The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 02, 1898, Image 4

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TMSILLII-GOHEmi EHUSTLER OF ROME h ||| I'Stiibifslii'il. IS'.mi. • — "HE ROME COMMERCIAL T||| l„s|.a‘ili>li<-'l. IS'.iii. Issued rv<)'> .V 111114. m- pl Saturday. , Satulav and weekly." B PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Office, Winters m Block. Avenue Jelly and Sunday,per year US Oo Sunday, per year Weekly (TIIF. Rome CovaiEK) per y ear 90 BY < AIIGI 1: IN CITY AND HUBUI.Bw ’ Dp'ty ai.-l SillidS), Ideents per weey, Remit by bank draft, exprsu, money order or registered letter Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL J ROME, GA. Entered at Uh- Uostofllce at Route. Ga., an r J: f >eeonn class matter. Adveinsiiitt r.* r " J 4,, <l sample copies tor the asking. ■= BUSINESS OFFICE 1’ HONE 85 Dewey continues to gain on the island of Luzon. Porto Rico is proving the pic nic end of the war. wgg,..,.— —■ L The pig is mightier than the T P e,l > thinks Mr. Blanco. Hobson proposes to raise two ships to replace the one he sank. Sagasta is getting mighty anx ious for the Queen to trot out hit successor. With his knee broken the Prince of Wales will of course abolition family pray *r . The poetic Porto Ricans have seccutnbed to the splendors of Mil es’ uniform. It isn’t just any farmer who knows Low to raise currents on electric light plants. It’s now in order for Queen Lil to cable condolence to Slie of-the-Span i ah-th rone. The dude at the front is a good soldier. The dude at home is a very poor home guard. Continued rains, and not war tax, causes front door mats to be heavily stamped just now. Aguinaldo proposes to boss the Philippine ranch. Well if he is a “good boss.” let him. 11 is not the terms of peace which suit Spain, but those which suit the United States, that are going to have the right-of-way. -- Hobson has given Atlanta another excuse to “wwnt wild” -—and Atlanta is supremely pleased and superbly happy. : ” - - - —’ The New Jersey farmer who drank carbolic acid, thinking it was whiskey, is dead. Jersey far mers should take schoolinf in Ken tucky. Shatter would batter mind how he hurts the feelings of the ragged Cuban soldiers. He may be a candi date for C tigress some day in the Santiago di-tr.ct. Chicago complaids that Mis sissippi is filling up her army quota in that city. The average Chicagoan will do himself proud by enlisting under the Missis sippi banner, Gen. Miles listened to his doc tor and shaved oil his Don Juan mustache, lest feyer germa should lodge therein. Miles must be going to do the Cervera- Hobson act on his prisoners/ - Shafter, if be has read the news from Porto Rico, gathers the impression that his com manding general gave him the hot end of the argument and the cool end for himself. The Kittery, Portsmouth and York Railroad Company is mak- ' ing money hand over fist over the presence of the Spanish prisoners at Kittery, N. IL, its earnings having gone up to nearly SIOOO per day. “The gov eminent is vety strict about let ting any one on the island,” said a representative of the com pany to an interviewer the other day. “The cars and boats of our dues which pass there are not allowed to come to a standstill near, but they do run mighty slow as they go along there, and give the passengers all the show there is to get a glimpse at the prisoners. ” A New York surgeon of a statis tical frame of mind says that the expensss of palatial Sr, Luke’s Hospital are so heavy and 'he in terest on the investment is s > large that the inmates, say 2500 for one year, could be boar led at first class hotels and attended by the best of doctors and nurses at a considerable annual saving. St. Luke’s is the costliest institution of its kind in New York, and it has an endowment fund of nearly $1,000,000 Porto Rico’s export trade aver ages about $16,000,000 annually and the island’s yearly im orta tions are about $14,000,000, The Chicago Times Herald expresses the belief that “under the foster ing influence of American push and enterprise a far larger share of this trade will come to the United States than we heretofore have been able to secure even with the aid of reciprocity treat ies.” The