The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 27, 1898, Image 3

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ilißMs - for ADgust, 1898. (J roK(IIA FL YD L’OVN'TY,. \ViIH^ H,ld bK,7 »n the pnnr ’ Lous -.1 ><»r in .the City of Ibme F,»v<t cun.y G-, betwemithe L. l hours of suh m the Ist. lues I*, in Au,'U't 1898,the fol low . J described property bv v tue of Htate and county tax fi fn* >s u,.d by tb‘tsx collector of Fl«yd county Ga... nod against the fol hovini 1 defendaio's. ‘ Loh of land Nos. 19. 20. 53. e’{4 285, 272 and 315 in 'he 16; h 1) strict ’and 4th Section of Fiord rountv G»- Also lots Nos. .649, -j!) 720. 721, 722. and 791 in the /■ r ,l pisirict and 4th Section of suiil K'uyd county Gu. Levied on l, v \ifue of a tex 6 fa issued by \ T. Sanford, T- C., tax for the \ear 1997 in favor of state and county vs Ed R. Minhinnett, as l()t> property of the defendant. Levy made by W. M. Byars. L. U . Also at the same time and p'ace that tract of land being a part of lot N>. 315 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga , and more particularly de scribed as being lot No. 1 accord ing to map or pot of s id land. This map being of Lumpkin’a ad dition t<> East Rome receded in book N N ol deeds pages 380, 3>L said lot being corner of .East and Howard avenue frontii g< along Howard avenue southeast 61 feet| and running back along East avetiu 1 235 feet to Hill street. Levied on by vir-ue of a tax fi fa issu'd by V. T. Sanford T. C. Tax tor the year 1897 favor of state and county vs. N -.1 Harris as the property ot the defendant. Levy made by W. M. Byars L C. Also at the 3 .me time and plac« city lot in the Fourth wa d ot the city of Rome, Floyd county. Ga., fronting 100 feet on avenue A and extending buck same wid h l«> 0 stanauia river and known as |.,t uunilnr riiineteen in f>l'ck “B”' of form iiy D-sot". L" led "ti by vi.tue ot a tax fi fa. ih-u d by V T Sanford, T C. tax for year 1897 in favor of state and cuniy vs Mrs. J F, W ard law as 'lie proper y of’he defend ant. Levy made by W. M Ryars L C. Also nt the sanv time and place city hit* in the Fifth ward of 'tie ci v of Rome, Floyd coun'y ba,, known as N<s 9, 10 and 11 of Butler’s addition to Hillsboro, each fronting on Butler s f r j et 31 fee’ and extending buck 138 feel towhut is known us the Bhudy lot. Levied 00 by-virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V;. T C tax for year 1897 m favor of stai ned county vs Mrs.# Mary WjjtLb.r ss the property of the defendant Levy made by W M Byars, L C Also at the same.time aud place that tract of land in the First ward of the city of Rome F'oyd county Ga,, b-g inning on the West side of Nltrth • tiV mae in said ci y ot It uue at the.Spu heast c >rner of lot known as the Holmes San - tarium lot and running thence in a Northerly direction along the Wi st side of N nth avenue 200 t to a street, thtnce ulon'gthe South side of -aid' stiver in a Westerly’ direction 131 feel tot e East side of a felieei opened ttir ugh the above ment.ene i 11 dines Sanitari um property, fllemce in a Souther ly direction along the Ea-t side of Saul street 200 feet, thence in an Easterly direction along the line dividing t is property trom estate ot G. W, Holmes 131 feet fro start ing point. L-vied.on by virtue ot * tux ft fa issued by V T Sanford, TO, for year 1.897 in fa vor ot siatel and cdttnty vs H J) Hill, agent R L M scley, as the pO'Certy of 'he defendant. Levy m i-1h ny W X Byars, L C. Als i ut the same time and p'ace Lt m Hie town of East Rome 'yd county Ga ,beginning ala point chw jainctibo'of O*k aud Ma ple ttreels, th-nce