The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 29, 1898, Image 2

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Wai Time Pi ces. onejjhand ai a result of the war, nearly all food products fcave advanced in price, on the other hand, it has had precisely the opposite effect on the pNTURE Trade. We keep our sales’up to the normal standard, and to do this we realize that goods must be sold lower than •ver, and we are prepar ed "and determined ,’to make you lower prices on anything in our bouse than can be found elsewhere. Ourjline is Complete and Up to Date.’,- Consisting ii: part of| Bedroom Suites, * Parlor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages’ Mattings. Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window ’.shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. Also completejlinejof casketsco ffiijs, robes, etc.,,.at| the lowest prioss.Culi on Rhlidy; Harvey & Company. NEGSO SHOT lii The Aim by Air. Locklear al His HOME UP THE RIVER About Five Milos From Rome Yesterday Afternoon. Yesterday afternoon about 6 o’clock Mr. Matt Locklear shot Joe Ware, one of the most noto rious negroes in Floyd county, in the arm inflicting an ugl\ wound near the elbow, at his home 5 miles up the Oostanaulu river. The negro was taken to Dr. Shaw’s office and the bullet re moved. The negrc made threats towards Mr. Locklear and became very insulting. lie made a move to wards him and Mr. Locklear pulled a pistol and shot him. The negro was locked up air' Mr. Locklear was put under bond. CEDARTOWN DOTS From The Hustling Cedartown Standard • Miss Lealmora Bradford went to Rome Tuesday to attend a house party given by Miss Maud Hoskinson. Misses Lizzie and Agnes Har ris are attending a pleasant house party given by Mr. and Mrs. Blount Hamilton at Etna. Misses Camilla and Louie Fouche, of Rome, are the gu< sis of Mrs. C, Philpot. Rev. C. A. Jamison, of Koine, the energetic Sunday Agent of the North Georgia, Con ference, filled the pulpit at the Methodist church last Sunday. “Miss Nellie Ramsaur left Fri □aOouT™ RftlLWftY. C«Bi«UKe<l Schedule la Effect July 6, Isss. “ station#. | ??o. it <• 1 (FTGiHaBOOgu 4.86 am, ’r; !•'. . a hr Pallor, 7.slhiu * ■ 1 n hr R«une> KOtranq ». > 'tn 1 •» hr AUunta - 11 Wan, !■. . ’ •- •* L» Atlant* .„ 4 er-ptH 11 " • ’■ « ArMacou 7.10;>m 2 •• > •- hr Jecap ’ a hr Sverett. 7.. ■ • • ■ »<n Ar Jaeknirnvnift fi Jouup f< hr Jaokrroavllle ~. 1 9 9l' rn - L» ffvorett I. hr BruriMwlok | S 4 r> Mo. I® earrtpß Pnr.maii Sleephi. Cm Ckut lamtogs >0 Atlanta. N«. N carriea Pqllwm SlMptnc < Oeachou Chattanooga to Ja •'.tsuiivilio At. lanra to Brunswick Na. 8 carries Pullman ffleepinjf Car uooga to Atlanta. STaytony Po 11 Lv Atlanta 4.s7um 4 Ar some 4.30 am - u u Ar Dal lop ....< ) ~m 7 ; >aj Ar Chattenooffa 3 -Am : :r' 1 yta Lr Chattanooga «. IA Ar Burgin «.2£urr> Ar Lexfut’ton. ~ AlOpm •, .... Ar Louisville 7 ■ n.- 7 Ar blnoiniiJHL ... .... r- ' . f.vTliatiAnffMa 1 .. )>tu l ~. Ar NaahvyifP. , • • JJo IS onrrte’ Pullman S>fr; tn r M C-hattaaoxga and r>> -a.:. . No. 9 Mrttea Pullman Rl i -pl'n y,r A'.l.i na ta Clnafnnatl and Chattanooga 10 Loutavilie. •tauonii. evti? attanooga 1-84 . Ar Knoxville ni>sum ’ 1 • Ar Morriatawn. 1 .'lipin i » Ar Hot. Springs 8 13pm I . ■ . .1 ; Ar Aahnvtlla 4,3.tpm 1 Ipm 1.1.' rr, Ar Salisbury Ar Greensboro 8 -in 12 , Ar Raleigh 1.-i -m 3 a Ar Norfolk Ar Wa■ lila<ton. ArNow York. jfo. if carrier FulTinan Drawin lag Car Chattanooga to New Y . ville and Salisbury ta Ri b :i . . . ..j ipond 640 am. also Pullman s. : ;»• Greensboro to Norfolk. No. 1613 solid train Chattanoo. a t .- bury, with Pullman Sleeping < A M Salisbury and Salisbury to Ne Y > < wi.,l. aut change. STATIONS. tv f'hat! .1 nooga Ar KnoxtUle Apni 11 ■ ... Ar Morristown. < Ar Bristol 1 Ar Washington v 4 -a Ar New York 1 < No. 6. carries Pullin.>n < ’ ■ luxftai' Washington and < ' ... 