The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 24, 1898, Image 4

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Till KW-MKHGIJL HEHUSTLER OF ROME Kitabilnhed, ISO*. ’"HE ROME COMMERCIAL t E*lnbliiS*<l. lI'VS. laaued vvery evening, except Satuiaay. Seinluv »uii weekly. PHIL 0. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. 10*. WUnrmu ,HI >ck, I'uiidl Avenue > Hly and Hunaay.pei year »5 o<> Itnday, per year » 1 - 0 Weekly (Tub KomkCourikk) pei year 1* tJ ( VERIER IN CHY ASD SUBUfIBB • D»Sy as UuiMay, 10ceut» per wee Remit by bank draft. exprsJ', Money •rdwr or regiat' red letisr Address THE.HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL ROME, GA. Entered al the Pos toftice at Rome, Ga.. a .secona class U-atler. AOveiunnir re’" *-*“!"• 00,.ie» tor the aeklng. _____. »-■’ BUSIN ESS OFFICE P HONE 85 Spanish t, foods fire mustcicil • in only to be peppered out. Augusta Herald. ■ ■ g My Dear Jane, read less war news and make more jam. I' will keep you out of a pickle next fall. It now develops that Lilians had only 7,000 in the trenches in front of Santiago. Shafter had 20,000. The stars and strij es continut to float fiom pole to pole, in ev ery neighborhood where our navy floats. .A real man can never des ;ribe the way a woman is dressed s< that another woman can get any idea of her toilette. The Spaniards allege they are fortifying the coast close tc Gi braltar. This is another big bluff. Certain accounts of the share of the Cuban insurgents had in things, raise the presumption that they wouldn’t much rather flight than ert. '"JE I" 11 With the entire destruction of Montejo’s squadron and of Cer vera’? squadron, ‘.lie Maine seems to have been iemembe»«(\ us well as the Virginies. S impsoil lias at last accom plisbed something extr iordii»..- ry ;he has succeed•»'! in showing die country that McKinley has a temper. —Chattanooga News. Santiag >, the oldest city in the New World, is the first to fall from the grasp of Spain in the war which is to free the entire hemisphere from the Spanish dominion. When the war is o v er will the football man regain his pedestal or will the soldier laddies step into the place of honor in the affections of the winter girl? » _ There are other reasons be sides his present conduct for supposing that the name of Ad miral Von Diedcnichs will not .become a favorite baptismal cognomen for young America. Shafter Ly Hat on his back end conducted the campaign that resulted in the capture of Santiago. If he had only been well enough to have sat up he might have captured the whole isl. nd The British are proud toclaim ' kin with us now that we have shown how dangerous we can be to her enemies. It is a great thing to have powerful relations V h< ii other people are threaten ing you. It is said .lie < flievis and sail ors of U. Vera’s fleet knew nothing of Dewey’s victory at , Manila until they had baet made prisoners of war. If Tors, and his soldiers are taken from Santiago to Spain they may never hear of it. ■ When Lieutenant I’euiy gUs hack from fin,Enk inn, lie, will Hm-< vci iis< u n i* cro > d d with new and unexplored reyioLS. - Isn't it disgusting to i>| end your I money in cub biie in < ider to get in out of tbe wet and th n discoVei after the bargain is that tin •ushione are lb damp as the side walk-? ________ A large veranda is a delight when 'here is more than one to enjoy it ut canibecctne themost lonesome <pot in existence » ben it is occupi ed day and evening by but one im dividual. The woman who has schooled hereself to not feeling just a bit uncomfortable when she is a'.one after dt> has made great strides •owaidtliat newness that our mothers knew nothing about. When Dewey asked ttie Germvi commander if he had any warlike intentions concealed about his inrson or ship, the German did not answer, “You can search me,” but Dev.’i‘v searched him, anyway. Tbe conclusion of peace is a horrible thought for the Cubhn insurgents. Just as free rations hid become plentiful they may have to give it all up and go to work. A,m"ricus Recorder. - JU - Prior to tbe surrender of San tiago a New York broker want ed Gen- Shafter to shell the city with rockets instead of by the use of guns. lie has invented a rocket which will travel 1000 yards, carrying on the tail o r the stick a pound of dynamite; nid he proposes to send a flight if these curious engines of de struction into the Spanish trenches. The inventor claims that his rockets are safe to han ile ami accurate in execution. Says the Philadelphia Times: C. L. Wilson, of Manhat tan club, who went to Siboney, luba, with a flag presented by i,he club to the first New York egiment to reach the front, purchased, while there, for $lO i male negro aged 9 years, whom ic will educate and bring up as i good Ainericm citizen. The boy’s parents are dead, and the papers wrte made out by his Uncle He is known as “Santia go Buck.” Mr. Wilson might mve found white children near •r homeland far more deserving, md that would have paid better as an “investment.” THREE CHEERS FOR SHAF TER. Gen. Shafter’s report, after having inspected the entrench ments of the city following Gen. Poral’s withdrawal, assures us ' that the capture <if the place by storm would not have been quickly accomplished task. Ev ery day tire soldiers were sub jected to the hardships and fa tigue of battle array, the greater •vould be the opportunity for disease, while city itself was becoming a greater pest for the breeding o p fatal disease. Under such conditions surrounding ! soldiers must have died by hun ' dredsdaily and nt t from wounds. But for the arrangements that Gen. Shafter