The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 29, 1898, Image 8

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fcr ff -Ste lOi /fr to - t $ _ —t $ ‘A f ( 7N$ THIS tPAICE A BYRD’S EYE VIEW The fol>wing which appeared in a Gloucester, Mass., paper, would indicate that Jerry is now having his inning : “ This is to give notice that my wife, who left my house without suf ficient cause, lias returned and is glad to get bat k again, and will leave again in a hurry. Jer ry Amero.” 000 A Spana h general said to a New’ York Herald correspondent that he felt no humiliation iit surrendering to an American army. “You people,” he said, “are Brave and generous foes. We can yield to you without disgrace, but we would rather have left our bones in Cuba than to have ma lo terms with the native Cubans.” 000 “Throughout the south the negro is drawing the color line in politics, and it is becoming more and more evident that the members o that race regard the republican party as their own Individual property. White men ara showing up less bud less in their conventions as the years roll by,” observes the Albany Herald. 000 Theremai k of Rev. Sam Jones in his lectur here in the spring that “the • i u try will be greatly benelitted <• this war, if the right me the front,” seems to b prov uin the exper ience of N w Orleans. The chief of police of :'iat c y says there has never been a more peaceful era in New Orleans than since the war bt hi. 000 Georgs D v y has shown him self to be t ■ .blest tn in of Ameri ca today. ;! i.-i wher a single in cautious word or ad might bring *boui warfare between all the n#, tions of the world, yet he has held his own firmly without saying or doing one thing which other na tions could hold against him, —Amsricus Herald. 000 No woman who marries an old soldier now will be entitled to a pension after he dies. The old soldier with a comfortable pension has furnished inducements for many a designing woman to wed, especially so under ths law recent ly inforce, and his death did not stop the pension. But all is chang ed under a new law which went in to effect the first of July and the veteran who gets married now will have the satisfaction of knowing that he furnishes all the attrac tions. 000 A special to the Louisville commer cial from Jacksonville, Fla., says: ‘‘lt is understood that Lee .is sla ted forthe governor generalship of Cuba, and the times arrives he and his corps will go forward. An in timate friend of Lee stated that Lee was in full accord with the plans of the Government. 000 The following notice has been tacked up in the postoffice at St. Johnsburg, Vt.. by a citizen of Benson, who seems to be in se rious trouble : “Lost—is There Any one that can tell where my wife Is and Little Girl is. If so Please rite and send Full Ad dress and I will do the fair thing. Address all letters C. L, Mon ger, Benson, Vt.” 000 A Denver court has issued an injunction restraining a Denver man from talking to his divorced wife, 000 Prof. Mulhall estimates the wealth of the I nited States at $Bl 750,000.000. Spain can see! that when it comes to the ques tion of the “sinews of war” she is not in it. . 000 A Brighton, England, young man has killed himself because his wife made fun of him for kissing the servant girl. o c o Sam Jones believes that Bryan will get to heaven, but doubts if he will ever get to the white house. 000 Though Wesley was never rich and never had a large salary he managed to give away over $200,000 during his life. He founded in England an enter prise for loaning poor people small sums to tide them over transient difficulties. A cobbler, who received a loan of S2O from this fund, was able to show Wesley before the latter’s death that the profits of his business were $150,000 per year. Blood Poison. Cwatagtoua Skiod Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of mankind. It it the oae 4i*?a«e that physicians can not cure; their mercurial and potash remedies oaiy bottle up the poison in the • yet eta, to aurely break forth in a more viruleat form, resulting in a total wreck of the Ovtlem. Mr. Freak B. Martin, a prominent foweier at Pensylvania Ave.. Wash ington,D.C.,says: 1 was for a long ~ Tn time under treat ■ meat of two of Sb? L the best physi fo ciaus of this city, SK' f »rA • i for a severe case g of blood poison, zEß’Sg’’ but my condition grew worse all jtek pfei- while, not- wjfngk' r- Iw withstanding the ■iWr'T *vfa;agfsct that they 07 rae three »Raw /|/ ,4“ hundred dollars. My mouth was filled with anting sores; my tongue was alm oat eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste any eel id food. My hair was coining out rapidly, and I was in a horiible fix. I had tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couragwd, when a friend recommended B.