The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 04, 1898, Image 3

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THE PORTO HIGHTS Ciuer The Americans as They Itah. JIIILES [lfiS 9000 MEN ora s Many as The Spnnla-d8 Hava on Porto Rico- ——- Ponce, Island of Porto Rico, * Aul'. 3, via St. Thomas, D. W. ] Aug. 4.— T, ‘ e Porto Ricnns o f Ponce lined the streets by the .cores and hundreds and fill ed the air with cheering on the arrival of i’°n. Garretson’s bri gade from Yauco. The arrival of these troops and those on the St. Louis makes the fighting strength of the Americans now operating near Ponce about 9000 men, equal to the entire force of Spanish reg ular troops on the island. Gen. Garretson’s camp is tem porarily near the Second and Third Wisconsin tegiments, on the oulskirls of the town. The brigade marched seventeen uniat from Yauco to Ausby, where they arrived travelstained and mud bespattered. Almost the entire population saw the troops pass through the city and gave them cheer after cheer, particu larly as the artillerymen lumber ed by. The officers at the front, in cluding Ilulings, with the Penn sylvanians and Captains Austin, Wheelock, Burns and Hall, commanding the four advance companies do not believe the Spaniards will make an advance. They claim the enemy will act only on the defensive. There was some firing last night be tween Capt. Austin’s picketsand the Spaniards in the bush, but no damage was done. All the American troops are restless, due to false alarms of the approach of the Spaniards, and they are anxious for an en counter with the enemy. It is the general belief, however, that there will be no forward move ment of the main bod/ of our troops until the transpor ts ar rive. They are expected every hour. The troops on board the St. Louis are reported to be in good health. She brought twelve rep resentatives of the Porto Rican junta, whose business it is to inform the people not to resist the Americans. Ihe Dixie's shot at Morro castle on Saturday caused the DARK CHAPTER (CONTINL'tn FROM IST PAG2.) 0(1 Fair strret, tried to stop a runaway team to save the life of a boy and was se- Veie iy injured, but will recover, ri ISDAY, AUGUST 2nd. i Mrs. \\. M. Coonradt, awhile living at 434 Fair street *dempted suicide by taking poi- She was taken to the Gra ) hospital and will recover. c - D. Madd-n, of Auten, S. ■> was poisoned in a house of I' 1 -I’ute on Madison avenue, 111 'mH recover, it is announced * hospital. Five inmates of ’ , house were arrested, charg with being implicated in the crime. ■ u ion L. Roberts, a promi- II and wealthy citizen of Ful- Bhmb WUS Wayluid and near u 118 COUBin ’ C * G. Fuller, e orr °w’» Station, on the railro »d. Roberts has > ••covered. , POPULAR SCHLEY. I Hero o p Sa.hiaijo Remind Over 1,203 Letters. ALL SORTS Os PEOPLE Write thoOd Commodore for all Sorts of Things. Gu i ntanamo,Province of San tiago de Cuba, July 15.—Com modore Schley today sat down lin his cab n on ti o Brooklyn at a tabls fi'led with over 1,200 I letters recaiye/l in the last two mails. They were from every * I part of the country and from all iCla-ses of people, Senators, Rep resentatives, State Legislators, woveruors, Common Council men and private citizens in ev ery walk of life There were bundles of poems and thousands of newspaper cuppings. There wer * requests for auto graphs, foi coat buttons, cap ribbons or almost any kind of souvenir that the C >mmodore might care to give. There were pieces of music dedicated to the Commodor., advertisements with his picture in them, letters fiom societies named nfter him, and, finally, an engrossed set of resolution, from his native town in Mary!