The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 04, 1898, Image 2

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Wai Time Prices While on the as a result of the war. nearly all food products have advanced in price, on the* other liana, it has |hnd precisely the opposite filled on the pURNTE Trade. We '|mmt keep our sales’up to the normal standard,and to do th s we realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we are prepar ed and determined to make you lower prices on anyth'! g in our house tha.i can be found t int win re. Ourjline is C mpleteand Up to Date.'. Consisting it. part ofj Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. I Also complete line of casketsco flins. rol »es, etc , at the lowest prices. Cal 1 ~on i Rhiidy, Harvey SCoinpany. GRUEL WIVES Toss Up Dead Body Os A MUrdereii Girl HAD AN IRON WEIGHT Chained About Her Body Crlmel A mystery. Mil watikee, Win., Aug. 4. Ear ly this morning the waves of Lake Michigan tossed the body of a young w. man onto the “Harbor of Refuge” breakwater, 300 ft from shore. Around the waist was fastened d weight such as draymen u*e to snap onto a horse’s bridle, This weight had been secured by pass ing a light chain twice an urd the waist. Apparently he body had been in the lake four or five weeks. T1 e body was clad on'y in undercloth ing of (inequality, with trimming of handmade lace oh the white skirts. All circumstancs point to murder. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the. last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local diseas, and preseibed lo cal remedier, and by constantly fulling to cure with' local treat ment, pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, ai <1 there foie requires constiiutu n*l treat ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure manu factured by F. J. Cheney Co. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. I» is taken internally in doses from 10 drips to a feaspoonful. It acts di rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure, send for circulars au ! tesiimonials. Address, F. J Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best- HAWAIIANS join army. One Battalion of Infantry May Be Organized . San Francisco. August 4.—Gen eral Merriam, commanding the department of California, has re ceived the following dispatch from Adjutant General Corbin: “The president directs that if any of the military forces oc the Hawaiian islands deside to become a pa-t of your volunteer army, you are authorized to organize not to exceed one battalion of ins fantry. naming the officers and causing the officers and men to be mustered into the service and have them to report tp Colonel Berber for duty.” DEWEY IS KEPI’ BUSY. San Francisco, August 4.—The Manila correspondent of The Hong Kong Press says Admiral Dewey does not confine his lobors to the Olympia. He goes to Cavite almost every day. By his order and by the speed and excellence ot its execution the navy yard arsenal torts and barracks have been converted in a wonderfully short time from a chaos to neat ness and *>vstem. HEAD ACHE •’Holl, my wife mid my-elf liave been using CASI AKETS and they are the best medicine we have ever had in the house. Last week my wife was frantic with headache for two days, she tried some of yourCASCARETS, mu! they relieved the pain in her head almost Immediately. We both recommend Casearets," Chas. Stedeford. Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co., Pittsburg, A' CANDY CATHARTIC ss'seoaew & ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... **' Uhig 1t*.,...’, lorapanr. Ihle.p,, Monlr,*!. s«w York. Sl7 n j IU WXW ipsu vo CtKE 'fatHUKMj Haiilk PERSONAL MENTION. | Mr- Bailey Gordon went down to Atlanta this morn ng. Mr. f. B. Broach is out after an illness of two weeks. Miss Kate Oinberg is visiting friends in ’Summerville. Charley McKinney went down to Cedartown this morn i »g- Miss Lucile Gammon is spend ing several weeks at Wheeler Springs, Hon Sam S. King went down to Atlanta on business this morning. Miss Ella Harper is spending some time in Marietta the guest of friends. Mrs. W. M.. Henry and chil dren are visiting friends near Summerville. Miss Minnie Lloyd, of Six Miles, is visiting friends in the Fourth Ward. • Lieut. \V. Guice, of the police force, is taking his vacation in the country. Missis Lydia Wood and Josie Harbour are visiting friends near Anniston. Mr. W. A. Wright has return ed from a several days business trip to Cedartown. Mrs. S. E. Daniels left this morning for Dadeville, to visit friends and relatives. Try that new and absolutely pure Hour for sale by L'oyd & Harper. Only 60c for 24 lbs this week' Miss Lillian Wood will leave Saturday for Canton, to ‘spend several weeks with friends. Bad blood b comes gmd blood on taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It s the great blood purifie .'. Miss Augusta Todd left this morning for Amberson, G i., to spend several weeks with friends. Big Brown Jug Fil ters for sale. Price $2-00. Mits Julia btewart. Try tliat new and absolutely pure flour, for sale by Lloyd & Harper. Only 60c for 24 lbs., this week. Miss Louise Anderson left Thursday to visit Congressman Maddox’s family m Rome.—Ma rietta Journal. Miss Grace Harper passed through the city yesterday en route to her home in Cave Spring from Carrollton. Miss Ag.ies and Master Ro land Reece, left this morning to spend several weeks with rela tives in Rockmart. Mrs. Albeit Maier and chil dren have returned to their home in Atlanta after a pleasant visit to relatives in this city. Mrs. Julius Simpson and Miss Clelie McWilliams left this morning for Warm Springs, where they will spend several weeks. Miss Berta M iddox left today for LaFayetto, where she joins a large party of young people,who will spend some time at Look out Mountain Inn. Miss Mary Williamson,one of I Rome’s pretty and most accom plished young ladies, will re turn from a delightful vi sit of Jiree weeks, at Wheeler Springs. COL. RCOSEVELT Ordered Home With His Rough Riders. Washington, Aug. 4.