The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 29, 1898, Image 6

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mw fors Da FrHaii In Dismiss Spain's Peace Application. . ABOUT PHIkIPPIIIW. Spanish Fag to ba Removed From This Hemisphere. Washington, July 28. —No re ply will be m ule to Spainh ines>ige un il after the regular cabin t meeting on Friday. Io ti>•' meant ituv the secretary of state i-. cuga jcd in making th< draft of a reply to be considered at that, meeting. It is the pur p,)»<•, of this g ivernmeut to sei forth distinctly and unreserved!) its position. Spain will be called upon to accept or n j et, the terms offer ed, for theio i-, to be no equivo cation‘and no poss'bility of long drawn out diplomatic negotia tions looking to delay. There is but one point upon which there is doubt as to what the dt in in I of this government will be and that is the disposi tion of the I’.iilippines. It was stated by Jud-e day this morn ing that one re is hi why then is no exit as< s-do i ( >f the cabinet in advance o th" regular meet ing Friday is th.ft the president is anxious to get some expres sion from the people of tin country, presumably through the pub ic men mi l the newspa per-, as to whit policy should be pursu d with regard to Spain’s poss' s-ions in the Pacif ic. As state i in tlicsa dispatcht s lome time ago, the government will demand the cession of Por to Ric > is war indemnity and the ce si .n ot Cub 1 in truit for the Cubans, to be turned over t< them wii 1 la *y are deemed ca pable of maint'iiiing a stable government. ■fSp tio’s fl ig in Ist go down from th * Westei n Hemisphere. There is not now, and never has been since the war began any doubt o 1 tlies* two points. Them w:! bo no demand for money i idem itt.y. .This is also settled. lT;s decision is reached ostensibly as a magnanimous concession to Spun, but really because Sp ii 1 ability to pav is so small that it is believed a money in 1 mniiy, even if agreed upon, would prove more trouble in c illecti ig than it; it would be worth. In this, however, the idea of its lying a concession on the part of this government will be featured. With regard to the Philip pines, the administration’s po sition, as exp'c'-sed by Judge Day, is to secure the maximum of commercial and strategic bene'it with the minimum of govern n *nt responsibility. That 1- the end at which the president i aiming but how that can best b * s c ir> d is the great question which he and his ad visers must decide. The preside nt’s present idea is that the int'Te.sts of this gov eminent wou\l be best served by the possession ot nothing _more than a c t iling station in ■Ml— . FOR SALE! 'WW» < < «. IMIMI , A fifty saw Giiluot G.u. Feeder and Condenser and a 5 11. P. Erie City Steam Engine, both in good order. Will sell cheap <>r will exclian ><■ lor liorses.tmules, corn, hi nl>er. or alm >s* anything else of value .is I have no use for them. Addiv ;s or call on FLETCHER SMITH, 240 Broad St.., Rome, G» 4r • SUGAR TRUS'i Wili Try to Monopulis’ Hawaiian Dillpill. A MAJHOTH REFINERY. Is to be Erected Upon Th . Leprous Islands.* -4 I San Francisco, July 28. A private telegram from New Ym« received by a leading hr.>k*-rag • muse makes it plain that tin <ugar trust intends to r monopolize the Hawaiian sag trade, now that the islands have leen annexed by the United States. It is said on the higliesi luthority that the trust is ar ranging to build a large sugar refinery in the islands so as to reline Hawaiian raw sugar on the spot. This seems to bear on! he rumor which has been per sistently circulated around th* local stock exchange for several days that the sugar trust his ibtained a controlling interest in the Hawaiian Commercial Company. This c in pain has been indu lged for over a year l»y Claus Spreckles’ two-younger sons, and las been hostile to the trust. the Philippines. He feels, liow iver, that to give the islands back to Spain now that they are in the practical possession > f this government would be un popular and perhaps politically dangerous. The suggestion of a joint pro tectorate finds few supporters, but the Samoan experience is not regarded as a glittering success for us. To call Dewey off ami let Ag uinaldo work out his own salva tion has been advocated in more places, but the president realiz es that this could not be done without involving this govern ment in all sorts of complica tions over injuries done to inter ests of subjects of other govern ments. He would like to see some ar rangement made by which the natives would be given their jwn government by Spain, thei 1- iemunds met and stability- of government assured without in volving the United States in re sponsibility for them and their government, but how this could be accomplished Jie does not now clearly see. MHRUMi Mill An honest rm fN A MMux nian in this lllfi XJ f da >' and : ‘SV has little ’'JM fV I need to fear ■SVIAaBIA \i ' \ clea, th by ■KMMK I i ‘ 1 hanjrir.g. k -«gj 1 J The (1.-mper KmW xt --k-JM inno fllflE m ( IhiK' iflli cent nien !