citizen* of Madison, Ind., do not appear to take kindly tu the employment of female conduc tors on the street cars. The fact that the move has deprived as many men of situations as there are girls employed is not looked upon with favor by the people, es pecially as many of the new con ductors are not compelled by their circumstances to perform manual labor for a living . There i- a sentimental resist ance in Madrid to the surrender of Porto Rico, the contention being that the island has always been lopal to the Crown. Spain is having a dream. The cordial reception which greeted the ar my of invasion shows that Por to Rico is ready to b» off with the old love and on with the new. A revulsion of feeling favorable to the Spanish dynasty has set in it was started by a natural sym - pathy for the little King who is sick with the measles. Au eruption of the epidermis of a boy may save a crown, even as the midnight cackling of a gander once saved imperial Rome. Miles can write about as smooth a proclamation as Napoleon Bona part ever wrote. Miles had every reason to believe that Porto Rice wou'd be an easy mark, or be would not have been brash about lambin in on that peace loving island. Garcia will have great trouble in holding his men in the moun tains to which he is said to have indignantly withdrawn. Those men have tasted American grub and know there’s more where that came from.—Houston Post. General Miles made a landing where there was a big road run ning plumb through Porto Rice. He doesn’t intend to take any chance on tearing his Jubilee uni form by marching through the jhaparral. The French legion of honor has struck Zola from its rolls. As it had already struck honor, too, it is supposed that Zola will maintain bis equilibrium.— Constitution. /XffT •?- ' " '' # THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the cure and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Califobmia Fig Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in ad’ tinee of all oilier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate In order to get its beneficial effects, please -remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. LWPWV'LLF.. ’ MW YORK. N. Y. The fleet aud equipment which Cervera lost at Santiago cost Spain $20,000,000. And the Queen cried as she looked over the crown jewels and wondered what she could get on them. The delay in capturing Manila has not been caused by the difficul ty of taking the city but by the peri’s of turning it loose afterward the condition there are unprece dented. There is reason to believe that all cfficc seekers from Ohio have been accommodated, as a Ulrica go man got the Santiago postof fice, remarks the Birmingham News Because Kansas has a news paper called the Sunflower is no reason why she should be charg ed with an attempt to break into the ranks of yellow’ journalism. It was three months from the time that Congress dec'ared war until Spain sued for Deace- That was as speedy as could have been expected. Americus Recorder, Dr. E. D. Dixon, of Gaines ville the new chairman of the Georgia county commissioners, is an enthusiastic supporter and promoter of good roads. Sampson has already made over SIOO,OOO out of the present war. That is to say, Schley made the bulk of it though Sampson will get it. The Memphis Commercial- Appeal says: “Dewey’s natural gallantry made him hesitate to ■pank Irene, but if necessary he will do it. Queen Lil is to fight annexa tion, but the hat-pin mode of warfare has never achieved any startling victories. —Richmond Times. Tammany's Rough Riders will charge against Colonel led Roose velt if he ever runs for Governor of New York. According to Mulhall, the United States is $32,000,000 richer than any other country in the world. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, brusese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands,{chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quired. