The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 29, 1898, Image 4

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Ill[ Hlfflll-MHIGUL EHUSTLER OF ROME Established, 1880. ROME COMMERCIAL ; Established. 1H9.5. —I —“ ————■ Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sendav and weekly., PHIL 0. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Ulttce, Wilkerson I |Blook, Thirdl Avenue ■ _ .. ' " 1 Jelly and Sunday,per year t 8 0” lunday, per year |I.OO Weekly (The RomeCookikr) per year «0 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND BUBUUBB D»* y and Sunday, loceuta per wee), Remit by bank draft, exprsjj, money order or registered letter Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL ROM E, GA. Entered at the Postofflce at Rome, Ga., as isecona class matter. Ar’veinsiue r> r «» ’"d sample copies for the asking. « ... , BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 The war poet should be granted a furlough. Georgia would be ready to surrender, too, if she hadn’t a i colonel left, —Macon News, To date the Cubans have raised no kick about tbe quality of food furnished by Uncle Sam. I The millionaires and mem bers of the United States navy continues to flourish as the green bay tree. It is Santiagonizing to Spain, but is beneficial to the rest of mankind, says the St. Louis 1 Post-Dispatch. == Puerto Rico resembles the Emerald Isle, according to the ■id naturalists, in being entirely free from snakes. i “The war,” says the Indian apolis Journal, “lias completed | the reconciliation so nobly begun [ by the Georgia watermelon.” | Spain paid some $30,000,000 I of borrowed money for the two | great fleets she “exnended ’ in I killing one American seaman. I What has become of the Mole I St. Nicholas “heavy cannonal | ing” liar? He has not been I heard from since the fall of— B Santiago. ■ The Rochester Democrat and I 1 Chronicle thinks the name of ■ the German warshsp at Subig ■ bay should be changed from ■ ! “Irone” to “I-ran.” B A Kansas paper stated recently B that a prominent citizen “met B death at the hands of a horse.” B Os course tho relatives will--“re- B member the maine.” B Fieddie Grant, brigadier-gen- Kl eral ami sou of his father, has ■ been rushed forward and will be ■ I given an opportunity to ge* his name in the reports. .11 ■■■- . After all, Private John Alien’s ■ I company of Congressmen seem to have gone home to fix up their Ml fences instead of to Cuba to tackle the barbed wire fences. H In grieving that he is the an ■l center of h’s own present, man M should not forget that he is his own posterity for the remainder of his natural life.—St. Louis Re- Bl public. ■ It is said that the Monterey has orders to raise tha Hag over Yap Island. Mr. McKinley will have no trouble in finding Amer- K iran “yam/’ who would hke to be governor of the islands. — ~ Mrs. Djminis’ return to Hon- may indicate retaliation B agains' the I nited States for hav- M ‘'.g aided ami abetted the Dole Ry- BM public. She may be bent on atart- H>»ni woman suffrage armiwiit MBrin our new territ«y. There is every probability that Judge John B. Estes will succeed Judge Kimsey a? judge of the Northeastern circuit. Judge Estes is the father of Col Claude Estes, of Macon.ami like liis son, is a man and a lawyer of superlative qualities. He is well-known to many in Macon, and he has any number of friends throughout the state who are working zealously in his behalf. —Macon News. The great damage inflicted hi “Old Ironsides” upon her adver saries in battle with comparative ly little injury to hers If brought forth the following comment from The Loudon Times in 1818: “Tbe f act aeerna but too clearly established that the Americans haveaome superior mode of firing” And the Americans have proven at Manila and at Santiago that tL'« later generation has uot lost the skill of its forefathers. If we could trade the Philip pine Islands to Great Britain for the Bahamas and Jamaica, after acquiring Cuba and Porto Ri’a, we would possess the greater portion of the West Indies. — Americus Times-Recorder. Os course, this would boa. happy solution —and a scents able one too, if we could only secure at the same time the on ion orchards of Bermuda. The Terrell county Democrats will give Col Candler an ovation when he speaks in Dawson next Saturday. There are no frills on the colonel* He is a plain man of the people, and has the confi dence and admiration of the people because of his sincerity, his rugged honesty and his abil ity. —Dawson News. The administration is taking a mean advantage of Bryan ’and Lee, whom admiring Democrats have spoken of as possible pres idential candidates. Instead o giving them a chance to ad military reputations to their civ ic celebrity they have been sent to Florida to fry and bake and run the chance of fever. The latest report is to the ef fect that CoL Beelzebub Satan has bought a new hammock and is now “taking it easy” while he brushes up on modern Spanish This report doubltess came via: Mole St. Nicholas as, at last ac counts, that point still had a cable connection. Perry S. Heath, first assis tant postmaster general, and representing a compamy of cap italists, will be authorized by the comptroller of the currency to establish the First National bank of Honolulu, with a capi talization of $150,000. When one considers tbe base ingratitude of Venezuela he can not help thinking what a pity it was that this government didn’t let England hammer the lungs out of the contemptible little nation.—Savannah Press. Llg ‘.