The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 21, 1898, Image 7

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n Tumor Formed finally It Broke Inwardly and Discharged* Trouble Began With Dyspepsia and Impure Blood Th ,. (uUtf h Course of Hood’s Sarsa "parilla Completely Cures. ’lhere is dunger in impure blood. Di.e isf and -ufb ring are surely com to those who neglect this tluwuteu iu.> s\uipfoni. Rend this. ° ••Gilliam, Missouri. »<C J. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.: oGentlemens— My troubles bigau with nervous headaches, which would last me for two or three days. The doctors pronounced my trouble dyspepsia, but they could not do anything tor me, and udvi ' ■ change of location. At the age t r, a tumor formed on my spine, which Was Very Painful but old not rise or discharge. The doctor thought best to cut it out, but I objected. Jt dually broke and discharged a great deal. The doctors said they could do nothing for it. Then the tumor began to rise Inwardly and discharge. 1 read much about cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla and thought I would try it. Before I had finished taking one bottle I was much relieved. I continued the use of Hood’s Sarjapurills, and after taking 12 bottles I was entirtly cured. lam now well, have a good appetite and feel that I owe my life to Hood’s Sarsanarilia." W. D. Fore. Hood’s s p*S. Is the hi st—ln fact the <me True Blood Purifier. Sold by al! (U-itggiits. »1; six fol (5. Hood’S Pills PASTEUR FILTERS The onb G-erm Pre of Falter in the world. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson SupplyCo WATER TAX NOTICE Have you ''Hservea how near the Vh is? J. T. K.wOra S&c’y. and Treas. ,6V.soiM RftlLWfty. G B*t«B«»<l Mhrtala !• Kflfret July t, ISUH. ~~ itation*. IWa # f Ko. 14 ; Ko. I Kr liulluu I r.Ham 8. 42pm >l2. lOaia *r Roui. S.SOaui » 4Upm t Mata *r itluu |t.4o»m 11.50;® SOhwa Lv Ail.olu 4. WprnllYpm 5 20a t> Ar Macon 7.10 pm 2 Ohan IJlarl lrp.u;i 148 am 2.38 pm 4rJS»«otl ...... 7.26 am 82f.pra At Jack.oii.ille . . .. 8 40am B.2spin !.» ..'. ,T.’..’ fit Sam i.Sepm A, Jaek.onvQle l.oopm tft.tapta L> Kveratt 7.3uami TJoprn Brunswick B.3ouini 4.30 pm Nr.. 10 curries Pullman Sl.eplut Car Ciu.4- Uno,-. tu Atlanta. Na. Wcayrie. PuHssaa Sleaptu* <Mr and ! ay 'u-he.i’Ua teuwsa to Jacksonville and a t- U..u» to Brunswick. No « rarrias PiliUuau Shseptuy Car £hiitta k> A rr/riosy ' ‘"' l , K<y,l> j \ T q FI Ko. f AtTthtn.. Ar Rome ..( 4.80 am UtOfMu WSUam balm# 7.22 am ? 34tm£lt.»am >r i huttanoor# B. 4oan>'B.Bopm’ l.fiOpm I.' ' attsiiaofa .'.4... ; #.lopm *' ,’.... 4»pm- .* f.eriusvea 1 MOptu 4.80 am Ai i,")l»vllle ‘7 Mpml 7.Miam Ar ; X 7Sopni T»>am|.... Lv < uuammgt...; ... | i.faiptn l.Mahi Tfspm A’ ,T1!_ ! 4 M>pin 4 m 0 • »>pna No 13 carrie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta 1 8,1 rv.ianri ca and ChaltaiKiora to ClnainnatL Nir v carrle. Pullman Sloepin, iMr Allan in w Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. iranron. I N "-A I2**A ' Vo '*• Lv rhauan,,„. <a | 8 46am' 4. lOnnrTlT’ilm ar. luiv.ile ........ 11l Mami 805 am l.ioum ArMorrist wn I i JApm 1 8 Bum 2 25am 1 l o l Sp . r . 1 , 1,< * •' l>lpm*l,4oum 4.00 am 4.X>pm l.tSpui 510 am ArSullHburv «.40pm 8.80 am 7r uT e ' l i‘' or “ U.62i>tn 12.10 pm ir v‘ r ,' 1.40 am 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk 7.50 am .. Ar Wa h'ntftunß.4lam b.3spm *' >« Uric .. . y 1 12 4fpm 8.23 am ■ 1! r ‘’‘* f’u'miati Drawing Ko mt Sleep. ~fi 4r Chattanooga to Now York via Asha i, L*. . ul|, "> ur ”tolll.