had made not only would the taking of the city] have required the lives of 5,00(U soldiers in battle, but probably twice that number woul 1 have been sorely afflicted with dis -1 ease. Now the lata r can be avoided ; the city can be held by a few immune regiments as soon as sanitary precautions are taken, and the regular army be removed to more healthful re gions or brought home, neither* & MW THE EKEii’CE OF SW OF FIGS is due only to the originality and simplicity of 1 u combination, but also to the care . . J skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist oue in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of fafnilies, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all osher laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does note gripe nor nauseate., In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP €O. e.Mi ancxguil LttFIAVILLF. ’ *KW YORK. K. Y. - T?? . of which things could be done until tbe city had fallen. — Washington Post. POINTED PARAGRAPHS 3 he dainu clerk often weighs other people’s wcr, s. Cut glassware would be more popular it il*.‘l rs would cut prices. A man is seldom interested in the weight of another man’s burden. Rumor is gossip’s .strong fort and truth is the dynamite gun that reduces it. Some people are disagreeable b cause they can’t at trait atten tion any oth r way. A bicycle puts the person wh* is learning to rido it in touch with the whole earth. Some girls admit that engage ments are failures, but they have their doubts as to marriages, The work of some artists who claim to be wedded to art doesn’t indicate that there is even an engagement. They say that mat lies •’e made in he ivebut his Sattni cal majesty seems to have aur in r on the brimsto le ma • eh liith* i iternation il chfc! er game the Prince of Wales is slowlv nearing the king row a d little Alphunso seems to be cor nered in it.—Chicago News. PITHY PRESS PARAGRAPHS For Governor of the Ladronr Islands : Julm R. Tanner.—Chi cago' Record. Gen. Miles didn’t say so, but we ju Ige that those Cuban rains are real wet and hard on gold lace. —Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Most of the Sanjuan fortifica tions are ancient, but if neces sary our fleets are likely to bring them down to date.—PhiLdel- I bia TimitS. After-the war Cervera and •lontcjo ought to be able to make j a good thing by collaborating on a. book entitled 'Up Against It.” ' —Washington Post. | The “last gasp” and the “bit i lor end” and “last ditch” about I which the Spaniards talk si j glibly aie coming in a bunch.— Pittsburgh Chroncle Telegraph The Spaniards do not nai their fl igs to the staffs. With ,unners on the enemy’s side win cat i,Le staffs with a -dint at two miles’ distance it would be list 'ess, —Cincinnati Commercial J 'Tribune. WWf I JDeeper. I So far, we have been very s ;cc Ssf ul wit.i ot.r money raisi io I* bnt the desired amount ofcash has not been rai«ej and jve are coi 6 l pe’led to raise this money out of our stock , vurT i-| During our sale we have sold down a great many lots of suits, lea u I ing two and three of a kind, an to close out th=se odds and en'dsw I have gone through our entire stock arid selec/f'd out these broken ht ■ and placed them on a separate counter and otter you choice » I HALF PKICb. If you can find > our size in this lot of suits it will be thll to vou as if we had One Thousand suits of a kind. They are a "I new, e'ean, fresh, desirabl y uo-to date sdits. On this counter will find suits rang’ng in price from $6 to $25 00. Youcan any o' them at HALF PRICE. You cannot afford to miss this oddo.l tunity to ouy Clothing. Furnishing Good? and Hat so cheap. we advertise SLAUGHTbRING PRICES we mean just what we sa B aud that is to SLAi IGHTER PRICES Thousands have gone awi B from oiu pleased with the ba rtf ins the / ha/o gotton. So H, ■ line and come to us gand get your shaie of the bargains we a r »B offering. ■ MEH’S FIHE SUITS, I All $22.50 and $25 suits go at $lB 50. 1 a’l sls an ! $lB suits g > at $11.50. ■ AH 10 and 12.50 suits at. 7.5'1 I All 6 and 750 suits at 5.00. H All 5 suits go at 3.50. | r H Children’s Knee Pai Ts fel 1 * a $6 00 suits go at $3.00. $5.00 suits go at $2 50 1 4.50 suits go at 2 25. 400 suits g O at 200 | 350 suits go at 1.75 3.00 suits go at 175 | 250 suits go at 1.25. | 100 suits go at 0(1 I MENSnNIPAIfTS 331-3 Off. SB. 00 p mts go at $ 1.00. $5.50 p ints at $3.35. | 4.50 pants go at 3 00. 4.0) it its go at 2 65. | 3.50 pants go at 2,34. 300 p-uitCgO at 2.00. | 2.50 pants go at 1.67 200 pa it/go at 1.50. | 1.50 pants go a'sl ,00. | L .■ I FINE STRAW HATS > I GO ATHALF PRICE. $2 50 hats go at $1 25. I $2.05 hat* gmat $1 .00. | 150 hats go at 75c. ! j)0 ha> go. a 50c. j 75c hats go at 40c. | 5 G hats go at 2,0 c. 1- 25 per cent off o 1 all Faraishilig goods Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,Handker’ chiefs, Soft aid Stijj flats. ,IBig£> in e JEB oIW ei t 11 ] c r ! Stuff in Surges. Alpici, L’ is i. S as i in i d isk. AH giin thi? d! ! count sale- This Will Be Our MinspKaisiiig s® YCLJR MONEY GAVINS- I’bis will b*’ our moiidy raising sale and y >ur money saving sala, . I'ois is -. th i trid » nor is it a ».i; <>f ouu i is* a 1 zerti to *i ,efllV4 ’ >eople. We nlw 173 dj -x ictly wic wi a ivirtiso ail w > ar» Ain th < p.> i jl-» of id »«n • Al ’ 1 « urf lU J lli * •ouiitry are awars of this fact. Wicunito vol nnv with tin h .-oast, frank state n»nt that *»* » »otl n’ m Hley aidin or ler to ram tm’ nsede iam >nnt w • offy >■! f n Mum >st. b<Ht b t ’ clothing luruishuig g nds and hats in it >ms at fa ><n 2J. 1 10 53 p-rcMt reduction. 1. 1. Hl 11