The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 03, 1898, Image 7

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I A Tumor Formed linally K Broke ,nward, y ■ ‘ an d Discharged trouble Began With Dyspepsia I and Impure Blood ■tk- -iLiirh Course of Hood’s Sarsa •’ ' parllla Completely Cures. ■ ......... is danger in impure blood. and suffering are surely coin- ■,m the.-e Who neglect tills threuten- B n o symptom. Bead this: “Gilliam. Missouri. B.C 1 Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: fl ..Goutlemen: Mj troubles began with lervous headaches, which would last ■ . for two or three days. The doctors Kouounced my trouble dyspepsia, bat ■ h ev could not do anything for me, and ■dviaed a chant* of location. At the age Ks bo* tmnor lormed on my spine, which Was Very Painful ■ lt did not rise or discharge. The doctor . ■bought best to cut it out, but I objected, ■t finally broke and discharged a great The doctors said they could do Kothing for it. Then the tumor began to Else inwardly and discharge. 1 read much Ebout cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Ebought I would try it. Before I had Enisbed taking one bottle I was much Believed. I continued the use of Hood’s Eiursaparilla, and after taking 12 bottles I Evas entirely cured. lam now well, have B good appetite and feel that I owe my to Hood » Sarsaparilla." W. I). Fore. [Hood's s S. in fact the One. Trne Btaxl Purifier. ■ Io .1 . :: 't' fl,r *5. ■ , If, Dillc act harmoniously with ■ ilOOd b * Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 15c. ■ e— ■ 1 ■the best paint and CHEAPEST PAINT. | That you can uze as a priming I coat for fine jobs or for the com plete painting of any ordinary job is the CROWN Wetherproof, Fireproof, cold water paint. For sale only at Frank Wright’s Farmacy where you can get culor card, descriptiv sheet and aee|a sampl of the work. 1 lb cost ing 10c will cover 75 squre feet of smooth boadrs. Norton*! old corner, opposit Masonic Tempi. FT . ..U? PROFESSIONAL URDi ATTORNEYS. J. BR.ANHAM, > Law Office, SOOfKast First Street, ROME. GA. . hGHAS, W. UNDERWOOD - ~ Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporati >n Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. OfflceKing Building. Rome, Ga. W H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, iW. J NEEIu Attorney at law. Will practice In allocurU. ■peciai attention given to commercial law and the examination cf land titles. office in King building. Rome, Ga. Walter Harris Attorney at law and J. p. Office over F. J. Kane A Co.’s. LIPSCOMB .Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Office In Armstrong hotel building, Rome, Ga J - BA.NTX" CRAWFORD •peclalty at llkW ’ ltoale ' Ua - Colleetlona a Masonic Temple Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J - A. WILLS, D. D. S., Offi'y .ILI 3 Broad. X Over cantrell & Owey J L PENNINGTON. D D S..M.D. EISfTIST’ It I*l 1 Q is - ■itureCo. Sroad street. Over Hanks Fur- PHYSICIANS. ° 1-1 a MILTO N. M. id ■u! y "n,^ n R and Sllr R* on Office, Medical S Rome, Ga. On ce ’phone No. M. AMMOND, I£. ID., Sulidin'v' 1 p“ d Su ‘’ Keou - Office m ■c. 'PhoNo’w dMaC9 ' N °’ 4<U * BBt APPLICATION FOR letters DISMISSION. ai \V| ,1A FLOTD COUNTY, tratur 1 rVt A' D.Hardin,adminit- MuU tn h- Aver y. H ardin, repres. Qu *y filed ?h C ? U k rt i. U hlB P etition •d M a ’ lat he has adminiater*- i. to <>H Ver < llttrdin ’« eatate.Thia kindred 8 J )ersoilß concerned, cause ii and editor, to .how Xin?.. th 7 can ’ wh y charged n-F 8 ?. 0u,tl not be dis ' “da reeaiv °i ra . hls a,i 111 'nis I ration O“ th. fir?t M er : °' USS Thia I ,n October | GOftMO or . By Oifr Bhancn. Is 16 Miles From Police SPANIARDS MASSING. War Bulletins—United States Assumes Claims. St. Thomas, W. 1., Aug. 3 A dippatch from Ponce says that the American advance guaid has reached and occupied Coamo without opposition. The place is eight miles beyond Juan Diaz, occupied by the Americans on Sunday, and about 1G ofgmiles Ponce, the American base. Aibo nito is the next place of impor tance on the American line of march to San Juan. Friendly Puerto Ricans Jiavo brought news that the Spaniards were congregating there and that they expected to make a stand against the American advance at that place. UNITED STATES ASSUMES PRIVATE CLAIMS. New York, Aug. 3.—The World’s Washington dispatch says the United States will as sume all claims preferred by private citizens of the United States acainst Spain. Amount of claims up to the time of the destruction of the Maine was $15,000,000. It has since increas ed to $20,000,000. This is in line with the precedents, victori ous nations assuming liability of private claims. OCCUPATION ARMY FOR PUERTO RICO. Washington, Aug 3—lt is stated that the president and Secretary Alger have that an army of occupation o' 20,000 men will be required at Porto Rico for a while, at least. It is said that the provisional division of 15 regiments, which Gen. Ware is to take *to P• rto Rico, will be used for the pur pose. SAN JUAN BLOCKADE. St. Thomas, D. W. I , Aug 3.