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. SHAHP-SHOOfEH SHOTS. Miles is hunting a Lieutenant General-ship. We’ll have to celebrate a spe cial Fourth of July after Porto Rico. When Pap i Schley catches his daughter they will both “catch Jessie.” There are too many people who use their friends as coaling stations. Two of Admiral Cervera’s officers paraded Annapolis on Saturday whistling “After the Ball.” After the army takes posses sion of Porto Rico, the island will be invaded by a horde of franchise grabbers. It’s all well enough for us to give the Cubans liberty, but if we try to give them work they’ll scorn it and us too. No, Maude, dear, pile driver are not the weapons used to drive in the outposts of an army. You silly girl! Private Cornell, of the First Alabama volunteers, was recent ly tried by courtmartial for over •Laying a leave of absence. It developed during the proceed ings that the young man within the period of twenty four hours had collected $17.70 from debtors got married and joined the church. Cornell was excused. An enterprising Kentucky volunteer—Private Sam Tudor, of Company L, Second regiment —has started a day school at Chicamauga for the instruction of those of his comrades who cannot read or write and who de not understand arithmetic. Tu dor has about twenty pupils and new applications are being filed every day. There seems to be a plethora of night shirts at Camp Thomas. A volunteer says in a letter to a Western paper: “If the Kansas women want to do something for the Twenty First let them send best wishes, but beg of them by al] means to keep their nightshirts at home. A real sol dier has less use for nightshirts aud umbrellas than a brown pig has for a mustache. We would be compelled to wash nightshirts and we are full up on fatigue and police duty already.” The phantom pirate in the North Pacific may be the ghost of one of Montejo’s ships. Will Uncle Sam have to fur nish transportation > for the Spaniards in the Philippines? Mark Hanna’s strategic board is dividing its time about even ly between Ohio and Wall St. After all, perhaps poor Scovel should be sent to a Keely insti tute instead of the penitentiary. TO CHICAGO ON BIKES. Roberts And Edgerlt Os Atlan ta To Run A Long Race. Atlanta, Aug 1. --Considerable interest has been manifested in sporting circles here over the race two nervy Atlanta boys will this week begin to Chicogo on bicycles. The contestants are M. B. Roberts aud L. B. Edgerly. A purse of $l5O is up three-fourths going to the winner and one-fourth to the loser. The same race was made it will doubtless be remembered, several years ago by Ed Durant and Wai* ter Howard Roberts aud Edgerly are but 15 years old, but both are confident of winning mid expect to make better records than Durant aud Howard. They say they ex pect to stare on Wednesday, if the weathir is good . Numerous bets are already booked. NO REPORT Yoilr Name to One of ’hose Committeemen AND HAVE If ENROLLED With the Survivors of Your Old Command. The following committees have been aqpointed to get up rosters for their respective com panies in the Confederate army: Co. E, Bth Ga., Vol : F. W. Quarles, Sr., C. M. Harper, W. P. Trout. Co G, 22nd Ga., Vol. : W. J, Hall, W. W. Judkins, W, J. Vincent. Co. C, Ist Ga., “State Line Troops” : J. IL Lumpkin, J. P. Autrey, R. S, Brannon. Co. D, 65th Ga., Vol. : 11. E. Crossman, J. S. Espy, John Davis. Co. D, 29th Ga., Vol: G. K. Green, J. A. May, Joel Stowe. Co. G, 6th Ga., Vol: W. M. Hardin, T. S. Millican, Jasper Hall. Co. A, Bth Ga., “Rome Light Guards” : J. T. Moore, R. T. Fouche, 11. S. Lansdell. Co. G, IstCav. Ga., Vol: J. fl. Reece, A. 1). Hardin, J. 11. Rice. Co. C, Ist Ga., Vol: (Capt. Haynies Co.) J. W. Abrams, A. T. Harper, 1). C. Copeland. Co, B, 21st Ga., Vol: J. L. Hardin, J. E. Mullen, J. A. 'fucker. Co. 11, 3rd Ga,, Vol: A. Dough erty, Joe Kerr, L. M. T.inner. Co. C, 23rd Ga., Vol : W. L Selman, Ezekiel Able, W. 11. Terry. Co. A, Bth Ga., “Reserves” : M. A. Wimpee, A. W. Wilkins, John C. Eve. If there are any members liv ing who enlisted from Floyd county in any other company than above, the ordinary will appreciate any information on that line POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A woman’s strength lies in her weakness. Some men are always out when their country calls. Men with wheels in their head are of a mechanical turn of mind. Costly npparel doesn’t always make a woman look neat and at tractive. Heaven tempers the wind alike