The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 04, 1898, Image 6

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TIIEHUSTLER-COMMERCIAU EHUSTLER OF RO ME Established. IWO. ""HE ROME COMMERCIAL F.NlHbliubfl, ISW.'i. Issued every < •vnhis. except Saturday. Saudav and weekly." PHIL O. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. Dffloe. Wilkerson Block, Third I Avenue tally and Sunday,per year *■’’ 0,1 Bunday, per year •• •* Weekly (Tub RomeCoitkier) pet year w BY ( AI'RJl' R IN CITY AND HUBUI.BB D»‘ly and Sunday, lucent* per wee), Remit by bank draft. dXftuL money order or registered letier Addresi THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL ROME, GA. Entered at the Postofflce at Rome, Ga., as >econu class unit ter. A<’veiu»iun re*“- •••■! sample copiei tor the asking. _______ « r “ BUSINESS OFFICE!’ HONE 85 Gen. Miles is having a walk over in I’orto Rico. There is little good at Lytle. —Summerville Nows. A few more weeks and then the sere and yellow leaf The gun making business, at last reports, was booming. Pari® has ordered five hun dred American trolley cars. _ IE" > - That Alabama landslide has paralyzed the Georgia pops. ■lli "jmi _■—-J—iiassai The fellow’who talks through his hat, seldom wears a thinking cap. With money flowing out like water, a light bond sale ought to float. From the hero war-ship Hob son steps to hero worshippers on terrafirma. Why is Spain “chewing the rag?’’ Because she has no navy to back her—Snuffsed ! Old-fashioned Democracy, tlu Plowboy ot Pigeon Roost and 100,000 majority this fall. Spaniards hold nearly all ol the Cuban bonds. Let the Span lards loose what they hold. Although the sender buys the stamp the telegraph offices con tinue to do business on tick. The dove season opens in Georgia on August 15th and then will begin the slaughter of innocents ■I, ■■■»■■■ »» Gen. Longstreet has been heard from and the general says some hard things about Mr. “Beef” Shafter. They now claim that Shafter was born in a log cabin like the one which Abe Lincoln first saw the light. Poor Shafter. If Atlanta would only drain her Union passenger depot she might sell it to the war depart ment for a shelter tent for Shaf ter. The dog days continue to wear a costume of sheet of water, ■prays of mNt, curtains of clouds and many dashes of very warm sunshine. Santiago, the oldest town in the Western hemisphere, can show no such ancient relic as the Atlanta union passenger de pot. Oh rats ! Garcia is still hungry for pie —and if Garcia, Gomez & Co., don’t get pie they will make it expensive for our standing ar my. Pass them the pie dish. It is related at Chicarnauga that when the news of the de struction of Cervera's fleet reach ed camp one of the nurses com menced to read it aloud in the hospital. He had got as far as the statement that the Brooklyn had been hit forty five times when a fever patient, a little out of bis head, shouted : “Good Lord I Who pitched lor Brook lyn?” _____ As Alfonso XII lay dying in 18SG, he is said to have aroused from a stupor and cried “What a conflict, my God, what a con flict.” Now, who can tell us if the dying king's vision pierced the future, if he saw the strug gle of Alfonso XIII with the measles, or Spain wiggling her fool self to death while Uncle Sam held her up by the hair of the head. The Pope was physically the feeblest of the triumvirate made by himself, Gladstone and Bis mark—the three greatest men of their day —but he has outlived his compeers. His growing in firmities, however, make it cer tain that he will not long survive his masterful contemporaries. The Americus Evening Her ald says : “It is rumored that Atlanta is to have a new union depot, but the rumor was prob ably started by a yellow journa list who wanted to make a ficti tious and sensational story for an irresponsible paper.” The Savannah Press thinks the Cubans combine the nou tighting qualities of the China man and the non-working pro clivities as the Indian. And the Press might have added, the vo racious appetite of the cannibal. The Floyd County Candler Club made a record in the pri mary—now let the club pull itself together and do even bet ter work for the people’s leader in the October election. Hawaii has agreed to pay Ja pan 40,000 pounds in settlement of dispute on account of the ex pulsion of Japs from the islands. Os course your Uncle Sam wil foot the hills. There’s too much Democaatic majority in Alabama for a cry of fraud to cut any ice. Let the heathen rage, an 1 the pops im agine vain things. Schley says there is glory enough in that victory for all. Schley and Wheeler are the he roes of our navy and army be fore Santiago. Lieut. Hobson would doubt less prefer fighting Spanish any day to being literally mobbed by hero wordiipers.—Summerville News. England should pardon Mrs. Maybrick, France should give Dreyfus a fair trial and Germa ny should retire her “war lord ” Sampson has not been shorn of Santiago glory—for the rea son he had no growth of that nature to begin with. The Chicago News thinks Gen eral Garcia’s troops are in more dangur of the gout than Shafter’s are of yellow fever. Remember, Floyd county needs a revision of its jury box es and needs nothing else quite so badly Floyd was Gov. Candler’s banner county in the primary, now let’s make her place per manent. Senator Dodson will bo the pres ident of the next Georgia Senate— Mark that prediction. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FKS is due not only to the originality and simplicity o< the combination, but also to the oare and skill with which it ia manufactured by scientific processes known t® the California Fie Byeup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in sveidiug the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all oilier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. RAN FRANCISCO, Cal. LSI'UVILLK. • -KW YORK, M. Y. Just now English high life is exclaiming Hooley Moses. | • ■■ «■ " ■■■ Uncle Sam don’t need the Philippines iu his business. Spains brand of honor must have “proved ketchin'’ to Mr. Sampson. The Monroe Cotton Mills, of Monroe Ga , has declared a semi annual dividend of 4 per cent, and carried an amount to surplus be sides. The leading officials of the in ternal revenue bureau are of the opinion that the new taxes will yield between $120,000,000 and $140,000,000 per annum, L_’22J " LMI l , _"”± , T± So far Sampson has allowed General Miles to take credit for the Porto Rican campaign. But wait until Miles wins glory that is worth stea'ing,—Macon News. John D. Little is certain io be the speaker of the next house. John Little is a brainy young man and has a bright future ahead of him. He is made of the stuff that makes history. Now that Spain has been whip ped so genteelly and so humanely the price of her bonds has begun to appreciate on the markets of Europe. The nations seemed to think the Yankee intended to de stroy the bull fighters from the face of the earth A weekly editor advertises fora cook . W hat on earth does he want with such an article? Peaches and watermelons are eaten in their natural state and it isn’t time to catch possums or for subscribers to pay up in potatoes, turnips and spare riba.—Americus Herald. “If we take all of Spain’s poses* sious in this continent” says the Augusta Chronicle“we can certain ly afford to hands off of the other hemisphere. Wo don’t want the earth with a barbed wire fence around it ” RT* ■ I—■■■■■! To be classed as a millionaire in the United States a man must be worth at least $1,000,- 000; in England he must have five times as much, or $5,000,- 000; in Germany, 1,000,000 marks, or $250,000. Mrs. J. Addison Porter, wife of President McKiuley’s secre tary, brought with her from Cuba several souvenirs of the attack on Santiago. Among them were four swords, one of which belonged to a Spanish officer and bears bloodstains. The officer was, doubtless also a bullfighter, else the bloodstains are a mystery. MILES AND WATSON. The country bids Gen. Miles “God speed,” and hopes to see him fight as well as he can dress. —Houston Post. The delibeiation of Gen. Miles may be accounted for on the the ory that large bodies move slow ly.—Kansas City Journal. Porto Rico’s resort season will be opened by Gen. Miles. His presence there will be sure to attract thousands of o hers.— Detroit Free Press. Laurels would be becoming to Gen. Miles, and we have an impression that he will get a wreath within a week or two. — Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. ' How busy the Porto Ricans , must have been kept the past few days, guessing as to the poi it of landing for Gen Milos and his merry men.—Boston Globe. Eurooean papers look upon Commodore Watson’s proposed trip to the Spanish coast as a bad move, and it probably will be for Spain. —Chicago News. I’orto Rican Spaniards will take very little interest in the game after Miles tries the flying wedge against the center of their lines. —Chieago Times- Herald. The only way that Watson’s fleet can be prevented from sail ing across the Atlantic and into the Mediterranean is for Spain to ask for peace.—Chicago Times-Herald. Major General Miles has land ed on the Porto Rican coast. Now let him go after the Dons as he went after Geronimo and Chief Joseph long ago, and all will be well. —Memphis Scimi tar. The panic in Spain at Wat son’s expected coming is slo ping over into France. One or two Paris editors are lancing about and shouting hoarsely for somebody to head the Yankee off. —Kansas City Journal. 1 Watson’s flying squadron will delay its flight until the Porto Ricau expedition is landed. The delay will be valuable for sever al reasons, one of which is it will give Spain a few days longer to come to her senses.—Buffalo Express. Aguinaldo wants the Philip i pines and as he has shown a wonderful capacity for doing up the Spaniards, why, lets clear the track and turn him loose on the main line. Broad street should be paved with “victimized” brick—after all the streets in the city have been put into a passable condi tion and after a filter has been provided for the city water sys tem. Candidate Hogan, in crossing a swolen branch in Troup coun ty last Friday, was washed out of his buggy and carried under a drift of logs. He was prompt ly rescued by some evil-minded Democrats who did not propose to see the Democratic landslide of October cheated out of its ad vertised prey. Shafter has not yet had the yellow fever—but then Shafter has not yet been at the front. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, biusese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,|chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quired. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. NOW REPORT Yoilr Name io One of ’hose Comniitfeenien AND HAVE If ENROLLED With the Survivors of Your Old Command. The following committees have been aqpointed to get up rosters for their respective com panies in the Confederate army: Co. E, Bth Ga., Vol : F. W. Quarles, Sr., C. M. Ilaiper, W. P. Trout. Co. G, 22nd Ga., Vol. : W. J, Hall, W. W. Judkins, W. J. Vincent. Co. C, Ist Ga., "‘State Line Troops” : J. IL Lumpkin, J. P. Autrey, R. S, Brannon. Co. D, 65th Ga , Vol. : H. E. Crossman, J. S. Espy, John Davis. Co. D, 29th Ga., Vol: G. K. Green, J. A. May, Joel Stowe. Co. G, 6th Ga., Vol: W. M. Hardin, T. S. Millican, Jasper Hall. Co. A, Bth Ga., “Rome Light Guards” : J. T. Moore, R. T. Fouche, 11. S. Lausdell. Co. G, IstCav. Ga., Vul: J. H. Reece, A. D. Hardin, J. H. Rice. Co. C, Ist Ga., Vol: (Capt. Haynies Co.) J. W. Abrams, A. T. Harper, D, C. Copeland. Co. B, 21st Ga., Vol: J. L. Hardin, J. E. Mullen, J. A. Tucker. Co. H, 3rd Ga„ Vol: A. Dough erty, Joe Kerr, L. M. Tanner. Co. C,23rd Ga., Vol : W. L. Selman, Ezekiel Able, W. H. Terry. Co. A, Bth Ga., “Reserves” : M. A. Wimpee, A. W. Wilkins, John C. Eve. If there are any members liv ing who enlisted from Floyd county in any other company than above, the ordinary will appreciate any information on that line. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A man loves to eat and a woman eats to love. Many a man starves today while feeding on tomorrow’s hopes. It’s a poor actress whose pic tures never grace a cigarette package. About half our time is spent in doing things we should have done before, Civility costs nothing, but it often gets things that gold can not buy. It is easy enough to say bright things ; the difficult part is to think of them- Warm weather has a tenden dency to increase the floating population of a seaside resort. It’s a poor consolation to the girl who has been stung by a bee to know that bees are partial to sweet things. The amateur who practices daily on a cornet in a thickly populated neighborhood has ample nerve for any undertak ing. Three hundred years ago a man absent from church on Sun day was fined a shilling. What a war revenue that would pro duce today I—Chicago News. The Murray City (Ky.) coun cil has passed this ordinance: “If any person shall tie or fasten any rattle box or similar contri vance to any dog or other ani mal within the city of Murray it shall be fined one dollar.” THEMODERN beauty Thrives on good fmi •un»>»»v. withpienty ofexe . in tl,e ol ,en air. Her form glo and her face glows with eauty. Jf her system noed a the 8 cleansing action of a lax ative remedy she uses the g ent l e at)(1 pleasant Syrupof fig ß , maaufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co , only 8 I /A 1 / J i NSr .X wri JOEL PYLE. Is a pupil in Rome Business College. He is mastering a long course in Theoretical Bookkeep, ing and practical accounting, also a thorough course' in Short hand, Business and Law dicta tion and general office routine. 'lliis course with its accompany ments makes an exceedingly strong one. Rome Business Col lege enjoys now the largest en rollment it has had in years. Every seat in the College hall is taken. The summer term is in progress. Several graduates will leave soon to take positions. The college procured ninety two po sitions the past year. 11. S. Shockley, Prin. Rome, Georgia. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual I cost to the College for carrying I them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a poe ’ion is sectirtd. The College procured 92 POSITIONS TEE P? T YTUL It supplies schools and col.igei with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of budnesi and professional men v ho employ its graduates at Stenography "I . Bookk- IrdeJ I to the Principal, H. S. Shockley, Rome, Ga __ Successful Physicians. We heartily roromnuwi Dr. 0 o! 22K B Broad St., At 'i.tira. ba., ae be-nS fectly relmbla and v siiccoßrf, treatment of chronic di aeunea of yen an . They cure wl r otm-r f • ; ’ • .'Vf , ri S need of medical help a f re# these eminent doctors and '< i w .’-| vec and expert opinion of your cate by retur without cot t. 2-CENT STAMP! Will send o letter to any point in Uncle Sam's big .w. domain.. For this very reason, if you are sick, sore or suffering, this very trifling outlay .y / -. May Save Your WWE lif n I Here's just how LITBI it “• You can o wvwvwwww write a plain letter, can ty will take just two cents to carry w “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who P' e ’ a)l <j of that Institute are able to give yon treatment by mail as well as if you arc do son to the city. This is no va tients jj ing it every day. They now all the adjoining States, some of t , of miles away, aud their euies are derful. * CURES POSITIVE ANDC DC fl COHSULTATiOH IDCD in all forms of Skin and Blood dison _,t tism. Sciatica, Catarrh of Lungs. Stomach or any vitall « L fr^oUf ney and Bladder troubles, eV [J! nesses of either men or n fHicd° lltW sexual parts arid every other Jcbl with, highly trained « 10,,e t U if irt ” Write freely 'lt costs y°" . d \rA q urfUl ,, dertake your lease we shall blank for fort pnrticu ,ar ?’ fp -t scie»r t * curable by hmiian skill and pe SHALL CURI); IT. vnu rHfcA a That first 2?cent stamp may save y letters sacredny private. Washington Medical & INSTITUTE; Soo-1 A/usteil BMS - A