The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 27, 1898, Image 6

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NEWPORT NKWS I Witnesses kiue'g Embarka tion Scenes. HURRYING TROOPS AWAY. Expadition May not be Heard From Before Saturday- Washington July 24 —The war department was busied to day liurryi'ig the dispatch ot the remainder of the Miles expedi tion against Porto Rico. Such progress has been made that i' is hoped all of the troops will be on Porto Rican soil within a we *k at the latest. Gm. Miles is not expected to defer his landing until that time but presumably will pick , out a suitable place for encamp ing his troops and establish h m self ashore awaiting the arrival , of the other detachments now on their way. War department ofli cials ex pect that the first news received from Gen. Miles will come through the press dispatches as the general has not with him, so far as known, any dispatch boats. I It will be at least Saturday before direct communication can , be established with him, and in | the meantime reliance must be , had on the dispatch boats run , ning across to St. Thomas, dis tance about four hours run. It was expected at the depart m *nt . that Gen. Brooke and General Haines would sail today from Newport News t> join Miles and ( that most of Gen. Brooke’s com mand would be embarked by ( Wednesday. , The woik of embarkation a, Newport News is b°ing conduct ed with much less difficulty ami delay than was expected. Col. Hecker, in charge of the trans portation division of the war de partment, who hasjust returned from that place, has reported to Secretary alger that it is emi nently suited to the shipment of the troops. Consequently the secretary today ordered all of G hi. Grant’s brigade, 3,000 men from Chi'ca manga to Newport News. It is not expected that all the trans ports required for their aceom modation will have arrived here by the time the soldiers get in but. thev will encamp on suitable ground there, and it is believed will be benefited by the change from Chicka mauga. The signal service has sue ceeded in reclaiming from, the battlefield of Santiago the tubes which supplied the nnlitarv balloon itself, have been brought over to Tampa on the steamer Adria. ’The tubes will be re charged immediately and the waole apparatus will be dis patched at once to Porto Ric<> to assist Gen. Miles in his cam paign there. The balloon is said to have proved of great value in th Santiago campaign, and from the character of the country in Porto Rico, where military op erations must be conducted, ii is believed that it can aUo b>- used to advantage there. It was announced today at the navy department that the secretary FOHALE! A fifty saw GuHfttt Gin. Feeder and Condenser and a 5 11. I’. E ie Citv Steam Engine, both in good order. Will soil e.neap or will exehan re for horsei, mules, corn, lumber, or almost anything else of value, as I have no use for them. Add re -.s or call on FLETCHER SMITH, 240 Broad St., Rome, Ga SfiOYHER 'VICTORY, Reported by Spaniards for; Ihe Spanish Arms. I HEAVY LOSS ALLEGED To Americans Before the Porto hjean Forts. Madrid, July 26—A private dispatch from San Juan de Porto Rico says a strong American squadron has appeared before Bahia Hondo, but that the American attempt to disembark was repulsed with considerable loss. There is still an endeavor to keepalive the impression that something is going on behind the scenes in the direction of peace, but ihe prevalent idea is that the war will contibue until the fall of Manila and the inva sion of Pofto Rico. Peace is im possible until there is more unanimity in Spain with regard to the necessary sacrifices of l territory. The ministers, having irrived at an understanding, will await the march of events. A cabinet crisis has been averted for the time being . Those who succeed the present cabinet will certainly be obliged before-long to ask the country to submit terms profoundly re pugnant to the national pride. The prosp'-ct of intermediary cabinets is marred by the correc altitude of Gen. Polaviej.i, who Inclines t» become the instru ment of politicians eager to create a third party. According to a dispatch from Cadiz to The Imparcial. of this city, advi es from Tangier say the foreign minister of Morocco declares that if the Americans enter Moroccan ports they will be notified to leave in twenty four hours, and it is added if they refuse to !o so Morocco will, place herself under the protec tion of the powers. The exodus of carlists from the northern provinces of Spain into Prance is extremely active All the leading members of the party have left Madrid. On the other hand, some in fluential Carlistp repudiate any illegal action and the best au thorities are also of the opinion that there is no danger ot a ris ing at present, since few Span iards are willing to invite na tional calamities by plunging the country into the horrors of the civil war. , How much property a man will leave when he dies depend* largely upon his health. The man who suffers from ill health stands little show of being a suc- I cessful business man. The man who comes to his desk in the morning with a head -1 ache, who suffers all day from dullness and drowsiness, who goes to his meals without an appetite and tosses restlessly through the night without sleyp, is not likely to leave a competence for his widow and or phans. Success is even more dependent upon health than upon ability. Few men realize these trtiths. They ’ think that everything can be accomplished by work, and that health is a secondary consideration. Work is useless unless it is • good work, and good work is never done , save by a thoroughly healthy man. