The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 04, 1898, Image 1

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| G HTH YEAR kinoke a Bill Arp ’ Warters Ne-w Brand IpiOjNSY AND WINE ■ißiitifill in Havana, Scores I Siam lo Doalli ■each DAKS HORRORS ■ood cant be Had For Love or ■ I Morpy- II New Y"rk, Augun 4.—-Accounts the condition "f ada'rs in h Kna, MHtRi zasnnd Cardenas we ■ Uv.u yesterday by passengers IKeFtbanv- ELHltjof Nft-sen/ w Mhkua • ■ She brougn' twenty-nine r.- u ■erg, most of whom we r e S’pan ■irds, who h’d i.iado al 1 serf- '.f ■gerifices to escape 'torn th- ist'.m K anticipation of its bee in i.g ■o.drollod by the iraurg-uts. Kfany of them were wall eunp i d Kith funds, having turned a Kheir avaitftt'le property into cash Khey pa d S2OO each for paeeage. E Ainostall those aboard be n; ■gpaioh «yno. tnizurn, a meet * ■wat held 'n 'he snioon while Li.- ■ph ,i w»s off Bartngat, X. -J , rt ■w'neb a mfjoir.y p edged them- Epi- vo ;> refuse to gve any )’’«<>!• Enriil'O'to Aint-'Caid regui l ’•< ’> ■CO <K.HI<>U « I-' 'K» " Cl) -K E fl*’, however, C’l:H»i't-d t<) t-'“! ■ a.ter they had jj»t ashore. ■u‘ even I thev were verv uowi i:g i pe r ■ mit their names to in used . I Oiii woman who had rea •' nd I Sagna l " rai' from Havana sa <1 I thii o<e eond t i. on n‘ j»flairs I thecapiiiil was d»'..!o»nb'e ».4 I was da ly grow. ■? worie. “ ’here is plenty of mmey ,”sl;e I la. ', “but <’’■ w ''ai use i» it, when lit* 'I ha ' y pnrebase am t', g? I It is imp'-siible t<> git, b‘ -f n‘ ;? »• I price, and even Im an flesh o>et> 111 » p und. Freed c st« 2G <-u s I a pound, and is very bad a' t « f , I and eggs which a e brought fr >m I the country : n amaii qtiau ie» I costs 35 ce its each, 't'he su 1 v <>’" I condensed nr Ik is practical v ex I haueted. and the 1 ;■ n left i« sold lat $2 ! or a oau aoeij as you buy I bare for 10 cents. “On an aver i;:e ten to 'welve I I' a are fi>upd dead nf g iUYft- Iton 'n the g r»ets eii' v* da .■, a < I * ’ ‘ak»B no accouu' o'* .be sc > •- I Mnn dai’v d'e of hunger in l u I hoiiseq. No "ordaca i deser be the Ihio sof P'orsoA, the place at It ’e <>ot, ot he I' ado, where the I W<-’c- «<1 .■’.■conc , -.r l .i h<!os f> e h«“' I did tc'gevher. I was t< LI that lhe:e were i n bss than 4,'iSO nf these rr set ' -e P-'d-'e hi the pl h e« when J , ni ,. BVM ". n'lli e, ;,r H dvo cI i ’ i dredg for, .. r f <>.,< n• ' g i b'g done for ■ 1 .. ;r ei r , wh* t . goVernna Hl t t, Ha nnt f,,r *'s own Pe i ( |i elS< Wo se th . « e offi als beat and abuse theiii shflinefuiiy, Af< w ga« amps a>e s ' u"n b'g in he stress, bit' th* e ecti lc are oni v Ft on Thur-day b s, when there is music !•• the quo Cen'rai. b* t a ly mockfc'y thos M,) d ( b , Dce t ’:s are with so ma n} People stH.i V i h v io death n of music. AH che theuters “ re closed, p nJ th , ir aVH D ’Ph .y crowded with :}>9 hom«- . Us « poor. Wine ia the on'y th ng ly that, is plen.iful and ftp. i i th»t even the poor can g'b a litde al times. “A'most all the stores in Wey a/”. 1 ' '1 9 streets are c’osed stork “f ’? principal hotels. Th •xbftll.t C | U °' * 8 '‘'roc* l cotnp'e ely cal t e ' ’ a ‘'d f or a few d ;vs th ’al trams that run to the Vml i T 9 • t <’ p P-»d for wan; o f f ue l. ey bn y th?» n °n bQr!rng wood but wen that will Boon gOne? » THE HOM E HSTLEH-COMM ERCIAI GEN.LONGSTREET Makes Harsh Crithisin an Gen. Shafter. A NAPOLEON AT MOSCOW D S 3 '- »r On y Averted by lucky Incidents For Americans, A ng those who have con me ~,d oi'te s ma.iage n“-.ii at the Sant ago campaig i s en nes L' igstreet. While i • tie'-day he was io e , -w i On li)ft CO’l'llJCt of t ie W !• W> I S >li J. El j dec • j that disaster to .Ge Amei ca iai in*, simila- in -io*ne esp -t » Napoleon's ex pe - -ce at Mo*euw, was averted a « ’’ 'go only by some lucky acch-eut ‘1 s ' t 'ii that so nebody !>1 i de e he remarked,‘‘and 1 b - id. e i'ie l> 'nJ?rer «a* Gen. > e .Jtm gtjt have gone hard i; Sna e '- men i r Admiral ■e j 1 |ien ( allowed te fol ]'v s .1 jU<i,••:»? t and - main ii . G i>iiaj > b rl>-r to "o >ie wtn the >pfi i’sh aid . s •) ; o with '• Aine cans. I even believe tn’ l d i ris wou'd have :>pen e;) 11 « ■ d. * C • .mu c i cuin-t 1 ”ces a’one, s .eh ts 1 k <>f foo l and c»n 5 4 i e ti’ii mg the Span ,inl«, d c »*ed i <t ti n fate of our men ■ mi 1 n be as I have defer i ed I f y .st, ih'eca i -d by storm si di .v oiblethut t’leaksai - an « hive s fficient Sl.'eig'i). 