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I Lewan to get better, and when I had finished eighteen bottles, I was cured saund and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. SJLS.saved me from a life ©f misery.’• S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable) will cure any case of blood poison. Books on thedisease and its treat- xv'v meat. mailed L <4 free by Swift Wk Specific Co., a Atlanta, G*. Q&fiF CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 8 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, •pend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive Cadttanooga 4 :15 a. m. ; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive Chattanooga 1: GO p.m. • leave Rome G :25 a. n|. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. in There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by tlje way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leavd Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga 8 :10 p. in. arrive Roni- 5 :35 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. lit. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. B Adl BREATH •• I have b4»cn wafinu (’AWhIR liTTfi and as a mild and effective laxative tbevhn simply wow tyrfal. My daughter anti 1 wen beti i red with atak stomach and our breath wu,i rjbad. Aftoj tahlnc a few d<*cs of Cas■ ur; ’- v| Lave Improved wonderfully. 'They ai j a i -oat h.'l in the family.” WILHEIJMI.NA NAf-'L. 11JT Kibtaukouao St., ciicdtuuti, Ohio. . -Jy CANDY I > CATHAR-rii . TKW&wmo TH AOk ASAKH W-J’SWP Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. ?Mte Good. ix> *ood, Nurar yictea. Wvuken. or ir:jx- lbc.2uc.sUa. ... CURE CONSTIP ISOM. ... t-crMuc Wsmcdj Cowipany. Ckicnrti 1 < .rv j|. ksu Jlfe t-G-TA-RAl* SoJ<l and auarcued by all Orne- RU a IU a oAU gHttto <’T. icrro banco Habft b rv./fzj with you whAdJver y* I • ■ rvo-ALfiiag tobacco habit, Is-; 1-■, .oiovsj the der-tre for tobar . e .~ ft nervoug dl^V* s * s < xpO;« inc; , purifier t-ho Lii ■ 1 . ■ vorea loet manhood. r ikas vou - u health, aervc^c^Ekf.t <>. • 6 >■»:.<□ >Joy • i - C.'igw vt-wk. 1 V-..ur i’A • a'-.r. H@ ■ i^®«*“*** t *l tghi. ir.. . j ...» < Z K v. lui. .■ w vrHl, pot L-r jr,;fntiy Our fJ, •,’*O‘! ..»>.• .<* 4" I auaranle- 4loom . -c > •’iur.d xaoru/ OterUMS Beiuedj €1 Iq . Mwr.;rea>« Jte*’ lorf, . • M?."Orf . j <— -~ a c EL‘.l u- —. - : *->c-aj Tonic ft s ™ Bi®| u 1 " . i If A POSITIVE CUr:E Sa I S DYSPEPSIA, KAUHIA H I CHILLS P 1 FtiER. Gii.tP, •' ■ S BILIOUSNESS, SICK-HELLYL # ’ I n CONSTIPATION 's I' ■ U GENEBAL DEBILITY. J ’is - - ■ 13 PRICE 50 / / tm! j II AT ALL Z' Will K«ep your ; IS J DRUGGISTS. Zf.'.-'' ■ ’ e* >< Condition. Jk I! “ rasSl' I I. /iJVSii p-LLS aj CENTS. Purely Vegetable. 'Vut ,< ••• - Piles. Sl:kH«w®a ; * d ' i | Dynnensia. 50,.-,. I. ;U c z? “ $3.00 A MONTH “ rtr this nerety nominal fee any sufferer from aoy Chrooto ZTE aline es treatDiwnt that has gained a world-wide ruyirtafl— healing and ourative pawers. Cases that have beeo bepeteM are quickly and radically cared ti beaiA o*. Cowden gives every case his personal attuiiflO j Thousands cured. His specialties art; fihrae, Stomach, Deafness, Throat, Bowels, Consumption, Catarh* Langs, Blood, Rheumatism, Ob®a*J» Skin Diseases. VIGORTNETeE«3 An ahnolate specific fpr JF E /E H I W (A LI W* i Either of these remedies will be sent upon receipt of $2.00. Thdr Is little short of miraculous. ..uiHm. Send for Symptom blanks and fall information regarding All inquiries cheerfully answered. Consultation Free. Don ' ,el escape tt may never occur again. Address. - ?i. M. COWDEN, M. D., 71513th St., N. W.,