The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 03, 1898, Image 4

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A MERCI AL e<t, 18W5. . enlng, except Saturday. MUdav and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. .dM, Wilkerson! |Block. Thirdl Avenue JLI LL-J J 1- -* daily and Sunday,per year •<> 00 lunday, |>er year •I- 00 Weekly (Thu RoMKCoußiKH)pet year BO BY CARRIER TN CITY AND BUBUfIBB D»Hy and Sunday, lucent* per week, Remit by bank draft, wxprsjj, oahney order or registered letter Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL ROME, GA. Entered at tbe Postoffice at Rome, Ga., as class matter. Acveiumng r» r “» “»d sample copies for the asking. i i ■ ~~ BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 Let’s not prolong the war on account of the Philippines. Uncle Sam don’t need the Philippines in his business. Hurry along with that filter, the people are tired of chewing mud. What Alabama democracy did to populism and republicanism “was a plenty.” Sampson will have SIOO,OOO of yery Schley money to squan der on his Delilah. !LL J. , 11 ■ 1,1 "FTT” The Hogan harmony campaign is making it unanimous for the plowboy of Pigeon Roos'. Shafter has not yet had the yellow fever —but then Shafter has not yet been at the front. Hobson is having everything his own way in Atlanta—and Miles is in the same fix in Porto Rico. Let’s send the Pigeon Roost plowboy to Peachtree with an old time Georgia democratic majority of 80,000. Second avenue will soon be •pen to public travel again, and in her new dress of chert will be a daisy thoroughfare. Col. John S. Candler is as fine a colonel as he is a judge •nd that’s saying as much as any man need to want. There is no brighter daily in the state than Col. Mclntosh’s Albany Herald —the great expo nent of “Hog and Hominy” for old Georgia. Peace negotiations drag slow ly along. It takes time to work up a “political” war and it takes time to shape a “political” war to the end desired. Aguinaldo wants the Philip pines and as he has shown a wonderful capacity for doing up the Spaniards, why, lets clear th® track and turn him loose on the main line. Broad street should be paved with “victimized” brick—after all the streets in the city have been put into a passable condi tion and after a filter has been provided for the city water sys tem. —————— Candidate Hogan, in crossing a swolen branch in Troup coun ty last Friday, was washed out of his buggy and carried under a drift of logs. He was prompt ly rescued by some evil-minded Democrats who did not propose to see the Democratic landslide of October cheated out of its ad vertised prey. THE HERO OF SANTIAGO’ It is stated circumstantially thbt the distinctive “hero of San tiago’* is Gen. Joseph Wheeler, who was born in Augusta. But (or bini.eothe story goes, General Shafter, who was aboard ship during the critical period of the fight, might have listened to im portunities for ordering a retreat. Officers begged Wheeler to retire tbe command, but he refused and sent a dispatch to bhafter urging him to turn a deaf ear to ary ad vice looking to abandonment of the contest. Had General Beauregard, who was sick in the rear at the battle of Shiloh, refused to order a re treat from ihe river bank where Bragg had the Federal army cor nered, Grant and his entire force would have been captured. The late Colonel Schaller told the writ er that General Bragg, when he leceived Beauregard’s order, was so indignant that he broke his sword and sullenly obeyed a fatal command. All honor to Joe Wheeler, the ex-Confederate, for his undaunted fiimnesa. Honor to Shafter for re fusing to issue an order for retreat Some of those days the bronze statue of General Wheeler, as he stood firm and unflinching at San tiago, will adorn the city of Wash ington. —Augusta Chronicle. “What Georgia needs,” said Vice President Egan of tbe Cen tral railroad the other day, in speaking of tbe peach crop, “is evaporators and canning indus tries. There is a mint of money in both ventures, as this is the coming peach section of the en tire country.” —-J'J LJAL P To be classed as a millionaire in the United States a man must be worth at least $1,000,- 000; in England he must have five times as much, or $5,000,- 000; in Germany, 1,000,000 marks, or $250,000. MILES AND WATSON. The country bids Gen. Miles “God speed,” and hopes to see him fight as well as he can dress.