1 • .J; ie of Shafter’s a inv > San go was ill considered fro n nea I v alp ’i its of view. i- c m.l'ict of the troops was << ni <ib e am! little less heroic i i ti* ac o i of Pickett’s ps *r. Ge* ty-burg 'l’he Rough - ' .me ougnt to be secure ey cl a ’; e 1 on foot instead <>f ho -eh;- i , but otherwise they ,i e i •> jic-i o' the he oes of Balak- I . n. Long,timet said it might b ve been p omg d fer man” im irii'i’ '■' ia'i c had susi-lined e'»i a '*mp i ary reverse at sii ago. I‘e rem s’ed t’ia>, vv e ihe aisno a h qirnre U1 between the struggle of the ,iv we •an 1 the combat w<tb ->ji ■ . he recognized that the , i Hui mats of naval w?rfa e ii. me.- ewey and Schley have ere • been surpis-ed h'r dash -I i. i inner. He cr ticised a '•ate the Santiago cam i, n. He sp ’Le in cooimenda i m d Gen M les campaign in 'o to R o, ami said it was bis I rm he e’ th . Mi’e, is a field 1.1 uci in and stratiigiot of great 1 ty. be \ete-an. who is a repub lic po t cs, declared he is •o up oni's ngly opposed to a , c of' or imperialism '<> Luis n .lion, Iftiighinglv ie in • ki ig that his detestation of o .quest in ir b* “a legacy in i'ie biood” aequi ed during bis ea Iv aHi iwmi with the demo atic pa'tv. He termed the ini— pt .’.i’ ; s ’c tendency as unAmer ican and unwise, besides being of doubt.ul philanthropy and uegestive of a desire to break world pledges. “Peace with honor might be (jCoutinued on sth page.) ROME GEORGIA, THURSDAY,- EVENING, AUGUST- 4. |B9B. OMK CHAPTER Io Ins History of the Geor gia Metropolis, ATLANTA’S BLAGK WEEK. Suicides, Murders, Raj'way Wrecks, et al Galore. Ibis morning’s Constitution " dexes the crimes and casual ie of ilm p'xst few days in the Gate r ’ity and calls this brief period in Atlant i’» history: “At ..inta’s Jecond Dark Week.’’The Constitution says: is Atlanta's famous dark week being repeated? That is the qtiesron which has been repeat edl) asked during the past few days, which have been replete with crime and casualty. Since last Friday afternoon the police authorities and the Grady hos p tal surgeons have done double work and the undsnakers have not been passed by. The calen dar for the past six days ; s in teresting and is as follows: FRIDAY, JULY 26tH. Bober- Lewis way 1 aid a.d siiot to dwai’i Chrrles Haynes at the new G. ant bui'diug. Lewis was «■ e> ed but declines to make a statement of the shoot ing. 1 ‘eputy Revenue Agent Cox shot and seriously wounded while ar:esting McGuire, who was charged with illicit distill ing. SATURDAY, J r JLY 30TH. Guff Holland, a well-known young white man, was shot on Whitehall street, said to have been an accident. He died Wed nesday morning at the Grady hospital, without regaining con scious ness. J. A. Pruitt ind Fred Farris, Holland’s conq un pions at the time of the shoot ing, are held by the police pend ing an investigation. Charley Turner, a negro, shot in ilie abdomen by Richard Hol brook, and may die. MONDAY, AUGUST IST. Big Central wreck at Fort McPherson, in which two en gines and four freight cars were totally wrecked and Engineer Gus Wallace and Fireman Vin ey Vaughn ki’led and En gineer J. J. Green and Fireman Chambers were seriously and internally injured. Private Jones, colored, sta tioned at the barracks, was stabbed by another negro, Har mon McGinnis, and the latter was mobbed and nearly lynched by infuriated soldiers. Patrolman T. Carl Mills was shot from ambush ou his beat on Whitehall street by an un known negro. The officer will probably die. Many arrests hi ve been made, but no evidence to convict has yet been secured by the police. Paul Leake, a well-dressed young white man, drank mor phine with suicidal intent, but was resuscitated at the hospital after several hours’ hard work. Will Peacock, a negro, fell from a high platform in the Western A Atlantic yards and was seriously injured. Little Bartow stowere, living (Continued on sth page.) LANHAM &SONS (WIHUI WE have just bought the entire stock of Ladies and Misses Fine Sailors of one of the Largest Millinery houses of New York and now place them on sale at a price that is certainly most remarkable. While we know the people of Rome have been faked time and time again, yet we make the STARTLING :=: ANNOUNCEMENT! That these Sailors are worth SI.OO, SI.SO and $2.00 each and we will sell them at the astonishing low price of There is Twenty-one Cases or One Thousand and Eleven Hats and not a plug in the lot, but the prettiest and latest things in Sailors. Some Fine Milan, some Fine Split Straw, some Rough Brim and Smooth Crown, some Colored $ Brim and White Crown, some of all the colors of the rainbow. Belle Crown, Straight Crown, Wide Brim, Narrow Brim, some Fine Whito and in fact all $ kinds except cheap trash and those we do not want. This is a chance to buy Fine Sailors at a price that will probably not come again. $ UN2AM&SONS, I o CENTS PIR WEE a ■u « as