The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 02, 1898, Image 5

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DECUUffIONS- - - nr&n Tnrsj aregoint out of the rets il goods business. HLrw iUm \ Our preseat sale the end of this business. f Our present prices will nev«r again be Duplicated- < The opportunity to buy sucn e-oodu at such prices will soon ba forever goods worth ioe cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents on the dollar—quantities of them. Ladies, skirt and tailor made suits—a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Without question the best stock of goods in Rome and being given away to get out ®f the retail dry goods business in Rome. 1 noQYDS.DKS** CALICO IQ ' 1,009 KA Itß AT 1C KS I’. ■■■■■;ins? -. ’ raw r wsBowBeM'CTBBamMWMUBBmBB oTT ‘S LADIES 500 EVERY SHOE 300 of .Shirt waists—the doi- Vardscf Presw Goods In our stock at what it Baby caps recently Mens launaried shirts Swiss that cost 4bcts ; lar grade at 39 cents an d waist silks. worth cos' us, or less, to quit boughtat factory pric- that cost where they a yard, we now price 50c> at 25c business. es. were made 75 cents to at 25 cents, $1 .00, on sale at 39c. ACTUAL COST | H 500 * For all millinery, with no charges for Miss | u Ladies and gents silk ana sartn necties that Snyder’s work. A positive saving of 75 per I cost 25 cent 3to $ 1 °O, on center table at 10 rent. i : cents each. >< . ‘ 5/ HU) YARDS of summer wash fabrics on outer tables—much of it cost 15c, 20c and 25 cents—loveliest ,VJv’vJ conceptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving them awa yat dcentsayard. Re number when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever. Buy from us now Mg* Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at big profits to P* make money. We affirm, of aH the goods In this house, no‘ a dollar’s worth is priced above cost. Ba XrPA Cv vUi SECTOR JONES Is Opposed to Imperialism in United States t;ie great democrat Interviewed at Little Rock Last Night. Little Rock. Ark., Aug I—Sen al,'t Janies K. Jones, chairman of tl l ' l D-mocratic national commit** left Little Rock lastnigbt for Washington. D, C. The senator P r ' leired not todiscuss too freely tl> disposition of Spanish depend* eneies conquered by the United iuusninch as the question u huh that the senate will have to P a "' upon when a treaty is pres Beill ' d. yet he is thoroughly an ailt i'annexationi 9 t. He could not atl ,n pt to deny that he is opposed 0 w hat the British and part of I American press term an “im perial policy ” i believe in the principle ® ni iodied in the Declaration of pondence that government h ‘ust be by the consent of the uu.'i 1 ’ Ba *d the senator. .? bile it maybe true the inhab a, its of the Spanish islands are Practically savages and incap aj , ‘efseif government, as a 11,1 11 <>f sent menl I would not eel Jik e seeing them under the °'itmued domination of Spain. II asto what disposition should e made of the islands I am not Prepared to say.” ,OU fa ’° r * I>r “ t9C - Uant main taiu the government we have FRKtf PILJ S Bsnd ysur i oa fNß to H. I Bucklsn k Co., Chicago and get a fr«e •*mpl« b«x of Dr. King’s New Lift Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are •asy inaction and are particular v effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken in action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys- Uw.Regular size 25c per box. Sold by Carry-Arrington Co., druggists set up till some treaty is made/' he replied. “Then you see nothing to be gained by the acquisition of for eign territory?” “Nothing to be gained and much to be feared. There is no constitutional warrant in the adoption of a colonial policy by the United States and it is utter ly repugnant to our traditions. The rights of the people to gov ern themselves is too firmly en grafted in the hearts of Ameri can people tor us to embark up on a policy of land grabbing in violation oWft-enunciaied prin ciples. Nor can I see any partic ular boon to American