—Houston Post. Th® delibeiation of Gen. Miles may be accounted for on Ihe the ory that large bodies move slow ly. —Kansas City Journal. Porto Rico’s resort season will be opened by Gen. Miles. His presence there will be sure to attract thousands of o'.hers. — Detroit Free Press. Laurels would be becoming to Gen. Miles, and we have an impression that he will get a wreath within a week or two. — Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. How busy the Porto Ricans must have been kept the past few days, guessing as to the poi it of landing for Gen Miles and his merry men.—Boston Globe. Euronean papers look upon Commodore Watson’s proposed trip to the Spanish coast as a bad move, and it probably will be for Spain. —Chicago News. Porto Rican Spaniards will take very little interest in the HOW’S THTSI We offer One Hundr'd Dr liars Reward for any case «».? ! hat cannot be cured b Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chhney & Co., Props, To ledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15years, and believe him perfectly honor able in all business transactions anG financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Traux, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, o- Waldinq, Kinnah & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, a c t i ng, directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces,of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. SimitWU' THE EXCELLENCE OF STIUF OF HfiS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific procaaaea known ta the California Fie Sraur Co. only, and w« wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedg. Aa the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Sybup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It ie far in advance of all laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. san fbanouoo, MCiaTILLK, ’ *«W TOM*. >. V. l. 1 hi i '■ ... -.. game after Miles tries the flying wedge against the center of their lines. —Chicago Times- Herald. The only way that Watson’s fleet can be prevented from sail ing across the Atlantic and into the Mediterranean is for Spain to ask for peace.—Chicago Times-Herald.* Major General Miles has land ed on the Porto Rican coast. Now let him go after the Dons as he went after Geronimo and Chief Joseph long ago, and all will be well.—Memphis Scimi tar. The panic in Spain at Wat son’s expected coming is slo ping over into France. One or two Paris editors are lancing about and shouting hoarsely for somebody to head the Yankee off.—Kansas City Journal. Watson’s flying squadron will delay its flight until the Porto Rican expedition is landed. The delay will be valuable for sever al reasons, one of which is it will give Spain a few days longer to come to her senses.—Buffalo Express. When Gen. Shafter told the civil governor of Santiago that he was a presumning rascal ev ery word was meant. Col. Ray’s immune regiment was paid off, and the Macon Telegraph anticipated “a hot time in the old town.” When Gen. Miles takes Sam Juan, suppose we Americanize it by calling it Sam Jones.—St. Louis Republic. The Delaware and Maryland peach crop is a comparative fail ure according to the Philadel phia Press. When those peace negotiation® are begun Spain will find that we remember .the Main.—Augusta Chronicle. After Spain surrenders Cuba the war on that Spanco-Cuban cursed isle may have only just begun. From the press reports it would seem that Hobson’s choice is a beautiful young Arkansas Cook. “Say, friend,” asked the com mercial traveler, “how tall are you in your stocking feet ?” “I hain’t got none,” answered the guileless Kentucky moun taineer. —lndianapolis Jeumal. to SMARKIANA. Characteristic Stories and Say ings of The Creator of Imperial Germany. “God made man in His own image and Italy in the image of Judas.” Os universal suffrage he said : “It i® the government of a house by its nursery.” “If Austria has astonished the word by its ingratitude England will astonish it by its coward ice.” • ‘Radicals,” said he, “are