running North with the limos said ALiplw street '2l feet to a p nut, thence at right ingles West 130 feet to a stake, th-iiee ml rignt ang'ee 8 mth 72| • ••el to O.k street and thence with O k street East IBJfc to the begin ning. Levied on by v rtue of a p X . , j I « s 'i p d by V T Sanford T 6 Pax for tbe year 1897 in tavo °l state aud county vs Mrs, M E N -lso'i, us lIIH property of the uo f-ndant. Levy in ide by W M By ars L • I . u -LUG is » at (,ii.j Ba i Q 3 is me and pi nee 'at tract .and lyng in the J'ttii warji ,f tlrn c ty of Rone , "‘J c "oty Ga , a,d lying in Northwest burner of the Caie ’ i'l ings ro oi anil Mill street'froot >'g Cave,Spring road 74, feet '* 1 * '•x teudi • > hack-ame wul 'h dil. sireet 21(in to Bearce’s 11 • L vi«d on by virtue of a tax >-s t- ib y v f Sa Mord. Tai n>r (he year 1897 h favor of sta h county vs E 1> ! eurce. trustee, ns the proparty >f ;||, det’mlnnc. Levy made by \V M Byars. L 0. Also at the same time and plvu tho-e true's or parcels «>| fund | V ing and be ug in the 3rd District, ana 4th Section of Floyd c un’v Ga ~ the ►‘■me being oneundivufed 2-sths interest in lots 167, 1(J8 171, 190, 192, 202. 241. 244 a. d 245, also B-4,b« 189 an • the South half of No. 216, " all g 450 moreior Ja vnd on by virtue of a fi fa issued by V. T. Sanford, tax chllector. in favor of the state and county vs W. IL Ennis, administrator J .1. MiPcr estate. L’vy made by R 11. Cone land, L. C. Also at the same time and place that tract or parcel of land iu Coth ran &Chisolm addition to the city of Rome Floyd county • Ga., and known as that part of lot No. 58 upon which tbe house is eitua e;l I and lormarly known as the George Underwood place. Levied on by i virtue of afi fa issued by V. T I Sanford, tax collector, in favor oi l state and county vs Duncan .Jones for tax 1897. L< vy made by R. H. Copeland, L. U. Also at the same time and place that tract of land lying in the 23id District tnd 3rd Seciion of Floyd county Ga , and in the I Fifth ward of the city of R. me, | being part of original 'and f"1, No. j 284 described a* fellows. B gin-| niiig at the Southwest corner of E L Pearce’s residence lot on Mill street and running thence Nor h ward along the line of Pearce’s tot 148 feet to line of J J White head, thence Westward at right angles along tne line o'' J J' •'» lute head 40 feel to the line of E G Hill, thence Southward along the line of E G Hili 148 feet to Mill street, thence Eastward on Mill strt-ei 49 tee' to beginning, being a lot fr »i ting 40 feet oil Mill street and extending hack same width 148 feet to th>- pi' pjr y of White L ivied on by virtue of a Ihx fi fa ia-ued by V T Sanford £T G, Tax fur the year 1-97 in fav ri of .state and county vs E L Pearce| a- the prop rtv <9 the defendant. L vy m ide by W-M Byars, L C. .1 P. McCoKVELL. Sher'tf. MBH SALB) -- fl! dm 1898 ■ ■— -- ' • ■ 3EORGIA FLOYD COUNTY Ail! be sold b-fore the coart housed.,or iu the city of Rune, Fl <yd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, bn th » first Tnerday iu August 189 S the , following described property to wit; Al o at the time aud place hat traet or p<rcel of land situat ed lying'and being m the 23. d district an ■. 3 d S Ciion of Floyd county Ga., being i.i. West Rome and known as <>t N>. 