1 York without change No 4 carries Sb--.. Cu rille to Brl-tol. [>V Ilomu Ar Anniston . ... Ar Htrmlngham Ar SuhnMt Ar Meridian Ar Naw Orlaaas Ar laokeon Ar Vicksburg Ar Shreveport, .. tNo. In I {No 9 i.oopin 4.i6prn,tv Home ar 5.40 pm 6.67 pm Ar (iad den. ur 6 . n. 6 iX'; in Ar Atta. a. . . . t Dally except Sunday. $ Sunday only. F. S.GANNON. Sdv.p Ao.m., Washington. D.C. J. M. CULP. Traf. Mgr.. Washiagt, u. D. C. W A. TUJUC. G. P A., Washlugtoii, D. a (X A. BKNSCOTEB. A.S>P. A-.Chattaaooga.Tena zw Eayai wU® »■ A-r ’t 9' aJe h«ki«m pawiler bsawa. tMta ahww it swear thAa further thee -ay other broad. s Pc. /HER Aiuiai-ifily cure novAt n*Kise enwoes co., hpw vemc. uffis TOMORROW G< jtChas. hiith's Company Goes Io St LoUis. ELEVEN ENTERED IN Hi ■- Survey r Corps. Will be Di ilied and Mustered in Service Copt. (T. 1”. Smith and his sur w d- corp-, ivill leive tomorrow St I>u T 2 thoy will be d led and ■ . tered in service. lit rej; -it nt m which his eom-s y 1,, L ■ "■ ■■,l- in command of Col i): viJ Gil', ird. who has been in ' surveyor corps of the United S t-.s fo r a’ u nber of years. He wd ■ (ii tin ' boundry question b ceii the < mted States and .' \ 80. .'o is a 1 ephetv of Mr. I. D. Gillard of tuis city and is well kr 'VD here. r hc>«e who have enlisted are: Dudley Magruder, Jno. M. Bui ty, Jno. Wyatt, H. 11. Smith, CI 8. M H i, L C. Neill. W. C. Langston, Howard Fenner, An d ew I’mkn, Cora H. McSmith and Thus. Quinn. da\ to visit relatives at Jackson ville, Ala . Miss Pearl Turner left Mon da; to sj end a few weeks at Liith- rsvil e and Lone Oak. SHIPS POR SANTIAGO. Washington, I>. C., July 29. — The latest advice from Gen Shaf ter reduce t; 22,000 the number of prisoners to be sent from Santiago to Spain. The Alican te, formerly the supply ship of Admiral Cervera’s squadron, will take the first installment. She is du at Santiago today. HO S THIS! We offer One llurdys-'i 1 11 ward for a’.iv case *' '•atarrl hat cannoi. t)i cured u Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J Chbnky A Co. , Props, To ledo, O. Wo the undi rsigned, have known J. hctiev for the last 15years, and believe him perfectly honor aim- iii al i.udnese transactions iuiu fiuanciidy able to carry out any obligation made by «heir firm. West & Traux, Wholesale I i uggist, Toledo, o* Walding Kinnah & Mabvin, Whole-ah Druggist-, Toledo, 0. Hull’s CaUarrh Cure is taken int anally, a c t i ng, directly opoM the bloi d and mucous sur .(•••s of tin system. Price, 75c. •> r bottle. S Id by all Druggists. Testimoniala free, '• -laSXLje . mII m rmr Mfwiw-j. Beware of Imitations t, I £ ■5 i I i TT W • w- NOW REPORT Yoilr Naina to One of '’’hese Committeemen AND HAVE If ENROLLED With tho Survivors of Your Old Command. The following committees have been aqpointed to get up rosters for their respective com panies in the Confederate army: Co. E, Sih Ga., Vol. : F. W. Quarles, Sr., C. M. Harper, W. P. Trout. Co. G, 22nd Ga., Vol. : W. J, Hall, W. W. Judkins, W. J. Vincent. Co. C, Ist Ga., -‘State Line Troops” : J. 11. Lumpkin. J. P. Autrev, R. S, Brannon. Co. D, Goth Ga., Vol. : 11. E. Crossman, J. S. Espy, John I )avis. Co. 1), 29th Ga., Vol : G. K. Green, J. A. May, Joel Stowe. Co. G, Gth Ga., Vol : W. M. Hardin, T. S. Millican, Jasper Hall. Co. A, Sth Ga., “Rome Light Guards” : J. T. Moore, R. T. Fouche, 11. S. Lansdell. Co. G, IstCav. Ga., Vol: J. H. Reece, A. I). Hardin, J. H. Rice. Co. C, Ist Ga., Vol : (Capt. Haynies Co.) J. W. Abrams, A. T. Harper, 1), (J. Copeland. Co. B, 21st Ga., Vol: J. L. Hardin, J. E. Mullen, J. A. Tucker. Co. 11, 3rd Ga,, Vol: A. Dough erty, Joe Kerr, L. M. Tanner. Co. C, 23rd Ga., Vol : W. L Selman, Ezekiel Able, W. 11. Terry. Co. A, Bth Ga., “Reserves”: M. A. Wimpee, A. W. Wilkins, John C. Eve. If there are any members liv ing who enlisted from Floyd county in any other company than above, the ordinary wi appreciate any information on that line. FROM OVER THE SEA. Lord Goschen, of the British Ad miralty. urges the enrollment of colonial seamen in the English na val reserve. The Prince of Wales is progress ing so favorably that it has been decided to remove him to Cowes on Saturday next. The British Privy Council nas dismiss'd the appeal of the Canada Sugar Refining Company vs. the Queen, against the decision of the Supreme Court. The Angio-American League' in London, has elected James Bryce Liberal member of Parliament, chairman and the Duke of Suther land treasurer. Membership was made open to all British and A lencan subiects. Mr. Henry Johnson is quite sick at his home on Fifth Ave. — —.