The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 27, 1898, Image 8

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Pie NRDonald-Sparkstewari Co. • if , -I > e I- J • • " • V * If I i A ! OWNS THIS SPACE! A BYRD’S EYE VIEW The star speaker ata temper ance convention recently held in Green Bay, Wis., was ex-Gov. Peck, of Milwaukee, who found placed upon the table for his re freshment a beer mug filled with water. “It was a warm day,” said Mr. Peck, afterward, in telling the story, “and there we>*e Hies. One had lighted trust* ingly on the surface ot the water in that mug. I saw him as 1 lifted it, and I did the most aat ural and humane thing I could think of—blew him oft’the water Well, they cheered for five min utes ; and now I suppose you couldn’t persuade a Green Bay man that anybody from Milwau kee could take a drink—even of wakr, at a temperance conven tion—without first blowing oft the foam.” An enterprising bachelor of Old Orchard, Me., having de cided to enter the matrimonial siate, but having not yet select* d his helpmeet, recently built a small cottag» and nailed upon the side nearest the road a shin gle bearing the, inscriution “Wife Wanted.” This advertise ment has already attracted sev eral applicants, none of whom up to date hue qualiti >d to ill the vacancy. • « Hamilton Fish, who was kill ed at Guasima, was one of the most accomplished hcrsemen of bis regiment, and through his prowe.-s as a rider he saved the lifw us a little child when the troopers wtre in cuiup near San A niooio, T< xi«. The entire regi upmi, while drilling, was urd«r eu t> charge As the fife hundred cavalrymen were dashing down a hill side a ragg'd little Mexi *au bov feCniii|>er*-d out in front NEW MAN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made mo a now man and is the best I;sver took. It has boon a blessing to gje.” William M, James, Brogdon.K G. Hood’s Pills aro the only pills to taco with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC and yet officio nt of the column. Hamilton Fish saw the danger, spurred his horse ahead of the others, and, while galloping at full speed, picked the youngster up with thq, dexterity of an Arizona plainsman. » * a The Southern Generaj Assem bly of tho Presbyterian church, which recently convened at Louisville, received a fraterna’ greeting by telegraph from an other religious body, the mes sage concluding as follows ;“Bee Acts twenty »hree two.” The clerk of the assembly, says Th< Christian Observer, thereupon road Acts xxiii. 2 : “And the high priest Ananias commanded them that stood by him to smit< him on the mouth.” This me* sage “riled” tho clergymen, win luokud upon it as distinctly un friendly in tone ; but investiga tion revealed the fact that th telegraph operator who handled the dispatch had omitted to pine? a comma after the word | grea'y- The really Sent W»« ;l Jss XX, 32 : “And now, broth ren, 1 commend you to God and to the word of His grave, which is able to build yr>u up and giy<- you an inheritance among >ll them which are sanctified.” u- ■ • _ . • • Hate is’tbe best camp s oiy iba* we have yet seen in print, related by the M con Evening New*: Two officers Wt-re talk ng yesterday and one of them who had just returned from Chickamauga said: “While at the cainp at Chickamauga 1 heard that a Lagro officer had re primanded one of the G orgiaboys for not saluting him. It is said the Georgian sized up th>» negro and looking him in the eye said: “All chows look alike to me,” and calm ly walked a««ay. Associate Justice Brewer, having said that if we had read m the Bible of such victories as those of Dewey and Schley we would scarce ly bring ourselves to believe them, i« reminded by ' r he Kansas Citv Journal that “there is nothing in either of these victories to compare for a moment with the victory oi Gideon, who blew up the breast works of Jericho with a ram's horn. And in naval affairs the conquest ot Manila is far lees a tax upon the credulity than that little busi ness of Moses witn the Egyp lans it the R-d S-a. And pray tell us what comparison is to be made be tween Sampson, who slew 600 Spanish with his mons er gunboats and Samson, who