-xml. r J ;;etC< mmodore threw up his l ands with a gesture of despair, but said :*'l am going to try to answer them a’l, if it’s only a brief ini ,” ami lie began. Once ;:i a while amid the dic tation, h< found a letter from “crank,” wa ni: b him of mines and other danger. To the wiiters asking for souvenirs he a .-wer ed that his coat did not have enou. h buttons to go around; and that he did net wish to ap pear partial. While answering these letters Commodore Schley was apprais ed of the new division of the squamous and‘he fact that he wou’d have to change flagships, ns the B *> ikiyn was assigned to foreign duty. It is prebable that his fl i_, will fly from the Har vard, as he intends asking for th it ship. utmost consternat on at San Juan de P rto Rico, where it whs believed to have signified that the place would be bom barded within twenty-four hours. SEN.LONBSTREEY (Continued from Ist page.) obtained through conquest,” he said, “but would be honor root ed in dishonor.” Freedom for Cuba, a reason able war indemnity and half a dozen coaling stations through out the East and West Indies, are favored by Gen. Longstreet as the terms of peace for Spain . The general spoke of the fail ure to send southern troops to the front as causing disatisfac tion in the south, but said the war has done much to obliterate the last vestiges of sectional feeling. He said the soldiers from the southern states would have been able to withs and the Cu ban climate and that they would probably escape malaria and yellow fever, “as their officers would know enough to keep them on the move.” ANY PERSON Wishing to know the truth in regard U>»ir health ehould not fail to -end for a valuabU and new 64-pago Booklet which will be eent FUKE , for a short time to thoeo who'mention!this paper. * This book is published by the celebrated - einns and Dr. Hathaway and to. of . 32-4 H. Broad St. Atlanta. Ga- whom yea 'addfees. WriteUrtteff. A BUDGE! OF DEFINITIONS Foolish—The man who argues with a fool, Convoy—A elderly female who acts ns a chaperon . Handwriting—Pen an I ink draw -I’igsof one’s thoughts. Tumtation—l he balance in which character is weighed, Slander— A epeclies ot mud that rubs oft when it gets dry. Time -A wonder worker that la bors twenty-four hours daily. Henpecked—The man whose wife insists upon ruling the roost. Genius—A married man who has a new excuse every time be stays out late. Diplomat—A man whose words convey a different meaning from what he means SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ConJenned Schedule la Effect Inly 8, ISVS. si'iTum ~TN<> ii> No. 14; No. 1 Lv Chgttitooogu 480 am 7.8 tpui l&lOpih Ar Dalton 7.61 um 8 42pm 18.10 am Ar Rome u onami 0 4Upm l*4am Ar Atlanta 11.40 am 11. Wpm 6.00®m Lv Atlanta . r 4.80 pm lj.3f>ptn 6 80a* Ar Macon. ..5 r iupin 8 05am 880 m Ar Jesup 6.45 am 2.38 pm Ar Everett 7.25 am ABSpm Ar Jacksonville ... .~, r . 8.40 am Lv Jesup Wtiiam Ar Jacksonville l QOpn» 10.16 pm Lv Everett ~?80am ifcya. Ar Brunswick .... 8.30 am No. 10 carrlp.s Punman Sleeping Car Chat sanoga to Atlanta. No. 14 curries Pullmiw Sleeplug Car and Day Coaches Cha'tapooga to Jacksonville and At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. {.iAFtoNS. fNoTii UNto. - 9 Lv Atlanta iitsm 4.00 pm! 7.50aS Ar Rome A 80am fl. 25pm 110.80 am Ar Dalton .......> I 7.22 am 7.34 pm 11.80 am Ar Chattanooga 8 40»m B.Bopm I.oopm Lv Chattanooga 8 ta»m 9.10 pm Ar Burgin .... 4 2Spm Ar Lexington. S.loptn 4Joam Ar Louisville. 7 Mptn V 60am Artinclnndt.. 7flOpm 1 floam LvT’fiatlanpji&a ll.jipm i.feam I 85pm Ar No 13 carrle- Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattanooga to ClnnbuintL No, 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car A'Uanta to Clnofnnutl and Chattanooga to LoutsviUe. STATION* - Np.B. I No. 18 I No. ijf Lt Chattanooga B.irfarh! 