The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 27, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year smoke a Bill Arp’ warters New Brand asks FOR PEACE Spiin, Tiiro'Jijh Til? Frenc 1 ! F.mtassador WOULD KNOW THE TERM 8 Upon Which This Government Would Gr nt Peace. Washington, July 26. Spain his enough of this war, and what is more important, she knows it. Yesterday afternoon the Spanish government, acting through the medium of the French ambassador, announced this fact to the president, and with announcement peace negotiation were formally begun All that has been officially stated concerning the peace overtures mi le through \1 Cain bon yes terday afternoon is included in this brief bulletin, which was given out at the white house a few minutes before 5 o’clock It reads: • “The French ambassador on behalf of the government of Spain ami by direction of the Spanish minister for foreign af fairs presented to the president this afternoon at tlie white house : nmssage from the Spanish government looking to the ter mination of the war and the set tlement of terms of peace,” Though nothing else official is given out concerning this con ference between the French am bassador ami the president, sev eral other important facts aic known. Two questions were ft-Led the president. First, was th s government willing to en tertain the suggestion of peace ; and second, if so, would the president indicate upon what term* pe; ce would be consider ed. To both of these question? the president replied in the af firmative—this gpvern m e n t would entertain a peace proposi tion and he would within a few days indicate upon what terms. Tlreriwas nothing more to the m< singe delivered to the president than i-s covered by thus- two questions. There were 110 suggestion of terms by Spain Nothing of that kind was expect ed. Spain lias taken the logical natural means of securing the end she desires. She has cried “enough” and asks her conquer'T upon what t< rms he will quit. 1 his step o » the part of the ene ”3 invaus the beginning of the ei 'd. '1 he suggestion of peace comes from the ' nly source' from which it could be considered by th s gov rnment and that is bom Spain herself. lheie is no outside interfer e " ( e, no mediation by the pope ‘ r the | otters or anybody els *. 1" presenting the message of l ' ,e Spanish government the French ambassador is simply the •U'ldium or ch m e of c unmuni ‘atinn, and his action does not 111 an,- sense me in that his gov- •ii nn i t is suggesting that it is time for us to quit. 1 resident McKinley* made it * 'at to ihe r epresentatives of 'be powers some, time ago that i' un iiiii-t take the initiative in M “v peace movement nnd that rest Os Europe would be ex becud to keepjiaods off, The *• nude of this g. vei nmeat from , dt time has been clearly U n- at the capitals of Fat .uid it has been respect,* I. THE ROME 111ST!1 ’ I -( X )M MER CIA L NtORGfIJIS TERRIS Alabama hinator Would Haue Spain Dismantled OF ALL HER GOBIES And Force Her To Make Sun dry Guarantees. Washington, July 27. —S.mator rgau, of Alabama, senior demo craiic member of the foreign rela tions committee of the senate, re gards the peace proposals as a sign of Hubmusion by Spain. “ fine power of Spam ie broken.” said he touighq “and it is plain that there ib nothing to stop us now <hortcf the Spanish border.” Concerning the terms of peace •'eintor Morgan has clearly dtfin t-d -d a h “My 4i st proposition,” he ex >lained,“ W'>uid be the complete urrem er by Spain < f all territory ver which In r H.jj H »ats t his would include Cuba, Porto iliCo, the Philippines, the Carolin es ami ihe Ladrones. I won d make this urrender the subject of a -.-‘epa ate and <*xciu»ivj treaty. 1 would demand of Sp un asuriendei unconditional in every particular and without any reference to what we may w ish to do with the ternto ry hereafter. I would not allow ary •its’ or ‘ands’ about it I’his treaty should be in such terms that the United >S ates can be free to act withi ut any conditions, and it should be the first proposition on which to base peace. . “I wouid also demand as one of the first <kfiid i ttion aof prisoners trona Cuba. Port') Rrco or the Phi 'ipptnes I should ties all who have bean imprisoned because of partici pation id the insurrection. “After this treaty covering the surrender of dominions and release of political pr.s uers has been con cluded,” he continued, “I would tak-j up the matter of war indem nity. This covers several topics, some of which I do not care to dis cuss at this tim >. Individually, 1 should want to consider the mat ter of a coaling station in the Canary islands, <ft’ ihe coast of Africa. “Further, I Would require.” ad ded .Senator Morgan, “gnarautve from Spain that she will assume all responsibility for anv debts that might prove a lien upon uba —or upon Porto Rico and the Philippines, for phat matter.” f- HOY'S ,TF T «l W« offer One HuL4r?