The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 03, 1898, Image 2

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Wai Time Prices While’on the onejjhand fiyj a result of the war. nearly all food products have advanced in price, on the other hand, it has |had {precisely ‘the opposite effect on the pURNTE . Trade. We Ijnnu-t keep our sales up to the normal standard, ami to do this we realize that goods must he sold lower than ever, and we i re prepar ed and determined to make you lower prices on anything in our house than can !>« f <und elsewhere. Our'line is C mplete and Upto Date.' Consisting ii part ofj Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages, Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. Also complete liimjo'’ cask«t«co fit is. robes,je c., at| me lowest pcie-x.C il J o i Rlmdy, Harvey ftConipiiny. DIEOLRUGrIiPG Thai Is To Say Mrs. Maher Was Siniyly TICKLED UNTO DEATH Over The Funny Experiences Os Her Husban d New York, Aug 3. —M rs Annie Maher died yesterday from hear! disease, brought on by laughing. “Do you know’ how I came to' leave Ireland?” said John Maher, her husband. “Sure, it's a funny story so it is List n. The n'd folks didn’t want me to leave, I had to sneak away at night I got out o< the house and nut the man v. hi was going with me, and we started for the boat. “Every time there was a little noise wewould run, thinking some one was after u . “They hid us away on the ship until she sailed, but I didn’t feel safe until the shore was out ot sight. I was afraid my father would come rowing out after us with a certain bigs’ipperin band which I had already ielt.” Mrs. Maher laughed at the story In fact, she laughed so long and e loudly that her husband got frightened. Finally in her paroxy sms the wife fell to the floor and lay there unconscious. Maher hurridly called Dr. R. L Broughton, who lives in the sam» house but when he arrived Mrs. Maher was d-ad. He said tin laughing had brought on an at tack of heart disease. LOCai HAPPENINGS. Police Court. —Only one cast was tried at this morning’s po lice court. Eveiyllring is unus ually quiet in police circles and very few arrests have been mad< the past week. Biblb Reaping —There wil> be a special Bible reading at tin First Methodist church tonight The service will be unusually interesting and a number ol young people will take pari. Public is cordially invited. Japanese Tea. —The Bantis' Young People’s Union of tin Fourth ward will give a Japan ese Tea on the lawn in front ol the Baptist church tomorrow evening. An excellent program has been arranged for the occa sion. Series oe Meetings —Dr R. B. Ifeadden will commence a series of meetings beginning t<- night at the First Baptist church Prof. Wolfsohn will conduct tin music and desires to meet as many as he can who will assist him. Services commence al 8 o’c’ock. Taken To Asylum. —Mrs. Josie Sartin, whe was adjudged insane before Ordinary John P, Davis yesterday was take i to the asylum at Milledgeville this morning by Mr. Raymond Me Connell. She was kept in a ro m at the jail last night and at times it was with difficulty they could keep her quiet. She thought the mosquito net was a rope to hang her with. She is a most pitiful eight. NAIL STRIKE Leaves Two Thousand Id .e At Cleveland. Cleveland, U., Aug 3. —A strike against theH. P. Nail Company and the American Wire Company was formally declared by the Fedr ated Wire Trades here todav. This throws about 2000 men out of work the H. P. Company shut down yesterday in ant cipatiou of it. A cut ot 33 13 per cent and a threa tened cut of 20 per cent more is the cause. PcRSCNtL MENTION. Mr. N. 11. Buss spent today in the city. Mr. J. G. Hall, of Winchester, Tenn., is here today. Mr. A S. Sutron, of Ohica— malign, is in ihe city. Mr. John Ashley Jones, of Atlanta, is