188 and fronting on Dec Hur street 65 feet and runnii g b .ek » use w idth 165 feet as shown tty map of West Ro me - drawn by F 0 Hand in, 1888 Levi-’d on by virim ot three J P Court fi fas issued from the9l9 h Di-trut G M. Alt in fa vor ot W E Beyeiegel vs M J Hen son, the defende d . Levy m ide by W M Byars, L C. Also at the same time and place one Studibaker wagon 2|, one black mare named Dot, 8 years old, one black horse 6 years ol 1 named Button, one cream horse 7 ye irs old nani d Charlie. Levied cn by virtue of a ti fa issued from Floyd city c >urt iu favor of I Ennis A Starling, transferees, vs [ W M K irly, as the property of th? ■ (lefendaut, Also at the same time and place lot in the, to vn c I Eus' Rome Fiovd c unty Ga , beginnuig at a point at the junction of Oik and Maple s'reels, thence running North with the line of sai l Map e street 72| t io a point, thence at right angles West 180 feet, to a stake, thence at right angles South 72| f e«t to Oak tieet and thence with Oik street East 130 feet t? beginning. Levied on by virtue of a lux It fa issued by J. J Black, tormer tax collector the year 1893 in favor of stale and county V- Airs. M. E. Nelswn, ui the property of the defend mt. All that piece or parcel of land lying and owing in Floyd c >unty, stue.of Georgia and that part o sa’d county known as thi addition ot J R Stevens, deceased t > E ist Rome. f. plat of which sail addi tion is recirded and registered >n book X page 66 of records of the Superior Court of JFloyd jonnty same being lot No. 3 aud c ntain ing two and one firth acr s m r or lea.. Slid lot, fr.m's 122 feet o,> the Cedartown road, runniu : hick b tw en p irallel lines to s 6) to t street siid lot's north boundary Ims ext,ends BJO feet, said 1 > 's south b miidary line extends 82a ‘feet. L'Vito iinori hr v r:.w ot *'ti execution issued Iron he c > court of Ar.,anr in t vr of , - Southern Home J’nihl.i’g and L' sn A-socialion vs . A otoo - . L. it* r i.s . the property of i tie D -i r . i j AH that tract or pnrcil of land ifei'uated, lying and being in tL< city of Rome, county .ot Fil 'd land s'l'te of Georgia in the S'Vier ■ Hill addition to the citv of Ko i<■ lin the rear of the reside rice o' |J nies T. Moore, and ki ow i '!"■ »' esi hats of lot ,N<». s x in S lid addition The alw>ve being I'm property describe Lin a 'deed t" .1 F Huston by Mariah*-Grnnt M >l - and Ruth B md. dated Sept. 25' h 1889 and recor ed iu liook o, deeds “P. P.” page 152, No. 90 ol I Record oil) ed • of Flo <1 coum \ G». Levied cn by virtue of a ti fa ifesued from Flovd emir! in favor o' Nickle As-hviation 'or use "folbcfs of Flo, i> Bii. e riot .court vs C. S I'o-ii r Ul <l J. h I Huson, as tbe pi' p riy ). F . Huson. A's > a' the same time and place, lone til ick m ire mule about six years (»;d, fibout fi't.een hands high nam d Daisy. One dark' bi v h 'rse mull rbout fix years old. >ib >ut fifroen hand* high uanir d Mike purch sed of Bass Bros’ & Co. Levied on by virtue of a | mortgage fi fa issued trom F oyd I city court in tuv »r of BaMs Bros’ ! & Co., vs C. S. Eilis >n as the 1 I property of the defendant. Also a' the lam ■ time and phice Ihat trac c>r pure"! of land in the city of Rome Georgia, boll tied on the N irih by the c irpora'w limits of sid city, on the E ist by a street running Nori hw-sterl v from West, First street t> th 1 <• >rp rate I limits of said city, said st'eet being f unii'imed but n>.xt, Blast from Ninth avenue, on .the South Hv tin? proper y lately de-d d hv >8 S. King to the Merchant's Na'ion al Bank • f R nne Gai, the South boundary line proceeding from the Southwest corner ot said, Bunk's property to and nlmg the North i-ide of North Bound vy i street to a p jut opposite the East ] side of the old ometary, thenye to the Southeast corner ol said cemetary, t'irtice ab»"g r.he EGt side of said cenntiry to The- Northeast . corner, thenui along the North side of said jCin p 'ta.’vto King street and thence i Northerly ii'ong said King streth |to the corporate limits of said' city, .the hmind irv line Vs ■ihe prop Tty h vied oil, excep.lnigt* Hut fronting on Nortn Boundary street two Hundred and ten f; i and ru niing.tiaok the same width iwe hundred and ’en fe-t.Coni< y~ e'.i t, CJ. P. Gfffiin by Hugh Brpwi. ion July 9 h 186) Levi d on as t' e properly ol P L Turiiley, a« I'rusV e for h's wi E I’. Tirruleyj and as the prop-Hv of E. T. I’lirn lev. to satic'vi au execution i-.