-li l i,<>nd. an lvinit Rloh t /»« > " * ,n “‘ ■' o I’uilmau Sleeping , ‘ lo Norfolk. • k'ov o’ 1 !' 1 lr ‘ l!1 <!lstuiw »'a to Salt*/ T *C'l 1 iillmtn Slut-pin t i',.r Cirittanoofa * ’■‘•'•'bury and Salisbury to Now York wiLb •utchange m.hovt ~ Ar K,'/ 1 ' ■ 1 'o’" lt “ <"•— 6. <’l»m K4oam , lle ■ : *.i’pin ll.M>.m \ r i i r.euami i.Abpm *‘ "«York [. | 1 1.20 pm Sleeping Car Cbatta- YnrC ~ ‘■‘‘ .ii and Chnttan. ogu to New “BUouteh .info. ’'il« uiUr'i’i,',’’ Sleeping Car Knos- t. n *'* Tl l*l t tx .1 B.Wrn "n , U ”! , .‘.. /ll.ilam Ar lO.Oupm A'MarldUn *^ P “ Y, » ■/■ 10.20 km t V ~ 7—. 8 46a.; s»r.rep„rt 7 , w- ‘ l > i u * I jtKo7i« |4No 14 »±“‘ 8?7? w ‘ l ’ ~ 7ir 808 pm ’ d, “- w f-Waut A Haul _ “»F'l‘ r lOpmlAr Attalla, lyl Utam CBoam bally Sunday. | Sunday only. J t Wv ’ *• “ Wasklnglon. D.d W. . • i ‘ P Tr *' “•»•• W»»b‘Mtoa. D. a C A nV HK ' u P *-■ W »«hla«wn D. C. -NBuo 4-.O4m4taeoosa.2en> - ii —i r t —1 •■'IHIARy SENT 7C DEWEY. Nn W Y , r k July 18 __ The N(IW ,r k CiiHhb Exchange Buainess i* Association has completed tt, "i shipped a library of 10,000 V( >lu in niu Admiral Dewey’s Squad 11 hi <1 have now itiade arrange- Ul ’tile tv ith (i lb Navy Department '* 8 mi cue |<y ttie fl et in Cuban- Waters. ' I RSONAL MINIIO Mr. W. M. Barker, of Atlanta, is here today. Mr. N. C. Brand has returned from Norfolk. All kinds of nice fruit at Lloyds’. Mr. I. T. Buclianon, ofTiion, is in the city today. Delicious cantaloupe* every day at Lloyd’s. Mr. and Mrs. Blount Hamil ton are visiting in Etna. Dr. M. N. Mixon returned this morning from Atlanta. * Mr. and Mrs. David Kerr have returned from Atlanta. There will be a dance at the Mobley parx pavilion tonight. House to rent, clogft in- Apply to L A Lloyd. Mr. I. F. Davis went dewn to Alabama on business this morn ing. Miss Nona Speer, of Varnells, is the guest of relatives in the city. Have you tried Hunt the bakers bread and cakes yet, if not why not? • Mis. Jurelle Watters is the guest of Mrs. Ada Mason in Ma rietta. Miss Minnie Speer, of Chat tanooga, is visiting friends in the city. Mi->s Eva Camp is visiting Miss Chussie Trayner in Cleve land, Tenn. $ 1.50 to Atlanta and return via W, & fl . R R July 21,22,23.1imited 28. Mrs. Charles Phinzy, erf Au gusta, is the guest of Mrs.(Ham ilton Yancey. • Birney Hale, the clever young druggist, is now connected with J. T. Crouch & Co. Bad blood becomes good blood on taking Hood’s > tlij great blood purifier. $ 1.50 to Atlanta and returfr via Southern Ry. 19th and 20th. Mrs. Ht Lyle and family went down to Atlanta this morning to spend several days. Mrs. J. B. Ponder and chil dren lef r today for Keith, Ga., to visit friends several days. Col. Ray Knight, one of An niston’s leading and most pro gressive citizens, spent last night in the city. Miss Annie Liiitoa Sparks left this morning on a weeks visit to friends and relatives at Cave Spring and Etna. Go to the reunion at Atlanta via Southern Ry. July I 9th A 2Otb. rtound trip $1.50. J. N- Harrison, C. T. A. Mr. Cliff Seay will go down to Macoih -tomorrow to spend several days. It is rumored he will bring Mrs. Cliff Seay horn® with him. Hunt the,.bak»jr has Albert 0 Lin'dsley, of Indiana, one of th* beat bakt-ra out of the West work* ing for him, ca| l and try bis bread and cakes you woi*4 reg ret it. Miss Flo Seay, on® at Rome’s most talenteu young ladies left yesterday for Rock ,w h re she will spend several weeks with her sister, Mrs. M H. Sandifer. Miss Mary Woodruff is ex , ected in the city tonight to spend several days, the guest of Miss Rena Seay. She is en route to her home in Anniston horn Washington, D. C., and Ash ville, N. C., where