in the city. Mr. J . A. Crawford, of Car terville, is in the city. Mr. C. N. Patterson, of Co lumbus, is in the city. Mr. R. L. Pate, of Atlanta, spent today in the city. Mrs. Vincent, of Texas is the guest of Mrs Bud Satterfield . Mr, W. L. Massey,of Atlanta., is in the city on business today. Hon. W. H. Ennis went up to Summerville on legal busi ness today. Mrs Ethel Hillyer Harris, went to Ch ttanooga yesterday to spend several days. Try that new and absolutely pure flour for sale by L’oyd & Harper. Only GOj for 24 lbs this *eek' Mrs. Moreland and family, of Mobile, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith. Miss Lillie Belle Price is spending several weeks with relatives in the country. Bad blood becomes g >od blood mi taking Hood’s s the great blood purifier. Miss E la Johnson spent yester day in the city en-route to La Faystt from Mount Eagle and Cas oosa Springs. Big Brown Jug Fil ters for sale. Price $2.00.' Mbs Julia Stewarr., Miss Florence Mills who has been very sick at her home on Fourth avenue, for several weeks vas able to be out yesterday. Mr. J. W. Jone 3, who-' has been spending several days in the city, returned to Lis home in Carterville t- day where he hast ikon the management of the Jones Carriage Co. He and his family are spending the summer at the springs near Car tersville. Sou. hern Beauty. —Flour. Guarante d absolutely pure made 'rotn fi tst. wheal cb ftmable Bakes delicious biscuits rolls, etc. Refer o Mr. Fe;ix Cantrell, and others 'hat have tried it Thia introduc tory 1 t will be sold at the low price of 6 c for 24 'bs. Order a sack quick from Lloyd &,Harp< r, ao'e agents. ■—gra— EaGLE’S swoop. Huge Bird Tried tj Steal Lit tle Gi'<l. Michigan City.Jlud., Aug 3. Yeateiday an enormous eagle swooped down on a little 5-year old g rl living in the edge of this city. The child And,and its screams ittracted aid, which drove the bird away, 3 be bird is be'ieved to have a nest in the woods near the orison. ODD ELOPEMENT Stepson And Stepmother Fled ToGE’IM i r. Evansville, led., Aug. 3. —Silas Miicue 1, 22, blind, yesterday e’oped with his stepmother, Mrs, W. R. Mitchell. They are sup supposed to have gone to Asbley burg Ky. Mrs. Mitchell’s husband ’ ’ j ursuit . DEATH.SURE For Th ou j andb Os Cattle In Sirr ra Nevada Foothills. San Francisco, Aug.3,— Thous ands of cattle and shsep will peris! luring tne next two months in the ootbills of the Sierra Nevada for lack of feed and water. This ha* been the driest summer known in 0 yexrs. Gives S ictus' Sons and 0 'i: is ' IN VOLUNTEER ARMY. Life Posilions Moy Result for Yi ui Of.lcgi s. V’asliin ‘“hi, Aug. 2.—Ti'" roster of iho I oili.’ rs a I officers of ii > . 1 if ';>l -t 'i.' Unite ! St- V n’o u-s, mak ■ • a highly in; -r - if ; ' udy. There is a n nice iim nu ub ■ of Sen rtors’ sous un i sons ■-! prominent E ■" i 1 lui.i-s Good positions h ve re- n uiven Io nearly 8 ) y jug officers. The government now has in its employ for wer purposes: Major Gener ils 21 Brigadier (lener Is, . . . 12 The s . If i p oin i men Is for 11 p war numb r 7SI. I’ my are d - vided am m ' to ' v i ions de partni mis a- f > >w : Adjutant Gme ' s . . .101 Inspector Gene".tl - .... 31 Judge Advoc to Generals 121 Conimi-stirv of S lisi-tencol 15 Surgeon Genera's .... 127 Paymaster gener i s . . . 80 Engineers 30 Ordinance . 18 Signal Corps 1-17 There have bee a appointed i the Signal C >rp- 34 I'br-n L u teiiauts and 31 S j c<m I Li nten— ants. All tin* r> st of the 781 staff appointments li rye been for the rank of captain or batter, no mean p izroutige to be at die disposal ol an Aaui in istrat io ;, when it is remembered that many of the appointments will undoubtedly lea 1 to transfers to to tin R'-gn’ar Army, making life positions. . 