The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 21, 1898, Image 8

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A BYRD’S EYE VIE W Jeminy krissinus! What a crush! ■ ' ‘ , * ♦ * I was in the Gate City yester day and lor a time enjoyed the jam. . <** Then I got tired and felt like if I was not preserved I would soon be in a pickle. * « « An hour after my train should have left, it did and I was on desk and drew a sigh of relief when the engine pulled me out of the biggest crowd I ever got lost in—nothing short of a loco motive engine could have extri cated us. I was at Richmond two years ago and at Nashville last year, but in my opinion the Confeder ate reunions in neither of those cities were so largely attended as it was in Atlanta yesterday. ' *♦* Everybody, his wife and his oldest child, and the baby’s doll was in Atlanta, and while the streetcar lines were doing their dead level best to handle the crowds they were only partially successful, for while every car was crowded to the guards great crowd? gathered on every car ier lu the plucky city and pers pired and chatted, sweated and bussed—while they waited. Last night every train out of the citv was loaded with weary human beings—not one of whom seemed to regret having been i« clothes wearing microbe in the great mortal mob. ♦ Its “Atlanta’s way” to handle multitudes and manipulate in a X DECLRATIOMS- ’ . • j We ar© goine out of the leir i] f cc d& bvsiresF. IDruR TUCU < Our present sale the end of this business. nrftU ’ "tIW ) Our present trices will never again be Duplicated- I The opportunity to buy sucn Roods at such prices will soon be forever goods worth 100 cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents on the dollar—quantities of them. 1 adil skirt and tailor made suits—a big stock. Piques, all the family of them' Withe ut question the best stockl ••‘f* . , , I goods in Rome and being given away to get out of the retail dry goods business in Rome. | > : ■—: > 1.000YD9, DRESS CALICO 2jc . - 1 . 1,000 FANS ATI (Wr ' OiTD LADIES’ 500 EVERY SHOE 300 30 0 | c xu c 1 xz- x Shirt waists—the do!- t ards of Dreqi Goods In our stock at it Baby caps recently Mens, launariort Swiss that cost 46cts Jar grac | e at 39 cents, and waist silks, worth cost us, or less, faquir bought at factory pric- that cost ' 1 25.. b™„.. 5 , ..... . JU >I.OO, on saleatal - ; —’—t: 1 ,;., _ 1 *! • , • ,••es ' ■y'- .‘ ■ j-M I 500 t Ladies and k and satin necties that z jM VhM p | cost 25 cents to $ I 00, on center tabled in cent. • j cents each. ~ u . U - " 111 '' I 'T,* j t . _ 5/ W YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tables—much of it cost 15c, 20c and 25 cents—loveli& jvvv conceptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving them awa yat 6centsayarJ. Re n ‘m'J when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever. Bu- rri-n U 3 nn Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at b’-*- nrofits t PF make money. We affirm, of all the goods in this house, no u a dollar’s worth is priced abo/ cost ’ BASS BROS. & CO I ~ s Send your a to H. E. ißucklen A Cq . Chical < and g«t a free sample box'of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are •-asy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free fr m every deleterious substance and to be purely Vegetable. They do not weaken in th«*ir action, but l >y giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem Regular size 25c per box Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., druggists — masterly manner the most gigan tic schemes and engineer to i> successful termination great events, but upon this occasion Atlanta is surpassing all former < ftbrts.and Clai k Howell and the Atlanta Constitution are leading the procession—as usual. * *♦ • . 1 liked the day so well that 1 think 1 shall try it again tomor ,r«»w. If you have dot been down yet try to go tomorrow morning. The parade of the old Vets to morrow afternoon will probably be the most imposing these old heioes have ever martialed— perhaps they 7 will never assem ble again in. such numbers. * * * I notice that Mr. S. J. Burney of the Buriicv Tailoring Co,, has returned from New York, where ho tells me he bought the big gest line of pants goods and suit ings ever purchased for this market. Mr. Burney sneaks en thusiastically about his business and has every confidence in Rome’s future and the Burney Tailoring Co.—and why not? Mr. Burney knows Rome and bis business. —Em 'L . "-iggy—rr “LIEUT” C. H. SMITH. Another Rome Buy Lands in Good .QwVkvUr- Vulvntrj&K,Abwy. Mr. Charles H. Smith, one of Rom" f> handsomest and most pop ular young men, has been appoint ed a lieutenant id the Third Regi ment U. S. V. Engineer* The reg iment will be moblized at St. Louis. The appointment of Mr. Smith is one of the beat thet could have l " ,u n made in this section as be is i skilled civil engineer and < xpert electrician—Rome Tribune. , Mr. Smith ia a grandson of Maj. ) H. Smith (Bill Arp), of Cai t-raville, and is well and favorably nown in ‘his city. Hie fr.ende •xtmd congratulations.