she has been spending some time. LOCAL HiP.PcNl’i 1 i. More Cheap Rates —The W. 4 A. R. R, will sell round trip tickets Rome to Atlanta and re turn at $1.50 July 21, 22, 23, limited 28t.1i. Revival. —Rev. W. L Single ton is conducting a revival in West Rome. The meetings are largely attended and a great work for the Lord is being done. Recruits Go Through —Several car loads of Holders passed through East Rome this morning en-route to McPherson barraacks, in At lanta from Ohio. Some of them looked like Coxey's army instead of United States soldiers. Mr. Bercman Ill> —The many Rome friends of Mr. P. J. Berc man will be pained te hear that be is dangerously ill at his home ’’in Augusta. He is the son of the late Dr. Bercman who lived on Mt. Alto for many years. At High Point. —Prof. Fred Branson lias accepted a position as teacher in a Floyd county school at High Point. He is a recent graduate of the Piedmont Institute of Rockmart and comes highly recommended by Prof. Ballenger. Mr Taylor Sh<>t —The Ash ville Gazette tells ot the killing of R. Wink Taylor by Jam?s Csrley, of Decater 111. The murder occurred m the Oak hotel, ot which Mr. Taylor was lesee, short ly alter 8 o’clock, Tuesday night Mr. Taylor wa* at one time man ager of the Armstrong here, and is wall known in Rome. Will Leave Tomgjuow Capt. Henry StewiTt will leave tomorrow morning for Griffin, where he goes to join his com pany. He will take a number of recruite with him. Mr. Thomas 1 presented him with five fifty ejach, of “barter’s Extra Good * Cigars” for the boys in c»mp. Chilkren Leave Today.— After residing in this city for nearly two years the four little children of Mr. C. R, Gaskill, of Brownwood, Tex, left this after noon for their fa ther’s home Nearly two years ago the moth er of these little ones, on her death bed requested that hei babies be cared for by her sister, Mrs. W. J. Nunnally. . Four brighter children with sunnier dispositions never liyed. They have become quite as dear to Col.and Mrs. Nunnally as if they sons and daughters. Mr. Gaskill, recently married and with his heme re-established he sends for the little ones. Joe Nunnally is very sad today, while hi® wife is almost heart broken over the departure of the little ones A GRAND WORK Mrs. M A. Nevins will send <<• the »urg-uu general in Atlanta to morrow to be distributed tn the v. unded soldiers through the Rome chapter of ths D. A- R • veal large bcxft of clothing and s jeets, for the wounded «oldiere They are badly iu need of a change. Mrs. Nivin rec. ive I a •-tter yesterday stateing that some >f the wounded soldiers still wearing the clo'hiug that they ere wounded in. The D A R. are doing a grand work all over the country ir. help ing th® needy soldier b< ys, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sturdi vant, of Summerville, arrived n the city yesterday and are the quests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomp son Hiles on Fourth avenue. Eyes examined fn e by Dr. Taylor, experi enced optician. at vVooten’s drugstore Save your eyes.Do not delay- ' A BAD FALL. —... ... Mr, Samuel McArthur Sustain ed Injuries Yesterday. Mr. Sunuel the aged father of Dr. S. McArthur, ' happened to a painful,and winch may prove seri Jus, acc dent yei-J terday ufteyiioon at the home ol his sou, Dr. McArthur in the Fifth ward. He was ir. the act of stepping oil'l he back porch, »vhicb is about 4 feet from the ground,, when in some manuei he slipped and fell striking his left shoulder with great force. He was picked up and carried into the house and f)r. W. P Harbin hastily summoned. His shoulder was badly wrenched and several bad bruises were found on his body. On account of his extreme age, 84, and feeble health, there is some doubt of his recovery. Mr. McArthur rested as weli as could !»