—San Juan is now blockaded by the New Orleans, Puritan, Prairie, Dixie and Gloucester, which are keeping out of range of the masked batteries ashore. It is expected that the remain ing vessels of Admiral Samp son’s Porto Rican fleet will arrive at San Juan in a day or two. ON YALE General Grant Will goto Porto Rico. New York, Aug. 3. —\\ ord came today from Washington to Capt. Wise, of the auxiliary cruiser Yale, which is now lying at the naval anchorage oil Tomp kinsville, S. T,, that Gen. Gr int and part of his brigade will go Porto Rico within’ two or three days on the The cruiser returned yesterday from Guanica where she landed Gen. Miles and a regiment of soldiers, TO FIX BLAME For Horrible Condition of Transport Concho. Washington, Aug. 3. —Major Hoyl, of the adjutant general's office, has gone to New York to make an official investigation of the reported miserable condition of affairs on the Concho when she arrived at New York with sick and wounded from Santi ago. The secretary of war instruct ed the officer to make a complete examination of the case and to ’ report id the war department I The Royal is tba It i fcesit grade baking powder ! known. Actaal lasts abow it goeaeee third further than tiny elite- bread. fowl POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. immediately. The detail was made at th j request of the sur geon general. A BYRD’S EYE VIEW What a wealth of fruit. Just think of large, ripe, luscious, juicy, rosy-cheeked Elbertas at from 35 to 50 cents a bushel, by the peck or Dy the wagon load. * * ♦ * Then the cantaloupe—that most delicious of of melons— fresh from the vine and as large as your head, at from two to four for a bickle. * * Anl the Floyd county raised melon with its great blood red, generous heart at from 5 cents for one large-enough-for-two to 10 cents for one big-enough-for a-fiimiiy. * * These three members of the fruit fami y are vieiugjwith each other this ye ir aid it’s hard to say which of the three will be come the most popular with the great masses of the toiling peo ple and the yet greater mass, the middle classes. . b, * The ne that sho.vs the best lingering qualities, 1 reo' on. I menu >n th *s ■ three because lam partial to them, though imparti d as between them. ' I * * Perhaps ihu fertil earth has never before te med with so bounteous, so generous a yield. Times mav be hard and monev scarce ‘-’nd all that, but thegood Lord has smiled on the earth and the fields and orchards li ugh back with good things. * * * For the early and lan•. r 'is 1 are both falling, and bet v• *n the showers the sun shine beams upon every living thing and imparts new vigor and new life, * * * Gardens bloom and blossom as the rose, and all the cld bean vines have budded forth, and just now are yielding a second crop —a yield that is more pro lific than the first. * * There is but one drawback to mar the enjoyment of the mass es cf this city and that is the water. The murky real estate laden fluid of the Oostanaula served to the people—to the masses who fear to drink well water and who can’t afford to buy filters. * * * To you people I want to offer a small chunk of advice. * * * Drop Miss Julia Stewart a note and tell her to bring you oneufher “Little Brown Jug” filters. It will cost you sl, and it will filter you from 10 to 15 gallons of water per day. * * * I have tried it, and I give you this advice for your own good. The “Little Brown Jug,” as sold by Miss Stewart, or by Moo e & Reese, is the biggest thins that ever struck the water drinkers cf modern Rome. It’s a clearifier from taw and a joy I forever to water drinkers. BATTLK in MiDfllf? Ihs’ll JH’mJts Fiiduht in Balloons. THRILLING EXPERIENCE Of'Tw ' Adventurous Spirits in Franco-Gei mm War. The b dloon did not cut as big a figure in the Hispano-Aineri <• i i war as it di I in the Franco- Ge>man conflict. O ' t.ll th— voyages of that lime none cou d compare forexciting and per. ous iiic.ihmts with that of the veil known aeronaut M. Nadar, who left Fours for Paris villi important government dis p. tches at 6 o’clock one fine De '■(>mb'’r m -ruing. At 11 he was in view of tiie capital on the Seine. While floating about 8000 meters above Ft. Charenton, Nadar su Ideuly observed a sec ond balloon on the horizon, riiinkiug it to be one leaving Paris, ihe . French aeronaut at once displaj ed the tri color of his country, and the other bal loon i’esp nined by exhibiting the same flag. ' Gradu Jly the two balloons approached one another, being drawn in the same direction by the same current of air. When they were separated by only a