The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 04, 1898, Image 8

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Dwntf n i ipio no n tin TUCII fWe are goln< out of the retell goods business, ntflu IntW! I Our preseat sale the end of this business. < Our present prices will nev«r again be Duplicate! I The opportunity to buy such (roods at such prices will r con be forever goods worth 100 cents on the dollar are being offered st 3° cents on the doUar—quantities of them. Ladies’ skirt and tailor made *uit»-a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Without question the best stock of goods in Rome and being given away to get out as the retail dry goods business in Rome. .. ~.—- . , ... I.OOOYDS, DI Hi 0 HIOO 20 m . LADIES' S<» EVERY SHOE I 300 I of TTD Shirt wai.ts—the dol- Yards of Dr.u Gooa. In our stock at what it Baby caps recently Mens launa.-lsd ah ;rU Hwiss that cost 46cts «. ac | e at 39 cent*, and waist •ilk*, worth cost us, or less, to quit bought at factory pne- that cost whara they a yard, we now pries ,dr M,, * uc ~ 50c, at 25c. business. OS. were made 75 cents to at 25 cents, $ 1 .CO, on sale at 39c. ACTUAL COST | I 500 * For all millinery, with no charges for Miss t ♦ Ladies and gents ailk and sadn necties that Snyder’s work. A positive saving of 75 per f wEBHvjR | cost 25 cents to $ I .00, on center table at 10 jRSf a * j cents cacn. ■Mr TOgaatJ** cent, I - 5/aaa YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tables~much of it cost 15c, 20c and 25 cent?- ' >/sliest ,UVV conceptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving them awa yat 6centssyir L in)ir when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever. Biy fro i .1? mw Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at i -o'its to ■w make money. We affirm, of all the goods In this house, not a dollar’s worth is priced above c >*t. BASS BROS. & CO. T O? f/vA rjf , ' tiSißS&i&ttf T-S As the island is soon to be “ours,” a few facrs concerning Purto Rico are admissible: It has a population of 900.000. Os these 450,000 are white, 240,000 mulat tos and 75 000 m grass. Oil' one in eight can read and wi te. The area of the island is only 3,070 Square miles, but it has been able to pay an annual tax of $3 000,000 to Spain. Almost every commod ity the soil can produce is raised iu the island. The climate of Por to Rico is very much superior to that of Cuba, and exceptionally free from humidity. The distance of Rorto Rico from Key West is about 1,000 miles. o c o The other day Col. Joseph E, Stephens, a wealthy connoisseur of paintings, stepped into a pawn broker's shop in New York’ and was attracted by two pictures which he bought for sl6. Taking them to his office he called in some of his artist friends who at once decided that the larger, which ie presents Lot and his daughters, is undoubtedly the worn of Rubens, and that the smaller is one of the best examples of Sydney Cooper's cattle pieces. They thought the former should be worth $15,000 and the latter about |2.500 . 000 Some very remarkable claims are being made for the Mauser bul let. Surgeons have reported, so it is said, that the bullet is really aseptic; that is, it does not poison the wound it makes, as ordinary bullets do. No septic inflammation a wound from the Mauser. w* nCe 1,0 ne ®dless deaths occur. the soldier hit is not killed out fight, his chances of surviving the hurt are excellent. If all of this is FRBC Pl' ’ 8 Send yeur te H. ■ Bucklen ACo , Chiemi” and get a free sample bex of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free fr>m every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. Thay do not weaken in their action, but lay giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c per box. Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., druggists correct, we shall have to revise cur opinion of the Spaniards somewhat and give them credit for conduc ting a humane warfare. 