•* < xpected under tie circu nsta c‘s l ist light. THREE EOYS Who Ran Aw>y From Honr Caught Yesterday. J. G. George of Ball Play, was iu the city today and carried his two sons aped 12 and 13 respec tively, and Ins stepson aged 15, home with him. Chief Shropshire was tele graphed last night to 1< ok oi.t for’the boys. Officer Green was sent and in a few hours had theni in They weie locked up until the old man ar rived today. The boys were out for a good time and had been traveling around considerably. GOTRECE'PfS FOR EV ERYTHING under the sun and can make properly all most any thing you want. My Reference Book, latest edition of U. S.. \;l 4 » , Pharmacopoeia cost $2 50, U. S. Dispensary SB, Remington’s Practice of Pharmacy $6.50, Pattent medicine formulas $2. Druggist’s Formulary $lO, Fen ner’s Formulary $lO, Scientific American Cyclopedia of Receipts $5. Total, $44 worth of the most reliable receipt books publisht containing thousands of miscel laneous receipts cuveriug every department of the human indus try together with my fiften years experience iu the drug business at your service at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, Norton’s old corner, opposit Maemic Tempi. WATfeR WO KS OF FICE AT CITY HALL Offic? hours 7:30 a. m. to 12 m. 2:00 p. m. to 6 p. m. J. T. Moore Sec’y and Treas- g _J I ÜBg SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer re»urt» are sitcat»‘d on and reach' d via the Southern Rui way. Whether one desires the se aside or the m<'Un tains, th" feshionab e hotel* or qim-t country homes, they can bs reached via this magnificent high way of t ravel. Ashwvil's. N. C. , Hot Springs N. C.. Roan M< untain, Tenn and the mountain resor'f of Knut Tennessee ' and Western Nort Carolina, “The Li nd o| the Sky’ Tat® Springs, Te 19., Oljver Springs, Tenn., Lookout Moun tain, feuu., Litbia Springe, Ga . the vs l ious Virginia springe, and the seashore resor's are reached hv the K mh-rii Railway. The Southern JAfijlwav bM issued a handsome foi.def^lil led “Sum mer Homefi and Resorts ’* descrip live ot nearly one sum mer resort buteli fiid bqardiny hoii-es, including r»- ga r dmg rate# fpr, board at <b» different place* jipd failroad rates to reach thapi. ; ‘ ’ S Write to C A, B®D*cot*r, A*- sista nt General P»Msng»r Agent Southern Railway. Chattwuuofß Tenn, for a c >py of tin* folder. «' HANKS Furiiiiiirf. 1 60- You will b* surpr s ed to see * ’ how much you can buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to give the best goods for the least nioney. If y u are thinking of bnyingsome thing* in the line of Fui ziiture,. Car pets, Mattings, Rugs Etc., you will be sorry i you don’t see Wesre *naking somj ve y Id-v prices oi eve-ything now, to get ready for o irfall 300 is that are coming in. Ji n’t to - see us-. Yours y to please. MtfS IO furniture CO. A WHOLE CLUB I 43-** *:* 1 Make | ---1 Time -’** t.-r gmv-im*' rijj I carry & 'til! ml on date line of Di* ull Is ■’• o , * My st jek of silver uoti r.js and nov •!ties was n&v- M «r more complete. W.2)JL4> P I CSS 4TS V 4P.23( VLPf. J. K Williamson M RELIABILITY Is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news-all the news—and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best. .J Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” , ‘Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, MIX Madison street, Chicago.