The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 29, 1898, Image 7

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Poisoned by Ivy Wa» in a Dreadful Condition Happened to Reed About • Similar Ca.e- Followed tho Other Man’s Example and Was Cured. The following incident ia given by Cbarlen Morrlx, general jobber, 52 Lexing ton Avenue, North Cambridge, Mesa.: “Several years ago I became poisoned by ivy. I tried many medicines, spending • large sum of money without obtaining , particle of good. My children were •1.0 afflicted With the same disease. We were all constant sufferers with an awful itching sensation, and it seemed as if I ahould tear myself to pieces. I picked up a paper in which I found printed a testimonial from a man in Vermont who had been similarly afflicted and had taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla with benefit. I bought • bottle, which we took and it did Mo and My Children ■o much good I purchased another supply. We continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla until we used five bottles and I can safely say that neither myself nor children have any signs of the poison. It has en tirely left us and we are perfectly cured. We give the whole credit to Hood’s Sarsa parilla. Before resorting to this medicine 1 was reduced in weight, but now I weigh 175 pounds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla ha. not only done much good but has been the means of saving me a great deal of money. I would not be without It in my house and I heartily recommend it to all who ore afflicted. I have writ ten this statement for publication, of my own will, as I want others to know what Hood’s Sarsaparilla has done for us.” Chablkb Morris. Dsll<-arethe only pills to taks IIOOU S rills witli Hood's Sarsaparilla e i - - -- THE BEST PAINT and CHEAPEST PAINT. That you can uze as a priming coat for fine jobs or for the com plete painting of any ordinary job is the CROWN Wetherproof, Fireproof, cold water paint. For sale only at Frank Wright’s Fannacy where you can get culor card, descnptiv sheet and see a b nnpl of the work. Norton's old ccruer, opposit Masonic Tempi. PROFESSIONiL CiRDi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, • Law Office, ‘JOOjKagt First .Street, ROME. GA. Tghas, w. underwood Attorney at Law, Rome, Oa. Corporation Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. OfflceKlng Building. Rome, <ia. W H ENNIS, Attorney at Law. Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, UW. J. JSTEHIU Attorney at law. Will practice in allocurts, special attention given to commercial law aod the examlcalion cf land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.'s. LIPSCOMB de WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Office in Armstrong hotel building, Rome, Qa J 3ANTY CRAWFORD apecuity M law ' Roal ®' Oa Colleetlens a Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J’ A. WILLS, D. D. S., otilc.e jle; 1 -3jiroad, y Over Cantrell A Owen J. L PENNINGTON. D .D S..M.D. BNTIST- niture'u, 1 ’ Uroad Btreet ' Ov * r H * nks Fur ' PHYSICIANS. O- Hamilton, m id- Hnn*u lan and Sur K*on Office, Medical “K Rome, Ga. On ce ’phone No. 62. 1-1 ’ 13 h -A.MMOND. k. id., bull^“ d Sur « eon ' Office In Medina ffica 'phoNo, B^ 800 *' No ' 4<B * aSt APPLICATION for letters °F DISMISSION. * B Wk IA FLoTD county. tratar e T» A - D -Hardin,.dmini.- .eut. tn h‘ A ver y Hardin, repre* aulvr.! , ? he L courtiu his petition ed M a' ' he has administer* to'oU V "{, H “ rdi "'» Thl ' kindrd B P ers ons concerned, ‘"d creditor, to .bow “ < lmini.“ru,‘ l '7 c ?°' why ,aW charged f? 8 ?. ould not be din* and ree«; blB * d ministration on th. fi r ** °! d ‘»n»ission KW P - D M U ‘ LOCM HAPPENINGS. Criminal Cases.—Crimin a 1 cases will be taken up by the superior court next week before Judge W. M. Henrv. Very few true bills have been found by the present grand jury. Mrs. Maude Bivings Marshall, of Rome, is the guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bivings. Dr. Bivings and family will go to Gordon Springs about August Ist.—North Georgia Cit izen. Improving.—Mr. Samuel Mc- Arthur, who fell from the back porch of his son’s home, Dr. S. A. McArthur, in the Fifth ward, i> reported as improving. The injuries received are still very painful. An Error.—The Hustler- Commercial was in error yester day in stating that the camp meeting would begin on Friday before’the first Sunday in Au gust. It should have been Friday before the third Sunday in Au gust. Mrs. Young Sick.—The host of friends ot Mrs. Gus Young, nee Mies Annie Neely, will be pained to hear that she is quite sick at her home at Young’s Station. Her mother, Mrs. Benjimen Neely, is attending her bedaide. From Cave Spring.