< D. liars Reward for iuy cm* •* •atarrh that cannot ba cured i> Hall’s Catarrh Cute. F. J CnaN<Y A Co. Props, To ledo, 0. We the rimbrsig ied, have known F J. Cheney for Ih* last 15y««r«, and believe him perfectly honor able in ajl bu«inees transactions anu financially able to carry <>u anv obligation mads by their Ann WisT -A TbaUX, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, q War.mxa, Kinnah A Marvix, Wholesale Druggists, Tm.gDo,- O. Ha.l’e Cajarrh Cure is taken int jr.ially, a c t i ng, directly upoa the b|A>d and mucous sur fic*i of theesgrem. Price 75e. per bo'tle. S >ld by a'l Druggists. Tee imoniale free, < WO KS OF FICE AT Cl TY tn ALL Office hours 7:30 a. m- to 12 m. 2:00 p. m. ♦ o 6 p. m. J. T. Moore Sec’y and Treas- ROME GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULv, 27. 1898. EUROPEAN PRESS Thinks Spain Will not be Abln to Pay Indemnity a - - —- A GERMAN WAR VESSEL Sent to the Caroline Islands A Third Class Ship London, July “7. —A dispatch from Nagasaki, lapan, says rh: t the G.rman third class cruis-i Arconi, with supplies for three months has sailed for the Cur dine i< ands. The Lend in morni..g papers agree that it wi'l be imp issib 1 - for Spain to pay indemnity and that it is impossible that the United Statss will demand money com pensation. They all concede th it the Spanish fl g has g< forever from Cuba nnd Pur'o Rico. The qiies iivi of the 'uture of he Philippine islands is un ver sa Iv admitted a« pr'seuting gr v> difficultieo, owing to thu iinp-s - bility of granting in lepeno. iic- Tlih general opinion is ilia' liit United St ites will retain a c•>, 1- mg station and have a reversi n in he islands. The Daily News says: “I would be an act of ext’erne g<m ros't> to leave Spain in p<ras-Bsion of the *.alandf>, but gener ally is m»i al ways the beat policy. If the U iimd States should be content with such a reward of its labors as would leave the Philippines to Spain, it would aet the world an example of conspicuous magnanity.” The Daily Chronicle thinks that uiin > kind of international pr - 'ectorate ov r the Philippines should be arranged. The Daily Mail says: “We h ipe President McK'nley will be moderate. Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines should be ample compensation without indemnity,” Tne Times in an editorial this morning app'auding Spiin lor ac cepting the inevitable, advises her to “face the facts of the political situation with the sauu courogn which st cured the respect of th- Am-tricans on the battlefield.” Discussing th) probable term of peace, Th -1 Times eayi-: “The United States will prob ably take Porto Rico in lien ot a money indemnity and it would b best for the world at large it America boldly undirt »k ihe burden of giving Cuba and the Philippines a strong, honest gov ernment through American offi cial*. “If Spain is permitted to re a-suniH sovereignty over the Phil ippin* b she will have to eng >ge i a war o conquest which might be uttend-d wnns ri us cons-queue, s to American and <»th - inter m.t lon al intt r ata in the P <nti • ” STRAYED: A ba mare, last Thursday. 2 I st inst., weigli-850 lbs, 14 lianas h gn. with ’leather liait-? drugging. Was la-. seen going nor h or Summerville read A reward will le by Hugh McC ary a No- 2 reel h mst cr its return or where- bou is. PASTEUR FILTERS , x he < nl G-m Prcot Fdter in ihe ■rorld. pare aad ole r for st la by The Hanson Supply Cp LANHAM &SONS. WVM WA I WAA WWAWA’WA AW ¥AA F CLOSING OUT t- OMMERDRY GOODS a -..iiiiki ... < «**»«»«««*»«»**««» Beginning Mxiaay morning. July Fiii-ve villi it n prices on all Sum:nar millnery, Dry Goods, B:c, that will oertainly interest every one who cares to save a dime or a dollar, At These Prices. Summar C Vi-nas p 3r yard 2c Ladies s rift Wdiscs with d e tach ibi ? cellar and cuus. launlrie 1. only iOc Ladies 50c Shirt W tistnow3Oc L idles 653 S lire Wais" no tv 49 j Choice of any Sair ; Waist in the liens-t exiejc silk w )?• h muca mere 75c 0-4 S i j 3 r aig o H” y irl 10c Y 4 Wide Sea fsland 3 l-2c sp'ac j ieel I) 111 J 3 Puot dya werth ‘ LOc L 11 es 19 V 3 It S 19 3 5 <319 ID. Millinery at Prices to Close. Vol 3ts 9er du ich , 2?. “ “ “ 3c 3’2 “ ‘‘ “of 3 l)Z)i, 6j L trge assertm 3Qt if F overs an i colors wort i nov 133 Shapes worth $ 1.75 tow l.O_ Shapes were 75 no v 333 s»iioes were 003 nnv 25? T jese ate n)t a lot of 1 :’s pes but r.h's ’ sea oi go eds, s v.lsla an. I up- o d its and ve make these onees t>c o=e the n out f>r cash- Wj will not c-large go >ds at these pr'esg- I’tiis s ton tnca you w 11 prob ioly ;> . t . 1 ») i, ; ; li | i ; ; LANHAM &SONS - Ribdons IRibbons ! 90c Sash Ribbei, all silk in now colors 6 inches wale s)j 75c S tsh R .o ci n jw 35 3 SashßibbenNo 80 was 90? now 50c All silk R; b J 31 4 L 1 31-3 5 V.. 13, red,bine an I piai, was 39c now ;2, i-2c 25c Veiling now 18c P>c Veiling now 3c LOOK ATfTHISJ Beautiful Rich Satin worth 50 to 75 now 183. in brown blue, p nk, cariarr an I oranere. Trinmed hats wor hsi.s9 now 990 ‘‘ ‘‘ ? .25 no v 8a , ’ . -‘52.75 now J6Bc uhil ir 3a s tri mn e t n its i .59 Misses tri nnd hats 850 1 ri n ne I a <,cs w ir ) J >O 490 ■; ; “ 86,00 3.40 “ •• 85 09 275 _ “ ‘‘ 87.00 3.55 E varyching inMiliinery atg nrioSO it j i i j)t jee mai.caed any where. Everybody can afford a traveling hat, a *r h it. an. evening hat or anything in Millinery t thay w ll bring tae cash to our store- We will not cha ge good j at these onces. IO CENTS PER WEK