4.ioSm TaiOpm Ar Knoxville 1165am 1 805 am 1. Klara Ar Morristown i.23pm 9 .Warn B*Bsam Ar Hot Springs 8 ißpm l!.4flam 4.00 am Ar Asheville 186 pm 1.16 pm AlOnm Ar Salisbury fl 40pm B.Boam Ar Greensboro 9.62 pm IS. lOpna Ar Raleigh 1.40 am 8 £3pm Ar Norfolk 7.60 am Ar Wa hingt0n.... Ar New York. . .. 12.43 pm 6.83 am NoTiFcarrlos Pullman Drawing Ing Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 a.m. also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk. No. |H Is solid train Chattanooga to Salis bury, wlih Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanocwa to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. r STATIONS I No. 1 } 'No~ 6~ Cv Chattanooga s.(Xlpini 8.40 am Ar Knoxville B.A'-pm'll.s6am Ar Morristown 2.15am1 l.BSpm Ar Bristol 7.ooam| 3.55 pm Ar Washington 7.40 em Ar New York .. , ± .,.. ......,, .l.SOpui No. 6. curries Pullman Sleeping Car Cbabta notfja to Washlngt m and Chattanooga to New York without change. ~ No. 4 canrles Pullman Sleeping Car Koo*- vtlle to Bri tol. STATIONS. " ----- bv lai* ■ •........................ 1.16 m Ar Anniston 11.81/0° Ar Birmingham MXQOpm Ar Selma Ar Meridian 7.80 pm Ar New Orleans ~,, ~,,... Ar jaokson "" 9 4kam Ar Vicksburg 11.86 am Ar Shreveport. 7.80 pm ♦N0715 ~jNo~9 | *? Todpm 4.y>ptn,Lv Some ..artLSoim 8 85am 5.40 pm 6.s7pra|Ar GAd-den. ar B.ooam 6.80 am 6.00 pm 7.10 pm Ar Attalla lyl 5 45am A£oam t Daily except Sunday. | Sunday only. F. S. GANNON. Sdv.P A o.M .Washington, D.C. J M CULP. Traf Mgr., Washington, D a W. A. TURK, G. P A.. Washington '• C. fl A. BENSOOTBR. A.O.P A..Ohattar T»n Huk nV ■ I 'PI Hi! s >Vestern & Atlantic R. R, (MHLEFIUDS LINE) AND -«• iias?iviEe, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway 1 TO . . CHATTANOOGA, ASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MLMPHIS ml ST. LOUIS. ULLMAN PALACE BUfFET SLEEPING CARS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA . . TO . . NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. ..Kai Sleepers ietwecn Atlanta and Chat tancoga. liuap Lit,i grant Kates to Arkansas and Texas. xcurston Tickets to California and Col orado Resorts. lor Maps, Folders, Sleepva Car Reservation an« ny ir.fomation about Rates, Schedules, etc rile or apply to 3. WALKER, J. A. THOMAS, ticket Agent, T icket Aeent, Unior Depot, No. 8 Krniball Nooao, ATLANTA, GA. .K. AYER, A. L EDMONDSON, ».A, ticket Aoeet. Ckattaaoooo, Roa>e, oa. Too* .OS. M. BROWN, OUS. E. HARMM. Traffic Maaaoer, Gen Paso. Aft. Atlanta. <jl > s BEST SANITARY PLUMBING M i x lb i * L" ; , , g- Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. WA * \ Gas fixtures, Gas Stoves 11 K Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- K Y ❖ tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec trie fixtures. M ft k p W r f I have employed Alex S. Pierce to K L take charge of my shop department. K f (J He is one of the best workmen in the Bj M South. Repair work attended to j £ promptly. R | 1 J JOHNC'CHILDS. F -,-i iv • K « • 223 Broad st. Opposite T I<: b f ’ IB pEMffiOHBK ® | f tete W aiils imilli ♦ I J J !• THEY ARE THE ♦ Hg l * i $7 KIND gAT OTHER* PLACES. W g (O QI |tae»lailoiiiißCo.Z® i •I - * -TV **V 1 • i- ' | MIL-LINERY | gv & That is,’our millinery, is new Tg S £ and Stylish. We have paid cash Ts id SE for our entire spring and su n- & gy mer stock We got a libera IS S * ' discount by paying cash and $ S sy $ Cun afford to give our custom- » * ers?oed i for less thai heuses gW; B I pay for theirs, who buy on tims % * and sell on time, Come and * gg £!> * price before buying. We can Ig W J sell you two hats for what you w will pay for one at other houses II | f | firs. A, O. Garrard SwlmiwwwwTwwwwrawwwwwxwwww H 31