—Bailiff Albea, of Cave Spring, brought Ed Palmon, colored, to Rome yesterday and lodged him in jail for an attempt to shoot Willis Green, colored. The negroes had a lively scrap near Cave Spring several days ago. Mrs. Sproull, Mrs. Fouche] and daughter, Miss Florence, of Rome, and Mrs. Mitchell and daughters, Misses Eliza and Mary, arrived last week and will spend the remainder of the sum mer at Valley View. —Carters- ville American. Recruiting Svation. —Sear- gent Frank George came up from Griffin last night and will open a recruiting station here for several days forCapt. Henry Stewart’s company. Several of the boys could not pass the re guired examination and came home yesterday. SANDY ELAM Broke Open Cothran & Cos’, Cash Drawer. Sandy Elam, anegro boy about 16 years of age, was ar rested today, charged with breaking open Cothran & JCos’, cash drawer yesterday and tak ing $25.00 in money and stamps to the value of SB.OO. He was locked up at the police station and will be given a trial tomor row. He was sent'to the post office by Mr. Cothran, and on return ing found no one in the office. He used some of the keys on the ring and opened the cash draw er and helped himself. Mr. Guy Cotbran (states that the firm has had vt least S4O worth of stamps stolen from them in the last month. TWO-THIRDS PENSIONERS Division Os ’OB Established To Pay New Army Ulims. Washington.JD. C., July 29. — O*ing to the number of ap] lica tieus for pensions being received as a result of the war with Spain. Commissioner Evans has establish ed the Division of ’98,” To this all applications originating through service in the present war will be referred. Medical officers of the Pension Bureau estimate that at least two thirds of the men who have been ■•nt to Cuba and Porto Rico will eventually become pensioners. | PERSONAL MENTION. A. J. King, of Thomaston, is in the city. T. W. Clayton, of Atlanta, ia here today. Mr. B H. Pearson, of New nan, is here today. Mr. W. T. McArver, of Coo sa, is in the city. W. A. Logan, of Chattanoo ga, lain the city today. Miss Daisy Camp is the guest of Miss Ida Milam, in Cartera ville. Master Roddy Fricks, who has been quite sick for the past weeK is better today. Bad blood becomes good blood on taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It s the great blood purifier. Mrs.. Joseph Veal has return ed from a pleasant visit to Vir ginia Beach, near Norfolk. Miss Louise Jones, a charm ing young lady of Marietta, is the guest of Mi s Berta Maddox. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rawlins and little son returned last night from a pleasant visit to New York. Miss Edith Hardy has return ed from a most delightful visit to Walden’s Ridge and Charles ton, Tenn. Mr. W. W. Watters, the “greenest plumber” in the country, returned from Atlanta last night. Mr. C. Bayard Seay, one of Rome’s most promising young men, is in the city.—Macon Telegraph. Mr. Harrold Mallett, of Jack son, Ga., is tho guest of his friend, Mr. J. L. McCord, on Sixth avenue. Col. D. IT. Mills, of Mt. Ver non, Texas, is the guest of liis sister, Mrs. A. C. Weems, in the Fifth Ward. Misses Belle Cato and Lucy McLeod left this afternoon for Silver Creek, where they wil spend a week with friends. Misses Jennie and Bessie Morgan have returned home, after spending a month in Rome and Buford.—Rockmart Slate. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zinszu,who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harper, returned to their home in Birmingham to day. TROOPS FOR DEWEY. Captain James G. Blaine, Jr., On The Exphition. San Francisco, Cal., July 29. — The transport St. Paul will sail iar Manila on Friday witbpSouth Dikota, Minnesota and Colo rado troops, commanded by Lieu tenant Colonel Stover, of the First Soith Dekota Regiment. Captain James E. Blaine, Jr, will go on the St Paul. LITTERS OF : ADMINISTRA TION. , GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Io all whom it may concern i Enina Penteccst havinf in proper forn applied to me for permanent lethrs of administration on the 1 fistite of Redmon Pentecost, late ; of mid county deceased Thia is to dte all and singular tho credit- ' ors *nd next of kin of Redmon Peulecoat to be and appear at my . offio within the time allowed by law and show cause if anv they ‘ caiqwhy permanent aluiinistra tionshould not be granted to W. , H. Innis Co , Adm’r ou Redmon , PenUcost’s estate. Witnesi my • bam and official signature this 4th . day f July 1898 , John P. Davis Ordinary. t 1 t._ .'» ifjwLr 1 —w—aes— • rwtovfth whvfcfcrr y«« (MtthMH ■.«rv<**olAn< tcb&oro habit. R»*TO toii Hapß . «jnuV4 tho desire for tobacco, w 4. • at n«roubdUrt/eu, </x»els meojAl 1 I Iff Mae, ptliie r tin? blood, ij f 4 jk ~ .loft stores lost F>| w ■ ’oa strung I H i Mrtl.toi u h oai u ner v entity <S U »oj tadBAC froir ■'-*• C 1 LAan*A**/ OB]r owl * dnw’eiat wht ■■ 1 vouch f*r ni. Tali-it with wllLpaUentiy, rorsfajurntiy Oa/, tMually cure*; 3 boxes, fi> marnnteedto eoFt. or we refund money BariEt Suxaedy £o. Cbka**, Voatraai, Nb* YmK TROLLY RIDE 5 And Dance al The Park Pa . uillion By the BACHELORS CLUB Last Night in Honorof the Vis iting Young Ladies The Bachelors club troliy ride and German at the Mobley park pavillion in honor of the visiting young ladies last night was one of the most enjoyable and social ah fairs of the season . The German was led by Messrs. Rheubin Towers and Walter Coth ran. Those present were: Messrs. Reuben Towers, Mor