpeu And Rendei’f. d 4; Ha ( rales;-. / The torpedo involved in t’ s story was origimdly inttm > 1-4 > sink an American ship in Sa- ti ago harbor. It came from' Ad miral Cervera’s torn' do squ u ron. ‘The hero of the war thus fa is Ensign Irving Van Gordon (Tiflis, wftocaptiTred ihorhw'TT er bj plunging overboard lr 11 the deck of the torpedo boat I’m ter, thus saving it from dost rue tion. He came from .New 'i ori state. The story of the torpedo-aim the ensign furui.-ims good read inc and shows the America! people what kind of boys wt have in our navy. It s'h«ws tin world that on our shipsXherc tin heroes on every deck. But iff principal object is to tell t. t thrilling tale of how the bo; from the Empire state tpok dei perate chances and saved th< officers and crew of the torped' boat Porter from an explosion that would have sent the n t( Davy Jones. Ot this act of courage tin world will continue tu tain here after. IHo let it be known that Samp I v son h»d bottled Cervera’s li*et tightly in the harbor of Santiago | and that there was no saL- wa; for them to get out. In . s< mi circle around the enframe ■ to th bottle hovered the Am'-rcai ships, dull and stolid by day ; black and towering by ni/it Or. Hie bosom of the Carribtmi tin monsters los-ed and rolled to tin swell, and Cervera chaffed :th io the confines that had beer, mapped out for him. One night the torped) tub; of the Pluton opened and si.- «‘v.; a Schwartz-Kopf torpedoes, with thfir war ncses on, started foi the entrance of the haibnr. There was a strong ebb tide running, and Cervera figured that tin ; would pass through the charnel out to sea, and. guided by th Providence that Spain always has consideretl among ; ts protec tors, run into some of the Aim r ic-an ships and destroy them. THE TOIU’EPO PISCoVEREU. It was not fated, however, that this sort of assassmatioi -should occur, after exhausting their motive power, the misplac sd emissaries of destruction ceased their direct action and floated helplessly around in the trough of the sea, passing » through the channel cf the har bor out into the open. Ths gray streaks of the morn ing were beginning co break it the Oast, the coxswains’ whittles sounded across the lazy soft and the crews rose from their sleep on the white decks of the Amt r lean fleet. From the crags and cliffs the shore birds mounted skyward, and the sea gulls’ wings touched the lighting top* of our ships as they swept by. The big, silent throated guns j trained on the batteries of Morri and along the fortifications seemed to yawn their awak--nim} and the tints of morning splash •d along tli£ ocean and mingled with the yellow brass that trim med our vessels. There were no signs of war. Capt. Fremont, of the Porter, with his glass in hand and En sign Gillis by his side, st. p u d in the gunwales of his bout from the main companionway am scanned the scene. Shoreward, from the staff of the Mo ro an I along the batteries of Spain, floated the Hag of Alphonso, 1 while 110 -iud .h’wn the coast las '-i^S'a n 1 ps<m, Hying the A mei liran color- and Waiting for I smnet hi; g to turn' up. Indeed, some'mug pvas to oc -,ur in a few minutes —sonaethii-. 1 that wo’dd-t'irill tlnf officers am! men of Hie Porter—for in a verv (W moments/FFemon detect* il something coming to vard the -hip on the swell of rhe tide. Il glistened aft am sas I>l ck and pm-pm-.dike for ward. He did not require hi glass t > detect h Schwartzkopi torpedo ff >aCuig' along toward the Porter. It was pot moving rapidly, but it seemed to corm -mt of the gray mists of the morning as though for some thing to destroy. Ensign Gillis saw it, too. In a moment, he had tossed bis ofli ;.er’s c on .the d<-ck ami had slipped his canva’- shoes. With his hands on the rail he leaned forward and watched the terri ble instrument coming toward the ship, rifiitg ami falling ami st-ill .'ippro.-i<-l ? iig, mist! on, witu. each - w.dl of Hie sea. toil s clutched the rail. lii*m!y ‘ and prepared to make the jump. •• i --In’S, du it, Gillis ;sb ’s got her war nos** on I” exclaimed Fremon , reaching for his Ensign. •‘l’ll fix that, sir,” replied oiiii a ,»L >pi.. into the s-.i before ms super! >r officer could rc train him With a eouole oi str<.ng strokes he reached th--' ado of the Sell .- artzk-ipf ami drcleti the no .a with his arm. the dm-k of the. Porter Fremont gazed breathlessly, at die daring Uoy t -ing about in die xx 1 'u: .di bi,n. Gillis quickly turned the uosi • f the w ap >n away fro ?. tin Porter, ser.