—lt is stated today that Colonel Roose velt and his Rough Riders have lr en c rd-red from Santiago to Montauk They will come with Gen Tai Wheeler’s cavalry, all of wb >m are ordered to take the first transports coming north. • ft BIRD’S EYE VIEW Time works changes. 1 was in to J. L Bass, head of Bass Bros & Co’s., big] stores, where I had gone in quest of “copy” for a change in the half-page ad of that big mercantile concern, (the ad will be changed tomorrow, Keep an eye for it,) and saw my old friend F. J. Kane, at his old post. * * * It seems but a month since Frank held a responsible posi tion behind those same counters, though in reality it has been about three years. In that time he has operated one of the best dry goods houses that has ever opened its doors to the Rome trade. * * * A few days ago he made a lightiiing-iike change, failing to buy out the Bass Bros & Co’s., big retail house, he made Capt. Joe Bass an oiler on his own big stark of good-, and the trade w.,s closed instanter. * * * Yesterday the last of this big stock was moved to Bass Bros, &Co., and today Frank Rank is at his old post, only now he is in charge of Ike sales depart ment of the Bass Bros & Cos’ tremendous stock of bargains. * * * I don’t believe there is a bet ter posted, more thorough dry goods man in Georgia than F. J. Kane, young man though lie be. In securing him Bass Bros & Co,, have scored as big a scoop as they did in securing the big stock of F. J. Kane & Co. * * * Isay this because Frank Kane’s popularity is permanent. and scores and hundreds of his personal Lionels will continue to patronize him at his new' place of business. * * * I congratulate Bass Bros, & Co., upon securing the servic es of so popular and so efficient a young man as Frank Kane— they could not have put a better man in charge of their great sales department. * * * As to the sale of the superb stock of F. J. Kane & Co., why you take my advice and lookout for the Bass Bros & Co., an nouncement in tomorrow after noon’s Rome Hustler Commer cial . It’s iny opinion that said announcement will be sensation al enough to overshadow' the war news. Mind you, that’s my opinion ventured for what it’s worth. ■■ " ■ 1 ■ ■» ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary for Floyd county Georgia, granted at the November term, 1897, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Roma between the legal hours et sale ou the first Tuesday in Sept the following property towit, —One undivided 2->5 interest in lots Nos, 167, 168, 171, 190, 192. 202, 241, 242, 244 245 and 3 4ths of 189 and the South half of 240. ,All containing 450 more er leas, subject to dower of Mrs. Martha G. Miller. Said property sold as the prop rty of J. J. Miller, de ceased, late ot said county. Terms of sale cash. W H. Ennis Administrator estate of J. J. Miller, deceased. •> _ j Beware of Imitations | 4BMA OOMS, AM«». YORK. I SciOOl SlipO IBS, 41 We are pioneers in the acheol books and school ■ fl W ply business and we are also right up-ro-d»»« j u ever thing that should be kept by an D [ ’’-date Bookstore M g syys'ist I < 11/AI I ! II Iniul I rß' fl 11 hl ’ 4 H - i H »» || No honee in the State can ri v< vou’>-4tor when voa Ug ||| sire to invest in a now covering ' - »r F 9.1 your home. See our stock on h:\ud u. samples' | H. A. SiYiTH I THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE, «| '*• To the People of Rome. 1 •! • w IIJ I wish to announce that I have the m Steam Laundry and nropose to rea i- and aid to it so that you will have in vour cit a piant second to nous \j/ in the south. ▼ I have had years of pracLca! n -ncs, the ; ait w it/ th rPe years of which I hare ov ; - j ()re o f .T the largest plants in Texas. With tin ! exi ori> > euce I have had and as ] will dev my r- :unu and kj/ Vr attention to the business I will be a poMi. i> guaN W antee that anythii ; to my bed is A jZZ satisfactorily. A't ia wi vince 1 in do all that I claim • Bin Imy mr hvn ile. 1 sto pleass A yov there will be no charge. Stop >r telephone i No. 158, and your bu 11 romptly. /ii Hoping to receive a fair shire of yo ir'p itrojage, I am X sfN yoursjto please t H- PARKIN S Proprietor Molel’Staam Laundry. RELIABILITY " is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in they days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth * about it. C it is the only American newspaper outside New York dty t that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and iti J own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world, j Its war news service is unapproachably the best. j Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: •‘We read the war news in the other papers* then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere a»d subscriptions’ r * !M, **j . by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD’ Madison street, Chicago. nr,»—■ . ■ - M - - Ll t r IMMI - 1 IB | j M n —[ ■ - -Tl • a Oomo, Wls., HyanniS’ Jan. 10,1898. I would not be I without PISO’S . tke CURE for CON- SUMPTION SU MPTIGN for any H Uf ' ’L tlnag. For a bud 8 duo on th Cough or Cold it is used it»» beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs 0. REYNOLDS. J. A “The Best Cough Medicine. JKWEHAVENOAOTS 7 1 but have gold direct to the con- IrTll 44 l\ iumer for 25 years at whole- J- 1\ IRA eale prices, raviur him the . y yy j whgr® mr examination. yC \/ s * <\ U J* ijBwRX h/z 3 /J (V s F\ ’’MT Everything warranted. / X/ ( . 'TLX 118 gty leg Qf Vehicles, [ 4R I i/WM 56 styles of Harness. T —t . T’L/ ll\\ // \ ftrf Top Buggies, M 6 to S7O. Vx \ Y ADC LU W • J I // 1 " to i(25. Car ia- \ /V' \ / J.A V- # J’hactouF, Traps, Wa u- \ sites, Spriug-llvad and Milk W Rg. TY. ffnrrey Raraees. Price, tIC 00. Wagpns. Send for large, freo y. (.n ipL-rrrv. Prtofr **** Aa Srod b> Mile to |2& Catalogue of al! our sty!m? ehn<lt. till HART « ARBU.UK AND BAHMWS MTU W. W B. FKATT. »«*>• KUiHAlffc