to the smooth faced man and the populist. Very few children have as much strength of mind as they have of don’t mind. Since the war began babies are up in arms and opinions are fired at random. Doctors and lawyers can al ways give you a larger bill in exchange for small ones. Some musicians go upon the stage, while others never get further than the orchestra. There’s nothing longer than the summer days to the girl who is to marry in the fall. His first love and his first shave are two of the things that occur in the lile of every man which he never forgets. It’s hard to gather a woman’ meaning from her words, but nature has saved a few of them the trouble of making themselves plain. I THE MOOEKX BEAL’-J Y Tl, ,' iv " ' -I and sunslnne, vvnl, ;ly of 618 cis .„ in the op, „ „i,- . | OWB and her f iice glows with j ta beauty. If her sys:.- a needH the cleansing action m t lax . ltive remedy she u-es the gentle and pleasant Syrupcf figs, manufac tured by the California pj,, Syrup Co . only “ Xjy 1 7/7 V A tE W TOP J r *km JOEL PYLE. Is a pupil in Romo Business College. He is mastering a long course in 1 hooretical Bookkeep ing and practical accounting, also a thorough course in Short hand, Business and Law dicta tion and general office routine. This course witii its accompany ments makes an exceedingly strong one Rome Business Col lege enjoys now the largest en rollment it has Lad in years. Every so u ; o ’h ■> College hall is taken. T ■ sin >m<-r term is in progress. S>-> :• d graduates will leave soon to take positions. The college procured ninety two po sitions the past year. 11. S. Shocki.ey, Prin. Rome, Georgia. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and l.idi's now at the actual cost to Hie ('. :: for carrying them thr< ugh a U. a. commer cial course, and furnish board, books and coi blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a p item is secured. The College procured. S 2 POSIT -3N3 ’ m I AST YEAR. It supplies sch's is a’d colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and je ineii als of commer cial departments; - mds first les sons in Sh ji;: y explained for io cents in s nips; is. strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates ut Stenography ot Bookkeepin-, Address all letters to the Principal, H. S. Shooklkt, Roihe, Ga Successful Physicians. We heartily re.-oir.-r ?nd Dr. Hethnwny 4 Co. of 22'4 8 Broad st., Atlanta, Ga.. an being P#r fectly reliable and remarkably successful in u>» treatment of chronic diseases of men and women. They cure when ' '- r n HJers H need of medical help ..old ce-kanly wjy these eminent ds> -u Wil* receive a in" and expert opinion of jour cure by return mau without coat. „ ONE 2-CENT STAMP! Wit! send a letter to any /• point in V: I .< ijin domain. ] For this .very reason, if y, n sore or suffering, this very trifling or: .SVA May Sava Your W Life! U'.' IS ' ‘VVW, wwwwwwww write a plain letter, can’t you? will take just two cents to carry it to “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute Atlanta, Georgia,” Ami the famous specialists who form the of that Institute are able to Rive you advice a treatment by mail as well as if yon came in pv son to the city. This is no mistake. 1 hey ate ‘ ing it every day. They now have u all the adjoining States some of th in liu of miles away, and their cures are simply derful. CURES POSITIVE AHO £D£ CI CONSULTATION ifitLi In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. cl ''V H i|so Hare Lip, Cross*. Kyesand*>ther surgicalcas . in all forms of Skin and Blood dis, :, . ' ...i tism. Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose. 1 Lungs, Stomach or any vital, organ, Li • . ney and Bladder troubles. *** I vou ® „r the nessesof either men or women, diseases hat sexuni parts and every other bodily afl,l , c !L. 1 highly trained specialists alone can d til ’ w '„ 0 . Write freely It costs you nothing l ,i on dertake your case we shall send yet q - j g blank for full particulars. If J 0". 1 WB curable by human skill and perfect scienc SHALL CURE IT. f . u That first 2-cent stamp may save your life letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Meoical & SunF INSTITUTE. SWG-I Austell Bldg.. Atlanta O*