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best of all health restorers and health pre servers. It makes the stomach strong and | active. It sends a man to his meals thor oughly hungry every time. It facilitates | the flow of digestive juices and makes as similation perfect. It invigorates the liver. It purifies the blood and fills it with the elements of the food. It is the great blood maker and flesh-builder. It [ tears down inert, half dead tissues and , I builds new, firm, muscular flesh It does not build flabby fat*like cod hver oil ard I does not make people more corpulent. Mr John Brooks, of Boylston, Mass., writes “I f write to tell you of the great benefit I have re ceived from Dr. Pierce's Golden .Medical TMscov ery, I was taken with a bad cold which Milled on my lungs The doctors .said 1 was in ccn stimpiion and could not get well. I took Cod Liver Oil and it did me no good After taking it four months I heard of your ' Golders Medical Discovery ’ ».nd it saved my life." At - * * ,3 H, P. WOOTEN & URO., * igfl 9 ’Successors to _> ROME PHARMACY. J* <2 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. ; ~WK. 3? We have bought, tl entire stock of the nS Pharmacy ami are pM a* to supply your wants tn BL the drug, piescriplioii am tent ineuH ine hue. ui stuck is complete and <>l tl. wry higl<e t grmle. 3* We solicit a part of your patrmiiqe ami sin oi,- rm deavor to the Vest of our ability io ph ;-e ;u at m at ’j* times. We «&ul<l be pleased to have £ Pull line druggii-t’ssumlries, loiietjn Ik *s am such things as are usually carried in a h rs t class <i ug store. Cigars and tobaet o. W Come to see us. JJjp 1 -> a ut ’’.UM S S. M. Stark, Is '.<£4 ! X' I* S UDIB AND GBNT.HI’n Fill S S 3 g Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A- ■* <.• 4«M 2 F. HANSON. NORRIS N SMITH. 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. I C Plumbing and Tinning. 1 2 Engineers’ and ‘machinists' 5 5 supplies. Stoves, rangesand ® G tinware. Gas and electric fix= c x tures. INSURANCE gasoline § 2 stoves. Water meters. 2 325 Broad st Phone 32. » $1.25 an J sls ) > dirts for $ J. A. GAMHON S .yCOMPANY ARE WAITING~^ for everyone in Rome to com< in and see the magnificent stock on in m’s and boy’s clothing bicycle and golf suits, is whm » we are d >ing, but we are hus • tling while we wait. We will f show vou the finest stock o 111 clothing, made from the newest styles ami patterns in fabricks. perfect fitting and handsome, to _ , be found in Georgia, and they JU- are above competition in values for the price. • 4 The greatest line of negligee shirts ever shown in Rome. J, A. GAMMON & CO r ■■■« Can supply all Ours is the Most Complete j J®® V Department Nursery in tHA II R low rates. We publish one of -■ 111 lliv Wa | th c j ea dj ne Seed. Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, which will be mailed 1 r<‘€. bend for it n w. it v/i’l save you money. Try us, can refer you to customer j in every state and ;ry in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patroat and friends 1 and • < near. Have hundreds of carloads of \v, V FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. f |W« aend by mail postpaid. Seeds. Bulbs, Plants, Rosea, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival e Mt>sfse->on guarableed; larger by express or tre-ght. .4th year. 3a greenhouses, t,OOO acre JMfc * HARRISON A «lo» 528 Gainesville. C To Weal . {)q> It icwih pleasure th..r, we introduce to our readers theuri of a nei and com ph te stock of " 1 MM® AND V. ’ ' Small .Musical Instrumen n the 'now Motley building, 327 Broad street whore we would be pleased to have you call and ex imino our goods. |f Him stock consists of some of the best m.vkos <4 ( k;)iam>4 aud organs on the m irk it today. We a l\H4 line of everything pertaining to'a first claaVmusic store—Something tl ,me has needed for a lo. lg time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may bo proud of e 1 ’ ’ I>j ) ‘ 1 1)1,1 J il h" B I CYC I y E/x5 the sarliest possible dale. B. 327 Broad Straot. S. P. Davis, Manager. V.X XX \ \ \ \ v - s X-XWX-.X-UVWy< Wo keep on hand at all times a fu'l u-k of Sheet Music «< F. J- KANE A CD 224:8 B/oad Street.! * Sale of Sumoioi Goods <• X X X x.x X X X X X x X’ x X X X.x X X MrwaMWW Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. Beady-Made Skirts and Waists ,J w' We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost pcries on shoes of the best makes. Special prices on everything at f. J.KANEa»dGO. 248 Bror d Street- Permanently cured by u«ing T)R. WHITEHALL’S H^p r j ce so««* unrest and the he r t. Sold by ‘-ruggists on a positive guarantee. p t .- x.k S'lptvle s'-nl Lee on mention of this prb ? '"a i' n , It*®' -IE »R Hun” - yWHIHIIG *■ -