short lis ..i.ic > several explosions were heard. The s'r inger had commenced to fire shots at Na dar’s ba loon, the Intrepide, which b a tn to dtsien I rapidly. The French flag hid by this time been repl iced i i the other balloon bv the I’rus- ian colors. The Paris’ ins, who were Watch ing the . fl.i r fr >m the forts be low m l wii > now realized the true char.i -ter an 1 «bj set of the last arrival, c.ied uu :hit the r pluck- comp itiiot was lost. But they were mistaken. N id i' - h id scrambled from the car up the iiftwai kol the airship afber the first, sii t from the ene my to stop a hole made in the tissue. Presently he descend'd to the car as the bal’oon righted itself, and throwing out a quan tity of ballast, caused it to rise higher and higher. © «T> Then se'zing his rifle he fired .iiots with rapid succession into ii - Prussians, which suddenly split and sank to the earth. On reaching the ground a detach ment of Uhlans, who had been watching the combat from the plain, picked up the German aeronauts and rode off to the Prussian outposts. Nadar then alighted in safely within the girdle ol tlie Paris forts, meeting with an enthusiastic ovation for his victory in the first balloon duel. For S?Je: 7 fine milk cows- Apply to G-. B. Holder at Lindale. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxes FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as’Wind and Pain in the Stomach. Giddiness. Fulness after meals. Jlead xebe, DizK.ineHs, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Tj»ss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Bkin. Cold Chills, Dis turlted Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEI IK TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferei will a«kuowlodgo them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM’S PILIJS, taken as direct ed, will quickly r.-storo Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of tho sys tem and cure *>l<-k Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And li**** the LARGEST SALE I of any Patent Medicine in the WurU. 35c. at all Drug Stores. r—C ' H fl N L ' ” 1 •’■ L ’/’Lr* ’ A /• , T'- J-Furniture ■ GO. DU* Youwiil HL ... ■ surprs ed to see { how nuic you can buy at our store for a HtLle money. It is our object to give the best goods for the least money. If y ou are thinking* of buying some thing in the line of Huuiiture,. Car pets, Mattings. Rugs Etc., you will 3 °rry i you don’t see us Wesre making som i very lo.v p cu 01 everything now, to get ready for our fall goo 1 s that are coming in. oyl ’ c : • -—tti , see us. Yours F 1 to please. 4 i I u I HANKS 1 ■’lb' furniture »., w . co. W * TT niiliii ini iniLimin’n rnin j imu i ’iiirini .JjLv | -AWHOLE CLUB | I ■hi •"'F'Fj? IS Make IS p j ao I l ® I W R Better F Running | Time ” cOPvnicHt.|397 * I carry a full and cjtnplete line of jewelry, inclu a ding Diamonds My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev er more complete. WSDDLXa PRHjgENrd AJSPEOIALTY. , , |1 J. K : * j ' pr Sa •• iiia M Uli "If tIM WIM ill •HlM•ir j•; ■ ‘ ; i*r J-.-4 ■ •;; ■ ■ ill (0) SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer results are situated on and reached via the Southern Railway. Whether one desires the seaside or the moun tains, the fashionable hotels or quiet country homes, they can be reached via this magnificent high way of travel. Ashevills. N. C. , Hot Springs, N. C., Roan Mountain, Tenn and the mountain resorts of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina “The Land of the Sky” Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn., Lookout Moun tain, -Tenn., Lithia Springs, Ga., the various Virginia springs, and the seashore resorts are reached by the Southern Railway. The Southern k : way has issued a handsome folder entitled “Sum mer Homes and Resorts,” descrip tive oi nearly one thousand sum mer icsort hotels and bqarding houses, including information re ardmg rates for hoard at the Afferent places and railroad rates di reach them. toWrite to C. A, Benscoter, As antGene r al Passenger Agent ut am Railway. Ch at tan nog hfor a copx of thia folder. GOT RECE 1 PTS Folpate c ERYTHING under the can make properly thing you want.My Book, latest edition of Pharmacopoeia cost $2.50, 0 Dispensary SB, Remingl Practice of Pharmacy $/> Pattent medicine V Druggist’s Formulary $10,“ ' 4 ner’s Formulary $ 10, \ American Cyclopedia ofßßitaP ta 'I $5. Total, s4l worth of tIA°M ( reliable receipt books j/isht containing thousands of ;Scel— laneous receipts i i department of the humaindus « try together with my fifu y«a® B | experience in the drug isiness at your service at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, ortons ’ old corner, opposit Uas?nic Tempi. "U It’s high time for tin war de partment to be giving Dee and the Southern yolunteen c ha nee at the front. ,