-w d dm bring pin up '.ighily, so tli. t h could not - op iate,, ami then swam back to ihe 'side of ih ) torpedo boat,, ailling bis pi-'z - at his side. Lift ing bis dripping hand from the water, Im saluted bis Captain .nd waited with his arm around he now harmless torpedoy for urther orders. tie was quickly hauled-aboard iml the prize, was stowed for ward. », There is no ostentation about lil is and he took the honors eaped upon him calmly. No more daring deed has been X f . lono during this, and Rear k.dmiral b uiipsiii yompliuieiit i d the boy highly f r his brav cy. II )is a grandson of Rear Vdmiral Gillis, retired. ’ JITY uF LTVTV 1 SKWLE I’ON S 1 ' J ■■ ’ -rAßvixn bai <; .1:, Tin; n.; Fam ine-. rf'riiicK.ix bA.xtiago. j .Z/ 1 V1 > , Santiago (b; Ciiira, July 20. — 'ue > -I o'clock tins nmrning 11 tr rm of skeleton refi’geeß has s ff-e,u m tiling into th ? cry, s )in • ilukml, and u’i Ihn .gry mi l to >t- T -are. Mmy h?.d fallen by the way -0 -ide. -, ihe town of Santiago * p-eseii!r j- 1 id Binai sight). Most of tlm houses j. | have b-ft.-n sacked, and the BtoieS j . ii.iVu ah been lu >’ei, imJ n fth’iig Jyj e.. l -cat) Ln had fur love .o. I money. 0 I . I lu the str ets of the jity this luuruiiu, at tiie entrenchments, ’ ut the br. a-tw-uks and at even 1 htiicJ o d Je -t or so nt ilm oarbed d I Aire s were die living skele -1 vQ])B-ui sM’di T 4. U I’ -Out ioday Co- "f.'Bsm-’n John I I 1 ’.V. M.iddox after a week’s illueaa » j was abla to be out a short while h this morning. 5 ilt P. WOOTEN & BRO., • ~ Ms' ,U» . ‘ , • Successors to ' ROME PHARMACY. 5? 3d! Broad st.—New Clark Building. v - lyg We have bought the entire stock ol the mim Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants ni £2* the drug, piescription and patent medicine hue. u> stock is complete and of the very highest gr:»< e. -j— We solicit a part of your palrmw'g© and s m 1 deavor to the best of our ability to j> I ease yo 1-- ”■ '/to times. We should be pleased to yoii <‘.n "t. -is. . Full line of druggist’s sumlrie.% article and such things as are usually carried in ” lii*st class < ing gp . store. Cigars and tobacco. ’ Come to see us. > _ 1 -I .. ■■■ _ ! JL - ’■ ~ ** >■ HHHmmimHiffiTrrnYriw. § ■5 • > g S. M. Stark, I *2 7 ■ MT M • B LMIIBI AND i’ML ’ 5 .s * J.x , .. • S Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A « * Jk T M ‘ * ’ ' b* — * t (<B F. HANSON. ‘ NORRIS N SMITH. THE HANSON SUPPLY GO. ,| g Plumbing anJ Tinning. | 3 Enjineers’ an! machinists' | supplies. Stoves, rangesand ® g tinware. Gas and electric fix- © § tures. INSURANCE gasoline 2 stoves. Water meters. 5 325 Broad st. Phone 32. F J C 51.25 all 5 1 5 > ; ;li j:: ;'iirt» far $ J. A. GU4)I I ..COMPAN ~ARE WAITING for everyone in Rome to com . in and see the m ignificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing <1 Julk bicycle and golf suits, is wh<> 1 1* WQ are 'b’ing, but we are hus tling while wo wait. \Ve wiljl -ij show you the finest stock'd 1 J Wwa ’lp clothing, made from the newest <’ styles and patterns in. fabrick> ■* perfect fitting and handsome, t« ' *■' be found in Georgia, and the; are above competition in values for the price. 1 hegreatest line of negligee shirts ever shown i 1 Rome. J. A. GATVI9N k J ) ? Ours Is the Most CompletelKSr'S; I s department Nursery ' s in LI. S. F— —- lowratcu. We publish one of ' ■- . - | the leadlnrSeed. Plant and Tree Catalogues is.-ne, !. rVfi-: ! which will be mailed free. Send for it now, it wili mjflL )-y • save you money. Try ue, can refer you to cu.tomerain every state and territory I in the Union, tj years of square dealing has made uapatronr and friends f > and apjJqWybSJKJtSS I dear. Have hundreds of carloads of ijwrly. . i . FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. ( We eend by mail postpaid Seeds, Bulbs, Hants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe str—a! - tAtii-tae'ion guaranteed; hw«c, by express or freight 44th y»r. 3a tceennouv a : v.j * rifF * > egg C I To •ir.ical Fsapir'f it iswih pleasure'tiiHt we introduce to our reader, th. of* a uex - and uoinph-te stock of •< ' * ,ri MiBL a®, ItND ? ■■ W I ■ .S inAi l Musical instf’u m.,'-] n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street . where we would be pleased to have you caff )in ,| ' examine our goods. t The s%k consorts of some of the best tn .ik«s <4 .ipiaiios organs on the mark it today.' a full litie of’everything pertaining tea first class music store—Sonfething Rome has needed for a longtime. Give us a call .and you will find , t . ‘ music store that Romans in 3 proud of I ■ ' "' ’ / ■ ■ X. ./ 'W 0 1-.-J bin- Qi 1) li) 3 )i! .1— L t K.l o 1 yI L b the earliest possible date. JBL 327 Broad Street. S. P, Davis, Manager. ■V \ \ \ x .x-xx X-X X x -4fcx ■ \ \ We kei-p on hand at all times a fu.i o . ’ Sheet. M.’usic * -*• < - 2-- • r,.. ■" * ‘x - v i F.J-KANE& CO «248 B. oad Street.;,- O S;le ol Suinmei Ciii x x \ x x x x x x« x x x x x x x: x x \ x . \s v Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, ’ Gingham and Madras, "x •’’K .”x .’X .’U i I 'r. X- Z/' ■ , ' ■' ') ■’ < Vt J: • isady-Miide Skirts and We intend to close out our stock, so take advantage of cosl pcries on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at f. J. KAME«««II I I yiU-fK; * 248 Brooicl Street- t’ornlßnentlv cured by using I)R. WHITEHALL’S RH 1 -! 1 < |- r j c e 50 ffU ami the be-t. Sold by jruggists on a positive gi.a’ t lll e • u<- '4 S*rnnlo sent free nn mention of this pub 1 w i.iv -hi wnr»”’- ’ ¥W.rimiW * Bos ’