®S', Ijl will die upon .IjlW' B iflS®’, ijl'L the scaffold flffiZnl ' « IlfF ' ,:ls been n 11 jJ duce d by modern laws 'w* Iq °f evidence V to a minituuip. There is one appalling death that still threatens inno cent men. It is a slow and lingering death from consumption. One-sixth of the hu man race die from this relentless enemy of humanity. Probably no subject connect. <i with health is so important and so little understood as the conservation of vital force. The human organism is a wonder rl machine, and is so constructed that if < x . haustive draughts are made upon the vital forces during youth and middle life, th< mechanism responds for the time, but at th, expense of its future usefulness. The man who overworks or exhausts himself day after day is constantly overdrawing his store of vital force. Finally the mechan ism of supply breaks down and the man becomes a physical bankrupt. The me chanism of supply in a man is his sfbmach. There the food is transformed into vital force. 'lf the stomach is weak and the di gestion impaired, the body ceases to re ceive and store up vital force. If the draught is continued, consumption or some other equally fatal disease is the result. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is a great producer of vital force. It enables a man to daily store up energy to do almost any amount of work or stand any amount of exposure. It does its work through the stomach. It makes .the weak stomach strong. It facilitates and increases the flow of digestive juices. It promotes and perfects the assimilation*of all the lit-, giving elements of the food. It is the. great blood-maker and flesh builder. Mr F. M. Robinett, of Xenopli >ll. Tcn-i., writes: " I can heartily recoiuiuend Dr. fierce . Golden Medical Discovery for indigestion aud torpid liver. J was verv bad off and tried d ferent doctors with but little benefit ! deci to rive the ‘Golden Medical Disc >verv 'a tr I ■nd I soon Itegan to improve. If it had not 1 ■.•er ft»r Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I . < Here I would uot be living to day." .../JkwdijstfWliilJi :; . . W ; i . < i JRO-» j SuyceMt'ors to - a ROME PHARMACY. J’- ; . , Brom! at. —New Clark •uilding. \Ve Fave bought the entire stock of the Rome j l‘!.;i •iniicv ami are prepared to supply your wants in iffiU. Jih ii . pii scripiion and patent medicine line. Cui ■ J is t onipletn and ol the Very highest grade. \t i. solicit a part of your patronage and shall eu- " -xl. tl.'ii vor to Hie beat of our' ability to please you al all t mes. We should be phased to have you call on us. ...» Full line of druggist'sstiinlries, toilet articles and siifb things as me usually car'ied in a first-class ding store. Cigars and tobacco. Home to see us. \ WiWWvWM W: — —r- 'lm ■ -W- K&v S. M. Stark, B Mt-' ; urs AND Gmili'il TIILOB 'S is Dougherty Bldg, 2ndjAve < .AH f“ ' I J F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. •., |TH E HANSON SOPPLY CO. I S Pkimbing and Tinning. 2 S i?i i-ers’ and machinists” 2 3 supplies. Stoves, ranges and « G tLi ware. Gas and electric fix- c § tures. INSURANCE gasoline § 2 stoves. Water meters. 2 4 ■ **' • 325 Broad st Phone 32. 'W' $1.2511] $i 5» N : ;ii ; jj shirts for $ J. A. GAMMON & oCOMPAN) ARE for everyone in Rome to coim « in and see the magnificent stack on m mi’s and boy’s clothing, fc'i bicycle and golf suits, is wnal . we are doing, but we are hns- Ttling while we wait. We will show vou the finest stocu o* clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, to be found in Georgia, and tHey are above competition in vallms for the price. ' I I he greatest line of negligee shirts ever shown H Rome. ' ! J A. GAMMON &CO 5*7 Cnn Bupp , y alI | is th® CompJste h/. urwonUfr<M 2 Nursery? bi o - J 9 go Street 'tree* at Rr i 1 »* Sa |f ninr j ow rat es. We publish one of -, r .. —r f thel.' idir.gSrerf, Plr.nt and Tree Catalogues hsued. /'4/fU;lx. I which will be mailed Send for it n<»w, it will ■' v *'-] can r t ie r you to customer jin every state and ton itory < 1 fsr d** ar “ dealing has made us patroiiF and friends Grand jW/ ul i . Have .. i .• oQ;arloads of FrAil AKO GHSAKEfiTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLAKTS . ; We send by mail postpaid. Seeds. Bulb*, Plnnfs.' Rosea, Small Trcer., Etc. arrlll » * sa.i 2 -j-anfcrt d; by expretm or freight. 44th year. 32 <;rtcuhouaea. i/xMiacP I THE * HARRIS©** - ' Hoi ft 2& Q To Intel Psopj iff it iswih pleasure th.u we introduce to vt:r reader i],. o f d iiev and comph le clock of ’ l^'ri iTilrLFjjj i wan, A/NID I A • f S malt MI j i cal In H i f:j j q JT ii the new Mon l<v building,'. Broad street where we would be pleased to have you call and examine our goods. 1 f Tne stock consists of some of the best mikes 4M.pian.os an L organs on the m.irLt today. We lrsp a full line of everything p *r:niiii.jg to a fi rßt _ class music store—Something it nii.y has n«edp ( l f Ol . a long time. Give us a call and you will fiuj H luusic store tii it Ivoni ms tuny |)j prmlcl of w 5 ‘ ’ I' ; ’■ 1 111 \» • »1, , t ■- I Hi Y< I ,E> * the earliest possible date. t f 32 7 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Ma-ager. K.x -X X \ x X X x X X. X.X X X • X x \ v X X We keep on hand at all ‘times a fu I -(.•■ jf Sheet Music., t ;F. J- KANE* CD I «248 B/oad Street, i [ • isal& ol Suiiiß-fii I 1 Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and .Madras « ■ Ready-Made Skirls and Waists I . ■ ■ ■-• • •••■ nd to dose out our shoe - stock, so take advantage of cost pcries on shoes of the best makes. Special prices on everything 1 at F.J.KAWE.v ; «CO, 218 Bro id S re )t- iVmanftntly cured by PR. iVHTTHH XLi ’S RHEUMATIC CURE. Tl 1 fcircst and the h-t. Soiri by 'niggists on a iKisltivein.arantec. Price Ween m, Samnhii sent on rfr-tion of this pvt'" « z n HF ’•« • VSGHIMINF * BW- !■<*'*>