-u -d by John J.Badk;tux collec'ov, against said Turn!'y,as trustee fc " is wife 1) c 20 1894, for 'axes due the state end c unty for that year and aGo oth r tax (i fa? lor I th-years 1889, I'9o, 1892. 1893, 1 1895 and 18'96 and other lux ti fas m my haiids. Also at the same time and plac* all that traet or parcel of lunn situated. 1; inir and being in the 'own of'East Rome. Fioyd coun'y Ga, , beginning’ at the Sontheas' I corner ot lot number fiv- in B’oek “N.”and runn ng East a ong Sharp Lane towards Maple street one hundred and iiity t et. thence running with smie width 150 feel' West oie hundred and fifty fee to starting point Levied on by. virtue of a li fa issued from the city c urt of Atlanta in favor ot Miss Florence Young vs Mrs. V. A. Wils, n, as the proper y of th defenda Jt, Also at the sama time and phtc.i one rebuilt Campl'-H compl-G printing prei-s No. 5'57. repair with' cast jo'ldrs in lieu of tno'd h.a*d picking, wrenches and.pil cm, to satisfy the w'nh'n ti fa, »8 . th* property of the Bibcock Priu.tint Pr- es Manufacturi'ng comp my. I'h/ press wili be sold and deliv rM ie 240| Broad street, the printiml office of the pl.aintitf t> avoig the expanse, risk and incon venience of moving heavy machi i ery Will be so.d under a ti fa is sued from Flovd Sup-ri ir c mri in fav ir of Fletch-r Smith vs Civ Babcock Printing Pr»'S3 Manufac turing Co., as tne property of the defendant J. P. McConnell. Sheriff ST. PAUL FIGHI'S TERROR. Capt Hay’ieu, July 7. — Th* announcement is made here tha a dispatch San Ju tn de I’/ to lli- ■ canied ti St. Thomnstu a carrier pig’m. as-eits that 10. day the Unil' <l States >.uxi( , arc eruiH'-r St. Paul had an engag >m mt with the Spci.i-p torpeil bi it desir >yer Terr r and ki'led till engin er and five men. ~ "—I ' I w y— ■— - J «... < • s BEST SANITARY J PLUMBING & . . I A Fl N ' ■■ X Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. h r f Water I ' A S Fixtures, deters as stoves I/ ’ R # Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- IS. ' Y S t ures » Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, E’ec~ w trie fixtures. IG - v > • I? O w ‘ to a ' I have employed Afex S. Pi erce to ' ' ■ take charge of my slwp c-vpar rnent. p ; He is one of the best work men m the .•; J South. Repair work attended to W * promptly. p . : B | MOHNO-'CHiLDS, |* ‘® 223 Broad st. Opposite fiios. Fy r —II I II I’M— T*.~ ’ - wmi*-- . . _____ ' ■ ii. S'S' ® S'S'S'S'S' S'S'S^'•'S'®SS® SS 1 ® S MAKE QU ofl M ® i - > thabsdS*) 9 ailsoidiuh -1 o-■ - ; • OB •) <;♦ THEY ARE THE ♦ g <• ; $7 KIND *S v--*’ . WAT oTH ER* PLACES. ♦ tosAilwgCo.Sio i - • • vW & i- ; f || | | * Tn it i 3,] •> jr milli iary, is na*. * ' and Stylist. Ni 11/3 p iid c is n 1 J for our e.n-.ira sprin?- all s 4 n- tE ? J: mbr stock We got a libara <1 discount by paying cash and AS afford to giva our custom- S W LS * erjpHib’ Hss ton nm; f I pay firthairs, who buy oi tiim 3 * and soil on tima. Cons nd * * pric3 bafora buying. Wacan g sell ya 1 two hats for win it you * Vs * will pay far one at other houses * -'I 4 • —i » S | ■ rtrs, A, Oo Garrard « *