—Carters ville News. HOW’S THTBI J; We offer One HundrM D Hara Reward for any case ** ’atarrh that cannot be cured b Hall’s Jatarrb Cure. F. J. Chbnby & Co. * Trope, To ledo, O. We the undersigned, have known ! F J. Cheney for the last 15years, ■ md believe him perfectly honor- Jde in all busineas transactions ma financially able to Carry out my obligation made by their firm. Wk»t A Tkaux, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, o Waldino, Kinnah A Marvin, Wholesale i>iuggist», Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure ie taken mtjrnally, a c t i ng, directly upo« th" blood and mucous iur ’'nces of the avatem. Price. 75c per bottle. S Id by all Druggists. Tustimoniale free. It is a noticeable fact that so fu not a southern regiment has b-ien ordered to tlje front I' .'MW WiU •«, m«MMM MH-WWM l.rvwJkUlla* (,Ur«« kaWk. ■-.m-.m ■gU • t n.rv.a.kUWMa W 11 A in «rwr>>> .a. W I B <-r a. Tai, U • » If ■ ganWVMWy UM EujJ K Amu/ ww. • bwaa. »■ 'A, MB —S’* *******•.****e*< m •»;«Wm a, w / ■ The trouble with most men is not that they not k now how to IsF VxjMh VBkJ work, but that they do ■1)1 ’r / kl\ kfipw how to rest. W jf 7 '" A If a man knbws how M to rest and bow to take ■ car? °f h‘ s health, ■ ''n> there is hardly a Ijimit yfai* yto the amoiinbof work \ that he may acconi ralnCS&i \p' ish without doing Wjy'H==W X hi hi self injury. ' The trouble is that vn ''A l^A\\men not only.oyer -1 w ‘*k. hut that \ X \i\ the y heglect ’ x X k 1° rest at the K proper, hours ' st> and neglect their health. i -A man passes a restless, Sleepless night, gets up dull and headachey in the goes to the breakfast table without an ap- . petite, bolts whsi,t Ijttle he does eat and rushes away to business. He is drowsy and nervous by turns al.l dav and forces himself to work against his will. He takes five minutes for lunch and not a minute to rest afterward. He goes home at night utterly fagged out and with no appetite for Supper. The idea of taking medicine or even taking a little rest never enters his head. ■ Some night his wife finds him in the rocking chair before the fire-place dead. The doctor will call it nervous pros- I tration or heart trouble or something of that kind. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the best medicine for hard working, men. It restores a keen edge to the appetite. It facilitates the flow of the digestive juices and makes the digestion and assimilatipn perfect. It invigorates the liver and purrhes and enriches the blood. It is the great blood-maker, flesh builder and nerve-tonic. Medicine dealers sell it. H. Gaddis. Esq/, oFNo. 313 South J Street. Ta coma. Washington, writes: “ I was taken ill in February 1892. My longs hurt me and I got so poor that I was just skin and bone. I thought I I was going to die I tried Dr. Pierce's Golden I Medical Discovery and it saved my life." S mxt/> 1 bor sick headacne, bil- 1 IVI VV & iotisncss and constipa tion, Dr. Pierce’s Pleas ant Pellets .are the most rational cuie known. They are mild but thorough and effective. They regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bdw els, Jtever gripe. No I other, pill is like them. ■ VilvLSv i BAD BREATH "I have five 11 sstng (’AfM'AKKTa and a« s mild and uffecilve laxative Uiey are simply won <t«rful. Mr daughiar and I were bothered with sick stoiuseb, aud our breath was very bad. Alter taking a few dos< s of Cascarets we have improved wonderfully. They are a great help In the family " WiLHBiMiN* Nagel. 1137 Hittenhouse St., Cincluna,ti. Ohio. CANDY O CATHARTIC w wwcaiet® vwabk maws wtatarcaco Taste GoodJ Do Good, Never Stukeu. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c 26c Mu ... CURE CONSTIPATION, j., •SwiUa k-w-dy «'aw*aay, nkwk B-atnal, law T-rg. JU W.TA.RAft Sold and guaranteed by all drue- IV "Rw gf>u u> MA Tob*uco Huptf. , THE ARPISTRONQ HOTEII Rome, Ga t I Regular Sirti] Boarders MMrXc . Raw I Warned- fey H moiiih The place to get a quick, good m oak I McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietor! Ijpest White LWBII w- fl 5 Forth} /}♦/ ill nn fl Perfectly marked fovis, le4V? orders fl J* Crouch Co., $3 psrtrio. fl Sp en lid c jek srals oily $ 1. tj I.D.3VL7M) I i e t ext s Repaying I' •Don’t Walk On ; O Your Uppers! | W.A.MULLINiX,M 8 L'VERG SALE AND FEED STABLES Offers the pi.blic the finest teams, conv« y anc a and most polite and cov rtl o®’ ‘ The best »to I of horaee end w le c< H 1 <naatl/.