■l" __ Just as soon as Garcia heard that Shafter had ordered 60,000 pounds of soap, he quit in dis gust,and his “heroes took to the woods. The red and yellow has about quit walking the wave and is now “walking Spanish”—only because in its present crippled condition it can’t fly. BJJCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bi uses© sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands,[chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quired. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the oare and skill with it is nianuf istared by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon a'l the importance of purchasing the tru and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Jj'igs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a. knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of tbe Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all laxatives, as it nets on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken in' - them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company—- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LomaVILLF. ’ ’•KW YORK. N. Y. ——- ■ "■ . The Sparta Ishmaelite says Schley made the Spaniards smoke even if their powder was smokeless. Poor old Spain ! She discover ed us 400 years ago, and only dis-covered our ability on and since May Ist. No battle in the Mexican war cost the American army as long a casualty list as that of July 1 at Santiago. At Monteray and Uerro Gordo the American loss was 500 each, and at Beuna Vis ta less'than 800. - ■■■-- - The wife of Stanco Uwaniwitch. the chief of a band of gypsies near Chicago, is him for divorce on the ground that he. chains her to a bear. Most women who obtain divorces claim they been chained to bears “You and ail like you will get all the lighting you want before this war is over,” said Maj.-Gen. Brooke the other day to a young officer who was la menting the fact that he had not yet been sent to the front. De.vew says the Filipinos are litten -to govern themselves than are the Cubans to do a similar act on their own 1 island. Dewey has established a reputation for knowing what he says as well as doing what he sets out to do. Rome has not developed a fish story or a snake yarn this season. Is it possible that our local liars iave joined tbe Mole St. Nicho las syndicate? We knew they were eligible but had no idea their ambitions set in that di rection. One Chicago thief’s specialty is stealing clocks. The police want to lay their hands an him and make him do time, but have not yet been able to run him down. Its to be hoped his wind up will cpme and with the state’s watch and chain he will find that he is no langer a hunting ease. WATER WORKS OF FICE AT CITY HALL Office hours 7:30 a. m. to 12 m. 2:00 p. m, to 6 p. m. _ J. T. Moore Sec’y and Treas. PASTEUR FILTERS The only G-erm Prcoi Filter in the vorld. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co The Spanish prisoners who were taken to Portsmouth, N. IL, and put in a prison camp at Seavey’s Island, were very much surprised when they were not taken there to be shot. They ex pected death, and when they found they were to enjoy a com fortable camp, with inatresses and clean blankets, and with the privilege of moving about the grounds, there - was a happy surprise. These poor devils never heard ol such treatment to sol diers, especially prisoners of war. o o o Last Monday Secretary Alger issued orders attaching the Hawaiian Islands to the military department of California. The First New York volunteers, Col. Barber, commanding, will be assigned for the time being as the garrison at Honolulu. Gen. Otis has charge of the transpor tation of the troops to the island. o o o The administration seems de termined to stand by its pet, Sampson. It can’t get out of giving some recognition to Schley for winning the victory at Santiago, and so it is going to make him an admiral.- But Sampson must be made an ad miral too —because he didn’t win a victory. o o o This is a good pointer from the Denver Republican : With the Alfonso XII, destroyed on the coast of Cuba and the Alfon so XIII burned up in the harbor of Cadiz, the young King Alfon so ought to change his name be fore a brick falls on him. O O O Among the novelties to be ex hibited at the Paris exposition in 1900 will be a monster horn, nearly three hundred feet in diameter at the large end, and of proportionate length. No less a lung power than that of a Kansas populist will be required to blow it. o o o A shoe manufacturer with a head for figures has calculated that the hides of the following number of animals would be re quired yearly to shoe the whole population of the earth, so far is known : Cattle, 245,881,384 ; goats, 90,084,548 sheep, 25,- 482,000 ; horses, 30.520,000, and kongaroos, 25,000,000. o o o At a convival gathering of widowers recently held in Berlin a beer seller, whose wife had just died, remarked that her coffin had cost him S6O. A man ufacturer of coffins happened to be present, and said that he could furnish as good an article for sls; whereupan the beer seller replied that he would take a thousand at that price. The manufacturer took the matter seriously, and sent the coffins, together with a bill for $15,000. The court before which the case vas taken held that the order was given in fun, ami did not constitute a valid contract. o o o Greenville, Miss., has a new ifficial, whose entry upon a career of public usefulness is thus noted in a local paper: “Henry 11. Obanon has been appointed Justice of the Peace to succeed his father, the late D. B. Obanon, Any one wanting to be married or any other busi ness in his line give him atrial.” o o o Russia Is experimenting with / the I’orto Rican’s turn to hear the Vesuvius cough. giant searchlights mounted in’ balloons and containing burners ! connected with dynamos’ upon I the ground. The largest of these yet reported is