000 The Savannah News publishes this bit of history: “Thirty-six years ago Gen. Joseph Wheeler had the pleasure of capturing the < fficer he is now serving under in Cuba. In March, 1862, William R. S latter was a major in the Nine teenth Michigan. He was with a foraging expedition one day when a body of Wheeler’s cavalry sur rounded and captured the whole outfit. Shafter was sent to Rich mond, aud spent six weeks in Lib by prison. Nobody in the country has a higher opinion of 'Little Joe’ as a strategist and fighter than General Shafter. ” 000 “I on’erstan’,” said the color ed philospher, “dat some mens consider it a high honor ter be der fust mens kilt in de war. Now, dat’a all right, ez fer ez it goes ; but it goes too fur. Sup posin’ I wur de fust man kilt in de war—whar would I be when dey wuz celebratin’ me! I tell you. my people, a live niggah in a June wotermillion patch ia I one thing, en a dead one wid a governnaen’ funeral is another. De live niggah kin heah de hur rahin’ en de dead one can’t. Dat’s all de is to it I”—Atlanta Constitution. NEW M kN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hoad’s Sarsaparilla. Thia med icine has made me a nar man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to me.” William M, James. Brogdon, 8. C. Hood’s Pills are tho only pills to taxe with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC and vet efficient FORSALE! ▲ fifty mw Gnllatt Gin, Feeder and Condenser and a 5 H. P. Erie City Steam Engine, both in good order. Will sell eheap or will exchange for Koreas, mules, oorn, lumber, or almost anything elss es valus, as I have no uss for them. Address or nail on FUETCHEB SMITH, M 0 Broad St., Borne, Go WORKS OF FICE AT CITY HALL Office hours 7:30 a. m. to 12 m. 2:00 p. m. ♦o 6 p. m. J. T. Moore Sec'y and Treas. ■eaßMCKaoran PASTEUR FILTERS The only G-erm. Proof Filter in the world. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co Miss Gussic Henderson is the uest of L-. > ii i j i n, Ga. ADMINISTATOR’S SALE. Gaoauu, Floyd County. Pursuant to an order es the court of ordinary of said coun try granted at the May term, 1898, will be sold before the court house door in the city es Rome, within the legal hours of sale, ou the first Tuesday in July 189 S, the fol lowing described property, towit; 80 acres of land, mors or less, the same being the west half of , lot No. 81 in the, 23 d district ' and Brd*aectiou of said county. Said property sold as the property of Julia Parker, deceased Terms o sale cash. W. H. Nnnis, Admk • LETTERS OF ANMINISTRA- TION. • loaeia, FLOYD COUNTY ! To all whom it may cencern : Equitable mortgage company having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate of Win. B. Wiggins, late of said county deceased . This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Wm. B. Wiggins to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not ( be granted to W. H. Ennis Co. Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggins estate Witness my hand and official sig nature this 2nd day May 1898, John P. Davis. Ordinary. HINDERGQrfftS Corn*. fhopß <JI pats. Makes vraihmr rsw lie. at Druggist* HAWKERS HAIR BALSAM CUanxes aad bmutftas the MB Promotes ft htxur.aat growth. Never Palls to Bswlors G.-«y Hair to Ito Truthful Color. Curwe tesJp dheSDsw t hair fallxim at s, >liuxi onroxa TOXIC >Uny who tow '‘••w ~ .•r'HtoM !»>»»». hakM. > KMfcs to* **tor« t«r !*«>»„*. rtWKfi T?- a 1 out res Araj-TPii.*. w|u> Fl 11 tor ™ TaAoM w UJI THE ARHSTR3N I i )TE . Rome. Ga RcaillaF ): ■ i< Boarders .fflg. itts Wanted- 4mil' The place to get a quick, goo 1 meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. wessesssswsseas »•* st Best While [dH)U>! s ** o For 113 /J'/ 3J s ) ;J { i! | n>; M perfectly marked fow.4, leave orders && with J. T. Crouch & C j., $ 3 o tr trio. Splendid cockerals o il/$ 1 -’■s » I. D. 3\ ’ . . KM ißcpairing I! •Don’t Walk On I | O Your UpperslS |W.A-MULLIN ' Masonic T mp! g B—a—-weassD ®. ® ® i wiiwi & vwfcii* • L'VER f, SALE AND FEED STABLES • 0 f >r» t'n J 1 > ! l’, t'M IlHtt» l J )>l>s' I' ’ z aucj* ail ix >ls, p ill, j all e> i> i * I Tile but isx;s. xf airm sii a i.n ja »* > etautly.