timer Griffin, Wade 11. Lowry, Will San p ord, Will Towers, Paul Jack, Bob Yancey, Ben Yancey, Pratt Adams, of Savannah; V. R. Potrsck, Mel Gammon, Bol ling Sullivan, Dudley Ma jruder, Hunter Smith, John Glovtr, Walter Cothran, Laurie Cothran and Dwight Shaw. Misses Tulia Dean, Daisy Tal mage, of Athens; Emmie Wright, Lucy Wright, Louise Ohemig, of Chattanooga, Loula West, Mary Berry, May Beth Sullivan. Julia Bayard, Sarah Yancey, Misses Melvin, of Sa vannah, and Miss Williams of Athens. Chaperones, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Langford. MR. HAMILTON TAKES CHARGE. Mr. Joe Hamilton, who was recently appointed postmaster here, took charge of the office yesterday. The only changes that have been made so far are the assis tant postmaster’s place, Mr. T. J. Helm, who takes Dr. Thom as’ place. Tom Higginbotham was ap pointed assistant, mail distribu tor, bv Mr. Bill Wyatt. APPLICATION FOR LET TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUllty deceased, represents to the'court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered John Mills’ estate. This is to cite aU per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they cun why said : dministra tor should not be discharged from liis administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Sept. 1898. This June 6th, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary Woman's Diseases Are as peculiar as unavoidable, and JAS' cannot be discuss- or treated as we do those to which the entire human family are subject. » * Menstruation sus tains such import-. V T ant relations to her w J I O health, that Suppressed, Irregu- - IL A lar or Painful, ,li J\ she soon becomes \ 1 Jr languid, nervous and irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica tions arise unless Regularity and Vigor are restored to these organs. Bradfield's 5 0 VS e th‘ : T"’ | most noted 1 ClTlcllC physicians __ . of the South, Regulator ; sort prevail more extensively than 1 in any other section, and has never failed to correct disordered Men- 1 struation. It restores health and 1 strength to the suffering woman. “We have for the past thirty years handled , ' Bradfield’s Female Regulator, both at who'.o >«le and retail, an-' in no instance has it fai'ea t to give satisfactica. We seil more of it than all other similar remediae combined.” Lamar, Rankin A Lamak, I Atlanta, Macon and Albany, Ga. Fhk BnaoriKLO RtGuuros Co.. Atlanta. Ga. f Md by *U Draggists at SUM) per Battle. HANKS ■; fffliinii'6 f i GO- You will ’ surprs ed to see how much you can buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to give the best goods for the least money. If you are thinking of buying some thing in the line of Furniture,. Car= : pets, Mattings. Rugs Etc., you will be sorry i you don’t see us s We sre making some very low ’prices o i everything now, to get ready for our fall goods that are coming in. Dj i t j „ ——rz&Sß see us. Yours i / " ’ to please. MS Furniture rwrr"! II p •AWHOLEOLUB fl iAiil ICan’t « 71 WTwASSS Make ■ Better Running Time hl .V' ci-- _ ■— I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, inclu ding Diamonds My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev er more complete. i"* WEDDING PRESENTS AJSPECIALTY. || J. K Williamson |g I l.iu>>.>HlU.i>lu>' l SUMMER RESORTS ffiMany delightful summer resorts are situated on and reached via the Southern Railway. Whether oue desires the seaside or the moun tains, the fashionable hotels or qub Ccountry homes, they can be reached via this magnificent high* way of travel. Ashevil Is, N. C. , Hot Springs, N. C., Roan Mountain, Tenn and the mountain resorts of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina “The-Land of the Sky” Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn., Lookout Moun tain, Penn., Lithia Springs, Ga., the various Virginia springs, and the seashore resorts are reached by the Southern Railway. The Southern t : way has issued a handsome folder entitled “Sum* mer Homes and Resorts,” descrip 'ive of nearly one thousand sum mer resort hotels and boprding houses, including information r«- arding rates for board at the fferent places and railroad rates di reach them toWritf to C A, Benscoter, As taotGeneral Pissongjr Ajmt aisatern Railway. Gaattanojg - a copy of this folder. * GOT RECEIPTS FOR EV ERYTHING under the sun and can make properly all most any thing you'want.Mr Reference Book, latest edition of U. S.. Pharmacopoeia cost $2.50, U. S. Dispensary SB, Remington’s Practice of Pharmacy $6,50, Pattent medicine formulas $2 Druggist’s Formulary $lO, Fen ner’s Formulary $lO, Scientific American Cyclopedia of Receipts $5. Total, $44 worth of the most reliable receipt books publisht containing thousands of miscel laneous receipts covering every department of the human indus try together with myfiften years experience in the drug business at your service at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, Norton’s old corner, opposit Masonic Tempi. r _-_- F L — ; » It’s high time for the war de partment to be giving Fitzhugh Lee and the Southern >hance at <£s?/