for ever wanting the unattainable, like the Russians, who crave cherries in winter and oysters summer.” “When I wish to estimate the danger that is likely to accrue to me from an adversary I first of all subtract the man’s vanity from his other qualities. On one occasion of obedience to his wife Bismark remarked : “It is surprising what a man will do to enjoy peace in his own house after having had a thorough taste of war.” Os himself and his relation* with Frederick William, Bismarck once said: “The king regarded me as a kind of egg out of which he might be able some day to hatch a minister. It waa a long time be fore my poor mother could be per ■uaded that in hatching me she had not produced a goose.” At a banquet given by the En* gliah ambassador in Berlin Bis marck, speaking of peace and war. remarked: “Why, after all Attila was a gaeater man than your John Bright He left a greater name in hi«tory. The duke of Wellington will te known in history as a great warrior and nut as a pacific states man.” Bismarck was showing a friend rcundhis house some time ago, and as he laughingly pointed to the ponderous and forbidding iron •afe iu his wife’s bedroom he said: “You see, my wife acts as my cashier and let mo tell you that a man who trusts his wife with his financial interests has discovered an infallible way to save money.” After the day on which Bis marck was shot at (May 7, I 860) by Karl Blind, his wife said; “It I were in heaven and saw the vil lain standing on the top of a lad der leading down to hell I would have no hesitation iu giving him a push.” “Hush, my dear,” repl : ed Bis marck, “you would not be in heaven yourself with such thoughts as those,”—New York World. Garcia will have great trouble in holding his men in the moun tains to which he is said to have indignantly withdrawn. Those men have tasted American grub and know there’s more where that came from.—Houston Post. Queen Lil is to fight annexa tion, but the hat-pin mode of warfare has never achieved any startling victories. —Richmond Times. A revulsion ot feeling favorable to th® Spanish dynasty has set in it was started by a natural sym pathy for the little King who is sick with the measles . Au eruption of the epidermis of a boy may save a crown, even a® tbe midnight cackling of a gander ouce saved imperial Rome. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bi usese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,|chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quired. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. NOW REPORT Yrnlr Name to One of ”liese Commitleoineo AND HAVE If ENROLLED With the Survivors of Your Old Command The following committees have been aq pointed to get up rosters for their respective com panies in the Confederate army: l Co. E, Bth Ga., Vol : F. W. ! Quarles, Sr., C. M. Harper, W. P. Trout. Co G, 22nd Ga., Vol. : W. J, Hall, W. W. Judkins, W. J. Vincent. Co. C, Ist Ga., “State Line Troops” : J. 11. Lumpkin. J. P. Autrev, R. S, Brannon. Co. 1), 65th Ga., Vol. : 11. E. Crossman, J. S. Espy, John Davis. Co. D , 29th Ga., Vol: G. K. Green, J. A. May, Joel Stowe. Co. G, 6th Ga., Vol : W. M. Hardin, T. S. Millican, Jasper Hall. Co. A, Bth Ga., “Rome Light Guards” : J. T. Moore, R. T. Fouche, 11. S Lansdell. Co. G, IstCav. Ga., Vol: J. 11. Reece, A. D. Hardin, J. H. Rice. Co. C, Ist Ga., Vol : (Capt. Haynies Co.) J. W. Abrams, A. T. Harper, I), G. Copeland. Co. B, 21st Ga , Vol : J. L Hardin, J. E. Mullen, J. A. Tucker. Co. 11, 3rd Ga,, Vol: A. Dough erty, Joe Kerr, L. M. Tanner. Co. C, 23rd Ga., Vol : W. L Selman, Ezekiel Able, \V. 11. Terry. Co. A, Bth Ga., “Reserves” : M. A. Wimpee, A. W. Wilkins, John C. Eve. If there are any members liv ing who enlisted from Floyd county in any other company than above, the ordinary will appreciate any information on that line The Kitterj , Portsmouth and York Railroad Company is mak ing money hand over fist over the presence of the Spanish prisoners at Kittery, N. H., its earnings having gone up to nearly SIOOO per day “The gov ernment is very strict about let ting any one on the island,” said a representative of the com pany to an interviewer the other I day. “The cars and boats of our I lines which ptos