'JI As FRENCH DUEL May Result From La Bourg >gne Charge-. Moicton, N 8., Aug. 3 —Prob Louis P. Dorna io, late of th* French Navy an 1 now a rssi lent of tins city, publishes m op u |p;- tsr to E.P Welles, a m inufacturei of Minneapolis, ch il !<mged him t • fight a duel on account o wiia' he calls «ome diaging rem tr;s made by We’les r.-pardiug th- dsS aster to the sieamer Bour < gu» and the coward y action ot ihi crew . AT ON' E Santiago Troops Wj j t. Be Moved to Long Island. Washington, A ig. 3—ArißiH'f menti are being made to beg u the imovement of tr ops irmn S ntiigo to Montauk i'oiiit, L 1 . 'mined - atsly. No sick will be brough North at present, but only the healths cava ry troops which hav«- been situated on high ground, ano have thus not been int'seted’ will: yellow fever. Clever Bob B st, of Carters ville, is spending several week?, as the nuc st of Mr. Frank Frei man, at the Freeman place near Rome . -i—.ar a ,i _ a*.*! am %■ INSOMNIA “I have been CASCAHETS for osomnia, with which I have been afflicted for ver twenty years, and I can say that Cascarets ave given me more relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. 1 shall certainly recom rend them to my friends as being all they are .presented." Tuos Gillard, Elgin, ill. CANDY W CATHARTIC tewccffiwa trad* mark ueoiatSßto Poteilt . Taste Good Do Good, Never f a keii. Weaken, or Grl|.e. 10c 25c Om ... CURE CONSTiPATiOW. ... lUrh.y R-mrdy Compr.p,, Clileago, Montn-nl. K.w York. Slfl MO-TO-BAC "tsio ciuBJE TobaccoMabii*” inline w * ii 1 < i ; fl «'»/ ll'.. z ’ • ! School i - G's eV(Sry . »» J > tbu, s lhat Bhot d ■ Mtore. f w | 0 1 ' ■ ' I I ** ” * ••’ - -« 41 ; | J :« No hi use iu the State cm > »iro to inve-t iu a now cov r - - ■ . , ?. > f? your home. See ur stock 'X ! 1 I ■’ - ■ •' I i ;; THFOLDRFLI Lt, 1;j \e I ) * ttl Him! II , , .a....- ... LU, , . p To the People . | W 1 wi,,h 0 announce th it I . , , del \ S it “ / ’ to n ) U « .•y. in > s.iiiih, y- \\ir I have had ye-irs of on • c . < n> s >. ttm t aet th " ■ ' iHieofJii \,7 the largest plan s m Ibx is. A h • xperi- V/ t. b'tvo .1., 1 a i.i X / attention to le busi res . - LiS W A a e /ik 8 ! t e /i\ WN >. 13S, Uli >l,- Mt; a V )3 ,i; i ,I, >’|y. ~4ii £u P r";t X'/' ' ‘ 4S I H’F . \iM S Proprietor I o.] d 8 earn L i,u RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in they days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news —and tells the truth about it. I It is the only American newspaper outside' New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its > own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. • Its war news service is unapproachably the best. •, I Says the Urbana (Ill.) Daily Courier: M We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to sec bow much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere arxi subscriptions rea <v by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, Madison street, Chicago. Oomo, Wis., Kyaicaia, Jan. 10.1898. Jo. 2,1 W- I would not 1)6 I regard PKO® without PISO’S CURE FOR 00* ' OU. B for DON- ‘i 1 SUMPTION «I* Jt Cough or Cell it is it w beyond all others. 15 years. • Mrd C. REYNOLDS. J. A WEBT0 vkR “The Best Cough Medicine.’ -mu raiir-nnn awanHi, w — i— hi i■* * MOMENTS Tiir '* b”t have 9 >ld direct k> I L—-~w l\ euiawr for 36 yunra at tr|>oU- X fl I \ r”* Trj<K*s. Miviug him -a® •« * I »/• -. 4 ft J de-alsi D»rjiit«. Shipany- •> fV / A I Gl i! fur examination. V / A ~ ■Vr'Kl Krerythin< warranted. LXX V. A t A 111 T }\\h> 55 Btvloa of Haraeab f’ w-Bv\. 7 I\\ // \IW Tap I)) Ji I T Burrus, ‘ > ‘ ar r a- \ /Vs \/' lA X / XjF \ jKkJ Wr V>ns. Tr»|.»F, m- Xx/4 \ ottea, Spring iietui and Al ilk Ma. TI. Haraem. Friar, *1( 00 Wagons. Stud for large, irte fl© 6n»>Swrf»v PM*** ▲a good aa mH> far g2o CaUlugwa of all our h.j r.preu «bu **>• ILK HART CITUUIW AND HAKIUCSN MFG. ce. W. B. PRATT. »«e> . KLKM** 1,