oh w JO 000 Phi'ietines with the jawbone of ai ass?” Annual Ralea ever S.OOO.ROJ toaee ."01 BILIOVI AID IEIVOUI DISOL P 3 3.3 <ueh aa Wind and Pain la the Stomach. Mddlnrae. PuL.Ma after niealx. Head tua. Diae! lines, Druwalneaa. Fhiehinui t Heat. 1 • us Appetite. Owtivenora 'kitchen »u the Skin. Odd Chills. Die jrbed Sleep. Irish tful Dreams and all Mertuua aud Trembling Sensation*. TIB FUST DOSE WILL SITE BELIEF If TWEITT MH UTE 8. leery sufferer will ackuowiada* then to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE NV.KCNAM'R HUS.Ub, Mdir»rt ed. reatore Toma lee to renj tlato health. Thor promptly remove obotruetioa* or irregularities of the a s torn mm# are Mak ■aataahi. y, rl Weak Stomach Impaired Dlyewtion Disordered Liver IN MBH, WkMSN OR RHILORRM B ••eham’s Fill® are Without a Rival hod have tee _ LARCKST SALK «fo»y Ht»elSe4ieia* baste Werlte ka M RU Br«a •topste CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 da ly trains between Rune ami Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanoogn and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1:00-a. tn. arrive Ciiattanoogn 4 :15 a. m. ; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive Chattanooga- l:-00 p. nt. • leave Rome 6:25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. ra. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. tn. going by the way oi Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. in. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9:00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga 3 :10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p m. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1:44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on >.'l train®. For further information call on (J. Harrison,C. T. A. BAD BREATH “ M ~ mT « <’A R«A*K'r® and a* a mild aud effective laxative they are won My daughter and 1 were bothered with tick stomach aud our breath waxverybad After tiling h few doeea of Caeeareu we have improved wonderfully. They are a treat help In the family Wlt.MXl.HlK.* Nigh.. CAHOY If WCATHARTIC 4 kukow raaot um aaotarmo I tA£l <■ ‘ I AlBl»^F t’inaaitnt. Palatable. Potent. Ta Ma Good I. Never eiekntt. Weaken, or Gripe. H» r . ... CURE CONSTIPATION. st Krin. e, txlrvye. ■..Vr. l, S.« y, .. | mR-TO-BAC r!l ." ■••• i ' rewte wits yen wbothar yoa eoatlnnr tin, . rv.,-xtMiafftot>ac.-whab«C. Mh-’l «i - uvvve Ux. deelrr ter u-lrwav., withJTf r . ia.rrva..ll«lriMe.|. < ,. l K U _ rf <rtV , * ~-.c, pnriae* the bl.w< he 1 21 ' .rex loet wauhoud. _arT a 1 EB L . atee roe .troncJgfT «, ; > boaite, “»<• ..V- • *-■ -XTf •JW" ? ■‘f fowe*' wfU vv’rch 6ar tia. e . st w ! '• w>li 1" • It. . I ~-eee>’* OMwVSAfc Ute* 4 •. * • *1 - I Saver Tonic Purifies ™ Bloodt * II zi pczmvn cu; - -ca t P J iYSPEMIMiA 3 j jil CHILLStEi'ER. GRIPE f/A < « BILIOUSNESS. SICK-HFAMCHE in CONSTIPATION { . L GENERAL DEBILITY. Hi i'll UNRUH! * I I PUKE 50 CU ; AT ALL ' ! will k«ep your J ||| DRUGGISTS. S J'' ; z/W WW ♦ w* ■. - ‘ i 4 i B ■■• dill fl MEDICAL CO. II ■1 j 49 and 61 ° I -1 Murton St, N. X. | j fs Y VER LIVER PILLS >f CENTS. J Purely Vegetable. Will cure Biliouanean. conndreti?U «’«•■ Sick Hetdscu «•* fl 1 Oys’>epßia. Small Easy lake* a ’ U ? y T $3.00 A MONTH. Fvr this merely nominal fee any Mtfbrer from any Chreaio dlsene* ••• a line of treatment that has (alaed a weriM-wMe repvtaftea fcr » healing and curative powers. Caaea that havebeen prooaa«w4 hopeless are quickly mus ralically cured at home. Dr. Cowden fives every ease his personal attentlAL Tbomands cored. Hie specialties are: < Nose, Stomach, Deafness, Asthma. Throat, Beiwols, Conaumptio*, CatameL Lunga, BlooJ, Rheumatism, Ohosity, Skin Diseases. VIGORINE ‘E"£iS5 An atieolnte specific fur Ixvwre.W jff ■■■■ A ■ | brains, Premature Iliwharjm., I I B ■lw Bad Dieaips, etc. | | *** Either of these remedies will he cost epos receipt of $2.00. Tbtir E is little short of miraculous. , Mlr , Send for Symptom blanks aad IWI information repardine i All inquiries cheerfully answered. Consultation Free. Don't let i | escape it may never occur spats. Addreoe, a I/J.M. COWDEN, M.D., 715131)1 Nt, k. W.. Washingtoo. B-C-jjg