th re are not : allowed to come to a standstill I near, but they do run mighty I slow as limy go along there, and give the passengers all the show there is to get a glimpse at the prisoners.” Porto Rico’s export trade aver ages about $16,000,000 annually and the island’s yearly ini orta tions are about $ 14,000,000, The Chicago Times Herald expresses the belief that “under the foster ling influence of American push and enterprise a far larger share of this trade will come to the United States than we heretofore have been able to secure even with the aid of reciprocity treat ies.” The citizens of Madison, Ind., do not appear to take kindly to the employment of female conduc tors on the street cars. The fact that, the move has deprived as many men of situations as there are girls employed is not looked upon with favor by tbe people, es pecially as many of tbe new ciu-J ductors are not compelled by their circumstances to perform manual labor for a living . ,h '? v - good food a J »' » him , with pl tI1(v f and ; i 1 V o'exei ci« o it. ihe open air JI LBe -a "" ' ££*** o-ev. if !>er S y ale , n [> MMon 0(s • remedy .h. U,e gonll P>*«’n'Syr U p 0 I fig , -nunii 4 tured bv the California Fi» Syrup Co . only * *' * '*** ITfdP '■> JOEL PYLE. L- a pu il in Rome Business College. He is mastering a long course in Theoretical Bookkeep ing and practical accounting, also a thorough course in Short hand, r>usiuess and Law dicta tion and general office routine, this course with its accompany ments makes an exceedingly strong one. Rome Business Col lege enjoys now the largest en- ■ rollment it ha« had in years. . Every s?” ■ > Un College hall is taken. 1 .o summer term is in proyr s'-. "r d graduates will . leave soon to take positions. The college procured ninety two po sitions the past year. 11. S Shockley, Prin. Rome, Georgia. -L . ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough comnaer : cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position ia secured. ■ 'I he College procured ! 92 POSITIONS THE FAST 'iEAR. It supplies schools and ullage® i with competent teachers of Pen manship and p 'i’icipals of commer cial departments; sends first te®- sons i :;l fully explained tor io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business . and professional men who employ . its graduates at Stenography or Bookkeeping. Address all k-tuirs 1 ho the Principal, 11. 8. Shocklby, 5 Rome. Ga Successful Physicians. W<» bsartil/ iwcomncnd Dr. Hathtjrty - C®; -of 32V4 8 Broad Bi.. Atlanta, Ga.. as being feetly raiiabie and remarkably enccataful in ’ treatment of cbronlc d’.searesof metinndwome Tb-y core when others fail reader* it » n* n - ' nae< ■ ll hem el ould certamly w? . I. a will reeeirej» . and export opinion oi »ot-i by return man without coat. 2-°CENT STAMP! < raaiiMMi i l xlk —® Will send a letter to any pt ini in Uncle r arn’sbig 4 very n sick, Bore or suffering, this very trifling outlay j|L jv-. ' May Save Your [if - l Here’s Just how LhCi h is. You can ' / u write a plain letter, can't your * . will take just two cents to cany it ° : ''Washington Medical & Surgical Inslltiiti. Atlanta, Georgia,” g And the famous specialists who form the «'» , of th: t Inst'f >te are able to give you adwe treatmen t by mail as well as if yon came i lsol to the city. This is no mistake. Thn ( in : it .v. They now have paHent. ail the adj- .-i ig States, some of lhe "‘ of milts away, and their cures are simp y uerfti!. CURES POSITIVE AND [DC Cl COHSULTATION IOC Ci Tn every ' leforinity of Spine or Hare I.ip, Ci'.s- Hyes ami other surgical in all forms of Skin ,ind Blood disorde . tisin. Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nos . i ver Kid- Lungs Stomach or any vital organ, - ney and Bladder troubles, Ner _ go s th* nesses of either meu or women, ms u,,] sexual parts and every other bodily highly trained specialists alone can , wf co- Write freely It costs you GU estio° dertake your case we shall y ~ blank for full particulars. U Kr i e nce WB curable by human skill and perfect SHALL CURE IT. *ll That first 2-cent stamp may save your letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, . Washiogten Medical & Stirgira INSTITUTE. " Soo-i Austell Bldg.,