com merce in imperialism. Senti ment does not control the pur chases of the world. The cheap est and best market gets the trade. “By the annexation of Hawa ii sugar duties, aggregating $9,000,000 annually, are lost to us and the sugar refineries are the only gainers. There is no calculating the endless compli cations the policy of imperial ism would entail nor computing the enormous expense of main taining an immense army and navp. We are too well settled in our principles of government to attempt now so radical and dangeraus a departure as that contemplated in the new poli cy.” Nit) V M AN. “I was a sufferer fr - n d- s pepsia, gout and rhe nib* n. caused by impure blood. 1 tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to uie.” William M, James. Brogdon, 8. C. flood’s Pills are the only pills to tase with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. dIC and vet efficient FORSALE! A fifty s*tt Gnllatt Gin, Feeder an Condenser and a 5 H. P. Erie City Stea Engine, both in good order. Will f • heap or will exchange for homes, in i es. corn, lumber, or almost anything elne of value, as I have no use for them. Addre is or call on FLETCHER SMITH, 240 Broad St., Romo, Ga WATER WORKS OF FICE AT CI TY HAL L Office hours 7:30 a. m- to 12 m. 2:00 p. m. to 6 p, m. J. T. Moore Sec’y And Treas- PASTEUR FILTERS The onb G-eim Prcoi Filter in the world. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co ADM IN IS CATO II S SALE Georgia, Floyd Countv. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of aaid country granted at the May term, 1898, will be told before the court house duor in the city t>i Rome, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the fol lowing described property, towit; 80 acres of land, mors or less, he same being the west half of ot No. 81 in the. 23 d district and Brd’section of said county. Baid property sold as the property of Julia Parker, deceased Terms o sale cash. W. H. Ennis, Admr • LETTERS OF ANMINISTRA- TION. •BORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY I To all whom it may cenceru : Equitaf le mortgage company havii‘J v in proper torm applied to me f. a permanent letters of ad rn’nne rat ' on on the estate of Wm B. ggins, late of said county al ed . This is to cite all and '* es oL) ar the creditors and next ,1 of Wm. B. Wiggins to be ppear at my office within me allowed by law and show Ca|*. if any they can, why per manent administration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis Co. ■ Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggins estate ' Witness my hand and official sig- j nature this 2nd day May 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. _ . Tt'etwlvfnro ftx I Corn*. St • a <•- L’Aiit BALSAM | Cta-nri and b»*u'.ifwf the •’;« rj Promotes a luxuriant growth. I JlfiNew Ffcil# to Bwrtort Gnayf Mair to it* Youthful Colur. I kijf<iCuxi « han fAdinfc 1 «'..*> at Dn>g;i«t« 8 It trt c oMs u K PTi v£ ue Indir ; <»n I’ninful ill.* ~r 1 rnilttv o.* any kind am PAKBLE.K’O GINGER TO:iIC. Bi.vtv wlwwwSnOk ttcwid iUmxjuLawainwJihtiji Uh fjr— »L. T . TTT ttrwrlp with yo« whether yoa rontinae 'lervokilliug’ tobooc'- habit. >i •>»IN»*IPA rvmowea the desire foi tobaeeu, a X j |CTg»»■» A V ft ir owtt druKFfot whv u4i for nit. Take it wsth atiy, perjdrtZßnuy Ort* ly M)F?s. 3 boxes, *1 5* i. or wi’ refoad moeegr* THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL Rome, Ga Regular b.ii BMrdsrs aits waiM. J . . .Minisiij. ... 'y. The place to get'a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors, is Best While '/IHHIi! is r- rk*4Si Forth 3va v 093" b-331 ai j ml 5 C’Jfr perfectly marked fowls, leave orders ££ ■&'!s with J. T. Crouch &. Co,, $3 psr trio. *w Sple n lid cockerels only $ 1. 1. D. IMLL’AO ißepairing || {Don’t Walk On | | @ Your TTppersli IW. A-MU LLINI i »*•■»»•••• •• » a a w»aa»»-sa»*ts | L'VERY. SALE AND FEED .STABLES 101 >r» th» publw vid ri i«t tdi u<, b»*t c>-i vey aucM aai m>ft pilite aid eoirtsim drivers. The bsst stjik of ni a i'iijisbli c»a *sl lU/.