of 5000 candle power. At a dista ice of 600 yards above the earth it will il luminate a circular area SGO yards in diameter to the bright ness of day. 000 Joseph Leiter’s father calcu lates that after paying out the young man’s indebtedness, there will remain $y,000,000 for the family. It is to the old man’s credit that he came to his son’s rescue and made vast sacrifices of the wealth he cherished. And the average man would suppose that Mr. Leiter might have most of the necessities and some of the luxuries of life with $9,000,- 000 left. Mr. Leiter has felt obliged, howeyer, to abandon the Newsboys’ Mission, which he had kept going with contri butions of $12,000 per an num No peace propisitions from Spain which do not include the indepence of Cuba, the annexa tion of Porto Rico, and the abso lute freedom of the Philippines from all European domination, will be acceptable to the Ameri can people, The administration which concludes a peace with Spain on any other basis will sign its political death warrant. The Toledo, Ohio, Evening News has evidently been study ing the war revenue bill. It says : “How nicely ail the reve nue stamp tax is shifted by the corporations onto the producers and the business public. How was it done? Dead easy. The railways, telegraph and express companies, and the like had representatives in congress. The people had a few, but they were in a hopeless minority.” Col. James Hamilton Lewis, member of congress from the state of Washington, who has been identified with the militia for many years, and now hole’s the rank of colonel, has offered his services as a field officer in the volunteer army. Col. Lewis is an American of the bold and resolute type, and assigned t<> duty will not disappoint his friends and admirers. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exe-cise in the open air. Her form glows and her face glows with • its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy she Uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. With Garcia bolting from the free-grub counter, it looks to us as if the second blackberry crop of Cuba must be ripening. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd count) will be sold at public outcry at the court house door of said coun ty on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following propertv tos wit: —One house and lot in the town of Last R >me, said county fronti ig on Howard avenue, be vinning at a point, one hundred and forty-,one feet, Easterly from the right of Way of the Southern Railway Co This being the North easterly corner of Mrs. Eliza Gammon lot, running thence Southe-ly along the lot line of Mrs. Gammon two hundred and! twelve feet, thence Easterly along the Dunns lot sixty-two stet, thence at right angles to Dunn’s ine and in a Northerly direction ilong the line of Mrs. H. G. f tawlir s’lot two hundred and twelve feet to Ho vard avenue, hence Westerly along - Hi ward iveuiie sixty-two feet to the be ginning. Sold as the property of 0 A Gammon late of Calhoun County Ala. W. M. Gammon, Ad ministrator, Terms of sale cash. Fhis -*»lyisU In wL JOEL PYLE. Is a pupil in Rome Business College. He is mastering a long course in Theoretical Bookkeep ing and practical accounting, also a thorough course in Short hand, Business and Law dicta tion and general office routine. This course with its accompany ments makes an exceedingly strong one. Rome Btisiness Col lege enjoys now the largest en rollment it has had in years. Every seat in the College hall is taken. The summer term is in progress. Several graduates will leave soon to take positions. The college procured ninety two po sitions the past year. H. S. Shockley, Prin. Rome, Georgia. J». 11 «... ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies ‘ now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business tnd professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography oi Bookkeeping. Address all letter® «o the Principal, H. S. Shockley, dome, Ga. ■u— , .. " STRAYED: A bay mare, last Thursday. 21 st mst., weighs 850 ibs. 14 hands high, with leather halter dragging. Was last seen going north on Summerville read- A reward will be paid by Hugh McO ary at No. 2 reel house tor its return or where abouts- .M&l J" 48 hour. < o»t»rr«»«"U S vl irla.ri -ra«j-« vvrr.t- .1 M 'Mr'tl I ,VJ I«It r ?H:.'»!■». \ 71 2-°CENT STAMP! Will Mnd a letter to any point in Uncle Sam’s big q £_ ~ domain.) For this very /' w reason, if you are sick, sore or suffering, this ,7^?',' very trifling outlay May Save Your lif n I Here’s just how Lllui it is. You can vJ .j* write a plain letter, can’t you? Well, it will take just two cents to carry it to the “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing it every day. They now have patients iu all the adjoining” Stares, some of them hundred! of miles away, and their cures are simply won derful. CURES POSITIVE AND r D [ C f CONSULTATION Ftl 111 In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot, Hare Lip, Cross Eyes ami other surgical cases, also in all forms of Skin and Blood disorders,Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose. Throat. Lungs, Stomach or any vital ofgau. Liver, Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak nesses of either men or women, diseases of the sexual parts and every otlwr bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs you nothing If we un« -dertafce your case we shall send yot question blank for full particulars. If yom case is curable by human skill and perfect science Wu SHALL CURE IT.. That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. AU letters sacredly private. address, Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE. 5«»-» Auatcll Bldg.. Atlanta (la.