— Annual Salos everB,COC,OOO Bows fOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISOR»EtB suah as Wind and Tain in the Stomach, Diddinees, Fulness after meals, Head *ehe. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Fluxhinars if llnat. I*sa of Appetite. Coetivenuss. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Oliills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Feneatlons. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF I» TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffers Will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BF.RCHAXI'M PILLS, taken as direct ed, will Quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstruetiona or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Sick Itcattache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Pateut Medicine in Uae Woriti. Ms. at all Drag Stores. School Supulies. 4| We are pioneers in the echaol books end school » U p. »! A>> ply business and we are also rizht im-ro-daU W thing that should be kept by an up-fu-dat 8 Rookstore MUbKIU I j I WAIL PAPER. »>> No hcuse in the St To car. serve vou better when von d«- Il sire to invest in a new covering fcr tm dear old walls o f || your home. See < nr stock on hand and samples' M i H. A. SMITH, I || THE OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. I xX yi XX kX xl l iYjtHyyl ~ - ""--2'lll To the People of Rome. $ E3 I wish to announce that I Jhave bought the Model m JTL Steam Laundry and pr pose to rearrange and add to it so that you will have in your city a plant second tc now in the south. W I have had y* rs of practical it re euce, the past W three years of which ixi . ed one of yiF the largest plan's in Texas. With the rs of experi- V/ ence I have had and as 1 wi 1 d<v utire time and d/ zik attention to t ■. - - i \ Ihe isition to gaari antee that anything coming to niy laundry will ba dou» /A ta? a itisfactorily. A trial will oonvin ce you that 1 can do all that I claim • Send in your hvnlle. If it ‘'ails to pleas* /|\ -V t >V re w *'* uo charge. Stop our wagon or telephone ia- No. and your bn i lie will be returned promptly. j k Hoping to receive a fair share of your *patroaage, I am X yoursjto please t H'PARKIN S •Jy Proprietor Mo b‘l!Steam Lau idrv. RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best. Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions r ****J? by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD/ Madison street, Chicago. Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr. Jun. 10,1898. I * w ' I would not be I wlthout. PlB 0’ S CURE FOR i.URE for CON- SU^°V m( Si* SUMPTION for any best thing. For a bad cine on the Cough or Cold it is uE ’ used 1 beyond all others. 15 years. '.lts C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOV.U “The Best Cough Medicine. “H * bat have Bold diroet io the oon- I 4,. v .-a IX sumer fvr 35 years at wnole- A v * i ’-y- ]A / J 7d J • /x. J il r\ V- \ iAcrything wbit«..i-. i/C ■* ■' I \ 1\ \ k 1’• 8 rtyloß of Vehidos, -I 1 n JWy'Si ’ M ’ - * Hame s. I I I \\ 7/\ [if Toppi'ggier.•«.nt>?7o. -y I // Ij V Surrey a, s.>o to Jp 25. Larri*- K /\K yJ \ res, l’tuut ( ,ng, Tie p«. \ ettep, Spring lioad and Milk 1 S Surrey Ham-«• Price. Jlf 00. Pen 1 for 1 .rg?, fr e Nft.CosSlurrey- Ai good m eelto fer J 2». CxUlegue of all our Btyles. atoadc, a ron unu leaden*. KLKHAHT CABkIASK AHU UAIMUUie MTS. CW. W. K. FMATT. »Wx.